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Category Archives: Experimental HEP News
Physicists Finally Find a Way to Test Superstring Theory
More than ten years ago, the New York Times ran a story explaining that Physicists Finally Find a Way to Test Superstring Theory. At the time, the test was scheduled to start in 2005-6: In fact, it might be possible … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Assorted News
HEPAP is meeting in Washington today, presentations available here. The idea of this regular meeting is for the US HEP community and the funding agencies to meet and plan for the future, something that’s not easily done in an environment … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News, Uncategorized
This and That
There’s a new preprint here explaining the scientific case for running the Tevatron past 2011. A couple weeks ago the P5 subpanel came out with its report on the subject, generating news stories “Momentum builds for Tevatron extension” and “Panel … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News, Langlands, Uncategorized
LHC Update
There’s been great progress made recently at the LHC, with successful commissioning of “trains” of bunches, allowing significantly higher collision rates. Last night’s fill produced an integrated luminosity of .684 inverse picobarns (or 684 inverse nanobarns), which can be compared … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Tevatron Funding
The Fermilab web-site today has a message from Director Oddone about prospects for funding an extension of the Tevatron run after FY2011, as recommended by the Physics Advisory Committee. He has asked the DOE for additional funding of $35 million/year … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
Short Items
The Fermilab Physics Advisory Committee recently recommended that the Tevatron be kept running for an additional three years (until 2014). By the end of that time it should be able to accumulate a total of 20 fb-1 of data, which … Continue reading
New Higgs Results From the Tevatron
Just got back from vacation this morning. Luckily I managed to be away for the blogosphere-fueled Higgs rumors, returned just in time to catch the released results which appeared in a Fermilab press release minutes ago. The ICHEP talk in … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
LHC vs. Tevatron Update
Over the weekend the LHC had a first successful physics run with nominal intensity beams, in 3 bunches. A peak luminosity of about 5 x 1029cm-2s-1 was achieved, and the total integrated luminosity per experiment is now around 30 nb-1. … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News
God Particles Breeding Like Bosons
Science news in the media today is full of stories about Fermilab finding no less than five Higgs particles: God Particles Breeding Like Bosons, The ‘God Particle’ may exist in five forms, Large Hadron Collider’s rival project finds, US experiment … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News, This Week's Hype
LHC Update
See here for a new status report on the state of beam commissioning at the LHC. About two weeks ago a peak luminosity of about 2 x 1029cm-2s-1 was reached, using beams with 13 bunches, but each bunch relatively low … Continue reading
Posted in Experimental HEP News