New Blogs and Other Stuff

Here’s a few new blogs I’ve run across recently:

  • The FQXi organization now has a blog called FQXi Community.
  • Rantings of an Angry Physicist is not another Not Even Wrong, but an interesting blog so far devoted to explaining what is going on in Steve Carlip’s quantum gravity course.
  • The new open access journal PhysMathCentral has a blog. It’s “open access” in the sense that it promises to indefinitely provide free access to published articles. Funding comes from the authors of the articles, who have to come up with an “article processing charge” of around $1500. I’ll be curious to see if this funding model works out, but have my doubts. From what I remember, back in the 1970s, the fact that APS journals were charging authors a similar “Page Charge” fee was one of the reasons why many prominent theorists stopped publishing in the Physical Review and started publishing in commercial journals like Nuclear Physics B, thus entrenching commercial publishers like Elsevier. It’s unclear to me now how many authors will be willing to pay to publish when they can publish for free in other (often commercial) journals.

Robert Bryant, a great geometer in the Cartan-Chern tradition, now at Duke, has accepted the post of next director of MSRI at Berkeley. Robert was here at Columbia recently as a visiting professor, and I think he’s a wonderful choice for leading MSRI.

The Geometry, Topology and Physics Seminar at UCSB has some material from talks there on-line. Last month there was a quite interesting talk by Sergei Gukov on gauge theory and “arithmetic topology”, meaning some analogies between 3-manifold topology and number theory.

For the past few days in Brussels there has been a Solvay workshop on “Gauge Theories, Strings and Geometry” . Talks are available here.

From the Fermilab Steering Group trying to develop a strategic roadmap, there’s a presentation about possibilities for higher energy colliders than the LHC or ILC. Ideas discussed include a doubling of the LHC energy using new 17 Tesla magnets, and a huge proton-proton collider called the VLHC to be built deep underground, in the Chicago area.

Next month in Paris there will be a Smolin/Damour debate about string theory, see Dispute chez les physiciens.

For an interesting article I just ran across about Geoffrey Chew and S-matrix theory during the 1960s, see here.

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Crash Course

This week’s New Yorker has a quite good article on the LHC and the state of particle physics with the title Crash Course. One of the main themes of the article is that of the rivalry between experimentalists and theorists. There’s a quote from Leon Lederman:

If I occasionally neglect to cite a theorist, it’s not because I’ve forgotten,… It’s probably because I hate him.

CMS experimentalist Robert Cousins describes worries that triggers designed with too much attention paid to theorists could be disastrous:

There are famous high-energy-physics experiments that missed discoveries because they weren’t writing them to tape… This is why we try not to be too specific about which theoretical speculations we care about. We add up all the energy, and if it’s a huge number we write that event to tape. If on one side of the detector it’s a not-so-huge number, but there is nothing on the other side, so it’s a huge imbalance, we get excited about that, and we write that to tape, too.

The only theorist interviewed is Nima Arkani-Hamed, who, while consuming prodigious numbers of espressos, describes the perception of theorists by experimentalists as:

There is a sense among many experimentalists that theorists are a bunch of irresponsible little spoiled brats who get to sit around all day, having all these fun ideas, drinking espresso and goofing off, with next to no accountability.

and jokes that theorists will need to get a “Deep Throat” among experimentalists in order to get access to any raw LHC data.

As for the state of the LHC, the Resonaances blog at CERN describes rumors from “well-informed sources” that the low-energy test run scheduled for late this year is likely to be cancelled, with a physics run at full energy not likely until summer 2008.

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Witten on 2+1 Dimensional Gravity

The high point of Friday’s string cosmology workshop here in New York was Witten’s lecture on his new ideas about 2+1 dimensional quantum gravity. I’ll try and reproduce here what I understood from the lecture, but this (2+1 d quantum gravity) is not a subject I’ve ever followed closely, so my understanding of the topic is very limited. It does seem clear to me though that Witten has come up with a striking new idea about this subject, linking together some very beautiful mathematics and physics. He has yet to write a paper on the subject, but presumably there will be one appearing relatively soon. I also suspect this is what he’ll be talking about at Strings 2007.

Witten began by stating his motivation: to study fully quantum black holes in an exactly solvable toy model. There’s no exactly solvable model in 3+1d, and 1+1d is too simple, so that leaves 2+1d. Assuming 2+1d, for positive cosmological constant Λ he is suspicious that the theory is non-perturbatively unstable and one can’t get precise observables, for Λ=0 one doesn’t have black holes, so that leaves negative Λ, here the vacuum solution is anti-deSitter space, AdS3.

