Iranian Theoretical Physicist Assassinated

An Iranian theoretical physicist named Masoud Alimohammadi was assassinated in Teheran Tuesday. Alimohammadi’s publication list indicates that he began his career specializing in conformal field theory, and more recently had been working on questions in general relativity. Initial news reports inaccurately characterized him as a “nuclear physicist” and speculated that he was assassinated because of his association with the Iranian nuclear program, but there seems to be absolutely no reason to believe this.

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The Entropy Decade

We’re only a week and a half into the new decade, but already I’m seeing a trend…

A few days ago Sean Carroll’s book From Eternity to Here came out, promoting the idea that understanding time and cosmology is all about understanding entropy. The same day saw Erik Verlinde’s arXiv preprint On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton, which argues that

Gravity is explained as an entropic force caused by changes in the information associated with the positions of material bodies.

Verlinde is a well known string theorist, and the paper is somewhat of a repudiation of the motivating idea for string theory unification, that string theory predicts gravity since it has a spin two massless state. But even with the main motivation gone, all is not lost for string theory, since

The presented ideas are consistent with our knowledge of string theory, but if correct they should have important implications for this theory as well. In particular, the description of gravity as being due to the exchange of closed strings can no longer be valid. In fact, it appears that strings have to be emergent too.

This is discussed in blog postings here, here and here, and yesterday even made it to Slashdot.

Today, it’s yet more entropy, with The Entropic Landscape by Bousso and Harnik, which propounds the Entropic Principle, that:

the number of observers is proportional, on average, to the amount of entropy produced.

and claims that this principle quantitatively predicts six important aspects of cosmology.

While much of physics in the last century was dominated by a highly successful program to identify fundamental degrees of freedom of nature and understand their dynamics using increasingly deep and sophisticated mathematical formalisms, now the trend appears to be very different. Many of the most well-known theorists are pursuing research programs with the remarkable features that:

  • You don’t need to have any idea what the fundamental degrees of freedom are.
  • You don’t need any fundamental dynamical laws either.
  • You can do everything with high school mathematics.
  • The last century was a hugely successful one for physics, whether this new order will be equally successful remains to be seen.

    Update: More analysis of the Verlinde paper here, and Verlinde now has a blog and a twitter feed about it.

    Update: Verlinde is adding explanations of points in his paper and conducting a discussion of it on Lubos Motl’s blog here. He now says that, to explain quantum gravity

    I am not sure that string theory is the way to go.

    Even though under his new framework string theory explains nothing about any fundamental physics, Verlinde refuses to give up on it, arguing that:

    It should also be emergent, and it is nothing but a framework like quantum field theory.

    In fact, I think of string theory as the way to make QFT in to a UV complete but still effective framework. It is based on universality. Many microscopic systems can lead to the same string theory. The string theory landscape is just the space of all universality classes of this framework. I have more to say about it, but will keep that for a publication, or I will post that some other time.

    Posted in Multiverse Mania | 30 Comments

    Simons Foundation News

    The latest AMS notices has the news that the Simons Foundation is now spending about $40 million/year in mathematics and related theoretical fields. This is being done under a program being run by David Eisenbud at Berkeley, and the first initiative has been the funding of new postdoctoral fellowships (there’s an earlier posting about this here). How the rest of the money will be spent remains undecided, with a request going out for suggestions.

    This fall the program will fund 15 mathematics and 10 theoretical physics 3-year postdocs, as well as 9 2-year postdocs in computer science. A similar number of new positions will be funded next year. The postdocs will pay very well, at 70K/year for the mathematics ones, 65K/year for those in physics and “gauged to attract the highest caliber of applicants” for computer science.

    The departments chosen for the postdocs have not been officially announced, but a little googling turns up the following ones that have job ads specifically mentioning the Simons fellowship.:

    Mathematics: Berkeley, Cal Tech, Cambridge (UK), Columbia, Harvard, Michigan, MIT, Northwestern, Stanford, Texas (Austin), UCLA, Yale

    Physics: Berkeley, Cal Tech, Chicago, MIT, NYU, Santa Barbara, Texas (Austin), Yale

    Computer Science: Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, MIT, Princeton

    The job market for the usual sort of teaching jobs at academic institutions has not been doing well recently, especially at US state universities facing budget problems. On the other hand, the job market for mathematics and theoretical physics, at least at the post-doctoral level, may do better than that in some other disciplines. We may be returning to an eighteenth-century model where this kind of research is supported not by public universities, but by the great private fortunes of the day, those being produced in dominant new industries such as finance (Simons) and telecommunications (Lazaridis).

