More on FY 2008 HEP Budget Cuts

The disastrous US HEP budget cuts that were announced just before Christmas, a quarter of the way into the fiscal year, have been getting a lot more attention from bloggers now that the holiday season is over, and their implications are starting to become clear. There are new blog posts from HEP bloggers Tommaso Dorigo, Alexey Petrov, Gordon Watts, and Michael Schmitt (as well as non-HEP blogger Chad Orzel).

It seems to me that Gordon Watts has it about right, entitling his posting “Screwed by the Democrats”. As far as I can tell, very few people know who it was that made the last-minute decision to hit HEP with these huge budget cuts targeted at its future programs or what their justification for this was. Presumably this was done by certain staff members of the heads of the relevant Congressional committees. Gordon explains how all the evidence points to physics getting cut precisely because the relevant parts of the executive branch had made it a priority in their proposed budget. When the Democrats lost the game of chicken that they and the White House were playing with the budget, and had to find some way to make cuts at the last minute, things that were an administration priority were first in line to get cut. So, HEP lost out here not because it has done a bad job at making its case, but because it did too good a job….

One reason that these large cuts had to be made was the decision by the Congressional leadership not to do what they had done last year, which was to cut all earmarks from the DOE budget. A new AAAS analysis concludes that the new budget contains $4.5 billion in R and D earmarks, and that the DOE and Department of Agriculture were the most heavily earmarked R and D agencies.

Some bloggers have suggested that physicists need to redouble their efforts in public education about HEP, but I think Gordon is a bit closer to the right idea, as he has sent $250 as a campaign contribution to Bill Foster, a Fermilab physicist who is running for Congress. Probably even more effective would be if the APS would put out a web-page explaining exactly which of our Congressional representatives were responsible for deciding to hit HEP with these cuts. If they would do that we could then all write to these people saying that we appreciate their public service and include a large check for a campaign contribution, at the same time mentioning that HEP funding happens to be a big personal concern. This seems to be how US democracy works these days: you need to pay to not get screwed, and we haven’t been paying…

As for what the effects of these cuts are, there’s more news coverage here, here, here, here, and here (Fermilab has a web-page of links here). Here is the text of SLAC director Persis Drell’s talk at an All Hands meeting there. The effect of the cuts on SLAC will include having to lay-off 125 people and shut down the B-factory at the beginning of March. Layoffs will be announced in early February, with people leaving their jobs in early April. Senator Durbin of Illinois is talking about an effort to add money for Fermilab to the Iraq War “emergency funding” bill the Senate will be taking up this spring, but says “It won’t be a huge amount… I don’t want to suggest to anyone we will make them whole.” It’s unclear whether this is a realistic possibility, or just Durbin trying to look like he is doing something about this.

Update: Here’s a letter about this from Dennis Kovar at the DOE. There’s a detailed article about the situation by Adrian Cho at Science magazine.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 34 Comments

This Week’s Hype

New Scientist had the good sense to pass on last week’s hype about string theory testability, but is responsible for this week’s hype on the subject, with an article entitled String theory may predict our universe after all. It’s unclear why the article is appearing now, since it is based on a six-month-old preprint from a group at Oxford entitled Triadophilia: A Special Corner of the Landscape.

The authors basically just point out that there are very few known Calabi-Yau manifolds with small Hodge numbers, which thus have a small enough Euler characteristic to give just three generations. They speculate that some unknown dynamical vacuum selection mechanism favors these particular manifolds. In their paper they look only at the topology of the manifolds, so the only “prediction” about our universe is that the number of generations will be small, and this “prediction” is based on assuming an unknown dynamics that favors small numbers of generations.

There has been a huge industry since the late 1980s devoted to trying to extract physics out of the sorts of Calabi-Yaus studied by the Oxford group. This hasn’t gotten very far, with rather elaborate mathematical constructions being used to try and get the quantum numbers of the standard model particles to come out right. One problem with this is that one is not even sure that this is what one wants, since maybe the LHC will find more particles. The groups pursuing this strategy don’t seem to have taken much interest in the Candelas et. al paper, since SPIRES shows that no one has cited it during the last six months.

