Various and Sundry

  • General Relativity and Gravitation has a special issue on quantum gravity, available here.
  • Some out-takes from photographs taken for the recent Forbes article are here. You can see what part of my office looks like…
  • I haven’t regularly been following the TV show Big Bang Theory, which features a main character (Sheldon) inspired by Lubos Motl. Someone who has is Bad Astronomer Phil Plait, who is interviewed here, with the following exchange:

    Alan: My geek barometer question for the Big Bang Theory is, Do you ever pause it and look at the board and try to decipher the equations?

    PP: I don’t need to pause it, just a quick glance. Actually, it’s all really advanced stuff, like string theory and more. Actually I don’t think it’s string theory because Sheldon said some nasty things about string theory in the past. But I never really understand it. There’s some other things that they’ve got in there that I recognize.

    I assume Phil is just confused, but if things have gotten to the point that Sheldon is saying nasty things about string theory, it’s really in trouble…

  • Physics World has two interesting interviews by Matin Durrani on-line, one with CERN Director General Rolf Heuer, the other with CERN head of communications James Gillies.

    One topic discussed by Heuer is CLIC, and CERN’s hope to be the place where the next generation electron-positron collider gets built. Here’s a recent presentation about CLIC’s status. If one were the wildly optimistic sort, one could see R and D on this finished next year, a complete design by 2016, construction starting in 2018 and first beam in 2025.

  • Even further down the road than CLIC would be a muon collider. Fermilab now has a web-site devoted to the topic.
  • You might want to keep up with the activities of the Bogdanovs here.
  • John Hagelin’s Global Financial Capital of New York (or someone they sold to recently) seems to be selling its building, which includes 3 stories configured as luxury apartments. $45,000,000 and it’s all yours. For some more of Hagelin’s activities over the last few years, there’s this.
  • The New York Times Book Review has a nice review of the recent biography of Dirac I wrote about here, which is now out in the US.
  • If, unlike Dirac, you prefer your spinors real, there’s a very interesting review article in Nature by Frank Wilczek, entitled Majorana Returns. I hadn’t realized that these things now seem to be finding a place in condensed matter physics and even quantum information processing.
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    The Holy Patron of String Theory and its Holy Grail

    Science News is running a long interview with Murray Gell-Mann, who will be celebrating his 80th birthday tomorrow. Gell-Mann was arguably (Feynman is one who would argue..) the most influential figure in theoretical particle physics throughout the 1950s and 1960s. In the interview, he gives the standard story about the cosmological constant/supersymmetry/hierarchy problem, expecting superpartners to be accessible at the LHC design energy, although perhaps not at its initial energy of 3.5 TeV/beam. If superpartners don’t show up at 7 TeV/beam, he says:

    Well, we’d have to see exactly how bad it is. I mean how high up you go and still don’t find anything and so on. But yes, one might have to discard this whole line of reasoning.

    Gell-Mann describes himself as not a string theorist, but someone who thought it was promising and continues to do so, claiming:

    I was a sort of patron of string theory — as a conservationist I set up a nature reserve for endangered superstring theorists at Caltech, and from 1972 to 1984 a lot of the work in string theory was done there.

    He speculates about what is missing in string theory as follows:

    I am puzzled by what seems to me the paucity of effort to find the underlying principle of superstring theory-based unified theory. Einstein didn’t just cobble together his general relativistic theory of gravitation. Instead he found the principle, which was general relativity, general invariance under change of coordinate system. Very deep result. And all that was necessary then to write down the equation was to contact Einstein’s classmate Marcel Grossmann, who knew about Riemannian geometry and ask him what was the equation, and he gave Einstein the formula. Once you find the principle, the theory is not that far behind. And that principle is in some sense a symmetry principle always.

    Well, why isn’t there more effort on the part of theorists in this field to uncover that principle? Also, back in the days when the superstring theory was thought to be connected with hadrons rather than all the particles and all the forces, back in that day the underlying theory for hadrons was thought to be capable of being formulated as a bootstrap theory, where all the hadrons were made up of one another in a self-consistent bootstrap scheme. And that’s where superstring theory originated, in that bootstrap situation. Well, why not investigate that further? Why not look further into the notion of the bootstrap and see if there is some sort of modern symmetry principle that would underlie the superstring-based theory of all the forces and all the particles. Some modern equivalent of the bootstrap idea, perhaps related to something that they call modular invariance. Whenever I talk with wonderful brilliant people who work on this stuff, I ask what don’t you look more at the bootstrap and why don’t you look more at the underlying principle. . . .