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    Untangling String Theory

    The Times of London recently sent one of its reporters out to a pub to learn about string theory from Michael Green, with results available on-line here.  Green does a good job of trying to explain some physics over a few beers, and admits that:

    I think, historically, when there has been a big change in a theory there is usually some qualitatively new phenomenon which will distinguish the theory. This has not happened for string theory, which is one of the reasons some people wonder whether it is real physics.

    There’s an associated slide show that supposedly gives a step-by-step guide to string theory. It explains that there are ten extra dimensions of very small size, necessary because:

    Beautiful as the idea sounds, when string theory is applied in the ordinary three spatial dimensions it doesn’t work mathematically, predicting the wrong numbers for constants such as pi and the speed of light. It also predicts that the whole Universe should disappear.

    I do wonder what string theory’s prediction for the value of pi is…

    According to the Times, the LHC has something to do with all of this, since:

    Scientists hope that the smashing together of particles at the Large Hadron Collider may reveal hints of the strings lying within them.

    Over at the Los Angeles Times, Steve Giddings somehow neglects to mention string theory while arguing that the LHC

  • “could open new frontiers in understanding space and time”
  • “might produce dark-matter particles so we can study their properties directly and thereby unveil a totally new face of the universe.”
  • “might also shed light on the more predominant ‘dark energy,’ which is causing the universe’s expansion to accelerate.”
  • “may reveal … the existence of a completely new type of dimension — what is called ‘supersymmetry'”.
  • “may find evidence for extra dimensions of a more ordinary type, like those that we see — still a major revolution.”
  • “could produce microscopic black holes.”
  • In case all of these discoveries seem a bit abstract and useless, there’s the possibility of

  • new energy sources, means of space travel or communication, or amazing things entirely unimagined.
  • Over at Uncertain Principles, some of the Giddings arguments about spin-offs leave Chad Orzel rather grumpy.

    Finally, also on the nothing-to-do-with-string-theory front, New Scientist has an article about this paper from Science, where the authors find some sort of relation I don’t understand between a representation of E8 and some phenomenon at the critical point of a quasi-one dimensional Ising ferromagnet.

    Although E8 does show up in string theory calculations, observing the symmetry in magnetic crystal experiments does not provide any evidence for string theory itself, Konik says.

    “The fact that you see this particular symmetry in this spin chain doesn’t say anything about string theory per se,” he says.

    Posted in This Week's Hype | 20 Comments

    Two Books by Bloggers

    The holidays are coming to an end, so expect a return soon to the usual somewhat irregular posting frequency.

    Over the past week or two, one thing that I did was get a chance to read new books by two of the most prominent physics bloggers around: Chad Orzel (who has been blogging since 2002, now at Uncertain Principles), and Sean Carroll (since 2004, now at Cosmic Variance).

    Orzel’s new book is entitled How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, and he has a website with all sorts of material about the book here. I guess it’s generally agreed that a cute dog improves just about any sort of material. While Brian Greene in his Elegant Universe Nova special introduced general relativity by trying to discuss it with a dog, concluding that “No matter how hard you try, you can’t teach physics to a dog”, Orzel takes a very different tack, structuring his book around conversations with his dog about quantum mechanics. The dog ends up with a solid intuitive understanding of quantum physics and presumably the idea is that the reader should be able to do as well as the dog. The book is a quite good, non-technical, exposition of some of the paradoxical aspects of quantum mechanics, emphasizing the subtleties of the relationship between the quantum and classical views of reality. His expertise in experimental atomic physics gives him an excellent understanding of these issues, and he does a good job of conveying some of this to the reader.

    Among the best features of the book are enlightening treatments of the quantum Zeno effect, quantum tunneling, entanglement and quantum teleportation, as well as careful treatment of some crucial subtleties of the subject. If you want to go beyond the usual explanation that the uncertainty principle is about how measurements must change the state of a system, and find out how one can use quantum mechanics to measure a state without changing it, this is a good place to start.

    By the end, I observed myself ending up in a linear combination of two possible states describing my feelings about the dog thing: about equal amplitudes for charming and annoying. Even now that we’re in a different decade, I haven’t yet collapsed into one state or the other.

    The other new blogger-book is Sean Carroll’s From Eternity to Here, which has its own website here. I confess to being somewhat mystified by this book, and a bit surprised by its contents. Carroll is a very smart guy, with a serious dedication to making the wonderful science of his professional field (cosmology and particle physics) accessible to the general public. Given this, my expectation was that the book would be mainly devoted to telling the conventional scientific story of some part of our current understanding of these subjects, with perhaps a more positive take than mine on the possibility of exciting new discoveries in the near future. I also expected him to include some material on his highly idiosyncratic ideas about the arrow of time.

