Latest Sci-Fi/Fantasy News

Various particle physics-related science fiction and fantasy news:

Discover has an interview with Kip Thorne, who is working with Steven Spielberg on a science fiction film tentatively entitled Interstellar for release in 2009. The plot evidently involves the novel idea of a group of explorers who travel through a worm hole and into another dimension. Thorne expects that “nothing in the film will violate fundamental physical law.” He also seems rather involved in fantasy as well as science fiction, believing that the LHC has a “good shot” at producing mini-black holes, and that “String theory is now beginning to make concrete, observational predictions which will be tested.” (via Angry Physics).

Also on the fantasy front, I hear there’s a new movie out called The Golden Compass, which supposedly has a plot based on multiple dimensions and particle physics. According to this review, the plot is not really fantasy, because:

In the past thirty years or so, a majority of scientists have come to accept string theory as a so-called “Theory of Everything,” one that helps to explain how everything in the universe works.

and string theory explains these extra dimensions.

One can follow the progress of the LHC project on the web, and unfortunately it’s looking like the current official schedule, which plans on trying to circulate a beam next May and physics starting in July, is pretty much a fantasy. This schedule already was sticking to these dates in the face of delays that made them look unrealistic, but there have now been further delays. According to the schedule, sector 45 should be completely cooled down now and nearing the end of powering tests, with four others in the middle of cool-down. The actual state of affairs is that sector 45 is just finally getting fully cooled down to 1.9K, and the only other sector being cooled down is sector 56. A rough guess would be that they’re three months or so behind the official schedule, so if nothing else goes wrong they might have a beam in late summer, physics sometime late in the fall. The CERN Council will be meeting later this week and get a status report on LHC progress, perhaps there will be an official update on the schedule at that time.

Michael Dine and collaborators have a new preprint about the Landscape, one that tells a rather different story than Dine’s recent article in Physics Today. The authors discuss the question of the stability of Landscape states, given that there may be many nearby states, considering the possibility that this favors supersymmetric states. They also mention the problem of how to calculate transition probabilities into whatever the relevant metastable states are, which suffers from the well-known problem of how to pick a measure for eternal inflation, writing

While we currently have little new to add to this discussion, we point out that the landscape is likely to be more complicated than assumed in many simple models of eternal inflation.

There’s nothing in the paper that could possibly justify the Physics Today claims of hopes that landscape studies would soon be making “definitive statements about the physics of the LHC” and able to “specify some detailed features.” Instead, there is a discussion of the possibility that landscape statistics are dominated by large volume, non-supersymmetric states, in which case:

[if] they are otherwise undistinguished, it is unclear how one might imagine developing a string phenomenology. Not only would we fail to make predictions, e.g. for LHC physics, but we would not know how to interpret LHC outcomes.

Update: For more sci-fi, tonight’s arXiv postings include Warp Drive: A New Approach by string phenomenologist Gerald Cleaver and his graduate student Richard Obousy.

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News From All Over

There’s a long and interesting profile of Jim Simons on the Bloomberg web-site. It begins with him being told he has a call from Harvard string theorist Cumrun Vafa. Unclear whether Vafa was calling to talk about something related to science or something related to finance, since I’ve heard from several sources that Vafa recently has been working at least part of the time for Renaissance Technologies, the Simons hedge fund.

Director Ron Howard is making a movie based on the novel “Angels and Demons”, part of which will be filmed at CERN. Here’s a news report on his visit to CERN

Witten has posted two papers to the arXiv, one old, one new. The old one is Conformal Field Theory in Four and Six Dimensions, the write-up of his talk at the Oxford conference celebrating Graeme Segal’s 60th birthday back in 2002. Until now this paper hasn’t been available on the internet, you had to buy the book of the conference proceedings. It has acquired some new interest because of Witten’s recent work on geometric Langlands, where Langlands duality comes from a duality symmetry that is part of a conjectured SL(2,Z) symmetry of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills in four dimensions. This SL(2,Z) can be explained by the existence of a superconformal theory in 6d, which can then be reduced to 4d by taking it on the product of an elliptic curve and a 4-manifold. The modular symmetry then comes from the elliptic curve.

