News From the LHC

Just saw this from Tommaso Dorigo, which made me realize that I should get to work and write a blog posting before the CERN press office people wake up. The big news today is that the first collisions at a record energy higher than that of the Tevatron have occurred, marking a first step into new territory past what has been the energy frontier in HEP for a very long time. Two beams of two bunches each were successfully ramped up to 1.18 TeV, and although one of the beams was lost after a while, before that point some collisions at a total energy of 2.36 TeV were observed. An event display from ATLAS is here.

Over the next few days, the main objective of the beam commissioning team is to try and increase the intensity per bunch and provide a large number of collisions at 450 GeV/beam to the experiments. They’ll also continue tests in which they ramp up the energy to 1.18 TeV/beam, and if all goes well should be able to provide the experiments with an equally large number of collisions at that energy. The experimenters are gleeful about finally having real data to play with. CMS has publicly announced the re-discovery of the pi-zero, and I assume that by now they’re working their way through the 1950s, already rediscovering kaons and other particles with strange quarks. If they manage to get a significant amount of data at 2.36 TeV, there must be some sort of cross-section they can measure at an energy that just beats out the Tevatron, although with this size of a collision sample, it won’t be one that anyone cares much about…

Beam commissioning work for 2009 should end on December 16, and the accelerator complex will be shut down over the holidays, re-starting January 4. During January the LHC will go back into hardware commissioning mode, with a month-long plan to commission the new quench protection system in all sectors, allowing operation at 3.5 TeV/beam. The injectors are supposed to restart on February 5, LHC beam commissioning restarting on February 8. The way things have been going, they may have at least some 7 TeV collisions happening quite quickly after that.

Update: This morning again a pair of 1.18 TeV beams were stored and brought into collision at the LHC. This time CMS as well as ATLAS is publicly saying that collisions were seen, with event displays here. CERN’s twitter feed is saying over a million collisions at 900 GeV, 50,000 at 2.36 TeV. Still no press release from CERN gloating about how they now are doing physics at higher energy than Fermilab.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 9 Comments

Spreading Wild Rumors

One effect of Nature’s embargo policy is to encourage the spread of wild rumors. It’s almost part of the mission statement of this blog to participate in this, so I feel I must link to this.

Update: Nature unequivocally denies that they will be publishing a CDMS paper on the 18th. The collaboration does plan to reveal the results of their latest run on that date. The wild rumor that they have seen WIMPS and will reveal all on the 18th remains in force…

Update: There’s now a statement on the CDMS web-site, saying that there will be two talks on December 17, and plans to submit a paper to the arXiv before the talks.

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A Black Future

Tom Siegfried, the editor of Science News, seems to have decided to join with Michio Kaku in the science-fiction as science business. He marks the startup of collisions at the LHC with A Black Future, an article about how “the Large Hadron Collider might help humans explore the cosmos”. Here “exploring the cosmos” doesn’t mean understanding how the cosmos works, it means building an interstellar spaceship to travel across it.

The argument seems to be that the LHC will produce black holes, and a recent paper by Crane and Westmoreland suggests that black holes can be used to power a space-ship. Siegfried somehow manages to drag Steven Weinberg and supersymmetry into this, with a claim I don’t understand that the Crane-Westmoreland idea “may be realistic only if cosmic physics incorporates a mathematical framework known as supersymmetry.”

Posted in This Week's Hype | 19 Comments

50 Years of Nobel Memories in High Energy Physics

Over the past two days, CERN has been hosting a program consisting mostly of talks by Nobel prize winners in high energy physics, under the title 50 Years of Nobel Memories in High Energy Physics. It has been a while since anything Nobel Prize worthy has been discovered in HEP, so the speakers of necessity are all getting on a bit in years. The talks pretty much all seem worth paying attention to. Many of them are now on-line, and of the few I’ve had a chance to look at, the comments by Burt Richter about the ILC/CLIC issue were notable, as well as Veltman’s explanation of the possible significance of not finding a Higgs.

I started watching the webcast towards the end of David Gross’s talk, in time to hear him give his usual praiseworthy defense of physics against anthropic pseudo-science. Weinberg’s talk by video-conference was unfortunately cut short, since he thought it would be an hour long, but it was just scheduled for half an hour.

CERN DG Heuer ended the program by thanking everyone, and looking forward to the first run of LHC collisions at reasonable intensity with the detector magnets on (although only at 450 GeV), which is now scheduled for Saturday.

Update: Videos of the talks are now available here and I’ve watched a few of them. One interesting thing I noticed was Frank Wilczek’s talk about QCD, where his response to a question about AdS/CFT was “I’m not as impressed as I should be.”

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Sci-Fi Science

I watched the first two episodes of Michio Kaku’s Sci-Fi Science show last night (for a review, see here). The format of the show is that Kaku uses supposedly real physics to design on his laptop a revolutionary new device, then unveils it at the end of the show to a group of sci-fi fans for what I guess is supposed to be a form of peer review. The adoring fans are suitably impressed. In the first episode the device was a warp drive, in the second a portal to other universes, based on a big accelerator and “negative matter”. In both cases “negative energy” played a big part.

Neither episode involved a non-negligible amount of legitimate science, instead treating the physics in a completely misleading way. The second episode included participation by Max Tegmark, Alan Guth and Neil Turok. I wonder if they’ve seen the final product and what they think of it.

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LHC at the High Energy Frontier

A few minutes ago, one of the beams of the LHC was ramped up to an energy of 1180 GeV, besting the Tevatron’s top beam energy of 980 GeV.

Update: Actually the beam was lost at 1040 GeV, which is still a record high energy.

Update: A few minutes ago both beams were successfully ramped up simultaneously to 1180 GeV.

