Various Items

A few items that may be of interest:

  • Edward Frenkel has a new Youtube show/podcast, entitled AfterMath. I gather that part of the concept here is a follow-on to his book Love and Math, but in this different format. He’s always thought-provoking and well-worth listening to on almost any topic, I’m looking forward to seeing what he does with this.
  • Also in the Bay area, Michael Peskin recently gave a talk on How Should We Think about 10 TeV pCM Colliders?. Much of it is a very sobering look at the possible known ways to build a collider capable of colliding elementary particles at 10 TeV in the center of mass. The technical challenges are daunting and if this is going to get done it’s going to take quite a while and be very expensive.

    Besides the technological and financial problems, he faces up to the main problem of justifying such a project:

    Are the secrets of electroweak symmetry breaking and the Higgs field to be found at 10 TeV ? If we believe in this, we must still find arguments to convince our skeptical scientific colleagues. If we don’t believe in it, we are believing that there is no point in making the next step in collider physics.

    We cannot imagine the future of particle physics without grappling with this question.

    More specifically, he sees the challenge as

    to get the money to build such a collider, we would need

    definitive proof of violation of the Standard Model from HL-LHC or Higgs factories


    a clear and compelling model to be tested (as the MSSM was for LHC).

    In my opinion, this puts a large burden on the theory community

    1. To be sure that an e+e- Higgs factory actually is built
    2. To put forward simple and attractive models of EWSB with a “little hierarchy”

    Unfortunately I don’t see any evidence of any attractive ideas about 2., and the sad history of the hype about SUSY and naturalness means that people are going to be looking a lot more skeptically at any claims by theorists to have such a thing.

  • Speaking of Peskin, if you’re looking for an alternative to Peskin and Schroeder, there’s a recent new QFT book that I’ve seen which appears to be quite good: Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, by Anthony Williams. It doesn’t go as far as Peskin and Schroeder and other textbooks that get seriously into Standard Model physics, but it has a lot more detailed and careful explanations of the basics of relativistic quantum field theory. As such it should be significantly more readable by advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students.
  • Finally, two questions I’m wondering about, curious if anyone reading this knows the answer:

    Whatever happened about the bet between Ken Lane and David Gross over SUSY? Did Gross pay up?

    What’s going on with the 2025 Breakthrough Prizes? In past years, these things have been announced in September, Hollywood “Oscars of Science” ceremony in the spring. This year, nothing in September, and October is almost over, so wondering if the Breakthrough Prize people have a new concept for the prizes for the coming year.

  • One more thing: I just noticed that the SMF has recently published a 1963 text of Grothendieck’s, his notes for a fall 1963 seminar at Harvard on duality theorems in algebraic geometry. Hartshorne ran the seminar and later wrote up notes, which were published as LNM 20, Residues and Duality.

Update: I’ve confirmed with Ken Lane that it seems David Gross won’t admit that SUSY has been a failure and he’s given up on Gross ever paying off on the bet. For more about the reaction of Gross and others to losing SUSY bets, see here
For documentation of the 1994 Gross/Lane bet, see page 62 of

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10 Responses to Various Items

  1. Andrzej Daszkiewicz says:

    Thanks for the tip about the Williams’ book.
    BTW, do you plan to add chapters 12-16 to your notes on QFT? I’m about to start reading them.

  2. James Lai says:

    Off topic: Hi Prof. Woit, I am eagerly looking forward to your QFT notes as I am half way through your book

  3. David Brown says:

    Did Gross pay his SUSY bet to Lane?
    According to a Physics Forum entry, Lane did enjoy an expensive restaurant meal at Gross’s expense (in 2016? or 2017?).

  4. Peter says:

    Give us your take on this year’s physics Nobel Prize! Is it physics? Is it worth of a Nobel Prize? Is it an indictment of physics research? Has the Nobel committee jumped on a bandwagon?

  5. Peter Woit says:

    Andrzej Daszkiewicz/James Lai

    Sorry, but I haven’t found the time to work on that project. I’ve been working out the details of how Wick rotation works for chiral spinors. As part of that, I understand much better how Euclidean QFT/path integrals are related to the Minkowski QFT/operator formalism. Whenever I get to writing more about QFT I want to incorporate this material.

  6. Peter Woit says:

    David Brown,
    I’m not sure that physics forum entry reflects anything other than that by 2017 there was sufficient LHC luminosity that Gross had lost by the precise terms of the bet. Did Lane really get his dinner?
    While Gross over many years heavily promoted (as a “prediction” of string theory) the claim that the LHC would see superpartners, I’m not aware of any place where he ever admitted that this didn’t work and that he had lost the bet.

  7. Peter Woit says:

    I thought of writing about the Nobel Prize, didn’t do so because it seemed that everyone likely could guess what I thought. Also, the reaction I was seeing online was lots of outraged physicists, so better to let them be the ones to complain about this, instead of more complaints from me.

    In case you can’t guess what I think about this, it reflects the ongoing problem the physics Nobel committee has, that large parts of fundamental physics have basically been dead for quite a while, so they have to find new areas to give the prize to. On the AI aspects, the last thing the world needs now is more rewards and attention given to AI research. While Hopfield has claims to be a physicist and one could make a reasonable case that the work he did counts as physics, the choice to reward Geoffrey Hinton with a physics prize is really hard to understand.

  8. David Brown says:

    In reply to an email inquiry, Professor Lane kindly sent the following response:
    “No, Gross never paid. I think he never will. He is what is called a “welsher” — an unfortunate term; it has nothing to do with people of Wales, who are maligned by this term.”

  9. James says:

    Years ago one of Ken Lane’s former students relayed the tale of Ken giving a talk to a group people involved in giving out funding. At the end, one of the questions was what will he do if his theory (technicolor) doesn’t work out, and his response was something like “I guess I’ll fall on my sword and retire.” We had a good laugh about that, but now after reading this blog for a few years it’s clear that such behavior is not universal.

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