It looks like 2008 is not going to show any slackening of the promotion by string theorists of bogus “Despite what the critics say, string theory really is predictive!” stories to the press. This one contains quotes from Polchinski that the paper is “neat” and “Maybe it gives us a clue”, and from Strominger that it is “beautiful”. Strominger also minimizes the fact that the Landscape is a problem for string theory, saying:

I don’t think it is incumbent upon string theory to solve the problem of the landscape… If we can’t make the landscape go away, it doesn’t mean that string theory is wrong. It just means it is not a complete solution to all our problems.

Michael Duff says the paper makes “some mathematically sound and interesting observations”, but does note that it doesn’t explain what selects small Hodge numbers, which is about the only slight amount of non-hype that makes it into the article.

Update: As a commenter here points out, the New Year also brings new progress on the scientific investigation of the landscape/multiverse, with a preprint from Don Page about how God loves all universes, not just ours.

Posted in This Week's Hype | 47 Comments

End-of-year Links

Every year around this time the Edge web-site posts responses from a large number of scientists to some particular question. This year the question is “What have you changed your mind about? Why?”, and the results should be posted tomorrow. John Baez has posted his answer here. He writes that he changed his mind about the question of whether he should be thinking about quantum gravity after he realized “the more work we did, the more I realized I didn’t know what questions we should be asking!”, and compares the effort to “throwing darts in a darkened room and hoping to hit the bull’s-eye.” Since changing his mind he has been working on other things, and feels that as a result “I’m making more real progress understanding the universe than I ever did before.”

I think I share John’s point of view on this in many ways, even though I’ve never actively worked on a quantum gravity research project. The problem with quantum gravity research has always seemed to me that, since you can’t measure quantum gravitational effects, you’re in great danger of coming up with lots and lots of “quantum gravities”, but unable to ever know which if any of them has anything to do with the real world. This is kind of what has happened with string theory in recent years. One hope has always been that one will find a mathematically uniquely compelling model, but that has yet to happen. To me the best bet has always been that one might understand quantum gravity by unifying it with the standard model, in a compelling way such that the unified theory explains some of the things the standard model leaves unresolved. This hope was also behind much of the original interest in string theory: it wasn’t just a quantum theory of gravity, but also a theory of particle physics that could be tested.

Like John, I think we still have a long ways to go towards understanding at a deep enough level how quantum field theories really work, and how the internal symmetries of particle physics and the space-time symmetries of gravity can be unified into a more fundamental structure. Progress towards this goal may even require new mathematics, and this means there are all sorts of things to think about and work on.

One person who hasn’t changed his mind about some things is Lubos Motl. According to his latest posting, I’m

…a typical incompetent, power-thirsty, active moron of the kind who often destroy whole countries if they get a chance to do it.

The arXiv puts out charts each year showing the number of submissions by category, the ones for 2007 are now available here. Commentary about this here and here. The general trend is that quite a few years ago the number of HEP papers leveled off, as just about all of them were posted on the arXiv. The number of math papers is still growing quickly, it is only recently that posting math preprints to the arXiv has become a widespread practice. While mathematicians probably write papers at a slower rate than physicists, there are a lot more mathematicians than particle physicists.

The end of 2007 has brought one undesirable change. Recently I was down in Princeton, and found out that the University Store, traditionally one of the best places in the world to buy math and physics books, has now gone out of the book-selling business, turning it over the Labyrinth Books. The new Labyrinth store has some math and physics books, but far, far fewer. Maybe they just are getting started, and 2008 will bring better news about this.

This past summer Terry Tomboulis posted a preprint claiming to have a proof of confinement. Recently there has been a note posted on the arXiv by Ito and Seiler claiming to have found a problem with his proof, and a response from him claiming there is no problem. I’d love to hear from an expert who has taken the time to follow these arguments carefully and can explain what is going on here.

