Sean Carroll, of Preposterous Universe, has joined forces with Mark Trodden (of Orange Quark), and new bloggers SLAC particle phenomenologist JoAnne Hewett, USC string/brane theorist Clifford Johnson, and Chicago cosmologist Risa Wechsler. They’ll be collaborating on a new weblog entitled Cosmic Variance, and I’m looking forward to following what they do with it.
This may be part of a new trend of consolidation in the physics weblogging industry, following the lead of the String Coffee Table and the massive, multi-national, government-subsidized Quantum Diaries site. Will small, independent, artisanal producers like myself be able to compete with huge combines like Cosmic Variance, with their professional software and expensive ($6.95/month!) web-hosting services? Or will we be driven out of business as our profit margins are squeezed to the vanishing point? Wait a minute, I’m not making a profit at this anyway…
Actually, today I’m in Austin, Texas on personal business. I suppose I should be looking up Jacques to see if he, Lubos and I can organize an even bigger competing organization.
If Peter and Lubos combined efforts, it would be called “Not even close”.
“Saying things like this to impressionable graduate students is really educational malpractice.”
Yes. You should totally start a blog with Jacques.
As long as you don’t compromise your independence…
I’ll second the Peter/Jacques/Lubos blog idea. Reading that would take entirely too much of my time 🙂
Peter, you should definitely team up with Jacques and Lubos. I would certainly read that blog.
You are forgetting the economies of scale in their operation. $6.95/5 = $1.39. You don’t stand a chance.