Monthly Archives: March 2005

Higgs Search at the Tevatron

Tommaso Dorigo of the CDF collaboration at the Tevatron has just posted (with commentary), the slides for his talk at Moriond later this month about the status of the search for the Higgs at the Tevatron. The bottom line is … Continue reading

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I recently mentioned that funding for the RSVP experiment is being reevaluated. More details about this are available in a recent issue of Science magazine. The Rare Symmetry Violating Processes (RSVP) project is a proposed experiment at Brookhaven that would … Continue reading

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2004 TopCites

The SPIRES database is used each year to produce a list of the most frequently cited papers in particle physics. This year’s list has appeared, although the usual annual discussion of the list from Michael Peskin still hasn’t yet. The … Continue reading

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