    It turns out though that this rather long book is heavily oriented towards making the case for unconventional claims about physics, with essentially no discussion at all of what is happening on the experimental side of the subject. The LHC appears only in a footnote explaining that it won’t destroy the earth, and there’s virtually nothing about the hot topics of dark matter, gravitational waves, or the cosmic microwave background. In a final footnote, Carroll explains that he decided not to write about these experiments because

    it’s very hard to tell ahead of time what we are going to learn from them, especially about a subject as deep and all-encompassing as the arrow of time.

    Carroll’s problem is that the questions that he has chosen to highlight in the book may be “deep and all-encompassing”, but they’re of a sort one might describe as “philosophical” rather than scientific.  Much of the book is devoted to arguing that in order to understand the local (in time) question of why entropy increases, one must understand the global puzzles pointed out by Roger Penrose associated with gravitational entropy, the Big Bang and inflation.  More succinctly, the explanation for why an omelet doesn’t turn into an egg somehow involves understanding the Big Bang.   Even after reading the book, I remain unconvinced that the global problem has to be solved to explain the local problem, and unfortunately there’s no scientific way to resolve my difference of opinion with the author.  No conceivable experiment can provide evidence one way or another about which of us is correct.

    After making the case that one needs to understand the low entropy of the early universe to understand everyday physics, Carroll goes on to propose his own theory, the “Ultimate Theory of Time” of the book’s subtitle.  It’s a version of the usual “multiverse” argument: one explains some mysterious distinctive feature of the universe by positing that we live in a multiverse without this distinctive feature, which just occurs as a dynamical accident in our particular universe.  The problem is that this particular explanation is not a conventional scientific one, since it is immune to experimental investigation, and, as far as I can tell, few physicists take it seriously.  Carroll’s one scientific paper on the subject, (written in 2004 with his graduate student Jennifer Chen) received a lot of publicity on the internet and in Scientific American, but doesn’t seem to have yet been published, despite being listed on his CV as submitted to Phys. Rev. D.

    The book seems likely to get a lot of public attention, but I’m not sure this is a good thing for the public understanding of science. It raises fundamental issues in physics, which naturally attracts people’s interest,  but then addresses them in a rather post-modern yet pre-scientific manner, avoiding contact with either mathematics or experiment.  Probably the best way to think of From Eternity to Here is as an extended essay in the philosophy of science, and as such I’d be curious to hear what philosophers expert in the subject make of it.

    Update: Scientific American has an interview with Carroll, in which he addresses objections like mine as follows:

    The following statement is very true: To understand the second law of thermodynamics, or how the arrow of time works in our everyday lives, we don’t need to ever talk about cosmology. If you pick up a textbook on statistical mechanics, there will be no talk about cosmology at all. So it would be incorrect to say that we need to understand the big bang in order to use the second law of thermodynamics, to know how it works. The problem is, to understand why it exists at all requires a knowledge of cosmology and what happened at the big bang.

    Once you assume that the universe had a low entropy for whatever reason, everything else follows, and that’s all we ever talk about in textbooks. But we’re being a little bit more ambitious than that. We want to understand why it was that way—why was it that the entropy was lower yesterday than it is today?

    To understand why the entropy was lower yesterday really requires cosmology. And I think that if you sit down and think about it carefully there is absolutely no question that that is true, yet a lot of people don’t quite accept it yet.

    After having sat down to think about it carefully, I still don’t quite accept it…

    Posted in Book Reviews, Multiverse Mania | 34 Comments

    Has Dark Matter Finally Been Detected?


    The CDMS experiment today reported the observation of two events, with an expected background of .8 events (I gather this is a 1.5 sigma result, but there is no arXiv preprint yet). Based on this, the Guardian reports that “Hunt may well be over for mysterious and invisible substance that accounts for three-quarters of mass of universe” and Science News has Experiment Detects Particles of Dark Matter, Maybe. Science News quotes Craig Hogan as saying the results are “potentially very exciting”, and the Guardian has “If they have a real signal, it’s a seriously big deal.” Unfortunately they don’t have a real signal, so it’s not a seriously big deal.

    I just noticed that the New York Times is also covering this, but more soberly, describing the results as “faint hints”. They do quote Gordy Kane, who describes the mood at the KITP in Santa Barbara as “a high level of serious hysteria”, which he then embodies by claiming “It seems likely it is dark matter detection, but no proof.”

    For those unfamiliar with the terminology experimentalists use to characterize signals of various statistical significance, here’s a summary:

    5 sigma: discovery

    3 sigma: observation

    1.5 sigma: noise

    Update: Scientific American gets it right here.