The new paper is with Alex Maloney and entitled Quantum Gravity Partition Functions in Three Dimensions. They calculate the partition function of pure gravity on an AdS3 space by summing the contributions from classical geometries, including quantum corrections, finding that “the result is not physically sensible”. The paper includes a speculative discussion about what this might mean. It looks like 3d quantum gravity is still a subject that is far from completely understood.

Slides from talks at the recent HEPAP meeting are available. The FY2008 US budget for particle physics remains caught up in struggle between the White House and the Congress. They all agreed on a quite healthy budget number for particle physics, but haven’t agreed on an overall budget. One possibility, a continuing resolution splitting the difference between the Congressional and White House total numbers, might possibly lead to a smaller particle physics budget than expected.

Physical Review Letters is publishing the latest paper by Chamseddine and Connes on their non-commutative geometry approach to the Standard Model. The PRL editor evidently forced them to change the name of the paper, from “A Dress for SM the Beggar” to Conceptual Explanation for the Algebra in the Noncommutative Approach to the Standard Model

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Jumping the Shark

Over at today, John Horgan and George Johnson discuss the various excesses of recent physics news reporting covered here over the last week or so (Lisi-mania, evidence of other universes, observation of the CC causing ours to end, etc.), entitling their segment Jumping the Shark. I think this term came up in the comment section here at one point, but for a definition one can consult Wikipedia, where it is described as referring to an episode in the popular US TV series Happy Days in which Fonzie jumps over a shark while water-skiing:

Since then the phrase has become a colloquialism used by U.S. TV critics and fans to denote the point at which the characters or plot of a TV series veer into a ridiculous, out-of-the-ordinary storyline. Such a show is typically deemed to have passed its peak. Once a show has “jumped the shark” fans sense a noticeable decline in quality or feel the show has undergone too many changes to retain its original charm.

Jump-the-shark moments may be scenes like the one described above that finally convince viewers that the show has fundamentally and permanently strayed from its original premise. In those cases they are viewed as a desperate and futile attempt to keep a series fresh in the face of declining ratings.

Horgan and Johnson discuss the idea that, with the latest silliness, press coverage of fundamental physics has finally “jumped the shark”, in response to a decline in substantive new results coming out of the subject.

I suspect that most physicists feel that, as a scientific idea, string theory conclusively jumped the shark with the advent of the anthropic landscape. The last year or so has seen an increasing amount of shark-jumping by string theorists desperate to find some way to address the problem of declining ratings. For the latest shark-jump, see this month’s Physics Today, where the first article is entitled String Theory in the Era of the Large Hadron Collider. Much of the article has nothing to do with string theory, describing the standard model and its problems, and how they may be addressed by the LHC. Oddly enough, the abstract of the article doesn’t mention string theory at all, whereas the subtitle (“The relationship between string theory and particle experiment is more complex than the caricature presented in the popular press and weblogs”) makes explicit the goal of responding to claims made here and elsewhere that the anthropic string theory landscape is not really science since it can’t predict anything.

The article heavily promotes the anthropic landscape and the idea that it “predicts” the right value of the CC, claiming that “The landscape and its explorations are exciting developments”, but it really takes shark-jumping to new heights in the final paragraph:

A few years ago, there seemed little hope that string theory could make definitive statements about the physics of the LHC. The development of the landscape has radically altered that situation. An optimist can hope that theorists will soon understand enough about the landscape and its statistics to say that supersymmetry or large extra dimensions or technicolor will emerge as a prediction and to specify some detailed features.

I’ve never before heard of anyone making this kind of claim that string theorists will soon be predicting detailed features of LHC physics. LHC results should start coming in 2-3 years from now. Dine and others have been trying to address the question of whether among the known string backgrounds there are more with high or low supersymmetry breaking for nearly 4 years already (see here), and the answer so far seems to be that this is not possible. Even if it were possible, there is no reason to believe that all classes of string backgrounds are known. There is also no understanding of the cosmological mechanism producing our universe, and thus it remains unknown whether counting backgrounds is even relevant.

For a discussion by Dine of the issues involved here aimed not at the public but at his colleagues, see his talk last year at the Santa Barbara string phenomenology workshop, discussed here.

Update: Lubos weighs in to praise the Dine article for what he sees as its message that the only good phenomenology is string phenomenology:

Right now, it is extremely important for an idea about new physics to be reconciled with the solid cutting-edge picture of reality that is available, namely with string theory. In the absence of doable tests, this is pretty much the most important criterion that decides whether an otherwise conceivable idea is worth research or not.

