Monthly Archives: November 2008

Short Bits

More about BRST is on its way, but in the meantime a lot of things have accumulated that might be of interest, so I wanted to do a quick posting about these. One of them does have to do with … Continue reading

Posted in BRST, Experimental HEP News, Multiverse Mania | 52 Comments

Notes on BRST I: Representation Theory and Quantum Mechanics

This is the first posting of a planned series that will discuss the BRST method for handling gauge symmetries and related mathematical topics. I’ve been writing a more formal paper about this, but given the substantial amount of not-well-known background … Continue reading

Posted in BRST | 63 Comments

The Circus Begins

Friday’s arXiv posting of the paper by CDF about the multi-muon anomaly they are seeing has already generated three different conjectural explanations of what physics might be responsible for this. Undoubtedly many, many more are on the way. Some members … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 24 Comments