Latest Langlands

The site at UBC collecting the work of Robert Langlands is now no longer being maintained. There’s a new site now at the IAS. It includes some interesting recent short articles of various kinds that I hadn’t seen before, including a short autobiographical memoir, an expository piece written for Pour La Science, and another piece which includes extensive speculative remarks about his current thinking on the topic of the “Langlands Program”.

The expository piece includes remarks about the remarkable centrality of representation theory both in number theory and quantum theory:

La leçon que nous voulons tirer de ce dicton, “il se trouve derrière tout nombre quantique une representation d’un groupe”, c’est que tomber en mathématiques ou en physique sur les représentations d’un groupe, c’est souvent tomber sur une veine d’or à laquelle il faut tenir corps et âme.

(“The lesson we would like to draw from this motto [due to Weyl] ‘behind every quantum number is a group representation’, is that when one comes upon group representations in mathematics or physics, one has often come upon a vein of gold, which one must pursue body and soul.”)

On the geometric Langlands front, earlier this month the Clay Mathematics Institute organized a series of talks at RIMS in Kyoto by Bezrukavnikov, Gaitsgory and Nakajima about various aspects of the subject. Unfortunately notes from the lectures don’t seem to be available anywhere that I have looked.

Last week the KITP in Santa Barbara hosted a mini-conference on Dualities in Physics and Mathematics, with some of the talks devoted to topics relating geometric Langlands and quantum field theory.

Posted in Langlands | 1 Comment

The Nature of Truth

Seed Magazine has a video and transcript up of a discussion between cosmologist Paul Steinhardt and philosopher of science Peter Galison advertised as The physicist and the historian discuss the nature of truth as theoretical models of the universe become increasingly difficult to test.

Steinhardt is no fan of the anthropic landscape and makes a general attack on the idea of eternal inflation, explaining why he prefers his cyclic model:

The original idea — the way it’s often talked about in literature and textbooks, even the way we talk to students — is that inflation makes everything in the universe the same. What we’ve learned is that inflation actually divides the universe up into little sectors that are all different from one another. Some regions of space would be habitable like ours, but others would be inhabitable; still others would be habitable but would not have the same physical laws or the same distributions of matter that we see here…

Because you have an infinite number of everything, you have no rigorous mathematical or statistical way of computing a probability — it’s not even a sensible question to ask. So people are in the process of trying to regulate this infinity. For example, they try to invent a rule for deciding probability that makes what we see likely. But there’s no way of deciding why that rule instead of some other one. They simply keep trying until they’ve found the answer they wanted. Some people are going down that path and are prepared to declare victory if they find something they think works.

Others take a different path. They accept the infinity of infinities and the fact that they can’t find any measure for deciding whether our circumstance is more probable or not. They’ll be satisfied with the fact that at least some patches look like what we see, and will declare victory on that basis.

Personally, I don’t find either of these approaches acceptable, which is why I have developed an alternative picture in which the big bang is not the beginning. A big bang repeats at regular intervals of a trillion years or so, and the evolution of the universe is cyclic.

The two then get into a philosophy and history of science discussion, starting with Steinhardt’s:

We’ve been talking about an example in which you have a complex energy landscape and an infinite number of possibilities for the universe. But we have no real explanation as to why things are the way they are, because it could have been different.

So it has no power. And without real explanatory power, it’s not interesting to me. But I’d be interested to hear how this has played out in the history of science.

and Galison’s response:

We have that sort of split right now among the string theorists. One side says, “Look, what’s really scientific is to say there’s this infinite or very huge number of craters to be imagined in some landscape, each of which carries different physical particles and different physical laws and so on. And we happen to live in one of them.”

But the other says, “You’ve given up! You’ve given up the historical project of science. We went into string theory because we wanted to produce a theory that had one parameter, or very few movable parts. And now instead of a glider you’ve got a helicopter with 10,000 little pieces that have to move exactly the same way. If the slightest thing goes off, it falls to the ground in a heap of burning aluminum.”

It’s really an interesting moment in that way.

Steinhardt describes the current situation as follows:

I think it’s historic. There’s a certain community that feels, “This is an ‘aha’ moment. Science has to change. We have to accept that science has limits. There’s only a certain amount that we’ll be able to predict. Beyond that we’re going to accept that we live in some special corner of space in which seemingly universal laws — including Newton’s law of gravity — are just local environmental laws that aren’t really characteristic of the whole.”