Update: Here is Chad Orzel’s take on the Dine article in Physics Today. Chad characterizes my attitude towards this sort of thing as “snarky”, while for him the situation is that

You’ve got serious physicists running around jabbering about this sort of stoned dorm-room bull session material…

Oops, I fear that was a snarky comment…

Update: Cern Courier joins Physics Today this month with yet another feature article promoting the multiverse. I’m trying to think of a snarky comment, but I’m too depressed.

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Geometric Langlands and QFT

Wednesday’s session at the IAS Conference on Gauge Theory and Representation Theory was mostly devoted to talks by Witten and his collaborators about their latest work on the approach to relating geometric Langlands and QFT that he has pioneered over the last couple years. The talks were quite understandable, giving a general overview rather than details of what are some very technical topics, about which the speakers have produced recently some very long papers. Before discussing the talks, I’ll try and explain the background of this line of inquiry into the borderlands between mathematics and physics.

The history of this subject goes back thirty years, to a 1977 paper of Goddard, Nuyts and Olive entitled Gauge Theories and Magnetic Charge. In the GNO paper the authors noted that in a gauge theory with group G, while the electric charges take values in the weight lattice of G, the magnetic charges take values in the weight lattice of a “dual” group, which is now generally called the Langlands dual group LG. This group was used by Langlands in a crucial way in conjectures about number theory that go back to a letter of his to André Weil in 1967. Also in 1977, Montonen and Olive, in Magnetic Monopoles as Gauge Particles?, conjectured the existence of a dual gauge theory interchanging electric and magnetic charges, and the gauge groups G and LG. At the time Witten was a Harvard postdoc, and on a visit to England at the end of 1977 Atiyah told him about this conjecture and first suggested it might have something to do with the Langlands program. Witten met Olive, and they collaborated on the 1978 paper Supersymmetry Algebras That Include Topological Charges where they suggested that Montonen-Olive duality would be most naturally realized in a supersymmetric gauge theory. Later work showed that it is N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills that seems to have this duality property, now called S-duality and extended to not just a Z2 symmetry, but a much larger symmetry under the group SL(2,Z).

Warning: What follows is an absurdly overly simplified discussion that will offend pretty much every mathematician who really knows the subject. Comments correcting anything that isn’t at least in some vague sense more or less morally right are welcome.

From the 1970s on, work on conjectures growing out of the Langlands program has come to be one of the dominant themes of number theory, achieving a fantastic success with the work of Wiles on one such conjecture, the so-called modularity conjecture, that led to the 1995 proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem. Trying to explain the Langlands program in any detail is a huge task, but I’ll try and give a few very vague indications here of what it is about. The field Q of rational numbers can be thought of as “rational functions”, on a “space” called Spec (Z), whose “points” are the prime numbers and a special “point at infinity”. Number fields are extensions of Q, and can be thought of as corresponding to covering spaces of Spec (Z), characterized by Galois groups, in particular the Galois group Gal(Q) of the algebraic closure of Q, which in some sense is the fundamental group of Spec(Z). Many questions in number theory can be expressed as questions about “Galois representations”, representations of Gal(Q) in complex Lie groups such as G=GL(n,C). Thinking of Spec(Z) as a “space”, representations of Gal(Q) correspond to local systems, i.e. flat vector bundles over Spec(Z).

The Langlands program has both a “local” and a “global” aspect. The “local” aspect restricts attention to the neighborhood of a “point” in Spec(Z), and the corresponding “local field” of functions. For the “point at infinity”, the local field is the real number field R, for a “point” corresponding to a prime number p, it is the field called Qp. The local Langlands conjecture gives a correspondence between representations of Gal(Qp) into a complex Lie group G and complex representations of the corresponding algebraic group LG( Qp) with Qp coefficients. This correspondence matches up information on both sides that characterizes the representations, which can be expressed either in terms of L-functions, or in terms of the action of Hecke algebras. One can read this correspondence as possibly giving information in both directions: if you know the Galois representations, a so-called “arithmetic” problem, you get a parametrization of the irreducible representations of a Lie group, a so-called “analytic” problem. If you know about the Lie group representations, you get information about number theory.

