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Category Archives: Experimental HEP News
A commenter points to the long-awaited release of a preprint from the XENON100 experiment giving results from a 100-day run last year. This is the most sensitive dark matter experiment that has released data. The result: with an expected background … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Suspicious Bump
Last night a new preprint from CDF appeared at the arXiv, discussing a signal observed in their data, at about 3 sigma significance, that could in principle correspond to a new particle not seen or predicted before. This morning’s New … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Things That Deserve (but won’t get) Longer Blog Postings
Here’s a selection of news that deserves longer blog postings that, for one reason or another, I’m unable or unwilling to provide… This year’s Abel Prize goes to John Milnor. With an excellent blog posting about this from Fields Medalist … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News, Langlands, Uncategorized
This Week’s Hype
The LHC is back in business, producing stable colliding beams for the first time this year, although still with a small number of bunches and thus a low luminosity. The number of bunches and luminosity will increase over the next … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News, This Week's Hype
Implications of Initial LHC Searches for Supersymmetry
There’s a new paper out this evening from a large collaboration entitled Implications of Initial LHC Searches for Supersymmetry. Instead of just adding it to the bottom of my recent posting, I thought it would be a good idea to … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
First LHC Winter Conference Results
This week the Aspen Center for Physics is hosting one of the first of this year’s “Winter Conferences” where results from last year’s LHC run are being reported. Appropriately, the title of the conference is New Data from the Energy … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
News From Chamonix
The people responsible for the LHC are meeting in Chamonix this week to make plans for the upcoming run, slides of many talks are available here. The results of discussions there are: The recommendation will be to run at 3.5 … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
HEP News
While I was away at Stony Brook yesterday, every other blog and news source out there had a story you’ve surely seen about the DOE’s decision to turn down a proposal to seek funding to keep the Tevatron running past … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
HEP News
Besides the dramatic new CMS results mentioned in the last two postings, there’s other news from the high-energy frontier as it moves from Illinois to Geneva. Earlier this week the MCTP hosted a workshop on LHC First Data. Today at … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
String Theory Fails Another Test, the “Supertest”
Wednesday’s CMS result finding no black holes in early LHC data has led to internet headlines such as String Theory Fails First Major Experimental Test (for what this really means, see here). At a talk today at CERN, yet another … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News