Monthly Archives: October 2011

What’s That at the Top of This Page?

The graphic chosen years ago as the header for this blog is an event display from the UA1 detector in 1982, of historical importance since it was the first event found with a W candidate. To be honest, the reason … Continue reading

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P-adic Numbers and Cosmology

The next math department colloquium at Stanford will feature Lenny Susskind lecturing on p-adic numbers and cosmology, here’s the abstract: The biggest conceptual problem of cosmology is called the measure problem. It has to do with the assignment of probabilities … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 18 Comments

Two for Two

Back in 2004 I made my first venture into Nobel Prize predictions, then decided to retire from that business. This year I came out of retirement with another prediction. After the posting, I consulted with experts who assured me that … Continue reading

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New Pursuit of Schrodinger’s Cat

Prospect magazine has an excellent new article by Philip Ball on recent developments in the fundamental problem of the interpretation of quantum mechanics: why don’t we see superpositions? Most popular discussions of this seem to me to be stuck back … Continue reading

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