In the global version of the Langlands correspondence, on the arithmetic side, the global group in question is just Gal(Q), and its representations in a Lie group G are central objects in number theory that one would like information about. On the analytic side, the global group is much trickier to describe. What one needs is something like a gauge group for bundles over Spec(Z), but remember that each “point” of this “space” has a different nature. One introduces an object called the “adeles” AQ that puts all the local fields together, and then uses this as the coefficients in an “adelic” group LG(AQ), that perhaps can be thought of as the gauge group of all changes in local trivializations about each “point” in Spec(Z). The representation theory on the analytic side is then harmonic analysis on this adelic group, with irreducible representations characterized by specific functions which are called automorphic forms (so this side of the correspondence is often called the “automorphic” side). Galois representations and automorphic forms are matched up by, equivalently, L-functions or the eigenvalues of the action of a Hecke algebra. For the case of 2d representations, the automorphic forms involved are very classical functions on the upper-half-plane, and readily computable information about the coefficients of their Fourier expansions gives deep information about number theory.

An important idea in number theory/algebraic geometry is that algebraic curves over a finite field Fp have many similar features to the “spaces” like Spec(Z) that characterize number fields. Functions on such curves give so-called “function fields”, which behave very much like number fields, and one can transform number theory questions into analogous questions about these curves. For example, there is an analog of the Riemann hypothesis in the function field case, where it has been proven. One can translate the Langlands program conjectures into the function field setting, and there proofs have been found, for the global case by Drinfeld (rank 2 case) in 1974, and Lafforgue (higher rank) in 1999.

Given the Langlands correspondence for an algebraic curve over a finite field, a natural question is whether there is anything analogous if one replaces the finite field by the complex field, and works with complex algebraic curves, i.e. Riemann surfaces. In 1987 Witten wrote a beautiful paper entitled Quantum Field Theory, Grassmannians, And Algebraic Curves, where he explains how one can think of the holomorphic sector of a conformal field theory on a complex algebraic curve as giving something like an automorphic representation in this context, analogous to the ones studied using adeles for algebraic curves over finite fields. He mentions the Langlands program, but makes no attempt in this paper to describe what would be the analog of the Langlands correspondence.

Several years later, around 1995, Beilinson and Drinfeld formulated what is now known as the geometric Langland correspondence, giving a specific conjectural correspondence that is supposed to be an analog for a complex curve C of what happens in the function field case. On the analog of the arithmetic side, one just has a representation of the fundamental group of C in a Lie group G, i.e. a flat vector bundle. The automorphic side is much trickier, and they define “Hecke eigensheaves” on the moduli space of LG bundles that play the role of automorphic forms. In their massive (384 pages at last count), unpublished and still preliminary paper Quantization of Hitchin’s integrable system and Hecke eigensheaves, they write

We would like to mention that E. Witten independently found the main idea [of the construction] and conjectured [the main theorem]. As far as we know he did not publish anything on the subject.

Since the mid-1990s, a lot of mathematical activity has grown up around these ideas, creating a new field that is now generally known as “Geometric Langlands theory”, which connects to a wide range of different kinds of mathematics, and to physics via conformal field theory. With funding from the US Defense Department DARPA program, various workshops were organized that brought physicists and mathematicians together to discuss this subject. One such workshop was held at the IAS in March 2004, and there Witten gave a talk (see the end of these notes) about N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills and its dimensional reduction to a non-linear sigma model in two dimensions. He credits David Ben-Zvi with explaining to him crucial facts which made clear to him that what was needed to connect this to geometric Langlands was the introduction of boundary conditions in the sigma model, i.e. branes.

Witten first unveiled his version of geometric Langlands based on N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills in a talk at the beach at Stony Brook in August 2005; here are notes and audio from the talk. In April 2006 his 230 page paper with Kapustin, Electric-Magnetic Duality And The Geometric Langlands Program appeared, giving the details of a construction based on a topologically twisted (using the “GL twist”) version of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills, dimensionally reduced to give two topological sigma models with target space the Hitchin moduli space, for group G in one case, LG the other. These two models, known as the A and B model, are related by mirror symmetry. They involve boundary conditions and thus branes in two-dimensions, and as a result are related by what mathematicians now refer to as “homological mirror symmetry”. The fact that the Hitchin moduli spaces for G and LG could be thought of as mirror partners was shown earlier by my colleague Michael Thaddeus in work with Tamas Hausel.

