Monthly Archives: January 2006

The Future of High Energy Accelerators

One of Fermilab’s recent colloquia was by James Rozensweig of UCLA on the topic of Reinventing the Accelerator for the High-Energy Frontier. Video and Powerpoint slides of the talk are now available. Current accelerator technologies are up against very fundamental … Continue reading

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New String Theory Blog

Thanks to Wolfgang Beirl for the news that there’s an exciting new string theory blog, called The Official String Blog.

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This month, the New York Times book review has been the place to follow the latest debates about what is going on in particle theory. This started with an essay by John Horgan on January 1, which drew letters to … Continue reading

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3-400 Pages?

I’d been wondering what’s up with Witten and his ongoing work on geometric Langlands. He has been giving talks about this since last summer, and in the past has always quickly produced a paper (often a quite long one) once … Continue reading

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Northeastern University Researchers Find Signs of Extra Dimensions

If you believe the headline of a press release issued today by Northeastern University, its researchers have found evidence of extra dimensions. The actual text of the press release tells a different story, that they haven’t found evidence of extra … Continue reading

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Die Physik steckt in der Krise

The German weekly Die Zeit has an article this week by Max Rauner about string theory, the Landscape, and the controversy over whether this is science or not. My German is rather shaky, but as far as I can tell … Continue reading

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Discover Interview Online

There’s an extended version of the interview of me by Susan Kruglinski in the February issue of Discover magazine that is now available, for free, on-line. Before anybody starts yelling about AdS/CFT or topological strings when they read the headline … Continue reading

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Krauss and Susskind versus Horgan

Lawrence Krauss and Leonard Susskind have a letter to the editor in this week’s New York Times Sunday Book Review, complaining about John Horgan’s NYT Book Review essay Einstein Has Left the Building of a couple weeks back. For some … Continue reading

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A String Theorist Goes Into a Bar…

Theorist Richard Szabo has had part of an evening he spent last week at the bar in a Bloomsbury hotel memorialized in today’s Observer Magazine.

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LQG for Skeptics

An interesting paper appeared on the arXiv yesterday, by Hermann Nicolai and Kasper Peeters, entitled Loop and spin foam quantum gravity: a brief guide for beginners. It includes some of the same material as an earlier paper Loop quantum gravity: … Continue reading

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