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Yearly Archives: 2005
Panel Discussion Video
Video of the panel discussion at Toronto is now available, so one can hear some of the context of the comments that were reported in the recent New York Times article. As reported, the audience voted 4 or 5 to … Continue reading
Posted in Strings 2XXX, Uncategorized
New Theoretical Physics Institute in Florence
A new institute devoted to theoretical particle physics has been organized, the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics, which will be located in Florence. The purpose of the institute is to organize advanced workshops, the first of which will take … Continue reading
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Mathematics and Narrative
A group called Thales and Friends, based in Greece and sponsored by MSRI, has organized a recent conference about Mathematics and Narrative that took place last month on Mykonos. Their web-site has abstracts of the talks and some other interesting … Continue reading
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Strings on the Beach
The KITP in Santa Barbara, a few steps from the beach, is running a semester long program on Mathematical Structures in String Theory that started this past week. Some of the talks are already on-line. On the other coast, as … Continue reading
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Bogdanovs on Wikipedia
I’ve never really understood how Wikipedia works, especially how it protects itself from getting filled with nonsense. The entry about the Bogdanovs has evidently recently been the subject of repeated attempts by the Bogdanovs to modify it, one can follow … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Strings for Dummies
Joe Lykken just finished giving a series of talks at the SLAC summer school, now entitled “String Theory for Physicists”. This was changed from the original title, “String Theory for Dummies” (still on the poster). Presumably somebody realized that the … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
New York Times on Toronto Panel Discussion
I didn’t have much luck when I tried here to find out exactly what had happened at the panel discussion in Toronto at Strings 2005 last month. One graduate student (Florian Greimer) commented on Jacques Distler’s weblog that he felt … Continue reading
Posted in Strings 2XXX
Change in Software
Since I accidentally deleted a post, so had to spend some time fixing things, I decided to go ahead with a long-planned project to try and change around the software here. The old Movable Type software is gone, replaced by … Continue reading
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Conference Roundup
Lots of conferences are going on right around now, here’s some of them, many with on-line versions of the talks. Lattice 2005 in Dublin, with blogging from Matthew Nobes. SUSY 2005 at Durham. See some comments by Clifford Johnson. There … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Seattle Conference
This week I’m in Seattle, among other things attending a Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry sponsored by the AMS. This is the latest in a series of large summer conferences on algebraic geometry that have taken place about every ten … Continue reading
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