Quantum gravity in AdS3 is related to 2d conformal field theory. There have been studies of AdS3/CFT2 as a lower dimensional version of string/gauge duality, but here he uses not string theory on AdS3, but a quantum field theory. In a question afterwards, someone asked about string theory, and Witten just noted that perhaps what he had to say could be embedded in string theory, and that the recent Green et. al. paper showing that one can’t get pure supergravity by taking a limit of string theory did not apply in 3d. If one wants to interpret this new work in light of the the LQG/string theory wars, it’s worth noting that the technique used here, reexpressing gravity in terms of gauge theory variables and hoping to quantize in these variables instead of using strings, is one of the central ideas in the LQG program for quantizing 3+1d gravity. Witten was careful to point out though that there was no 3+1d analog of what he was doing, claiming that one can’t covariantly express gravity in terms of gauge theory in 3+1d (he said that LQG does this non-covariantly).

For negative Λ the theory has so-called BTZ black hole solutions, discovered by Banados, Teitelboim and Zanelli back in 1992, and it is for the quantum theory of these black holes that Witten is trying to find an exact solution. The technique he uses is one that goes back to the 80s, that of re-expressing the theory in terms of SO(2,1) (or its double cover SL(2,R)) gauge theory, where the action becomes the Chern-Simons action. More precisely, the Einstein-Hilbert action

$$I_{EH}=\frac{1}{16\pi G}\int d^3x\sqrt{g}(R +2/l^2)$$

(here the cosmological constant is $\Lambda=-1/l^2$) gets rewritten as an SO(2,2)=SO(2,1)XSO(2,1) gauge theory with connection

$$A= \begin{pmatrix}\omega & e \\ -e & 0 \end{pmatrix}$$

where &\omega; is a 3X3 matrix (the spin-connection), e is the 3d vielbein, and the gauge theory action is the Chern-Simons action

$$I=\frac{k^\prime}{4\pi}\int Tr(A\wedge dA+\frac{2}{3}A\wedge A\wedge A)$$

with $k^\prime=\frac{l}{4G}$ (that 4 may not be quite right…).

Witten wants to exploit the relation between this kind of topological QFT and 2d conformal field theory that he first investigated in several contexts (including one that won him a Fields medal) back in the late eighties. He notes that in this context the existence of left and right Virasoro symmetries with central charges $c_L=c_R=\frac{3l}{2G}$ was first discovered by Brown and Henneaux back in 1986, and he refers to this discovery as the first evidence of an AdS/CFT correspondence. If one really does have a CFT description, one expects that the central charges can’t vary continuously, but that 2+1d gravity will only make sense for certain values of $l/G$, but Witten notes that there is no rigorous way to find the right values one will get upon quantization.

He then goes on to make a “guess”, adding to the action a multiple of the Chern-Simons invariant of the spin connection

$$I^\prime=\frac{k}{4\pi}\int Tr(\omega\wedge d\omega + \frac{2}{3}\omega\wedge\omega\wedge\omega)$$

Now the theory depends on two parameters: $l/G$ and an integer k.

Using the fact that SO(2,2)=SO(2,1)XSO(2,1), one can rewrite the total action as the sum of two Chern-Simons terms

$$I= \frac{k_L}{4\pi} \int Tr(A_-\wedge dA_-+\frac{2}{3}A_-\wedge A_-\wedge A_-)$$
$$ \ \ + \frac{k_R}{4\pi}\int Tr(A_+\wedge dA_++\frac{2}{3}A_+\wedge A_+\wedge A_+)$$

for connections

$$A_{\pm}=\omega\pm e$$

Now instead of $l/G$ and k we have $k_L,k_R$ and these are quantized if we take the gauge theory seriously. By matching Chern-Simons and gravity the central charges turn out to be

$$ (c_L, c_R)= (24k_L, 24k_R)$$

and holomorphic factorization is possible in the 2d CFT for just these values

Looking at just the holomorphic part, we have a holomorphic CFT with central charge c=24k and ground state energy -c/24=-k (note, now a different k than before…).

The partition function is expected to be ($q=e^{-\beta}$)
$$Z(q)=q^{-k}\Pi_{n=2}^\infty \frac{1}{1-q^n}$$
The first term in the product is the ground state (AdS3), the only primary state, with the other terms Virasoro descendants (excitations of the vacuum from acting with the stress-energy tensor and derivatives).

Witten then goes on to note that this expression is not modular invariant, so one expects other terms in the product, corresponding to other primary states. By an argument I didn’t understand he claimed that these would be of order $q^{1}$, at an energy k+1 above the ground state, and his proposal was that it would be this modular invariant function that would include black hole states.

In these units the minimum black hole mass is M=k, but here one is getting states only at mass M=k+1 and above. This is because the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the M=k black hole is 0, so it doesn’t contribute to the partition function.

Witten claimed that this proposal gives degeneracies of states that agree with the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula. As an example, for k=1 the partition function is given by the famous J-function


and thus for a black hole of mass 2 the number of primaries is 196883 and the entropy is ln(196883)=12.19, which can be compared to the Bekenstein-Hawking semi-classical prediction of 12.57 (one only expects agreement for large k,M).

The number 196883 is famous as the lowest dimension of an irreducible representation of the monster group, and this partition function is famous as having coefficients that give the dimensions of the other irreducibles (“modular moonshine”). There is a conjecture that there is a unique CFT with this partition function. If so, it must be the CFT that has the monster group as automorphism group. It has always seemed odd that this very special CFT didn’t correspond to a particularly special physical system, but if Witten is right, now it has an interpretation in terms of the quantum theory of black holes in 2+1 dimensions.