For a recent article by Arthur Jaffe surveying the history of rigorous studies of quantum field theory, see here.

Heading off late tomorrow for a 9 day vacation in Paris. Blogging will probably be light to non-existent and it will take me longer to get around to deleting comments. Please don’t feed the trolls.

Best wishes to all for the new year….

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This Week’s Hype

Over the past year or so, as public awareness has grown that string theory is a failed idea about unification due to its inherent untestability, I’ve been surprised by the way in which many in the string theory community have chosen to deal with this. Instead of just honestly admitting what the problems are and describing the sensible reasons to keep working on string theory despite them, some have decided instead that the thing to do is to go to the press with misleading and dishonest claims that string theory really is testable.

The endless examples of this in New Scientist are probably best ignored, but this week’s example is being promoted in the highly respectable journal Nature. It’s all based on this letter to Nature from a group of condensed matter physicists at Lancaster University, now prominently highlighted as an “Advance Online Publication” at the Nature Physics web-site. The authors describe an experiment in which they manipulate the boundary between phases in a superfluid, showing that when such boundaries come together, one gets left-over in the remaining phase the well-known topological defects that one would expect.

The Nature letter itself makes rather ridiculous claims that this kind of otherwise unremarkable phenomenon is somehow closely related to brane cosmology and string theory. The authors do note that

The precise correspondence between the 3He phase interface and a cosmological brane is still a matter of discussion, the closest correspondence probably being to the D-brane. For the present purposes we may note that the correspondences are as much topological as specific.

While the letter makes no explicit claims about “testing” string theory, the press release issued by Lancaster is the usual sort of dishonest nonsense:

Low-temperature physicists at Lancaster University may have found a laboratory test of the ‘untestable’ string theory.

The test – which uses two distinct phases of liquid helium – is reported online this week in Nature Physics (published 23 December). Their paper will also be published as the cover article in the paper edition of Nature Physics in January.

String theory is a multidimensional theory based on vibrating strings, as opposed to the point particles described in the Standard Model.

Within string theory, a brane is a large surface embedded in higher dimensional space — our Universe could occupy such a brane.

A collision between a brane and an antibrane can leave behind topological defects, including perhaps the Big Bang itself. But however elegant this theory, it makes no falsifiable predictions, or at least none using current technology.

Richard Haley and the ULT Group have taken a lateral step to address this barrier….

Similar wording is used in a press release put out by Nature about this.

Nature has a relatively reasonable news story by Geoff Brumfiel about this, but also an article by string theorist Cliff Burgess hyping string cosmology (“The subject of string cosmology is a hot one these days, with theoretical advances in understanding string dynamics riffing with recent precise observations of the cosmic microwave background”) and the relevance of the Lancaster group’s work to it. He mostly sticks to hype in its pure form, just devoting one paragraph to the actual scientific result. There he ends up acknowledging that this actually has nothing to do with string theory in the following rather ludicrous way:

The quality of the details of the comparison between 3He and cosmology is not really the point. Like a tap-dancing snake, what is amazing is not that it is done well, but that it is done at all.

After this he shifts gears to start hyping AdS/CFT, without mentioning that this has nothing to do with the Lancaster group’s claims that he is writing about.

The whole point of this kind of exercise is to generate misleading articles in the press that will convince some people that string theory really is testable. This seems to be working well, there’s already one entitled “Test tube universe” hints at underlying theory in the Telegraph, which tells the public that:

A “universe in a test tube” that could be used to assess theories of everything has been created by physicists…

The Holy Grail of physics is to establish an overarching explanation to unite all the particles and forces of the cosmos. But one of the complaints commonly levelled at a leading contender for a “theory of everything”, called string theory, is that it is impossible to test.

