SUSY Still in Hiding

Recent rumors supposedly coming from theorists at Harvard indicating that today would be the day that an announcement would be made of first evidence for a superpartner of a top quark have just been shot down. The talk at CERN on recent ATLAS searches for such a signal shows that nothing was found. An example of new limits is that if stops are produced via gluinos, the gluino has to have mass greater that 650 GeV and the stop a mass greater than 450 GeV.

Over the past year the LHC has conclusively falsified pre-LHC predictions that strongly interacting superpartners would easily be seen in the early data, with typical bounds on gluino masses now up to 1 TeV or so. One way to evade this conclusion has been to argue that the first two generations of squarks are quite heavy, with only the sbottoms and stops accessible to the LHC. A typical example of analysis of scenarios of this kind can be found here, where the conclusion is that naturalness requires that the mass of an stop be less than 400 GeV, and the mass of a gluino less than twice the mass of the stop. This is now starting to be in significant disagreement with the data.

The ATLAS analysis uses 2 fb-1 of data, with the promise of updated results using the full 4-5 fb-1 coming soon. The details of the new analyses were made public today here, here and here. For some background, see the latest posting at Resonaances. I hear that similar analyses now completed by CMS, with the full 2011 dataset, also show nothing. This week the earliest of the Winter conferences is going on, at Aspen, and tomorrow there will be talks updating the LHC SUSY situation from ATLAS, CMS, and theorist Matt Reece.

The LHC has done an impressive job of investigating and leaving in tatters the SUSY/extra-dimensional speculative universe that has dominated particle theory for much of the last thirty years, and this is likely to be one of its main legacies. These fields will undoubtedly continue to play a large role in particle theory, no matter how bad the experimental situation gets, as their advocates argue “Never, never, never give up!”, but fewer and fewer people will take them seriously. As always seemed likely, the big mystery the LHC will solve will be that of the Higgs: is it really there, and if so does it behave as the Standard Model predicts, or does it do something more interesting? Unfortunately we’re going to have to wait a while longer for more news on that front.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 57 Comments

Latest from the LHC

CMS and ATLAS have just released final versions of their Higgs analyses for the 2011 data (the new CMS gamma-gamma analysis was previously discussed here). The preliminary versions of these were what was released last December, and the final versions don’t differ in a major way. The bottom line is still the same: there’s evidence for a Higgs around 125 GeV, of the sort that you would expect with this amount of data if it were really there, but the evidence is still too weak to claim discovery. The CMS papers are here, here and here, with the combination here. The ATLAS papers are here and here, combination here.
Check out Philip Gibbs to see if he updates his unofficial overall combination. Rumor is that the official CMS+ATLAS combination, along with the latest Tevatron Higgs results, will be released at Moriond (first week of March).

This week the people responsible for operating the LHC machine are meeting at Chamonix, slides here. Current plans are to start recommissioning the machine March 14, and run at 4 TeV/beam, a slight increase over the previous 3.5 TeV/beam. Projected integrated luminosity is 3-4 times that of 2011 (15-20 inverse femtobarns). After the end of the pp run in October, it will be quite a long time until proton collisions start up again (late 2014 or 2015?), since there will be a long shutdown to fix magnet interconnections and allow the machine to operate at or near design energy (7 TeV/beam).

On some other blogs you can find rumors of evidence for observation of an stop squark. I’ve heard nothing of the sort, but who knows? Informed rumors are encouraged. One of the things about the LHC results that has surprised me is the lack of any such claims over the past year or so. With all the searches being done, you’d think that someone, somewhere would find a fluctuation big enough to get SUSY enthusiasts excited, whether or not there was anything actually there.

Update: For more about this, see Tommaso Dorigo, Matt Strassler and Jester.

Update: A new unofficial combination from Philip Gibbs is now up here.

Update: Chamonix summary is here. The long shutdown starting this fall should last until at least September 2014. After this the hope is to run the machine at 6.5 TeV/beam. There seems to be little hope any longer of running at full design energy of 7 TeV/beam.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 6 Comments

The Langlands Program and Quantum Field Theory

Edward Frenkel is here this semester in the math department at Columbia, and he’s giving a series of lectures on a topic dear to my heart. Video of his lectures on The Langlands Program and Quantum Field Theory is starting to be available, courtesy of our graduate students Alex Waldron and Ioan Filip, as well as our staff member Nathan Schweer.

