Monthly Archives: October 2005

Assorted Links

An assortment of news and links that may be of interest: The Tevatron has achieved a record luminosity for a hadron collider: 1.41×1032cm-2sec-1. This is higher than the best luminosity at the ISR at CERN, and that was a proton-proton … Continue reading

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Notes for Witten Lecture

Witten gave a lecture on the beach at Stony Brook on the topic of gauge theory and the Langlands program two months ago, and lecture notes are now available. Lubos Motl has a posting about this, where he promotes the … Continue reading

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Nature Physics

A new physics journal was launched this week, it’s an offshoot of Nature called Nature Physics and will cover research in pure and applied physics. In an opening editorial, the editors of the new journal explain what its goals are. … Continue reading

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Townes Symposium

The Townes Symposium will be taking place in Berkeley starting tomorrow, and if you’ve got \$500 burning a hole in your pocket, you might want to help subsidize the Templeton Foundation in its efforts to bring science and religion together. … Continue reading

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Nobel Prize Announced

Well, it looks like I was right to not try and guess this year’s Nobel Prize, since it has been awarded for work in an area of physics I know nothing about. None of the commenters here managed to guess … Continue reading

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Pauli and Not Even Wrong

When I first started thinking about using “Not Even Wrong” as the title of a book, I did some research to try and find out where the supposed Pauli quote came from. No one seemed to have any information about … Continue reading

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Mucking About in the Swampland

A little while ago I wrote about the recent Vafa paper on The String Landscape and the Swampland, as well as about postings on the subject by Lubos Motl and Jacques Distler. Lubos’s contribution to the subject was introducing the … Continue reading

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