But now, according to the study in the journal Nature Physics, it may be possible using the universe in a test tube. “It was a serendipitous discovery,” says Haley…

For the past three decades it has been known that strings are one member of a bigger class of objects called branes, which exist in higher dimensional space, that could be extended in more than one dimension – from strings of one dimension, to membranes of two dimensions, to those of p dimensions, dubbed p-branes. Moreover string theories and p-branes are facets of one underlying 11-dimensional M theory, which suggests that we live in a brane world: a four-dimensional surface, or brane, in a higher dimensional mixture of space and time.

People and most particles move in the brane, while the higher dimensions provide a framework to unify all forces, from gravity to those that act between atomic particles. While experiments have begun to highlight cracks in the current best theory, called “the standard model”, there is evidence that M theory’s extra hidden dimensions could be revealed next year when a Geneva atom smasher – the £4.4 billion Large Hadron Collider – begins experiments. But the Lancaster team offers another route to address this impasse.

Update: Wired Science has an article about this entitled A Test for String Theory After All? Or Just PR?, which shows excellent judgment by linking to this posting…

On the scientific front, it’s worse than I thought. There a conference in London at the Royal Society next month on Cosmology Meets Condensed Matter, where the head of the Lancaster group will speak, and the idea that “coherent phase boundaries mimic branes” is listed as one of the four justifications for the conference. I guess this emerging new field might best be called “Squalid-State Cosmology”.

Update: David Appell has a posting about this, which includes a quote from Witten:

There is definitely no test of string theory here.

Unlike me, Witten goes on to try and find something positive to say about this.

Update: Physics World has an article about this entitled Cosmic strings in a test tube? In the short article, one of the physicists working on this Richard Haley, is twice described as denying that this is a test of string theory, and Grisha Volovik is “adamant that the work is neither a test of sting [sic] theory…”. Despite these firm denials, the press release from Lancaster about a test of the “untestable” string theory is still up.

Posted in This Week's Hype | 34 Comments

Money, Money, Money

Theoretical physics and mathematics are much cheaper to fund than experimental particle physics. I don’t know yet what the implications of the FY 2008 budget are for these fields, but it appears that they are not facing large cuts like Fermilab. In other funding-related news:

DARPA, a Defense Department division responsible for funding research that might lead to new technology with military applications, is soliciting applications for grants to fund pure mathematical research. In the past they have funded work on the geometric Langlands program, now they have put out a list of 23 Mathematical Challenges, illustrating what they would like to fund. These include some conventional Clay Millennium Prize problems like the Riemann Hypothesis and Hodge Conjecture, and some less conventional ones like

Biological Quantum Field Theory
Quantum and statistical methods have had great success modeling virus evolution. Can such techniques be used to model more complex systems such as bacteria? Can these techniques be used to control pathogen evolution?

There’s even one I find extremely tempting:

Geometric Langlands and Quantum Physics
How does the Langlands program, which originated in number theory and representation theory, explain the fundamental symmetries of physics? And vice versa?

Benjamin Mann, the program officer, explains the rationale here.

On the question of grants, there are some interesting comments by Tom Banks in the comment section of this posting at Cosmic Variance. The posting quotes Harvard president Faust as warning lesser schools that they should get out of the business of scientific research, since Harvard is going to be vigorously and successfully competing for increasingly scarce government funding for such research. Banks describes how when he and others were trying to build up the string theory group at Rutgers

…we never got the kind of government funding that the elite institutions have (I’m counting dollars per person). This was at a time when certain elite institutions were at a low ebb and were getting scandalously large amounts per person in return for mediocre research. And of course, in the end, two of our most successful researchers got stolen away by elite institutions.

I guess he’s referring to Seiberg, who went to the IAS, and Shenker, who went to Stanford. I don’t know which are the “certain elite institutions” that were doing “mediocre research” that he is referring to.