The first lecture last week was an overview, outlining the general picture of the Langlands program in the number field, function field and geometric cases, as well as two sorts of connections to QFT (to certain 2d conformal field theories, and to S-duality in 4d super Yang-Mills). This week he started to get more specific, giving some details about how the Langlands program works in the function field case, in preparation for moving next week to the geometric analog where a curve over a finite field gets replaced by a Riemann surface. As an indication of references covering much of the material to be discussed in lectures, Frenkel suggests this survey article and this Seminaire Bourbaki report.

Frenkel is also working on some other different but quite interesting projects. With Ngo and Langlands he has a program to “geometrize” the trace formula, for details see his very recent AMS Colloquium Lectures. With Losev and Nekrasov he has a fascinating program for studying certain field theories using instantons in a very different limit than the usual semi-classical one. See here, here, and here.

Posted in Langlands | 7 Comments

Short Items

A few short items:

  • No Higgs news on the LHC front, but on the BSM front today’s CERN talk Update on Searches for New Physics in CMS provides more evidence against the various exotic scenarios heavily advertised over the last twenty years. No sign of extra dimensions, SUSY, or other exotics. For more, see Resonaances. SUSY proponents now seem to be somewhere between the first stage of grief (“denial”) and the second (“anger”, see e.g. here) and on their way to the third (Bargaining – “I’ll do anything for a few more years”).
  • From Sean Carroll’s Twitter feed I learned about this long description of a recent workshop bringing together philosophers and quantum field theorists. I guess my take on the “heuristic” vs. “mathematical” quantum field theory debate is that we need both, since there is still a huge amount we fundamentally don’t understand about QFT.
  • For a finite number of degrees of freedom, quantum mechanics itself is, unlike QFT, rather well understood. For a nice recent review of some topics in the mathematics of quantization, see Ivan Todorov’s Quantization is a mystery.
  • It’s not only string theorists producing over-hyped university press releases, there’s things like this. See more discussion here.
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An Introduction to Group Therapy for Particle Physics

The latest CERN Courier book review section is out here. Besides a long review of Frank Close’s The Infinity Puzzle, there are some short reviews, including one for Stephen Heywood’s Symmetries and Conservation Laws in Particle Physics: An Introduction to Group Therapy for Particle Physics. That’s one I really want to see: I’m all for symmetries and conservation laws (see here), and Group Therapy for Particle Physics (at least for particle theorists) seems like an excellent idea.

This semester I’m not doing Group Therapy, but I am teaching group theory and representation theory. The class has started and I’m trying to write up lecture notes. One discouraging/encouraging thing is that looking around the web one finds several places other people have done this better, links are slowly getting added on the class web-page. The course is mainly aimed at mathematicians, hoping to provide our graduate students the background they need for several different areas, including number theory. It will however have a physics flavor, with more concentration on topics like spinors, geometric quantization, the Heisenberg algebra and oscillator representation than usual. The Dirac operator may even put in an appearance, we’ll see…

Update: Turns out there are more books on group therapy in particle physics. See here for J.F. Cornwell’s Group Therapy in Physics, Vol. 1. John Gribbin’s promotional In search of superstrings includes an appropriate appendix on Group Therapy for Beginners. Then there’s Terry Tomboulis’s Renormalization Group Therapy, which is something different.

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Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory

The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook is having a workshop this week on Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory. I was hoping to find time to go out there and hear some of the talks, but the beginning of classes has kept me here today and tomorrow, and later in the week I need to make a short trip to Toronto. But luckily there are high-quality videos, and today Witten gave an interesting talk on What one can hope to prove about three-dimensional gauge theory. What struck me most though was how little we still know about even simple questions about 3 and 4 dimensional gauge theory. Witten expressed hope that studying these questions is something that will get re-invigorated and draw new attention. I hope he’s right. Also worth watching is Arthur Jaffe’s summary of the history and state of the art of constructive field theory.

Also in the category of talks that I’d love to hear, but they’re a bit too far afield to get to this week are Jacob Lurie’s Whittemore Lectures at Yale, dealing with the Siegel Mass Formula, Tamagawa numbers and Non-abelian duality. I fear they don’t have video, but if anyone knows of a source of information dealing with what Lurie talked about, I’d love to hear about it.

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What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?

Science publishing impresario John Brockman’s Edge web-site each year runs a “Question of the year” feature, with short pieces from a wide range of people providing their answer to the question. The past few years I’ve passed on their invitation to submit something, but this year the question was one that I couldn’t resist. It was “What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation?” and you can read people’s answers here.

