Monthly Archives: March 2013

Disappearing gammas

The CMS data on the Higgs in the gamma-gamma channel has been released this morning, see slides from a talk at Moriond. Basically the excess over the SM prediction seen in this channel in earlier data is gone, with CMS … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 16 Comments

More about Nothing

It seems that last year’s philosopher-physicist fight over nothingness (if you missed this, you can read about it starting here) is flaring up again. Recall that it all started with a David Albert New York Times review of Lawrence Krauss’s … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 25 Comments

Things to Follow This Week

If you want to keep up on the latest in HEP news, here’s what you should be following this week: Neutrino Telescopes is happening in Venice this year, and I noticed that there’s a very active blog for the conference, … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 6 Comments

The Professor, the Bikini Model and the Suitcase Full of Trouble

Fresh off its great long article about the Higgs, the New York Times is devoting a similar amount of space to the other big mind-blowing high energy physics story of the past year or two, Paul Frampton and his adventures … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 24 Comments

American Journal of Modern Physics

This morning an e-mail came in from the “Science Publishing Group”, a call for “Editorial Board Members, Reviewers and Paper” for their open access journals, advertised as Full peer review: All manuscripts submitted to our journals undergo double blind peer … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 30 Comments

Higgs Update

Updated results about the Higgs are being reported at Moriond today, slides available here. The organizers have given the talks titles with “BEH Boson” replacing the usual “Higgs Boson” (to promote Englert’s shot at a Nobel), but the speakers have … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 11 Comments

Quick Links

This should be a month with quite a bit of experimental news, including Latest Higgs news from the LHC experiments here on Wednesday. Release of data from AMS-02 was advertised as “two to three weeks away” back on February 17. … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 13 Comments