    Lubos Motl seems to have calmed down a bit recently, and his latest posting is about the Gell-Mann interview. He describes Gell-Mann as not just a patron of string theory, but a holy patron of string theory, with the comments quoted above “the holy word”. They inspire him as he continues to work a few hours a day towards finding the holy grail of string theory: some fundamental principle that defines the theory non-perturbatively.

    Searches for such a principle go back at least 25 years, to 1984 and the explosion of interest in string theory as a unified theory. After the first efforts to base unification on a Calabi-Yau, it soon became clear that more was needed than string perturbation theory. Just one of many such attempts that I remember was that of Friedan/Shenker in 1986, who hoped that in some sense the moduli space of all Riemann surfaces would somehow carry a unique vector bundle with flat connection. There were many others.

    Lubos entered the field ten years later, after discoveries about dualities had led to Witten’s conjecture of the existence of an “M-theory” that would reduce in various limits to the known string theories. At the time, the hot candidate for such a theory was something called Matrix theory, and Lubos made his reputation with work on this. His thinking these days grows out of the “M-theory” conjecture that he first started working on as an undergraduate 13 years ago, and probably reflects well the kind of speculative hopes that drove this area of research from the beginning:

    It also seems extremely likely that some UV/IR links – modeled by the modular invariance in the context of perturbative closed strings – will be important for the formulation of the ultimate principle. Non-perturbatively, it seems obvious that such a link will have to constrain the black hole microstates, i.e. the generic high-mass particle species in any theory of quantum gravity. The spectrum and detailed structure of the black hole microstates must be linked to low-energy fields and all of their higher-order interactions. These conditions will admit a limited number of solutions that will coincide with the allowed configurations of string/M-theory.

    Moreover, it’s conceivable that we won’t be able to work “fully on the worldsheet” or “fully in the spacetime”. I feel that the ultimate set of consistency rules for quantum gravity will work “simultaneously” for the generalized worldvolumes as well as spacetime. So I am spending a lot of time by attempts to import some lessons – and methods to derive or generate new degrees of freedom – from spacetimes to the worldvolumes, and vice versa.

    Modular invariance, mutual locality of operators, Dirac quantization rules, similar conditions, and their generalizations play an important role. But it remains to be seen whether there is a concise, ultimate principle or set of principles, why it generalizes the conformal symmetry (and modular invariance) in the perturbative limit, and why it admits old perturbative solutions as well as new, non-perturbative solutions such as the 11-dimensional vacuum of M-theory.

    Of course, one of the most obvious testing grounds for such new sets of ideas is the exceptional U-duality group of M-theory on tori – i.e. the maximally supersymmetric supergravity. The exceptional groups are pretty and they must have a pretty cool explanation in terms of a structure we still don’t fully know.

    Like Gell-Mann, Lubos expects the right theory to emerge not from choice of a specific set of dynamical degrees of freedom, but by a “bootstrap”: discovery of some sort of consistency conditions that uniquely pick out the right theory. The idea is that you don’t have to get to fundamental variables at the bottom of things to rest your theory on, but can by some other means “pick yourself up by your bootstraps”. Since this doesn’t work in real life, I’ve always wondered why its advocates didn’t pick a more convincing name…

    Lubos ends his posting with:

    I think that some kind of bootstrap is needed to determine what “M” and its structure of symmetries really is. Is there a third person in the world who cares about this possibly most important question of science? These core topics of string theory are currently understudied at least by two orders of magnitude.

    The question of why so few string theorists work on this question is an interesting one. The M-theory conjecture drove string theory research for many years. My own suspicion is that the fact of the matter is that most string theorists have just given up on it. The AdS/CFT correspondence appears to give a non-perturbative definition of string theory in a particular background (in terms of a QFT), and string theorists are more interested in investigating that than in continuing the so-far futile search for “M-theory”. In addition, arguments of landscapeologists indicate that if you did find the conjectured “M-theory”, it might be a useless untestable “theory” that could explain just about anything.

