Monthly Archives: November 2009

In SUSY We Trust

New Scientist has an article in the latest issue entitled In SUSY we trust: What the LHC is really looking for, which promotes the idea that the LHC is going to discover supersymmetry. Only supersymmetry enthusiasts are quoted. I’d be … Continue reading

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Simons Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Simons Foundation will be funding new postdoctoral positions at various institutions starting next fall. Details of one of these, at the University of Texas, have been announced, with more to follow in coming weeks. These are three-year postdocs, with … Continue reading

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News From NSF THY

A presentation at a recent SLAC Users Group meeting included some of the following data about NSF support for HEP theory: Theory funding (including cosmology and astro-particle physics) for FY 2008: \$11.68 million. For FY 2009, \$11.31 million + \$2.3 … Continue reading

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Latest from the LHC

The latest official news from CERN about the LHC schedule that I’ve seen is this from DG Rolf Heuer, who doesn’t give specific dates other than “second half of November” for circulating beams, collisions at injection energy soon thereafter, and, … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 12 Comments