Other groups say, “Hold it, this is failure. We either find ways of fixing the problems in those theories, or we scrap them and replace them with something else.”

The source of the problem here is not actually eternal inflation, but string theory. It is the fact that one needs to postulate a huge landscape in string theory in order to have something complicated and intractable enough to evade conflict with experiment that is the problem. Once one has this, and populates it with eternal inflation, then one has a pseudo-scientific framework with no explanatory or predictive power. Galison notices that string theorists are dividing up into those who follow this path, and those unhappy with it, but it is only Steinhardt who makes the obvious point that what’s going on here is just garden-variety scientific failure. The failure though is not attributable to the general idea of inflation, but rather to the string theory-based assumption that fundamental physical theory involves a hopelessly complicated set of possibilities for low-energy physics.

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 25 Comments

Collider Smackdowns

If you’re interested in particle physics and not regularly reading Tommaso Dorigo’s blog, you should be. His latest posting reports on incendiary claims by Michael Dittmar of the CMS collaboration that recent Tevatron Higgs mass limits are wrong and not to be believed. According to Dittmar, the Tevatron is basically useless for looking for a SM Higgs, with only the future LHC experiments ever having a chance to see anything or produce real limits. You can look at the slides and the blog posting and make up your own mind. From what I can tell, Dittmar doesn’t make a strong enough case to show that the Tevatron results are wrong. It remains true of course that the statistical significance of the limits being set (“95% confidence level”), is right at the edge of what is normally taken as capable of seriously ruling something out.

In the latest New York Review of Books, Freeman Dyson, in context of a review of Frank Wilczek’s The Lightness of Being, engages in his own smackdown of particle physics at colliders. Here’s what Dyson has to say about the LHC, and colliders in general:

Wilczek’s expectation, that the advent of the LHC will bring a Golden Age of particle physics, is widely shared among physicists and widely propagated in the press and television. The public is led to believe that the LHC is the only road to glory. This belief is dangerous because it promises too much. If it should happen that the LHC fails, the public may decide that particle physics is no longer worth supporting. The public needs to hear some bad news and some good news. The bad news is that the LHC may fail. The good news is that if the LHC fails, there are other ways to explore the world of particles and arrive at a Golden Age. The failure of the LHC would be a serious setback, but it would not be the end of particle physics.

There are two reasons to be skeptical about the importance of the LHC, one technical and one historical. The technical weakness of the LHC arises from the nature of the collisions that it studies. These are collisions of protons with protons, and they have the unfortunate habit of being messy. Two protons colliding at the energy of the LHC behave rather like two sandbags, splitting open and strewing sand in all directions. A typical proton–proton collision in the LHC will produce a large spray of secondary particles, and the collisions are occurring at a rate of millions per second. The machine must automatically discard the vast majority of the collisions, so that the small minority that might be scientifically important can be precisely recorded and analyzed. The criteria for discarding events must be written into the software program that controls the handling of information. The software program tells the detectors which collisions to ignore. There is a serious danger that the LHC can discover only things that the programmers of the software expected. The most important discoveries may be things that nobody expected. The most important discoveries may be missed.

He goes on to somehow count Nobel prizes for experimental results in particle physics, with the conclusion:

The results of my survey are then as follows: four discoveries on the energy frontier, four on the rarity frontier, eight on the accuracy frontier. Only a quarter of the discoveries were made on the energy frontier, while half of them were made on the accuracy frontier. For making important discoveries, high accuracy was more useful than high energy. The historical record contradicts the prevailing view that the LHC is the indispensable tool for new discoveries because it has the highest energy.

His argument that proton collider physics is problematic because of the huge backgrounds and difficulty of designing triggers just states the reasons why these are complicated and difficult experiments. Despite the difficulties, they have produced a huge number of new physics results. He doesn’t give the details of how he is counting and categorizing Nobel Prize winning results, so that part of his argument is hard to evaluate.