The Rutgers string theory group was originally built up when the university spent large amounts of money to bring in several prominent string theorists. One version of this story that I heard was that a Rutgers official called up Dan Friedan one day in his office, and asked him what it would take to get him and several other well-known string theorists to move there. Friedan had no interest in going to Rutgers, so made up what he considered an absurd list of demands (huge salaries, lots of postdocs, new building, little or no teaching, etc., etc…). The official thanked him and then hung up, with Friedan convinced he’d never hear any more about this. A couple hours later though, the phone rang again. It was the same official, telling Friedan that they would be more than happy to meet all his demands.

Another institution that I hear is trying to compete with the elite by starting up a new, well-funded institute for research in math and physics is Stony Brook. The money is coming from Jim Simons, as part of a donation announced last year. Some other information about donations from Simons to other institutions is available at the Simons Foundation website. This foundation is largely devoted to funding research on autism, but also describes donations to the Math for America program to recruit math teachers, as well as to Brookhaven, Stony Brook, the IAS, IHES and MSRI. Simons has been funding summer workshops at Stony Brook for several years that are largely devoted to string theory. The math department has an NSF-funded RTG program in geometry and physics, and the web-site there includes links to write-ups of some of the expository talks that are part of the program.

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Disastrous FY 2008 DOE Budget

The White House and the Congress, several months into the 2008 fiscal year, finally seem to have come to agreement on a budget, one that fully funds the Iraq war, but has a huge cut in the budget for DOE particle physics research. According to the AIP FYI bulletin, the DOE HEP budget for FY2007 was $751.8 million, and the White House had requested and Congressional committees agreed to $782.3 million for FY2008. The new budget agreement provides only $688.3 million, an 8.5 percent cut from last year. The cut eliminates funding for NOvA this year at Fermilab, and effectively shuts down R and D on the ILC, providing only 25% of the requested amount, much of which has already been spent.

Pier Oddone, the director of Fermilab writes in the December 18 Fermilab Today:

This is a body blow to the future of the ILC, the U.S. role in it and Fermilab…. These proposed cuts, which come on top of the very limited particle physics budgets of the last few years, are destructive of our field and our laboratory. There is no way to sugar-coat this… If this bill becomes law I will be discussing consequences with you in more detail. Until then, I and many others who understand this disaster in the making are trying to inform Congress and the Administration of the dire consequences to the U.S. particle physics research program. These may be unintended consequences that were not considered in the pressure-cooker atmosphere that accompanies an omnibus budget bill.

It’s not clear to me what the prospects are for doing anything about this at this late date in the budget process.

Update: More here, here, here and here.

Update: Also here, here, and here. A spokesperson for Fermilab says “This is the worst funding crisis in the history of the laboratory, no exaggeration” and that one option being considered is shutting down the lab for a few months. Lederman places the blame on spending for the Iraq war and says “I’ve been around this lab since it was all farmland, and I can’t remember a crisis of this severity”. Part of the problem may be the resignation of Dennis Hastert, who had been both the House Speaker and the representative for the district including Fermilab.

Update: JoAnne Hewett has more at Cosmic Variance.

Update: At an all-hands meeting at Fermilab, the director announced that the budget of the lab would be cut $52 million over what they had been expecting for the rest of the fiscal year. Dealing with this will require eliminating 200 full-time-equivalent positions, about 10% of the people working at the lab. They will immediately start shutting down ILC and NOvA, They will try and not shut-down the lab, focusing on keeping the Tevatron running, but will have a system of rolling 2 day/month furloughs, with not everyone furloughed at once. He said the first he heard about this was on Monday. It remains unclear who was responsible for this decision, which seems to have been taken in haste, with very few people involved. It also remains very unclear what this means for next year’s budget, or for the future of the ILC and NOvA.

Part of the story here seems to have been that there was a Congressional decision to fund member’s earmarks, while cutting scientific research that was not funded this way.

The APS has issued a press release about this which states:

This action sends a strong message to the world: The U.S. is prepared to jettison support for one of our flagship areas of science that probes fundamental laws of the universe.

The press release also criticizes the Congressional decision to preserve and expand earmarks while cutting other programs:

The APS notes with some dismay that had Congress applied the same discipline to earmarking as it did last year, the damage to the science and technology enterprise could have been avoided.