There are quite a few answers from various physicists, with General Relativity, inflation and the multiverse getting a lot of attention. To me though, the most satisfying answer to the question involves the remarkable role of symmetry principles at the foundations of both our everyday laws of mechanics and our deepest ideas about quantum mechanics. Far more so than in classical mechanics, in quantum mechanics these principles are built into the fundamental structure of the theory. This makes it clear why quantum mechanics works the way it does, and indicates that the structure of quantum mechanics is likely to always be fundamental to our understanding of the physical world, not some approximation like the classical picture. In addition, it links together fundamental physical principles and a fundamental set of ideas that occur throughout modern mathematics, a veritable grand unification of the two subjects.

Here’s what I sent in:

Any first course in physics teaches students that the basic quantities one uses to describe a physical system include energy, momentum, angular momentum and charge. What isn’t explained in such a course is the deep, elegant and beautiful reason why these are important quantities to consider, and why they satisfy conservation laws. It turns out that there’s a general principle at work: for any symmetry of a physical system, you can define an associated observable quantity that comes with a conservation law:

1. The symmetry of time translation gives energy
2. The symmetries of spatial translation give momentum
3. Rotational symmetry gives angular momentum
4. Phase transformation symmetry gives charge

In classical physics, a piece of mathematics known as Noether’s theorem (named after the mathematician Emmy Noether) associates such observable quantities to symmetries. The arguments involved are non-trivial, which is why one doesn’t see them in an elementary physics course. Remarkably, in quantum mechanics the analog of Noether’s theorem follows immediately from the very definition of what a quantum theory is. This definition is subtle and requires some mathematical sophistication, but once one has it in hand, it is obvious that symmetries are behind the basic observables. Here’s an outline of how this works, (maybe best skipped if you haven’t studied linear algebra…) Quantum mechanics describes the possible states of the world by vectors, and observable quantities by operators that act on these vectors (one can explicitly write these as matrices). A transformation on the state vectors coming from a symmetry of the world has the property of “unitarity”: it preserves lengths. Simple linear algebra shows that a matrix with this length-preserving property must come from exponentiating a matrix with the special property of being “self-adjoint” (the complex conjugate of the matrix is the transposed matrix). So, to any symmetry, one gets a self-adjoint operator called the “infinitesimal generator” of the symmetry and taking its exponential gives a symmetry transformation.

One of the most mysterious basic aspects of quantum mechanics is that observable quantities correspond precisely to such self-adjoint operators, so these infinitesimal generators are observables. Energy is the operator that infinitesimally generates time translations (this is one way of stating Schrodinger’s equation), momentum operators generate spatial translations, angular momentum operators generate rotations, and the charge operator generates phase transformations on the states.

The mathematics at work here is known as “representation theory”, which is a subject that shows up as a unifying principle throughout disparate area of mathematics, from geometry to number theory. This mysterious coherence between fundamental physics and mathematics is a fascinating phenomenon of great elegance and beauty, the depth of which we still have yet to sound.

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This Week’s Rumor

The start of the LHC 2012 physics run is still a while off, scheduled for around the beginning of April, with beam energy likely raised a bit, to 8 TeV total in the center of mass. So, it’s going to be quite a few more months before the LHC experiments have enough new data to analyze that will allow a conclusive determination of whether the evidence seen for a Higgs around 125 GeV is confirmed, with a significance high enough to claim discovery.

The results announced on December 13 were preliminary, and more complete analyses are underway, with results to be announced relatively soon. This week’s rumor is that the full CMS Higgs to gamma-gamma analysis is showing a stronger signal than the preliminary version. The bump has moved up a bit, from 123.5 GeV to 124 GeV, and the local significance is up from 2.3 to 3 sigma, with look elsewhere effect up from .8 sigma to 2.0 sigma. This strengthens a bit the evidence for a Higgs around 125 GeV. However, the best fit size of the bump is, as with ATLAS, about twice what the SM predicts. The errors are large, so quite possibly both experiments just got a bit lucky, in which case the first few months of 2012 data may not quickly add much to the significance of the signal.

For detailed discussion of issues surrounding the Higgs analyses, see this week’s workshop in Zurich: Higgs search confronts theory.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 16 Comments

Galois Conference Videos

Last October there was a conference held in Paris to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Galois. Some of the talks were quite interesting, giving an overview of the current state of areas of mathematics in which Galois theory plays a role, in particular the Langlands conjectures. The videos of the talks are now available, see here.

The closing talk, by Alain Connes, has a certain amount of wild-eyed speculation about the “cosmic Galois group”, of the sort that I believe has inspired Arkani-Hamed recently (see the previous posting).