In opposition to colliders, Dyson wants to make the case for passive detectors, with his main example Raymond Davis’s discovery that the neutrino flux from the sun is 1/3 what it should be. I don’t really see though why he sets up such experiments in opposition to high energy accelerator experiments. Right now many of them actually are accelerator experiments (for example MiniBoone), with an accelerator being used to produce a beam of neutrinos sent to the passive detector. Dyson’s point that if one is very smart and lucky one may get indirect evidence about physics at high energy scales from passive detectors looking at cosmic rays is valid enough, but there is no shortage of people trying to do this, and it is every bit as problematic as working with colliders. There are inherent reasons that such experiments can’t directly investigate the highest energies or shortest distance scales the way a collider experiment can. It’s extremely hard to come up with a plausible scenario in which cosmic ray experiments will give you any information about the big remaining mystery of particle physics, electroweak symmetry breaking.

While I agree with Dyson that the huge sales job to the public about a new golden age of physics coming out of the LHC is a mistake. I don’t see any reason to believe that if it fails cosmic ray experiments are going to get us to a golden age. If and when particle physics reaches a final energy frontier, with higher energies forever inaccessible to direct experiment, hopes for a golden age are going to rest on theory, not experiment, and recent experience with such hopes isn’t very promising.

Update: This Sunday the New York Times will have a profile of Dyson, see here.

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Old Enough for Kindergarten

Today is the fifth anniversary of the start of this blog, something that has caused me to go back and take a look at some of the early postings, and meditate a bit on what has happened during the past five years.

The first posting was content-free, just an experiment to see if the software worked. The inspiration for starting the blog included the examples of Jacques Distler’s Musings, which had been around for a while, and Sean Carroll’s Preposterous Universe, which he had just started. At the time I had finished writing the book Not Even Wrong, and was in the process of getting it published. The initial idea behind the blog was that it would be a place to comment on and share information with others about topics in math and physics that interested me, including following the on-going story of string theory, which plays a crucial role in the intersection of the two subjects.

A few days later, the first substantive posting was a discussion of a talk by David Gross at CUNY on The Coming Revolutions in Fundamental Physics. Gross had been giving similar talks for several years (you can see a version from 2001 here), and continues to do so to this day (in a few weeks, he’ll be at UC Davis, see here). I don’t see anything I’d want to change in my posting from five years ago, and find this in itself somewhat remarkable. One thing that I’m sure has changed in the more recent versions of the talk is that they don’t include the prediction that 2007-8 will see a headline in the New York Times about the discovery of supersymmetry at the LHC. One feature of many theorist’s talks in recent years has been consistently overly optimistic predictions about when results from the LHC will arrive.

The next posting was an attempt to balance the previous one with something positive and uncontroversial, a discussion of the importance of understanding electroweak symmetry breaking, along with speculation that this might end up having something to do with our still imperfect understanding of chiral gauge symmetry at a non-perturbative level. I found the reaction to this posting truly bizarre, and it gave an inkling of some of the strange chapters to come in what some started to refer to as the “string wars”. Over the years I’d heard from some people that quite a few string theory enthusiasts were convinced that the only possible explanation for skepticism was the ignorance of skeptics. String theory is certainly a remarkably complex and difficult subject, and many skeptics will freely admit to not understanding the subject well, but my own personal experience talking to string theorists was that they were well-aware that there were good reasons for skepticism. Over the years, even many experts who had worked on the subject had come to the conclusion that string theory unification was not as promising as initially hoped, and had moved on to work on different things.

A few months later, Harvard’s recently promoted faculty member Lubos Motl started up his blog, The Reference Frame, which kicked the pathological nature of the discussion of string theory up to a whole new level. By the way, it seems that the main character of one of the most popular shows on US television is based on Lubos, and there’s a campaign to get an Emmy for the actor portraying this character. You really couldn’t make stuff like this up.

Five years later, some things have definitely changed. String theory remains a very powerful political force in the theoretical physics community, but the very public debate over the problems of the subject has taken a huge toll. Perhaps the most accurate indicator of how an academic field is doing in the marketplace of ideas is how many universities are investing in tenure-track appointments in the field. At least in the US, the situation here for string theory is dire. I may be missing someone, but taking a look at the latest information about particle theory tenure-track positions in the US available here, I don’t see any string theorist even making it to the short lists. At least in the US these days, if you want a permanent position in particle theory, you need to be doing something in phenomenology or cosmology. From what I hear, a common situation in physics departments is that the argument for string theory that “let’s wait for the LHC results for vindication” has been taken to heart, with departments figuring that now is not the time to hire in string theory, deciding instead to wait a few years and see if it collapses completely or gets revived by whatever comes out of the LHC.