Update: One peculiar aspect of this story is how little attention it has gotten from the press (other than the local Illinois press) and from science blogs, where all I’ve seen is mention at Cosmic Variance and Tommaso Dorigo’s blog.

The congressional representatives for the Fermilab district have put out a press release (on the Durbin and Biggert web-sites, looks like Obama couldn’t be bothered to put it up) calling on the DOE Office of Science to “increase the funding request” for HEP in the proposed FY 2009 budget. The language used seems to me to be rather weak, since it doesn’t mention either a size of increase or what base to use. See this comment that just came in for possible news about attempts to restore some of the Fermilab funding.

Update: The Obama web-site now has the press release. There’s an article about this today in the New York Times.

Posted in Experimental HEP News | 62 Comments

Vogan on the Orbit Method

David Vogan was visiting Columbia last week, giving the Ritt Lectures, on the topic of Geometry and Representations of Reductive Groups. He has made available the slides from his lectures here.

Vogan’s talks concentrated on describing the so-called “orbit method” or “orbit philosophy”, which posits a bijection for Lie groups G between

  • Irreducible unitary representations of G
  • and

  • Orbits of G acting on (Lie G)*
  • This is described as a “method” or “philosophy” rather than a theorem because it doesn’t always work, and remains poorly understood in some cases, while at the same time having shown itself to be a powerful source of inspiration in representation theory.

    It is probably best understood as an expression of the deep relationship between quantum mechanics and representation theory, and the surprising power of the notion of “quantization” of a classical mechanical system. In the Hamiltonian formalism, a classical mechanical system with symmetry group G corresponds to what a mathematician would call a symplectic manifold with an action of the group G preserving the symplectic structure. “Geometric quantization” is supposed to associate in some natural way a quantum mechanical system with symmetry group G to this symplectic manifold with G-action, with the Hilbert space of the quantum system providing a unitary representation of the group G. The representation is expected to be irreducible just when the group G acts transitively on the symplectic manifold. One can show that symplectic manifolds with transitive G action correspond to orbits of G on (Lie G)*, the dual space to the Lie algebra of G, with G acting by the dual of the adjoint action. So it is these “co-adjoint orbits” that provide geometrical versions of classical mechanical systems with G symmetry, and the orbit philosophy says that we should be able to quantize them to get irreducible unitary representations, and any irreducible unitary representation should come from this construction.

    That such a “quantization” exists is perhaps surprising. To a quantum system one expects to be able to associate a classical system by taking Planck’s constant to zero, but there is no good reason to expect that there should be a natural way of “quantizing” a classical system and getting a unique quantum system. Remarkably, we are able to do this for many classes of symplectic manifolds. For nilpotent groups like the Heisenberg group, that the orbit method works is a theorem, and this can be extended to solvable groups. What remains to be understood is what happens for reductive groups.

    Already for the simplest case here, compact Lie groups, the situation is very interesting. Here co-adjoint orbits are things like flag manifolds, and the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem says that if an integrality condition is satisfied one gets the expected irreducible representations, sometimes in higher cohomology spaces. One can take “geometric quantization” here to be essentially “integration in K-theory”, realizing representations using solutions to the Dirac equation. Recently Freed-Hopkins-Teleman gave a beautiful construction that gives the inverse map, associating an orbit to a given representation.

    For non-compact real forms of complex reductive groups, like SL(2,R), the situation is much trickier, with the unitary representations infinite dimensional. Vogan’s lectures were designed to lead up to and explain the still poorly understood problem of how to associate representations to nilpotent orbits of such groups. At the end of his slides, he gives two references one can consult to find out more about this.

    Finally, there is a good graduate level textbook about the orbit method, Kirillov’s Lectures on the Orbit Method. For more about the orbit method philosophy, its history and current state, a good source to consult is Vogan’s review of this book in the Bulletin of the AMS.

