Yearly Archives: 2007

Updates on Plagiarism Scandal, Journal of K-theory

Plagiarism Scandal Today’s Nature has an article by Geoff Brumfiel with more details on the plagiarism scandal described here. At last count it involves 15 authors, 67 papers on the arXiv, of which about 35 were refereed and published, in … Continue reading

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Is There Intelligent Life On hep-th?

There are yet more hep-th articles on the anthropic principle this week, following recent ones devoted to the implications for fundamental physics of the heights of giraffes and sizes of brontosaurus brains. The TASI summer school designed to train particle … Continue reading

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This Month’s Hype

The September issue of Physics World is out, featuring a 13 page advertising supplement for string theory which is pretty much unadulterated hype. The same issue includes an editorial which takes the point of view that the only problem with … Continue reading

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This Summer’s Online Talks

All sorts of schools and workshops occurring this summer have been putting up materials from the talks on-line. Sometimes this is just an audio recording of the talk, which can be very frustrating if you’re interested in the details of … Continue reading

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This Week’s Hype

Today Slashdot brings us the news that Gamma Ray Anomaly Could Test String Theory. As usual with such media claims about the testability of string theory, this is complete nonsense. The story is based on this Scientific American blog posting, … Continue reading

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Massive Plagiarism Scandal

From Ars Mathematica I learned about an article at Ars Technica describing a scandal involving plagiarism of theoretical physics papers by about 20 different people, some of them students at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara. Many of the … Continue reading

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Nature on K-theory Controversy

Nature has an article this week by Jenny Hogan about the K-theory journal situation reported on here, under the heading Strife proves hard to solve for K-theory. The article does show how real journalists do some things much better than … Continue reading

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Hidden Dimensions

At lunchtime today I stopped by the excellent local bookstore Labyrinth Books, looking to see what was new. In the science section, I noticed a pile of copies of Hidden Dimensions: The Unification of Physics and Consciousness. As with the … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews | 24 Comments

The Usual

Blah, blah, more anthropic pseudo-science on hep-th, blah, blah, blah, On the basis of a static support condition depending on the tensile strength of flesh rather than bone, it is reasoned here that our size should be subject to a … Continue reading

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Message to Our Overlords

It turns out that the Future of Humanity Institute has a blog, and I’m being attacked there by Robin Hanson for my criticism here of the “Simulation Argument” as not science and not belonging in the NYT Science Times. In … Continue reading

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Uncategorized | 61 Comments