One sad aspect of all this is that it includes a generalized backlash against the use of sophisticated mathematical ideas in particle theory. Many physicists have drawn the conclusion from the failure of string theory that the problem was too much mathematics, rather than a wrong idea (even string theorists are moving away from mathematics: unlike many years, I see no mathematicians listed as speaking at Strings 2009). Maybe LHC results will point the way forward, but if not, and progress instead requires a deeper mathematical understanding of quantum field theory, the only place for people to get hired working on this will be mathematics, not physics departments, and this is a less than ideal situation for many reasons.

The devolution of string theory unification into pseudo-scientific argumentation about the multiverse is another cause for physics departments to shy away from the subject. This has also been deadly for the public perception of the subject. For this week’s example, see a story in the Boston Globe which compares the scientific status of string theory with that of alchemy:

And at the cutting edge of modern physics, string theory purports to offer a complete but possibly unprovable explanation of the universe based on 11 dimensions and imperceptibly tiny strings.

Alchemists wouldn’t recognize the mathematics behind the theory. But in its grandeur, in its claim to total authority, in its unprovability, they would surely recognize its spirit.

Searching the NSF physics awards database for the strings “multiverse” or “anthropic” turns up nothing, and I suspect that even the proponents of this research are well aware that their colleagues want nothing to do with it. For funding they may have to turn to other sources, including the Templeton Foundation, which recently financed a meeting at a resort in the Cayman Islands which brought together people from the world of business and philanthropy with an array of physicists, including the multiverse crowd. A report on the meeting, with some slides of presentations, is available here.

A somewhat related piece of news is that yesterday the Templeton Foundation announced that Bernard d’Espagnat is the latest winner of its $1.4 million Templeton Prize. d’Espagnat has a long career of serious work on the philosophy and interpretation of quantum mechanics, but what makes him eligible for the prize is having indulged in a certain amount of obscurantism concerning quantum mechanics, coupled with an indulgent attitude towards religion:

Classical physics developed by Isaac Newton believes it can describe the world through laws of nature that it knows or will discover. But quantum physics shows that tiny particles defy this logic and can act in indeterminate ways.

D’Espagnat says this points toward a reality beyond the reach of empirical science. The human intuitions in art, music and spirituality can bring us closer to this ultimate reality, but it is so mysterious we cannot know or even imagine it.

“Mystery is not something negative that has to be eliminated,” he said. “On the contrary, it is one of the constitutive elements of being.”

“I believe we ultimately come from a superior entity to which awe and respect is due and which we shouldn’t try to approach by trying to conceptualize too much,” he said. “It’s more a question of feeling.”

I’m looking forward to seeing what happens over the next five years. Surely we’ll finally start seeing results from the LHC and maybe they’ll re-invigorate particle physics. The wide variety of work on mathematics inspired by quantum field theory may also lead to progress of one sort or another. As ever, obscurantism and pseudo-science will find proponents, but I don’t think they’ll make much headway in the scientific community, even with funding from the wealthy. Undoubtedly things will happen that I can’t possibly imagine at this point. I hope that they’re positive things for mathematics and physics, or, at least, entertaining.

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New Higgs Mass Limits

The new combined CDF/D0 Higgs mass limits are out, there’s a paper here. At a confidence level of 95%, a standard model Higgs is excluded for a mass range between 160 and 170 GeV. At a confidence level of 90%, the range excluded is 157-181 GeV. Precision electroweak measurements already constrain the Higgs mass to lie below 185 GeV (at 95% confidence level).

Taken all together, it now looks likely that, if there is a standard model Higgs, its mass is in the region 114-157 GeV. With the data they have analyzed so far, the Tevatron experiments are only able to say that the cross-section for producing a SM Higgs over this mass region cannot be more than 2-3 times the SM value. They still have more data in hand to analyze, and the machine continues to run well. It will likely stay in operation at least a couple more years, possibly doubling the number of collisions already collected. The paper promises:

The sensitivity of our combined search is expected to grow substantially in the near future with the additional luminosity already recorded at the Tevatron and not yet analyzed, and with additional improvements of our analysis techniques which will be propagated in the current and future analyses.

