Monthly Archives: May 2008

World Science Festival

Most of the time the attention paid here to efforts to popularize physics is restricted to grumpy complaints about the hype surrounding string theory as well as the more general dubious phenomenon of scientists promoting things that are more science … Continue reading

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P5 Report

A new P5 report is out, and being discussed at the HEPAP meeting in Washington today. The charge to P5 was to develop tentative 10 year plans for US HEP, under 3 scenarios: Scenario A: funding at the current post-budget … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 5 Comments


Since 1968 SLAC has been maintaining a database of HEP documents called SPIRES, and this has become one of the main tools used by anybody searching the HEP literature. In recent years CERN has developed a much more modern document … Continue reading

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Train of Thought

For the last 15 years the New York City subway has featured “Poetry in Motion”, which places extracts of poetry in subway cars. Starting next month this program will be expanded, joined by Train of Thought, which will add “short … Continue reading

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News From CERN and Fermilab

Things have been going quite well recently at the LHC, with cooldown beginning now for the last two sectors of the ring, three sectors cool, and three cooling. The latest cooldown schedule is here, a report yesterday on progress here. … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 13 Comments

Does Time Run Backward in Other Universes?

Scientific American in recent years seems to be quite fond of parallel universes, with major articles promoting the multiverse here, here and here (commentary on this blog here and here). Their latest issue continues in this vein with an article … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 21 Comments

Bryce DeWitt on Quantum Gravity and String Theory

Last night a preprint appeared on the arXiv from beyond the grave, an undated manuscript entitled Quantum Gravity, Yesterday and Today, found without any indication of its purpose in the files of Bryce DeWitt, who passed away in 2004. DeWitt … Continue reading

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Quick Links

The speakers for Strings 2008 have been announced. One anomaly is that someone from the LQG camp has finally been invited, Carlo Rovelli. Another anomaly is that Witten won’t be speaking. Remember last November’s “unmistakable imprint of another universe” which … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 28 Comments

Do We Need to Change the Definition of Science?

Media hype about how the LHC is going to test string theory continues: see Will String Theory Be Proven and here: String theory has come under attack because some say it can never be tested; the strings are supposed to … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 30 Comments

Witten on Dark Energy

Commenter Shantanu pointed to a web-site with talks available on-line from a symposium about Dark Energy now going on at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Yesterday Witten gave a talk entitled “Models of Dark Energy”, where he lays out very … Continue reading

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