Quantum Theory, Groups and Representations
Not Even Wrong: The Book
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Yearly Archives: 2005
Game Over
Shamit Kachru (described by Lenny Susskind as the “master Rube Goldberg architect”) and collaborators have a new paper out this evening on flux compactifications, one that in a rational world should finish off the subject completely. Recall that Kachru is … Continue reading
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String Theory and Theology at the AAAS
Someone wrote to me today to tell me that Harvard’s Nima Arkani-Hamed recently gave a lecture in Washington with the title “String Theory — Can We Test It?”. Somehow, I suspect that his lecture didn’t really give an honest answer … Continue reading
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JDG and Other Conferences
This past weekend I was in Cambridge and attended many of the talks at the JDG conference held at Harvard. The conference was nominally in honor of Shiing-Shen Chern, who died late last year, so many speakers made some connection … Continue reading
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Real World Strings
Quite a few people have written in to point out to me a recent paper by some condensed matter physicists about the possibility of trapping a fermionic atomic gas in a vortex inside a Bose-Einstein condensate. As far as I … Continue reading
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The Stormy Onset of Group Theory in the New Quantum Mechanics
When I first started studying quantum mechanics I read quite a bit about the remarkable history of the subject, especially about the brief period from 1925-27 when the subject grew dramatically out of the incoherent ideas of the old quantum … Continue reading
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Various Mathematical Links
I’ve recently run across various interesting mathematically oriented sites, each with some connection to physics: Alain Connes now has a web-site. He’s now a professor at Vanderbilt University as well as at the College de France. I can see him … Continue reading
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Lubos Leashed
Lubos Motl has taken to signing some of his postings with “leashed”, and Capitalist Imperialist Pig has speculated that “My dark suspicion is that he might have gotten caught in a PC violation in the Summers Affair, forcing him to … Continue reading
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Frist Filibuster
For the last couple days students at Princeton have been protesting the Republican’s plan to invoke the “nuclear option” and stop Democrats from filibustering a small number of Bush’s judicial nominees. This protest has taken the form of organizing a … Continue reading
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Road Trip From Hell
According to a new article in New Scientist entitled The Theory of Everything: Are we nearly there yet? (unfortunately not available for free on-line), “The hunt for the theory of everything is turning into a road trip from hell – … Continue reading
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50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory
There’s a new book out, entitled 50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory, edited by Gerard ‘t Hooft. It contains some excellent review articles about topics related to Yang-Mills theory, together with short introductions by ‘t Hooft. Many but not all of … Continue reading
Posted in Book Reviews