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    A Passion for Discovery

    I’ve just finished reading a wonderful new book by theoretical physicist Peter Freund, entitled A Passion for Discovery. Freund grew up in Romania, and began his career as a physicist in Europe during the 1950s, emigrating to the US during the 1960s, finally ending up at the University of Chicago, where he is now an emeritus professor.

    When I was writing my own book I tried to include amidst the expository material about physics and mathematics stories of some of the people and events that seemed to me illustrative in one way or another. Freund has had the excellent idea of writing a book that foregrounds such stories, interspersing in the background the actual physics and mathematics. A reader who doesn’t know the science may not learn as much about it from this book as from others, but will get a feel for something perhaps more important, the “culture” of the field of theoretical physics. By this I mean the whole circle of knowledge that makes up the context in which theoretical physicists think and work. A reader who does know the science and some of the stories that Freund tells will deepen his or her knowledge by learning many more that he or she was probably unaware of.

    When I moved from a physics environment to a mathematics one many years ago, one thing that struck me was that I had entered not just a field that studied somewhat different material, but a whole new cultural environment, very much like moving from the US to France. Different fields have different unspoken sets of values and beliefs, derived from their different environments and different histories. Shared stories about the history of the field and the quirks of leading figures of the subject make up a large part of this common culture. Freund does an excellent job of capturing the culture of twentieth-century theoretical physics, and one could learn much more about this from his book than from any textbook or most standard historical treatments.

    It’s tempting to repeat here some of the stories that I learned from Freund’s book, but there really are too many to choose from, so I have to just recommend that you should read for yourself. Among the physicists you can learn about here are: Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Pauli, Dirac, Stueckleberg, Feynman, Salam, Chandrashekar, Zeldovich, Landau, Touschek, Thirring, Oppenheimer (who, unlike almost everyone else, comes off badly), Nambu, and many others. A significant number of mathematicians, including Emmy Noether and Andre Weil also put in an appearance.

    Freund also does a masterful job of describing the story of how mathematics and physics operated under the totalitarian systems of the last century, including a description of how the Romanian dictator Ceausescu and his wife had the mathematics institute closed down and disbanded after their daughter, who was working there, spent the night in a resort motel with one of her colleagues. He tells the stories of some of the well-known German mathematicians and physicists who either collaborated with the Nazis or joined the Nazi party, and where this led their careers. There is also quite a bit about Russian physicists and mathematicians, illustrating their attempts to survive within the Stalinist system, and the institutionalized anti-Semitism that Pontryagin and others were responsible for supporting.

    Freund describes particle theory research as generally having a single leading figure that the field follows. He sees 1905 to 1925 as the era of Einstein, 1926-1943 as that of Heisenberg, a transitional period led by Fermi, with Gell-Mann dominating from the fifties to the early seventies, at which point ‘t Hooft takes over, followed by Witten in the early eighties. Witten’s long era of dominance now appears to him to be coming to an end, and Freund nominates Maldacena as the leader for the new era which I guess has already been underway for a while, as AdS/CFT has dominated research for the last ten years.

    While Freund is very strong on conveying the culture of particle theory that dominated the fifties, sixties, seventies and eighties, unfortunately he has much less of the same sort of material to help explain what has been going on for the last twenty years or so, the age of Witten and now Maldacena. There aren’t any stories he has to tell about Witten, ‘t Hooft, or any of the other researchers whose work has characterized this recent period. Perhaps part of the problem is that they’re a less entertaining lot: while I’ve heard a lot about Witten over the years, I can’t think of much in the way of really colorful stories.

    Freund’s take on the current state of the subject is blandly optimistic: everything’s going just fine. He mentions the Landscape and suggests Susskind’s book for further reading, but doesn’t see a problem there other than that “we need time and perserverance”, and maybe cosmology will save the day. He does promote a more realistic point of view on the prospects for string theory, seeing it as a set of ideas that may in the future be part of some quite different real advance. His analogy is with Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, which didn’t really give anything you couldn’t get from Newtonian mechanics, but were necessary foundations for the truly revolutionary quantum theory.

