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Yearly Archives: 2005
Nekrasov, Pure Spinors and the Berkovits Superstring
There’s a new paper out tonight by Nikita Nekrasov entitled Lectures on curved beta-gamma system, pure spinors, and anomalies. Motivated by questions about the covariant superstring quantization method being studied in recent years by Berkovits, Nekrasov considers a sigma model … Continue reading
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Cosmological Frontiers
Last week the Perimeter Institute ran a Workshop on Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics and someone wrote in to point out to me that the talks are now available on-line. Much of the workshop was about mainstream cosmology, especially the … Continue reading
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String Theory and Intelligent Design
The latest Cosmic Log column on msnbc.com concerns Lawrence Krauss’s new book Hiding in the Mirror and the author asked Krauss a question I’m expecting that physicists will be hearing more and more often as time goes on: “Why is … Continue reading
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Atiyah Talk at Santa Barbara
Sir Michael Atiyah is here in the United States this month. Evidently he was at the Institute in Princeton last week during the Deligne conference, talking to Witten. Last Friday he gave a public talk at an AMS conference at … Continue reading
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Talks at KITP
There have been several recent interesting talks at the KITP in Santa Barbara as part of their program this semester on Mathematical Structures in String Theory. Last week Greg Moore gave a beautiful talk on Mathematical Aspects of Fluxes. It’s … Continue reading
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Wilczek on Weyl
The latest issue of Nature has an essay on Hermann Weyl by Frank Wilczek. The essay mainly advertises Weyl’s book Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science, originally published in 1926, but updated for the English translation in 1949. I’m embarassed … Continue reading
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Deligne Conference
Yesterday I went down to the Institute in Princeton with my friend Oisin McGuinness to attend one day of a conference in honor of Pierre Deligne that is going on there this week. Deligne has spent most of his career … Continue reading
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Hiding in the Mirror
I’ve just finished reading Lawrence Krauss’s new book Hiding in the Mirror: The Mysterious Allure of Extra Dimensions, from Plato to String Theory and Beyond, and it’s very, very good. Scientifically, the book covers a lot of the same material … Continue reading
Posted in Book Reviews
Physics Demographics
To some extent, if one wants to understand some of the recent history of physics, one should take into account important demographic trends in the subject. For particle physics in the U.S., in recent years the Particle Data Group has … Continue reading
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Loops ’05, Again
This week there’s a large conference in Potsdam on non-perturbative/background independent quantum gravity called Loops ’05. The programme is on-line, and there is live-blogging from Robert Helling. Update: String theorist Robert Helling has more coverage of the conference. This includes … Continue reading
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