    Update: The paper is here. It includes the information that “Reducing the revised expected surface-event background to 0.4 events would remove both candidates.” There really literally is no signal here.

    Update: Ethan Siegel’s blog posting about this explains the appropriate scientific response to the news that two events were observed when .8 were expected:

    Well, La-dee Frickin’ Dah!

    Adrian Cho at Science has an excellent piece about the story: Wimpy Evidence for Dark Matter Particles. He quotes two experimentalists who explain the significance of this (Richard Gaitskell: “Nobody should be attempting to say that this is evidence” for dark matter, and Edward Thorndike: “Absolutely not” an observation of dark matter). There’s also this comment from theorist Joseph Lykken:

    Even so, Joseph Lykken, a theorist at Fermilab, says he’s relieved that CDMS has finally seen something. WIMPs are predicted to exist by theories involving a principle called supersymmetry, which posits a heavy partner for every particle currently known. Had CDMS continued to see nothing, the results would have undermined those theories. So seeing something is better than seeing nothing, Lykken says.

    Lykken seems to be ignoring the fact that the new CDMS results, two events and all, rule out yet more of the supersymmetry parameter space. For an explanation of this, written when the last CDMS results came out, already causing problems for supersymmetry, see Tommaso Dorigo’s posting SUSY more unlikely by the new CDMS II results.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 44 Comments

    2010 LHC Schedule

    The LHC shut down yesterday for an end-of-year break after a very successful initial period of beam commissioning at beam energies of 450 GeV and 1.18 TeV. Tomorrow at CERN there will be public reports about the state of the LHC and the initial results from the experiments. I gather that by now all sorts of particles have been rediscovered, including kaons and lambdas, here are some details from Jim Pivarski.

    There’s now a tentative schedule 2010 out. Hardware commissioning of the new quench protection system, allowing beam energies up to 3.5 TeV, will begin on January 4, and be completed by February 15. A new checkout to prepare for beam commissioning will take place Feb. 17-19, and next injection of a beam into the LHC should be around February 20. Commissioning of 3.5 TeV beams and some pilot physics runs at that energy should take a month or so, with the first regular physics runs at 3.5 TeV/beam beginning around March 25. A tentative month-long shutdown to reconfigure the machine to run at higher energy (up to 5 TeV/beam) is scheduled for May 3-June 2.

    From January 25-29 machine experts will meet in Chamonix to discuss whether to try and run at 5 TeV/beam in 2010, and how to implement this if it seems feasible. Plans will also be made for the late 2010-2011 shutdown. This will require deciding what to do about all the problematic splices in the machine in order to allow operation at the design energy of 7 TeV/beam, as well as understanding how much retraining of the dipoles will be needed in order to get to that energy. Current plans call for a “long shutdown” in 2013-4 to begin some upgrades of the LHC, and this is another topic that will be discussed.

    While news coverage of the LHC in science magazines like Science News has been a mixed bag, often focussing on extra-dimensional speculation irrelevant to the actual science that will get done there, there’s a quite good new article here, in a surprising location: Vanity Fair. The LHC has become a real celebrity…

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 6 Comments

    Life in the Multiverse

    The latest Scientific American features a cover story on Life in the Multiverse: Could the strange physics of other worlds breed life? The magazine earlier this year fired a third of its staff and replaced its editor (the new editor has a column this month about the Multiverse and Star Trek).

    I don’t think one can blame the new editor for this though. Over the last few years, Scientific American has made multiverse pseudo-science stories a staple of its coverage of science. See for instance Parallel Universes, The String Theory Landscape, The Great Cosmic Roller-Coaster Ride and Does Time Run Backwards in Other Universes?

    Update: Alejandro Jenkins and Gilad Perez, the authors of the Scientific American piece, pointed out to me something that I really should have made clear in this posting, that their arguments about the possible implications of a multiverse are of a different nature than those in previous Sci Am articles. They are arguing not for or against a multiverse, but against some popular anthropic arguments that try and explain the values of fundamental constants as being necessary for life. Anyway, my apologies to them for not making this clear, and here’s something they sent me explaining in more detail their point of view:

    The title of our article in the current issue of Scientific American –as well the first bullet for the “Key Concepts” — might give the impression that our work argues for the reality of the multiverse, but this isn’t really the case.

    Our research suggests skepticism about the usefulness of anthropic selection arguments when applied to particle physics (see the references below). The anthropic argument seems reasonably convincing when applied exclusively to the cosmological constant, as Weinberg did in 1987. But our own work shows that the parameters of the strong and weak interactions could be significantly different from what they are, without there being any obvious obstruction to the evolution of organic life. This means that the anthropic principle might not be enough to explain the microscopic laws of particle physics. In this sense, then, our story counter-balances the claims made previously by other experts about many of the parameters of the Standard Model being obviously “fine-tuned for life” (and therefore admitting an anthropic explanation).

