Winter Break

Blogging here should be light to non-existent for a while, with family holiday celebrations tomorrow and departure for a trip to Europe the day after. Travel plans still in flux, but the general idea is to head south after arriving in Paris, spend a couple weeks on the road and mostly in Italy, end up back in Paris January 6, back to New York on the 11th.

I somehow seem to have caused in the last posting (see the comment section there) an eruption of an even odder version of the kinds of attacks from string theorists that were common in 2006, a period known to aficionados as the “String Wars”. The new version is more like the “Multiverse Wars”. From past experience I know that involvement in such things is not a good way to spend your vacation, so I think when I head to the airport I’ll likely shut off comments. In the meantime, I hope the holiday spirit will reign…

: Off on vacation, comments will be off. Some last minute links that may be of interest:

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6 Responses to Winter Break

  1. Jeff M says:

    Peter – have a wonderful trip! I’m off to Italy with family on Thursday, so perhaps I’ll see you in Rome, or Florence 🙂

  2. Patrick Harris says:

    Wish ya the best, Dr. Woit! I’ve enjoyed your blog immensely, and support your future endeavors in the struggle against “multiverse mania.” Happy Holidays!

  3. Bee says:

    Wishing you happy holidays and a good trip!

  4. Kevin NYC says:

    “Yes dahhhhling I will be traveling to the south of France….”. Nice work to go soewhere and have fun…

  5. MathPhys says:

    Best wishes on the Holiday Season, Peter.

  6. Art says:

    So have any experts weighed in on the Nomura papers?

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