Roy Lisker reports (here, here and here) about his visit to Paris to attend the conference, as well as take a look at Galois’s manuscripts.

Update: It appears the Connes video is no longer there. But on his web-site you can find the slides for the conference talk, as well as another talk about Galois for a more general audience.

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Emerging Trends

Most of the lectures from this year’s Jerusalem Winter School in Theoretical Physics are now available online. David Gross was the main organizer, and the choice of topics reflects his point of view on what is interesting these days in theoretical physics. The landscape and anthropics were pretty much completely suppressed (although Michael Dine did manage to slip in a mention, his slides are here). The idea of “string phenomenology”, i.e. getting the standard model out of a unified string theory and saying something about particle physics has fallen by the way-side.

In his summary talk (given at the beginning of the conference), Gross described the same point of view he has promoted for many years now. He thinks something is missing in our understanding of string theory (“we don’t know what string theory is”) which will somehow fix the failure of ideas about string theory unification. This failure though doesn’t matter anyway, since he now claims that string theory = QFT, based on gauge-gravity duality, and thus “string theory cannot be killed”. It’s very unclear how this equivalence claim fits together with the “we don’t know what string theory is” claim, since we do know what QFT is (we have a very good understanding of the Standard Model). It seems that Gross would like to define away much of the troubles surrounding string theory.

One idea that Gross has favored for a very long time is that string theory is telling us that we must give up our usual notions of space and time, only recovering them in some limit. Two of the series of lectures at the school were about rather grandiose attempts to do something along these lines. There were three lectures by Erik Verlinde on his ideas about “emergent gravity”. I continue to not be able to make much sense of this program. He invokes the reasonable idea that gravity is an effective long-distance force due to unknown fundamental degrees of freedom, which may very well be true. But he doesn’t seem to have anything specific to say about the fundamental degrees of freedom strong enough to get anything new out of this. There were some ideas at the end about dark matter and dark energy, but it was unclear to me whether these go anywhere.

Much more interesting was Nima Arkani-Hamed’s series of lectures on Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian, which he said could have been titled “How you get spacetime from the permutation group”. The first lecture started with a philosophical introduction that he said he would limit to 5 minutes, but which went on for 40. Only the first two lectures are now online.

Unlike Verlinde’s ideas, here there are very specific calculations involved. The starting point is recent progress in understanding perturbative amplitudes for N=4 SYM (and for more general gauge theories). These involve working in twistor space, and more generally working with variables such that locality and unitarity are no longer manifest. The basic mathematics and geometrical principles at work are quite different than the standard formulation of gauge theories in terms of local variables and gauge symmetry. As usual, Arkani-Hamed makes wildly enthusiastic claims. In this case, he claims to have finally found a remarkable new understanding of the subject, based on some combinatorial objects and dramatic new mathematical ideas. He does note that this still hasn’t been written up, and that it’s the third time in the past year that he has thought he had things understood, with the last two times not working out.

I’m quite curious to see where this all goes, although I confess that I’m planning on waiting a while to try and follow the details, since this is clearly very complicated work in progress, and a 4th or 5th iteration of the fundamentals may very well be on its way over the next few months. Arkani-Hamed is talking to mathematicians, including his colleague Pierre Deligne at the IAS, and says that he is moving from the old-style of Atiyah mathematics to a new-style of Grothendieck-based mathematics. I’m not sure what this means, but suspect that Atiyah’s ideas are still in there (Grassmanians, twistors and toric varieties are subjects he has been very much involved with), and that the Grothendieck business may be an artifact of talking to Deligne, who comes from that tradition. Grothendieck was the master of generality, so his ideas can be applied to a very large fraction of mathematics.

Also lecturing on amplitudes, from a much more down-to-earth point of view, was Zvi Bern. For more from both Bern and Arkani-Hamed, see the program of the recent Amplitudes 2011 conference in Michigan. Slides from Arkani-Hamed’s talk give a better idea of what he is up to, and Bern’s slides contain his summary comments about the state of the subject. He emphasizes the connections between amplitude calculations and other fields and seems to be arguing for more attention to practical results, less to “symmetry, beauty and aesthetics”. He worries that while “Today our field is one of the hottest ones around”, the long-term future is less clear: “Is our field just another (albeit long lasting) fad?”, so attention to results relevant to the rest of physics is important for long-term health.

Lots more “Amplitudes” conferences on the way, including Amplitudes 2012 in March, a conference at the Newton Institute in April, and one at the IHES in December.

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