    Physicists with a sense of history also have another good reason to be suspicious of calls for a new “bootstrap” program. This idea was all the rage during the sixties, but ended up a dismal failure. The conjecture that some known powerful principles (analyticity, crossing, etc..) would have a unique solution satisfying them just turned out to be wrong as a way of understanding the strong interactions. There are lots of possible solutions, and finding the right theory requires identifying the correct one: an SU(3) gauge theory with a specific, very beautiful set of geometrical degrees of freedom. This theory remains poorly understood, and the project of better understanding it recently has revived some of the bootstrap ideas, but in the context of trying out a new choice of geometrical degrees of freedom (twistors). This is now the hot idea of the subject, but it’s no longer one that promises unification via string theory. I suspect Lubos will be increasingly lonely in the pursuit of the dream of his youth, as his colleagues mostly give up on it and move on.

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    Bloggingheads Diavlog With Craig Callender

    There’s a new Bloggingheads Diavlog up today, where philosopher of science Craig Callender and I discuss the topic of Philosophy and the String Wars. Regular readers of the blog will just get to see me make the same points as usual in video format, more interesting might be to hear Craig’s point of view on some of this. We agree about the anthropic principle.

    Those who follow science-blogging controversies will have heard that certain science bloggers have announced a boycott of Bloggingheads, based on the fact that two creationist/ID types had recently been allowed to participate. I heard about this after agreeing to do this latest one, and initially the idea of such a boycott sounded to me completely bizarre. Why would anyone boycott a media outlet that produces a lot of serious and interesting content on the grounds that two out of its hundreds of participants were cranks (I can’t think of ANY completely crank-free media outlet)? So, I recently read much of the on-line discussion, including that of the original boycotters, some non-boycotters (here and here), and the discussion here with Bloggingheads founder Robert Wright, who put up a clarification of the organization’s policy here. After wading through all this, I concluded that, yes, the boycott thing is completely bizarre. For one take on the question that I pretty much fully agree with, see this one by John Horgan.

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    Latest From the LHC

    Things seems to have been going well at the LHC recently, with the current schedule expecting injection of beams in a little more than two months from now, on Thursday November 19. After that, the plan is for a week and a half of beam commissioning at 450 GeV, and 450 GeV collisions at the beginning of December. The machine will then be ramped up to first 1 TeV, then 3.5 TeV, with 3.5 TeV collisions on December 14.

    Soon after that (December 17), the machine will go into a technical stop period for the holidays, starting back up January 7. From then on, the plan is for a month of more commissioning work and pilot physics. The first regular physics run at 3.5 TeV will last about 3 months, with expected luminosity of 54 pb-1. Then in May, the energy will be increased to somewhere in the range of 4-5 TeV, with a run beginning in June at that energy lasting until mid-October, with expected luminosity of 274 pb-1. The machine will then be reconfigured for a one-month run with heavy ions, and then go into a long shutdown at the end of November.

    Anyway, that’s the latest plan, reality may turn out differently. For up to the minute information on how things are going, you can follow along here. The last sector to be ready is now supposed to be sector 67, which is in cooldown, the magnets currently around 200K.

    See here for a recent Science Magazine story on the subject from Adrian Cho.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 9 Comments

    Mathematicians: An Outer View of the Inner World

    A friend recently loaned me a wonderful book, the recently published Mathematicians: An Outer View of the Inner World, which consists mainly of photographs of mathematicians by Mariana Cook, paired with a page of comments from the mathematician being photographed. For more of the photos, see Mariana Cook’s web-site. The comments typically deal with the story of what led the person into mathematics, or a summary of their career, or some general thoughts on mathematics and the pleasures of studying it.

    Many of these mini-essays are well-worth reading. The Viscount Deligne describes working with Grothendieck and contrasts this to some of his later experience:

    When I was in Paris as a student, I would go to Grothendieck’s seminar at IHES and Jean-Pierre Serre’s seminar at the Collège de France. To understand what was being done in each seminar would fill my week. I learned a lot doing so. Grothendieck asked me to write up some of the seminars and gave me his notes. He was extremely generous with his ideas. One could not be lazy or he would reject you. But if you were really interested and doing things he liked, then he helped you a lot. I enjoyed the atmosphere around him very much. He had the main ideas and the aim was to prove theories and understand a sector of mathematics. We did not care much about priority because Grothendieck had the ideas we were working on and priority would have meant nothing. I later met other areas of mathematics where people were worried about doing something first and were hiding what they were doing form one another. I didn’t like it. There are all kinds of mathematicians, even competitive ones.