    All in all, Freund has written a fascinating book, one which any person who wants to understand more about the culture of theoretical physics can learn quite a lot from, whether they’re a novice to the field, or have spent much of their life in it.

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    Latest on ILC/CLIC/LHC

    Barry Barish, the director of the ILC project, has a statement here about the recent UK decision to stop funding R and D work on the ILC. He writes that “losing the UK’s contributions to the ILC will have a significant negative impact on our R & D program.” For more press stories about this, see here and here.

    Barish also has an article here about CLIC, CERN’s competing design for a linear collider, one that is in a much more preliminary state than the ILC design. He writes that the ILC project will now be exploring ways of collaborating with CERN as it investigates the feasibility of CLIC:

    When I visited CERN last month, I had the opportunity to have a meeting with the CLIC Extended Steering Committee, including CERN Global Design Effort members. I suggested that joint work between the ILC and CLIC could have benefits for both efforts. They responded positively, and a number of specific areas have been identified where both groups could benefit. It is clear that the timescale for a machine like CLIC, even if feasible, is much later than the ILC. So the reason to consider CLIC is for energy reach, if required.

    Following my visit to CERN, I discussed these joint efforts with the GDE Executive Committee, and we agreed to the general idea. As a result, the GDE Project Managers will explore specific areas of collaboration with CLIC. An exchange of ideas has begun by email, and a meeting is now planned at CERN for February 2008 to explore specific areas of cooperation.

    Today the CERN Council officially ratified the choice of DESY’s Rolf-Dieter Heuer to succeed Robert Aymar as Director General of CERN. At DESY Heuer was responsible for ILC R and D, so some people at CERN have been concerned that their new leader will be someone from the competition to CLIC, and thus might not be inclined to enthusiastically and aggressively now push the project and compete with his old colleagues from the ILC.

    The Council also approved a budget designed to begin preparations for an LHC luminosity upgrade by 2016, and heard a report from the director on the status of the LHC project. Until recently the date for the LHC start-up was set at mid-May 2008, but the official word from Aymar now is just “early summer 2008”, with no specific date to be set until spring:

    Today, we’re on course for start-up in early summer 2008, but we won’t be able to fix the date for certain before the whole machine is cold and magnet electrical tests are positive. We’re expecting that in the spring.

    The press release also notes that:

    Any difficulties encountered during this commissioning that require any sector of the machine to be warmed up would lead to a delay of two to three months.

    The latest version of the official schedule is here, and news about progress here, with the news putting the project a month or so behind the schedule.

    Update: Science has an article about Heuer’s appointment, quoting him on the ILC/CLIC issue as saying “It’s a mistake to back one horse. We need different horses”. Also:

    Barry Barish, leader of the ILC’s Global Design Effort, is happy to have Heuer on board. “Clearly, from the perspective of the ILC, the appointment of the new [director general] is a very, very positive thing,” he says.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 4 Comments

    UK Pulls Out Of ILC

    The UK is planning on cutting the budget of its Science and Technologies Facilities Council over the next few years, ending British involvement in several large scale scientific projects, including the ILC. The STFC document laying out its plans through 2012 emphasizes CERN and the LHC, and has this to say about the ILC:

    We will cease investment in the International Linear Collider. We do not see a practicable path towards the realisation of this facility as currently conceived on a reasonable timescale.

    In combination with recent remarks from the DOE, the current situation of the ILC proposal is not encouraging. Most likely it will require the discovery of new physics at the LHC of the sort that the ILC is the right tool to study in order to make the case for going ahead with it.

    More about this here and here.

    Update: More here, here, here and here. These budget cuts seem to be especially problematic for astronomy research, with particle physics not as badly affected as the UK retains its commitment to CERN and the LHC.

    Update: More here. Best headline about this so far: Boffins slashed in big-science budget blunder bloodbath.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 31 Comments