    Our work is simply based on varying the parameters of the Standard Model and trying to understand how things would change from what we see in our world. It is true, though, that this intellectual exercise is motivated in part by the expectation from inflationary models (and from certain speculative proposals for the physics at the Planck scale) that the fundamental physics might produce many distinct universes besides our own.

    Posted in Multiverse Mania | 4 Comments

    String Theory and Heaven

    I hadn’t heard much about Dinesh D’Souza since the Reagan era when for some mysterious reason his views were widely promoted in the media. He has continued since then to play the role (supposedly according to the New York Times Magazine) of “one of America’s most influential conservative thinkers.” His last book was The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and its Responsibility for 9/11, and he has a new one out called Life After Death: The Evidence. In a recent magazine interview he explains the main thesis of the book, that string theory has vindicated Christian theology by proving the existence of heaven and hell (they’re out there in the multiverse somewhere).

    How might science explain heaven and hell as places that could exist?

    Scientists now posit through string theory the presence of multiple realms, multiple dimensions. One of the implications of the big bang is that space and time had a beginning, and that space and time are properties of our universe. If that’s true, then outside our universe or beyond our universe, there would be different laws of space and time, or no space and no time.

    The idea that our universe may not be the only one and that there may be other universes operating according to different laws is now coming into the mainstream of modern physics. So the Christian concept of eternity, which is God outside of space and time, is rendered completely intelligible. It opens up possibilities that would have seemed far-fetched even for science fiction a century ago.

    Update: Here’s the link to the interview: String Theory and Heaven.

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    Various and Sundry

  • The proof of the fundamental lemma by Ngo has made it onto Time magazine’s list of the top ten scientific discoveries of 2009. Ngo will be visiting Columbia in the near future, and I might even end up understanding what this is about. He’s giving the Ritt lectures here later this week, and will be Eilenberg visiting professor for the Spring 2010 term, giving a series of weekly lectures.
  • The collaborative work on the Density Hales-Jewett theorem initiated by Timothy Gowers on his blog has made it into today’s New York Times magazine’s survey of the “Annual Year in Ideas”.
  • Tony Zee’s book Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell will be coming out in a second edition next year, featuring some new material covering recent advances in computing scattering amplitudes in gauge theory. The new preface is available here and has some interesting comments from Zee about the book and about QFT books in general. It also contains a response to those Amazon reviewers described as “nuts who do not appreciate the Nutshell“. I suggest that Zee get a blog, it gives one an excellent way to respond to nuts who misunderstand and don’t appreciate one’s book…
  • Last weekend there was a meeting held at Rutgers in memory of I. M. Gelfand, with some materials available here.
  • A couple weeks ago there was a very good article in Science magazine by Adrian Cho about recent discussions of the possibility of a muon collider. Since muons are much heavier than electrons, one can in principle use a storage ring to collide them without the problem of synchrotron radiation loss that limits the energy of electron-positron rings to the LEP energy scale. The fact that muons are unstable and decay fairly quickly is a huge problem. Besides making it difficult to use the “cooling” techniques needed to produce a usable beam intensity, the decay products create a very challenging environment for a detector to operate in, as well as producing neutrino intensities so high they are capable of causing problematic levels of radiation wherever they emerge from the earth.
  • C. J. Mozzochi has a page here with links to many of his wonderful photographs of mathematicians, mostly in action at various conferences or lecture series.
  • Update: One more. Last night I watched a spectacularly bad Sci-Fi movie, Annihilation Earth, brought to the world by the Syfy channel. I don’t think it’s a movie that really can be spoiled for you, so here’s a plot synopsis: three supercolliders in Geneva, Orleans and Barcelona are providing power for Western Europe. Scientists who designed them realized that in a certain configuration the critics were right, and the Higgs field would get out of control and form a black hole that would destroy the earth. Evil Arab terrorists hack into one of them and reconfigure it to self-destruct. The remaining two are all that is keeping the Higgs field from expanding exponentially and causing the black hole that will annihilate everything. One of the scientists refuses to believe the other when he explains this to him, because of the color of his skin and the fact that he’s an Arab too (although he doesn’t look it). So, in the final scene he shuts down one of the remaining super-colliders and the Earth is annihilated. I guess the film-makers should be congratulated on this innovation in sci-fi film-making, ending the film with the scientists not saving the Earth but destroying it.

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