Now, we just need to hope that they don’t find the SM Higgs in this remaining region, which would make things really interesting…

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 9 Comments

Twistor Fever

It’s becoming clear what the hot new topic in particle theory is these days: the use of twistor space methods to try and understand scattering amplitudes in Yang-Mills and gravity theories, especially the maximally supersymmetric versions. This evening on the arXiv there are two closely related papers on the topic: Scattering Amplitudes and BCFW Recursion in Twistor Space by Lionel Mason and David Skinner, and The S-Matrix in Twistor Space, by Arkani-Hamed and collaborators (there’s also a third, much more distantly related paper, this one). The Arkani-Hamed et al. paper gives an extensive discussion of motivation for this work in the introduction: the structure of scattering amplitudes for these theories is remarkably simple in twistor space, leading to the question of whether one can formulate the full theory directly in twistor space somehow, giving a different sort of holographic dual than the AdS/CFT one.

A very influential version of this idea goes back to Witten’s 2003 paper Perturbative Gauge Theory as a String Theory in Twistor Space, where the dual theory investigated was a topological string theory. This most recent work doesn’t appear to use topological string theory, although Arkani-Hamed et al. are rather cagey on the topic of what sort of twistor space theory is at issue. They promise a forthcoming paper entitled “Holography and the S-matrix”, with:

a completely different picture for computing scattering amplitudes at tree level than given by the BCFW formalism, that we strongly suspect is connected with a maximally holographic description of tree amplitudes that makes all the symmetries of the theory manifest but completely obscures space-time locality.

The history of using twistor-space to study gauge theory goes back a very long ways. Penrose started using twistor techniques to study gravity back in the mid-sixties, and after the 1975 discovery of self-dual solutions to the YM equations (instantons), it became apparent that twistor-space techniques could be used to solve them, turning the problem of solving these non-linear equations into a problem in algebraic geometry, that of constructing certain holomorphic vector bundles. Atiyah was among the mathematicians who got interested in this, and his beautiful 1979 lecture notes Geometry of Yang-Mills Fields remain a wonderful introduction to the mathematical side of the subject. While still a post-doc, Witten worked in this area, coming up in 1978 with an interpretation of the full YM equations using supersymmetry. Work on this topic was what brought Atiyah and other mathematicians into contact with physicists, including Witten, beginning a quite remarkable period of very successful interaction between the two camps.

Twistors were among the things I started thinking about at the end of my graduate school days in the mid-eighties, for a completely different reason, one that has nothing to do with the current interest in the subject. I was interested in the problem of how to put spinors on a lattice, and the twistor geometry story gives a beautiful way of thinking geometrically about spinors. This idea never really got anywhere, although I did notice some relations between the geometry of the standard model gauge groups and representations that I wrote about back in 1987 and still find quite remarkable. It will be interesting to see what new ideas emerge from this latest wave of interest in thinking about quantum field theory in twistor-space.

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Particle Fever

LHC media fever continues this year, with at least three books out or on the way:

The Quantum Frontier: The Large Hadron Collider by Fermilab experimentalist Don Lincoln.

Collider: The Search for the Worlds Smallest Particles by Paul Halpern.


The Large Hadron Collider by Lyn Evans, who knows a thing or two about the subject.

There’s also a documentary entitled Particle Fever being made about the LHC, produced by theorist David Kaplan, who “has discovered some of the most recognizable extensions to the standard model of elementary particles.” The film web-site has bios for five physicists who will feature prominently in the film: three theorists well-known for their work on large extra-dimensional models, one experimentalist from CMS, and one from ATLAS. The ATLAS experimentalist is described as “a leader in the search for extra dimensions.” I can’t find anything about the Higgs on the web-site, maybe they’ve already given up on that and left it to the Tevatron…

The descriptions of the theorists include “responsible for some of the wildest theories about the nature of gravity, cosmology and fundamental particles”, “a leader in the fields of supersymmetry, extra dimensions and new forces… has become a controversial figure by questioning experimentalists’ traditional methods of analyzing the data” and “the most likely to win a Nobel Prize after the LHC data is interpreted.” The experimentalist description is rather more modest (“has been involved in detector R&D and construction, software development and physics data analysis”), nothing about any possible Nobel prizes. If you had to choose whether to be a theorist or an experimentalist, the choice looks easy.

