Monthly Archives: November 2011


An explanation of something that readers of this and other related blogs may have run into recently: An ex-boyfriend of a close personal friend of mine has been posting here and elsewhere repulsive and delusional material about the two of … Continue reading

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Interview With Sidney Coleman

Via Steve Hsu, at the AIP Center for History of Physics, there’s a transcript of an interview with Sidney Coleman from 1977. It’s provocative and amusing, like the man himself, as well as informative history. Go and read the whole … Continue reading

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This Week’s Hype

Now that the LHC has turned out to be dud, producing no black holes or extra dimensions, the latest news is that physicists are planning a new machine, “to follow in the footsteps of the Large Hadron Collider”. This one … Continue reading

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Solvay Update

With the Solvay Centenary conference now finished for over a week, some information has been posted about it on the Solvay Institute web-site, where you can see a group picture of the attendees on the main page. Lisa Randall’s comment … Continue reading

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Recollections of Rudolf Haag

Thomas Love pointed me to a wonderful article from last year by Rudolf Haag. It’s more or less a short memoir of his scientific career, entitled Some people and some problems met in half a century of commitment to mathematical … Continue reading

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