    Michele Vergne has an intriguing comment about the “quantization commutes with reduction” question, which is a fundamental issue for how symmetries work in quantum physics. When you have a gauge symmetry, do you get the same thing if you first eliminate the gauge variables (go to the symplectic reduction) and then quantize, or if you quantize and then take the gauge-invariant subspace? This turns out to be a remarkably interesting mathematical question. Perhaps the best way to think about its physical significance is to take it as a criterion for any viable notion of exactly what “quantization” is, and how it is supposed to interact with the notion of symmetry.

    Today I can see a dim light on a problem that has been on my mind for a long time. This is the assertion: quantization commutes with reduction. It was a beautiful conjecture of Guillemin-Sternberg, which was clearly true, but revealed itself hard to prove in general. I was able to prove an easy case. A much more difficult case was then proved by another mathematician ten years ago, using surgery. For me, this method via cuts is ugly. I would have liked to prove this conjecture with my own methods. Long after the full proof was found, I kept reorganizing my own arguments in all possible ways. If I repeated them over and over, the difficulties were bound to disappear. But they did not. These ceaseless failed attempts left a scar. I do still hope to discover where exactly the difficulty was, and today I feel I know the small hole where the difficulty was hiding. I think it can be grasped easily. Then, maybe, I will be able to formulate and prove the theorem in a much more general way. True, for thiat I need someone else’s idea, but just recently, I used a brilliant idea of one of my students to explain a very similar phenomenon. I believe it can also be used to understand this case. Anyway, I will try. Tomorrow.

    Posted in Book Reviews | 10 Comments

    String Theory Skeptic

    The latest Forbes magazine has an article entitled String Theory Skeptic, which gives me a lot more credit for the problems of string theory than I deserve.

    The article as I just saw it online appears to have a minor editing problem, with the quote

    It’s common in physics for people to have incredibly ambitious ideas that don’t pan out but lead to rich mathematical ideas that end up being very useful.

    which is attributed to Peskin in the middle of the article, appearing a second time at the end, right after a quote from me. In any case, even if Peskin is the one who said it, not me, it’s something I very much agree with, and perhaps a good summary of the string theory situation.

    Update: I gather that the Peskin quote is the “knockout quote” of the piece, set off and summarizing things, with the online formatting what makes it appear to be in the body, at the end.

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    ICM 2010

    The International Congress of Mathematicians is held every four years, and the next iteration, ICM 2010, will be held about a year from now, in Hyderabad, India. These are huge conferences, planned well in advance, with 1465 mathematicians already pre-registered.

    The list of speakers gives a good indication of what the mathematical establishment views as the most important research activity of the past four years, and this list is now available here. There are a large number of parallel sessions, and a limited number (20) of plenary talks.

    The winners of the Fields medal are announced at the ICM, at the same time as the composition of the committee that made the choice (the chair of the committee, Laszlo Lovasz, is known). One way to help guess who will win a Fields medal is to take a look at those on the speakers list who are under forty. I’m not privy to any inside information, but many people think Ngo is a shoo-in for his work on the fundamental lemma (he’s a plenary speaker), and there’s some speculation about Jacob Lurie (who is a parallel session speaker).

    This year there’s a new prize to be awarded at the ICM, the Chern Medal, for “an individual whose accomplishments warrant the highest level of recognition for outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics.” This one, unlike the Fields, comes with a significant amount of money ($250,000, and another $250,000 for the medalists favorite mathematical organization).

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    The Templeton Foundation has recently been sponsoring a series of Bloggingheads diavlogs, under the name Percontations. This week’s episode is Fiddling With the Knobs of the Universe, and it has cosmologist Anthony Aguirre and string theorist Clifford Johnson doing their best to hype string theory and the landscape. Critics are dismissed as people who believe obviously wrong things like “if it’s statistical it’s not science”.

    Johnson argues that string theory landscape research is just like any other kind of science, capable of making testable statistical predictions, predictions based on generic properties of the theory (e.g. T-duality), and predictions of some parameters based upon fixing others by observation. He neglects to mention that decades of work by people trying to do such things have shown that there are very solid reasons why they don’t work. Not only have no predictions come out of this, but the reasons why have become clear.

    While hyping the landscape, he acknowledges that string theory has had a problem with hype in the past. “We all bought into it to some extent” that string theory was going to give the Standard Model, and it was bad that this was promoted in the press as a polished, definitive story of how the world works. He claims to be happy that this has been backed away from in the last several years (although he never seems to have been happy about the existence of string theory critics who have raised the issue of the problems publicly).