Late last year Witten and Gukov’s 160 paper Gauge Theory, Ramification and the Geometric Langlands Program appeared, extending the QFT approach to geometric Langlands to the “ramified” case, which is that of a punctured Riemann surface, with non-trivial monodromy about the punctures. This was about the “tamely ramified” case, involving simple pole singularities at the punctures. Last month two new papers totalling 193 pages by Witten on this subject appeared, Gauge Theory And Wild Ramification, which deals with the case of higher order poles, and Geometric Endoscopy and Mirror Symmetry, written with mathematician Edward Frenkel.

The talks by Witten and Frenkel gave very general introductions to the two papers, notes taken by David Ben-Zvi are here and here. Witten mostly just explained the background for the wild ramification problem, not giving any details of how he solved it, so his talk mainly functioned as a good introduction to his recent paper. Frenkel also gave a talk which was more of an introduction to his recent joint paper with Witten. He explained that they were studying a special case of the question of what happens at singularities of the Hitchin fibration, for the simplest kind of singularity (orbifold), and simplest non-trivial case (G=SL(2), LG=SO(3), outlining the phenomena that appear. These phenomena are analogous to well-known phenomena in the number field case, where their study goes under the name of “endoscopy”. This part of the Langlands story has recently seen major progress, with the proof by Ngo of what is known in the subject as the fundamental lemma. Ngo is giving a series of talks at the IAS this semester on the subject, and Frenkel promised to give a talk next week about possible relations of what he and Witten have been doing to the work by Ngo.

For the story of a comment by Pierre Deligne during this talk, see this posting by Ben Webster.

To me the most interesting talk was Sergei Gukov’s on D-branes and Representations, in which he described what he is working on with Witten at the moment; no paper has yet appeared. Ben-Zvi’s notes are here, and Gukov gave much the same talk recently at Santa Barbara, notes here, audio here. I’ve been most interested in geometric Langlands because of its relations to 2d QFTs and representation theory, where the simplest story should be seen in the local version of the theory. Also, Gukov’s argument was based upon getting Chern-Simons theory out of the original 4d N=4 GL-twisted SYM theory using boundary conditions (something he didn’t explain other than saying what the boundary conditions are). I’ve always wondered whether it is possible to get Chern-Simons out of some sort of possibly supersymmetric twisted theory involving fermions. Someone in the audience asked if what he was doing gave such a theory, but he somewhat evaded the question, saying he preferred to think of things in 4d with boundary.

Getting down to two dimensions, he said that the Hilbert space of this Chern-Simons theory gave a representation associated to the punctured disk, and mentioned that this was related to local geometric Langlands. Someone asked “what happens on the boundary of the disk?”, and he answered that one only needed to impose boundary conditions at the puncture, not on the boundary. Greg Moore sputtered something like “really, on the boundary of the disk you don’t need boundary conditions??” (for the usual story about this, see this paper, which Greg co-authored), to which Gukov answered something about it being all right since they were only looking for supersymmetric BPS states. He went on, as one can read in the notes, to discuss a way of producing representations of a compact Lie group G (and its complexification and other real forms) that associates Harish-Chandra modules to A-branes on the cotangent space to the flag manifold, working out the details for SL(2, R). At the beginning of the talk, Gukov claimed that this was all leading up to a classification of the admissible representations of a real semi-simple Lie group in terms of D-branes, with the various geometrical constructions (e.g. D-modules) known to mathematicians just different faces of the same physical model. To me, the talk raised all sorts of interesting questions, so I’m looking forward to seeing the details when Gukov and Witten have a paper ready.

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Langlands | 15 Comments

Not Yet About Geometric Langlands…

Tomorrow morning I’ll head down to Princeton to attend the conference on Gauge Theory and Representation Theory at the IAS. Unfortunately I had to miss the first day of the conference (today), since I would have liked to have heard all the talks, most especially that of Dennis Gaitsgory on local geometric Langlands. Maybe someone who was there will explain to me what he talked about.