Update: Wow, that was quick. First publication based on LHC data is now out, from ALICE, based on data gathered a week ago. Nothing at all unexpected, this is just based on 284 total events, at the already well-studied energy of 900 GeV.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 18 Comments

One Reason Science is Having Trouble Banishing Religious Thinking

Andrew Sullivan, under the title String Theory and Miracles quotes part of a blog posting entitled One reason science is having trouble banishing religious thinking at the Democracy in America site (the original posting text is not there right now, may reappear) which notes that the spectacle of physicists widely promoting to the public the string theory multiverse is having the following effect:

It’s not always readily apparent to non-physicists why this kind of talk is less supernatural than a belief in the persistence of the soul after death….

But strictly in terms of how the argument between theists and atheists plays out in the public domain, there is a different quality to the tenets that are emerging on the atheistic, particle-physics side of things these days.

The string theory multiverse pseudo-science has done a huge amount of damage to the interests of string theory within the academic community, but it also threatens to do damage to the understanding and image of science among the public. Unfortunately, while there is more and more physics content in US popular media, it is often in the form of string theory-based pseudo-scientific nonsense rather than real science. For examples of this, see a new article in the Denver Post which catalogs some of this (while arguing that it’s a good thing):

TV is working through the shock of the age of terrorism and dismay at the broken boundaries of science, right before our eyes. Parallel universes? Bending time? Alternate dimensions? Some heavy-duty thoughts are seeping into prime time every week.

To the extent that TV reflects the culture at large, these shows seem to be saying we’re on the cusp of major change — technological, scientific, political or emotional. We may not have answers but we’re aware of expanding questions. In 2009, it has become accepted for folks on the couch to converse about the space-time continuum. Not that we understand string theory, but we recognize it when it pops up in TV scripts, peppering a spy thriller. “Lost” pushed the way with its dialogue about “moving the island,” leading fans to discuss time-shifting, wormholes and Einstein’s relativity theory.


The newer shows are picking up the string (theory) and running with it. There are hopeful signs in all this. The sci-fi series depict humans taking control of the planet, voting in favor of free will and standing up for the species. Maybe TV can provide some wishful thinking.

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Short Items

  • To get an idea of what’s going on at CERN not at the LHC, but at the theoretical end of things, take a look at the presentations at the recent CERN-TH retreat.
  • I was worried that this blog marked the end of the distinguished series of publications of W. C. Gall. Fortunately, I see that there is now more.
  • A year ago I attended a talk at NYU by IAS director Peter Goddard on the early history of the IHES and how it was inspired by the Princeton Institute. Cormac O’Raifertaigh reports here on a recent talk by Goddard at the Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, about how it too grew out of a similar inspiration.
  • Via Jordan Ellenberg, there’s news of a claimed proof of Leopoldt’s conjecture, with details available at a blog entry by Minhyong Kim at the new London Number Theory blog.
  • Among courses this semester the world over I wish I could attend, one would be Eckhard Meinrenken’s on Lie Groups and Clifford algebras. Luckily he’s producing lecture notes, updating those from a previous version of the course.
  • Next Tuesday the Science Channel will continue it’s great tradition of programming about fundamental physics with the premiere of a new show called Sci-Fi Science featuring Michio Kaku. The first evening’s episodes will explain

    a loophole in Einstein’s theory of relativity that shows how a spacecraft could travel at warp speed.

    followed by

    Dr. Kaku is on a mission to design a gateway to a parallel universe – but which type should he visit? MIT cosmologist Alan Guth explains his recipe for creating your own universe in the lab, and physicist Neil Turok explains how a parallel universe is only an atom’s length away from us.

    To their credit, sometimes they do actually have some real practical science which is not science fiction: yesterday they had Frank Wilczek on this show.

  • Update: Lubos has more Kaku.

    Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

    First Collisions at the LHC

    Things evidently went extremely well over the weekend at the LHC, with simultaneous circulating beams achieved this morning. Speculation is that first collisions (at the injection energy of 450 GeV/beam) are imminent. Places for up to the minute information include here, here and here.

    Update: It looks like first collisions have been seen at the LHC. Announcement comes from a muzzled blogger….

    Update: Modified posting title.

    Update: For a series of talks about events during the first few days since beam injection at the LHC, see here. Progress was dramatic during the first few days, although it has slowed up recently. As data starts to come in, the first scientific task for the experiments is to re-discover the Standard Model. So far, CMS has managed to rediscover the pi-zero.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 13 Comments

    Higgs Escapes Part of Exclusion Region

    This past winter a combined analysis of data from the two Tevatron experiments showed at 95% confidence level that the Higgs mass could not be in the range 160-170 GeV. This was a better result than expected: statistically the experiments should not have been able to exclude any of the mass range, but were helped by a downward statistical fluctuation.

    Today a new and improved combined analysis was released using more data, and the new result is that there has been a reversion to the mean, no more help from statistical fluctuation downwards. Statistically, this time they should have been able to exclude 159-168 GeV, but now the fluctuation is a bit upwards, so the actual exclusion region is 163-166 GeV. In essence, better data has shown that the likelihood of a 160-163 or 166-170 GeV Higgs, something that was previously assigned a probability of a bit less than 5%, now has a probability a bit more than 5%. So, any putative Higgs particle in those mass regions has now escaped being tarred with the unfair label of “excluded”.

    If the Higgs is actually there at a certain mass, as one gets closer and closer to having sufficient data to exclude its existence, one should find oneself doing nowhere near as well as expected as far as excluding that mass. A thoroughly irresponsible person might see some significance in the fact that, unlike the analysis from earlier this year, the new improved analysis with more data does a worse job of exclusion than expected over much of the low mass range, peaking at 1.5 sigma or so for the mass range around 135 GeV.

    Update: More detail and rank speculation about this from Tommaso Dorigo here.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 5 Comments