    In a recent posting, Johnson partially resolves a mystery I’d always wondered about, that of why he left Cosmic Variance. He explains that one reason was that Cosmic Variance was taking “the obnoxious route of calling someone an idiot or stupid for their religious beliefs at the outset.” Bloggingheads has recently featured Sean Carroll and Mark Trodden of Cosmic Variance also discussing cosmology and the multiverse (see here and here), but these episodes were not sponsored by Templeton.

    Posted in Multiverse Mania | 35 Comments

    Various and Sundry

    Back from a final short summer vacation, with no further travel plans for the indefinite future. Some things I’ve recently come across that might be of interest:

  • Tommaso Dorigo has posted his contribution to a session on “Blogs, big physics and breaking news” held at last month’s World Conference of Science Journalists in London. There’s a recording of the session available here. Besides Tommaso, one speaker was Matthew Chalmers, who talked a bit about the “String Wars”, including the role of blogs in it. The last speaker was CERN’s James Gillies who discussed CERN’s efforts to do a better job of putting out information about progress on the LHC project, under some pressure from the phenomenon of others disseminating such information if they don’t…. They’ve done a much better job of this recently, putting out informative press releases almost immediately after major decisions are taken. I’m glad to hear that he finds the role of blogs to have been a positive one.

    For a recent LHC update, see these slides from a talk at the Lepton-Photon Symposium. On page 35 there’s a copy of the latest detailed schedule that I’ve seen, which one can compare to the continuing updates on progress here.

  • Also at Lepton-Photon, here’s a talk by Shamit Kachru about using AdS/CFT to build technicolor-type models of electroweak symmetry breaking that involve strongly coupled gauge theories. He and his wife Eva Silverstein will be leaving Stanford and joining the KITP in Santa Barbara this fall, see the press release here.

    For lots more about the KITP, its programs and its finances, see this presentation by David Gross to the NSF.

  • I see there’s an interesting sounding workshop at the Fields Institute this fall, but it scares me to see that it is described as a celebration of Allen Knutson’s 40th birthday. I seem to have gotten old very quickly, with conferences now devoted not only to people younger than me, but to people much younger than me that I recall meeting when they were just starting graduate school…
  • My nomination for the all-time highest quality discussion ever held in a blog comment section goes to the comments on this posting at Secret Blogging Seminar, where several of the best (relatively)-young algebraic geometers in the business discuss the foundations of the subject and how it should be taught.
  • There’s a long and well-informed article here on the multiverse, bringing together the “What the Bleep” crowd, mainstream physicists, theologians, and the logo of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (the one Kachru and Silverstein are escaping from).
  • For a selection of the latest in cutting-edge applications of new internet technology related to physics, there’s Gordon Watts with his Deeptalk, the nLab site of the n-category cafe, and the Twitter feed of Cosmic Variance.
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    This Week’s Hype

    From Softpedia this week, the news is of a Universal Theory of the Universe in the Works. According to the article,

    The theory of quantum mechanics was devised around 1920, and explains all this, but without accounting for gravity. Therefore, uniting the two ideas has since been an effort taken on by a large number of physicists. Now, an international group believes it is closer than ever to finally managing a breakthrough.

    Professors A.A. Coley, from the Dalhousie University, in Halifax, G.W. Gibbons at the University of Cambridge, in the UK, and C.N. Pope at the Texas A&M University, in the United States, led by young mathematician Sigbjørn Hervik, at the University of Stavanger, in Norway, believe that string theory is the best option physics has at bringing the two together.

    It’s hard to tell what this is based on, but the only paper I see with those authors is this one, which doesn’t really have much of anything to do with string theory.

    The source of the Softpedia article is one from Science Daily entitled A Grand Idea About the Universal Universe that tells us that:

    A mathematician in Norway and international fellow scientists have now conceived a grand idea about the universal universe. They have developed a method that may provide answers to universal problems and characterize and describe the universe….

    “The problem is that quantum mechanics does not include gravity and the theory of relativity does not include quantum mechanics”, Hervik says.

    Many attempts have been made to find a unifying theory of both. String theory is the best candidate so far, according to Hervik.

    Ultimately this all goes back to yet another university press release, this one about Hervik’s Universe.

    Posted in This Week's Hype | 15 Comments