That might be even better than attending the lecture, since Gaitsgory’s pedagogical style seems to be rather daunting. Here is an article about his experience teaching linear algebra, and the Harvard Crimson last year ran this frightening account of what it was like to take Math 55 from him. Math 55 is a legendary honors math class for the most fanatical first-year students, and I have fairly vivid memories of my own experience with it (that year it was taught by Konrad Osterwalder and John Hubbard). From what I remember, the first row of the class was occupied by a sizable proportion of the winners of the previous year’s Math Olympiad, and being a rather average student in a math class was a new experience for me. The textbook for the course was a remarkable book by Loomis and Sternberg with the somewhat misleading title Advanced Calculus. It’s now available on-line. Osterwalder made a valiant effort to follow the text during the first semester, while Hubbard more-or-less winged it the second semester, entertaining us by going over in class research papers on dynamical systems and assigning us Spivak’s Calculus on Manifolds as something to work through during the reading period (about a week long) before final exams. Both Osterwalder and Hubbard seem to have been much mellower sorts than Gaitsgory though, since I remember working fairly hard on puzzling out problem sets, but also having a life with quite a lot of other things going on, nothing at all like the experience described in the Crimson article. Kids these days.

The first talk tomorrow morning is supposed to be Maldacena on integrability in N=4 SSYM. He really should be celebrating the day as the 10th anniversary of his amazing paper The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity, which announced the AdS/CFT conjecture and was submitted to the arXiv on November 27, 1997. Work on this conjecture has dominated particle theory in a remarkable way over the last ten years. According to SPIRES, the paper has amassed 4897 citations, at a rate which has only accelerated in recent years, with 551 citations in 2006. It is now the third most heavily cited paper in particle physics, behind only those of Kobayashi-Maskawa and Weinberg. A simple extrapolation suggests that in another four years or so it should become the most heavily cited particle physics paper in the history of the multiverse. Several conferences are celebrating the anniversary, including one next month in Buenos Aires, and another in Fort Lauderdale. Davide Castelvecchi has a quite good popular article on the subject in Science News.

After it’s over, I’ll try and write something about the main topic of the conference, geometric Langlands. In the meantime, my ability to keep the comment section under control may be impaired. Behave.

Update: David Ben-Zvi is putting up his notes from the talks here.

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Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Paul Davies, in his Op-Ed piece Taking Science on Faith, uses recent untestable speculation about multiple universes motivated by string theory to claim that “the mood has now shifted considerably” among physicists. He characterizes physics as being, just like religion, “founded on faith”, faith in the existence of intelligible laws describing nature and in a “huge ensemble of unseen universes”, the so-called “multiverse”.

The only real recent shift in mood among most physicists has been a loss of interest in string theory, precisely because its proponents have been forced to invoke the multiverse hypothesis in order to explain why string theory can’t predict anything. The existence of mathematical “laws of physics”, describing accurately and successfully the physical world in a testable way is not a “belief” but a fact.

Update: The Edge web-site is promoting both the Davies Op-Ed, and several critical responses to it.

Update: Lots of other bloggers weighing in, with the Science Blogs crowd (here, here, here, and here) uniformly Davies-hostile. The only positive blog entries I’ve seen about the Davies piece come from the IDers and Lubos Motl. Lubos seems to feel that the main issue here is that Steven Weinberg, Stephen Hawking, Lenny Susskind and Frank Wilczek may be unable to pursue their anthropic-principle-inspired research programs out of fear that I might criticize them. I would think they might be even more intimidated by P.Z. Myers, who reaches rhetorical heights I can not aspire to, referring to the Anthropic Principle as that tiresome exercise in metaphysical masturbation that always flounders somewhere in the repellent ditch between narcissism and solipsism.

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This Week’s Hype

This past week has seen a veritable bumper crop of media hype, involving claims coming from both string theorists and critics of string theory. Besides the overhyped claims and Lisi-mania that has made it into all sorts of media outlets, New Scientist has added a couple more examples:

  • The cover story of this week’s issue is The void: imprint of another universe?, which features claims by Laura Mersini-Houghton about a feature observed in the WMAP data that vindicates string theory. According to her:

    It is the unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own.


    I think our evidence points to string theory being on the right track.

    She also claims that string theory does make a prediction about what the LHC will see: no supersymmetry. Since many other string theorists are claiming that string theory could be vindicated by seeing supersymmetry at the LHC, I guess this logically shows that string theory has already been shown to be correct by the LHC results, since it predicts both that supersymmetry and no supersymmetry will be seen, and this is a prediction guaranteed to come out right.