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Latest on the Higgs

The news media are full of stories about the observation at the Tevatron of “single top” production, at a rate consistent with that expected from the Standard Model. There are talks at Fermilab going on about this today, and the papers are here and here. For an expository account, you can’t possibly do better than this one from Tommaso Dorigo.

While these results represent an experimental tour de force, they just confirm what is expected based on the standard model. Much more exciting would be if the Tevatron experiments can tell us something new about the Higgs and the Standard Model, and it looks like that may be coming this Friday afternoon, when a joint talk by the two experiments entitled “Higgs Results from CDF and D0” is scheduled at Fermilab. The two experiments have each collected about 5 fb-1 and started announcing limits on the Higgs based on analysis of up to 4 fb-1, but this is not quite enough for either experiment to be able to on its own exclude at 95% confidence level the Higgs at any particular mass. For this, one needs to combine the data from the two experiments. This was done last year, with results announced last August based on 3 fb-1 per experiment of data. This analysis allowed exclusion of the Higgs at 95% confidence level only in an extremely narrow range, basically just at exactly 170 GeV.

I’m guessing that what will be announced on Friday is exclusion of a Higgs over a much larger mass range. For a preview of this, see page 24 of the slides of a recent talk, where a graph shows what things would look like if you took twice CDF’s data set. This would come very close to excluding a range from 160-165 GeV, and perhaps within reach of excluding a region as large as 155-175 GeV, if not now, with only a moderate amount of more data and effort. It will be very interesting to see what they have…

For more evidence that this is what we’ll be hearing, Newsweek reports that:

This week scientists at Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, will announce new data that not only narrows the gap between them and the coveted God Particle, but also suggests that the LHC may not be particularly well placed to make the discovery at all. The finding is a public-relations blow to the LHC and tarnishes Europe’s newly burnished image as a leader in Big Science….

The Higgs, the new Fermilab data show, does not exist for a portion of the upper range, putting it in the Tevatron’s cross hairs and suggesting that the LHC may be more peripheral to the search than previously thought. “We’ve made their jobs a little bit harder,” says Fermilab physicist Dmitry Denisov, “because we’ve excluded the region they’re good at.”

As the Tevatron shows that it can exclude the Higgs in the higher end of the expected mass region, where the LHC has a huge advantage, that means that either there is no Higgs (and presumably something else more interesting to find), or it exists in the lower part of the expected mass range (above the LEP limit of 114 GeV), where it is hard to find, but the Tevatron is not at such a disadvantage to the LHC. In any case, even if things work out as currently planned, the LHC will not start accumulating the kind of luminosity needed to compete with the Tevatron in this game until their 2011 run. It now appears highly likely that the Tevatron will be running at least through FY 2011 and possibly longer(for more about this, see here).

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 11 Comments

Living With Infinities

Steven Weinberg has a new preprint out entitled Living with Infinities, which is the written version of a recent talk given in memory of Gunnar Källén. Källén was a Swedish mathematical physicist, who died in a plane accident in 1968 at the age of 42. For more about him, see this by Ray Streater.

Weinberg begins by recalling his first first trip to the Bohr Institute in 1954, where he met Källén, who suggested a research problem involving an exactly solvable QFT model invented by TD Lee. The solvability of this model made it possible to use it for investigating renormalization outside of perturbation theory. Källén and Pauli showed that the model was non-unitary, Weinberg showed that it had states with complex energies.

In his talk, Weinberg describes Källén’s work during the 1950s investigating the question of how QED gets renormalized, outside the context of perturbation theory. Källén found an argument showing that at least one of the renormalization constants must be infinite but Weinberg notes that Källén never claimed the argument was rigorous, and concludes: “As far as I know, this issue has never been settled.” He goes on to give the now conventional Wilsonian description of the non-perturbative situation and the possibility that no non-trivial continuum limit exists. This question is now considered somewhat academic, since it is assumed that QED gets unified with other interactions and ultimately with gravity at energies below those at which the behavior of the coupling becomes problematic.

Weinberg states in his abstract that he will present his personal view on how the problem of infinities may ultimately be resolved. Here’s what he has to say about this:

My own view is that all of the successful field theories of which we are so proud — electrodynamics, the electroweak theory, quantum chromodynamics, and even General Relativity — are in truth effective field theories, only with a much larger characteristic energy, something like the Planck energy….

