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Yearly Archives: 2005
Landscape Architecture
The Perimeter Institute in Canada is known as a center for research in Loop Quantum Gravity. This week they have come up with an extremely clever way to make string theorists look bad. They’ve scheduled a week of talks on … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
New This Week’s Finds
John Baez has just put out a new issue of his This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics, dealing partly in more detail with the material about Clifford modules mentioned here a couple weeks ago. I’ve added as the first comment … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Recent Conferences
Last week the 2005 International Linear Collider Workshop was held at SLAC, and the talks are available on-line. At the conference it was announced that Barry Barish of Caltech would lead the Global Design Effort for the International Linear Collider. … Continue reading
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Coleman Conference
I spent the last two days up in Cambridge, mainly attending the conference in honor of Sidney Coleman. Sadly, Coleman is in poor health, suffering from Parkinson’s disease, and was unfortunately unable to attend the talks in his honor. They … Continue reading
Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Uncategorized
It’s now been exactly one year since I first set up this weblog. At the time I thought the number of those sharing my interests would be very small and hardly anyone would be looking at whatever I put up … Continue reading
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No Cosmological Constant?
A paper appeared on the arXiv last night entitled Primordial Inflation Explains Why the Universe is Accelerating Today by Rocky Kolb of Fermilab, together with Sabino Matarrese, Alessio Notari and Antonio Riotto. There’s also a Fermilab press release about it … Continue reading
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Skeptical SF Chronicle Article
Today’s San Francisco Chronicle contains an article about string theory entitled “Theory of Everything” Tying Researchers Up In Knots. It’s by science writer Keay Davidson, and is about the most skeptical article on string theory I’ve seen in the mainstream … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Clifford Modules
John Baez had a weblog long before the term was even invented, and for many years now has been consistently putting out interesting current material about math and physics under the title This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics. The latest … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Brane Damage at Fermilab
Last week Shamit Kachru gave a colloquium at Fermilab with the title String Theory and Cosmology. The scariest part was the beginning when he noted that what he would be talking about was work due to 500-1000 theorists and he … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Hans Bethe 1906-2005
Hans Bethe died at home in Ithaca, New York on Sunday. There’s an extensive obituary in the New York Times. I believe Bethe was the last remaining figure still alive from the generation of physicists who came of age with … Continue reading
Posted in Obituaries