  • The same issue also contains an article entitled Has observing the universe hastened its end?, about this recent arXiv preprint of Lawrence Krauss and James Dent, where they, according to New Scientist

    …suggest that by making this observation in 1998 we may have caused the universe to revert to a state similar to early in its history, when it was more likely to end.

    The Drudge Report today links to an article Mankind ‘shortening the universe’s life’ in the British newspaper The Telegraph.

  • A lot of this nonsense seems to be originating in Britain. Tomorrow at Cambridge University there will be a series of talks on God or Multiverse? that one can attend for the bargain price of 65 pounds. The talks are advertised with a quote from philosopher Neil Manson

    The multiverse is the last resort for the desperate atheist.
    Note added 10/29/2014: Actually, that’s a misquotation and misrepresentation of what Manson wrote. For the true story, see here.

    Perhaps the members of the clergy assembled for this event can lead those attending in a fervent prayer that we soon be liberated from this plague of hype and nonsense, whether it be inspired by string theory or not…

    Update: The story mangling Krauss/Dent has made it to Slashdot. Seems to me that recent Slashdot stories on physics conclusively falsify one theory, that of the wisdom of crowds.

    Update: Krauss has changed the last two sentences of the paper to avoid misunderstandings about what he is claiming such as the ones that appeared in the media, see his comment here.

    Update: It appears that Krauss somehow got the notion that it would be a good idea to respond to Lubos’s posting about him in the comment section of the blog. He has now been banned there on the grounds that he is “unable to satisfy basic criteria of what I [Lubos] consider a rational debate.” Remarks from anyone supporting him have also been deleted, following the usual Lubosian practice of how to deal with dissent.

    Update: The Telegraph article has been extensively edited, with the current version more accurately reflecting what was actually in the Krauss/Dent paper. The misleading headline remains. I also hear that Krauss has written a letter to New Scientist about the problems with their article. This also got picked up by Wired Science, where I seem to have acquired an affiliation with MIT I wasn’t aware of.

    Update: Here’s an account of the “God or Multiverse” event, where prayers for deliverance from nonsense were not answered by the almighty:

    …given that multiverses are in favour in many physics departments these days, perhaps theology has something to contribute. Augustine and Nicolas of Cusa are just two theologians to have pondered the possibility way back, thinking it quite likely that the generous creativity of God would overflow into the formation of other universes…

    For theists, consciousness is ontologically prior to everything else. So in a sense the possibility of the multiverse makes perfect sense already. It would be every possible state of things that could exist, formed in the mind of God – who must be able to conceive of everything possible since that is implicit in the concept of divinity…

    …not all explanations of things are simpler than the things they are explaining (the multiverse as an explanation for the apparent fine-tuning of our universe being an obvious case in point…

    …In fact, maths looks rather like God – the former being necessary thinking, the latter necessary being…

    …However, if modern cosmology comes up with the multiverse as the fundamental, necessary proposition (at least in one version, it says that all possible worlds necessarily exist somewhere, we just happen to be in the one that we happen to be in), then Ward put it that the proposition of God as the fundamental necessity is actually a far simpler conjecture. In the theological case, all possible worlds would be said to exist in the mind of God, though quite possibly only a limited number of universes, and perhaps only one, actually exist. Occam would presumably have been much happier with that thought than heaped infinities of actually existing universes…

    God’s role in creation, then, is to allow only the universes that do exist, to exist….

    …This would be a purposive explanation of the universe. Purposive explanations require knowledge of things, discrimination between things, an appreciation of goodness, and the power to chose good over evil. So to put it all another way, the big question in the cosmology debate is that of evaluation: how do you evaluate one theory over another?…

    Update: John Baez explains what the Krauss/Dent paper is really about.

    Update: The Krauss/Dent paper has now been refereed and accepted for publication in PRL.

    Posted in This Week's Hype | 32 Comments

    Sidney Coleman 1937-2007

    I just learned today the sad news of the death of Sidney Coleman, yesterday at the age of seventy. Coleman had been in quite poor health in recent years. I wrote about him here back in 2005, after attending a conference held at Harvard in his honor.

    Update: More from Betsy Devine, Lubos Motl and Sean Carroll.