None of the renormalizable versions of these theories really describes nature at very high energy, where the non-renormalizable terms in the theory are not suppressed. From this point of view, the fact that General Relativity is not renormalizable in the Dyson sense is no more (or less) of a fundamental problem than the fact that non-renormalizable terms are present along with the usual renormalizable terms of the Standard Model. All of these theories lose their predictive power at a sufficiently high energy. The challenge for the future is to find the final underlying theory, to which the effective field theories of the standard model and General Relativity are low-energy approximations.
It is possible and perhaps likely that the ingredients of the underlying theory are not the quark and lepton and gauge boson fields of the Standard Model, but something quite different, such as a string theory. After all, as it has turned out, the ingredients of our modern theory of strong interactions are not the nucleon and pion fields of Källén’s time, but quark and gluon fields, with an effective field theory of nucleon and pion fields useful only as a low-energy approximation.
But there is another possibility. The underlying theory may be an ordinary quantum field theory, including fields for gravitation and the ingredients of the Standard Model…

He then goes on to describe the “asymptotic safety” scenario where the renormalized couplings approach a non-trivial fixed point as the energy cut-off is taken to infinity, a fixed point which presumably cannot be studied in perturbation theory, writing:

Other techniques such as dimensional continuation, 1/N expansions, and lattice quantization have provided increasing evidence that gravitation may be part of an asymptotically safe theory.

and referring to papers by Reuter/Saueressig, Percacci, and Litim (Percacci has a web-page about asymptotic safety here). He ends with the conclusion that, since string theory might not have any role in a fundamental theory, with only QFT needed to understand quantum gravity:

So it is just possible that we may be closer to the final underlying theory than is usually thought.

In these days of string landscape ideology, this possibility is an important one to keep in mind.

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Worth Reading

Lots of wonderful blog postings about math and physics out there worth reading, with a small sample including these:

  • Jester on SUSY and the Higgs.
  • Dmitry Podolsky has some very useful guests posts on various topics, including chirality on the lattice (here and here), and 3d-gravity.
  • Rigorous Trivialities has lots of nice expository postings about algebraic geometry, with the latest by Columbia’s own Matt DeLand on the K-theory of coherent sheaves.
  • From CERN, here’s a report from JoAnne Hewett about the summary session discussing the Chamonix workshop on the state of the LHC and plans for getting it up and running. The current schedule, which is tight, has collisions starting in November of this year, and running for nearly a year until late 2010. To accumulate an amount of data that would allow some significant new results (about 50pb-1) should take six months or so, until mid-2010. The hope is to get to 2-300 pb-1 later in 2010 before shutting down. This would not allow the LHC to do better than the Tevatron on the Higgs. For that, we’ll probably have to wait for data from the 2011 run. By the time this data is in, the Tevatron should have about 10fb-1 to analyze, and may already have seen evidence of the Higgs.

    Also at CERN, there has recently been a conference on the topic From the LHC to a future collider. Lots of interesting talks about future possiblities, including the ILC, CLIC, colliding LHC protons with electrons, as well as the possibility of a muon collider.

    More and more areas of mathematics have a blog, here’s one for motivic homotopy.

    Bert Schroer has updated two of his long articles that discuss both the sociology and conceptual framework of quantum string theory: String theory deconstructed, is dedicated to Philip Anderson and has a new section about history of the subject in Germany, and String theory and the crisis of particle physics, which is dedicated to Juergen Ehlers.

    I hadn’t realized that Physics World has a blog. Among the latest entries are two reports (here and here) about Lenny Susskind’s recent talk to 700 people in Bristol about Darwin and the Cosmic Landscape. Susskind is still at it selling string theory and the multiverse to the public, no matter how unconvinced his colleagues may be:

    Just as there is a vast landscape of biological designs, our best theories of physics imply an equally vast landscape of universe designs. String theory provides an analogue of DNA for the universe and modern cosmology makes use of a principle of mutation that creates a tremendously large multiverse.

    It seems that

    The central tenet of Susskind’s talk was that string theorists should look to Darwin because he “set the standard for what an explanation should be like”.

    Funny, I always thought it was physics itself which set such a standard for the biological sciences, but I guess the idea now is to give up on that and have them be the gold standard.

    While many theoretical physicists in their later years try and go for the Einstein look, according to one of the Physics World bloggers, Susskind is doing a good job of looking like Darwin.

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