Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations
Not Even Wrong: The Book
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Yearly Archives: 2005
Multiverse, String Theory and Templeton
A couple months ago when I was shocked to realize how close to reality my April Fool’s parody had been, I’d unsuccessfully tried to find out some more information about the Templeton conference at Stanford that Mark Trodden had mentioned … Continue reading
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Why No “New Einstein”?
Lee Smolin has a piece in the latest Physics Today entitled Why no “new Einstein”?. Unfortunately it’s only available to Physics Today subscribers, although Lee tells me he will see if he can put it on-line on his web-page. Tony … Continue reading
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Future of Fermilab
Nature this week has an editorial about Fermilab entitled All or Nothing at Fermilab associated with a news article Fermilab: High-risk physics. The article and editorial are about the fundamental problem facing Fermilab: in a few years the high energy … Continue reading
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Rutgers Workshop
I spent most of last week commuting down to Rutgers to participate in a workshop on “Groups and Algebras in M-theory”, organized by Lisa Carbone. Lisa was a student of Hyman Bass’s here at Columbia some years back, and in … Continue reading
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PITP Showcase Conference
The Pacific Institute for Theoretical Physics, based at UBC in Vancouver, held a Showcase Conference a couple weeks ago, which was supposed to “celebrate the exciting new developments taking place in theoretical physics”. According to the organizers there are lots … Continue reading
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Smart People
Via Slashdot, an article that seems quite relevant to the current situation of string theory.
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News From SLAC and Elsewhere
Earlier this week Jonathan Dorfan, the director of SLAC, announced a reorganization of the structure of the laboratory. The new structure involves four divisions, two scientific and two operational. One of the scientific divisions will bring together particle physics and … Continue reading
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Running Scared
Last Wednesday night, a paper appeared on the arXiv that spelled very bad news for the whole “Landscape” scenario of how to get physics out of string theory. This paper produced what appears to be an infinite number of possible … Continue reading
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Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis
My friend Dan Rockmore has a new book out, entitled Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis, which is quite good. Dan had the misfortune of starting work on this book at the same time as several other people had the idea of … Continue reading
Posted in Book Reviews
The US High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) is meeting in Washington yesterday and today, and some of the presentations are already available on-line. These include one from the DOE Office of High Energy Physics which notes that, given budgetary … Continue reading
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