    Posted in Obituaries | 25 Comments

    Project X and Flavor Physics

    Last week Fermilab hosted two workshops on the so-called Project X proposal for building a linac designed to produce a high-intensity proton beam. The first workshop dealt with issues surrounding the proposed accelerator itself, the second with the physics that it might be able to investigate. Project X is being discussed in the context of an increasing realization that prospects for the ILC getting approved and built anytime soon are slim, so the US particle physics community in general, and Fermilab in particular, need to have a viable plan B for what they will be doing during the next decade. DOE secretary Ohrbach, in a recent talk at Fermilab made it clear that he thinks the ILC project is still at the stage of an R and D project, not yet near the point where a decision about it can be made and a full engineering design developed. For commentary about this from Barry Barish, director of the ILC project, see here.

    One argument for Project X is that it would help develop some of the linac technology needed for the ILC, but the main arguments for the machine revolve around a striking change of direction for US particle physics, from the use of colliders to do experiments at the energy frontier to fixed-target physics at lower-energies. In some ways this would be a return to the older style of particle physics experiments that was the norm before the era of colliders. The point of Project X would be to produce a beam capable of being used to generate more intense beams of neutrinos that could contribute to neutrino physics, and to do what is now often called “flavor physics”. This is the study of phenomena involving heavy quarks and/or rare decays, with the hope of seeing beyond the standard model effects that occur not in lowest order approximation, but in higher order contributions to decay rates. There are quite a few decays that one can look for that either can’t occur at all in the standard model, or only can occur at unobservably small rates. An observation of such a decay and measurement of its rate would provide evidence of new physics. Many such studies already conducted provide strong bounds on quite a few possibilities, so one can imagine competing with colliders such as the LHC to either rule out or find new TeV-scale physics by doing this sort of experiment.

    One interesting document to read about this is the account of a panel discussion on charm physics that occurred this past August. A participant emphasized how history has recently been running against the people working on flavor physics, telling the following story:

    … over lunch we were talking about the future of the field, and I was drifting off, and ended up in a fantasy world where things were done the right way. And in this world the LHC was in fact built and came on the air, and found the Higgs, and found many new events that we couldn’t explain with the Standard Model. And people had realised that in order to interpret these possible signals of new physics, we would also have to have flavour physics studies of rare phenomena, so that we could start to see patterns emerging… and working symbiotically together, the LHC and the flavor sector would get to the root of what was happening, something that would be very difficult if not impossible to do with the LHC alone.

    But then I woke up. And I thought about a colloquium I’d given recently, where one of the chief experimentalists there took me into his office and shut the door and said to my face, “Flavor physics is dead!” and apparently he’s not the only one who said it: some pretty important people have said it. And when something like that is said over and over it begins to have a truth of itself.

    Deciding whether Project X makes sense will require figuring out exactly what kinds of experimental results it will make possible that would not be possible using existing or currently planned facilities. For more about this, see the introductory and wrap-up talks by Joe Lykken and a talk by Jon Bagger that summarizes the issues well. The workshop also featured an excellent talk by Michelangelo Mangano summarizing the current situation of particle physics, emphasizing what it might be possible to learn through other means than the LHC, which is what is getting almost all the attention these days. He pointed to the activities of the CERN Working Group on the Interplay Between Collider and Flavour Physics that are documented at this web-site.

    Update: Alexey Petrov was at the Project X workshop, and has a very interesting posting about it.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 35 Comments

    Popularizing Science

    While it’s not one of my main goals in life, I’m all in favor of the idea of popularizing science and making it as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. But sometimes I do wonder about the kind of things scientists get involved with when they try and do this. Just this morning I ran into these stories about science that make me ask myself:

  • Is it a good idea for physicists to appear on a radio show discussing what happened before the big bang, or does the lack of any evidence about this or of a convincing model mean that this is just inherently too speculative a topic to be sold as serious science to a wide audience? Should one perhaps leave this topic to the Bogdanovs?
  • Is it a good idea for physicists to promote to the public their work on time travel? Or might this also give the public some misleading ideas about science? (via i postdoc, therefore I am, but there seems to be a whole genre of “time travel” books written by theoretical physicists).
  • Is it a good idea for physicists to appear on a TV show explaining the forces involved in crushing beer cans, as part of a segment on whether women can crush beer cans with their breasts? Especially physicist bloggers known for attacking other physicist bloggers for their sexism and media-inflated nonsense? (via here and here)
  • Posted in Uncategorized | 70 Comments