Anyway, that’s what I was able to understand of what Witten had to say and what he was claiming. Other people have worked on this problem in the past, for a recent review article on this topic by Carlip, see here. Carlip describes the understanding of the problem at the time as “highly incomplete”, and one of the explanations he describes relates the black hole problem to the Liouville theory. A question from the audience after the talk asked about this, and Witten indicated that he thought the Liouville theory explanation did not work.

I’m no expert here, so unclear on the details, why some of these things might be true, and what the implications might be, but this does seem to be a remarkable new idea, involves beautiful mathematics, and seems to provide promising insight into a crucial lower dimensional toy model. I suspect it will draw a lot of attention from theorists in the future.

For this posting, I especially encourage any comments from people more knowledgable than myself who can correct anything I’ve got wrong. I also strongly discourage people who know little about this from contributing comments that will add noise and incorrect information. Bad enough that I’m trying to provide information about something I’m not expert on; if you can help that’s great, but if not, please don’t make it worse…

Update: Lubos has picked up on this, which he describes as having been “leaked”, and gives the usual argument that this must be part of string theory.

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Uncategorized | 29 Comments

All Sorts of Stuff

For up-to-the-minute news about the Higgs, far better informed than any media source could ever be (and thus a great example of why blogs are changing the way the media works), your best bet is Tommaso Dorigo’s blog. His latest posting explains well what the current state is, and predicts that, with the data expected from the Tevatron through 2009, they should be able to have 2.5-3 sigma evidence for a 115 GeV Higgs if it is there, or if it’s not, rule it out at 95% confidence level up to 130 GeV. He shows a recent plot from D0 based on 1 fb-1 of data, and discusses the fact that D0’s limits on a Higgs are not quite as good as expected at low mass. When similar data from his own experiment (CDF) becomes available, it will be interesting to compare the results. Not being able to rule out a low-mass Higgs at the expected level probably just means that it’s harder to do than expected. But there’s another possible interpretation: maybe there’s something there….

Tommaso also has a posting about a new Physics World article discussing the recent blog-centered discussion of statistically-not-very-significant sightings of a possible new particle that could be a supersymmetric Higgs. Evidently these events have caused some consternation within CDF and D0 about the possible implications of bloggers in their midst and how this changes communication of their results to the public.

This month’s Blog Life column in Physics World covers Not Even Wrong, accurately and well.

On the mathematical side of things, Terry Tao continues to come up with amazingly good blog entries. His latest is a series of three postings (here, here and here), reporting on my colleague Shouwu Zhang’s lectures at UCLA on the topic of rational points on curves. This is a fundamental issue in number theory and arithmetic geometry, and the fact that Tao is a great mathematician, but not an expert, may have a lot to do with why his explanation of Shouwu’s lectures is relatively easy to follow. One of the problems with academia is that one’s illustrious colleagues (like Shouwu) get invitations to give lecture series like this elsewhere, but not at their home institutions. So, while I didn’t get to hear Shouwu’s lectures, Tao’s account of them is excellent compensation.

For an interesting article by a young philosopher about the question of beauty in physics, see this article in Perspectives in Science (based on his doctoral dissertation).

On May 22 the CUNY Graduate Center program on Science and the Arts will host an event entitled String Theory for Dummies. Unfortunately I’ll be out of town that day…

A couple weeks ago there was a workshop in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem on String Theory: Achievements and Perspectives, honoring the sixtieth birthday of Eliezer Rabinovici and Shimon Yankielowicz. Videos and some transparencies from the talks are available here. Susskind gives his usual propaganda for the anthropic string landscape, but seems rather defensive, starting off saying that he “feels like he’s at the center of a circular firing squad” (which maybe does describe what is going on in string theory these days), and that “some people say I’m a traitor” or that “my ideas are dangerous.”

Gross ended the conference with a remarkable discussion of the current state of string theory. He put up various cartoons illustrating the fact that the public perception of string theory has turned rather negative (including the recent one from the New Yorker: “Is String Theory Bullshit?”), but took solace in a recent use of string theory in an advertisement for women’s bikinis. He declared that “I am still a true believer in the sexiness of string theory”, and that he continued to think it is clearly on the right road. But, after giving the standard list of string theory achievements, he did admit that he was much less optimistic than 20 years ago, and spent some time discussing what he sees as the main failure to date: the continuing lack of a fundamental dynamical principle behind string theory. The question “what is string theory?” still has no real answer, and he has “the very uneasy feeling that we’re missing something big, that semi-classical intuition fails”, and that this will make the landscape disappear. Perhaps most remarkably, Gross admitted to some discouragement about AdS/CFT. He noted that the recent Klebanov et. al. results promoted by press release as connecting string theory with physics were actually due to an impressive gauge theory calculation. According to him, what has happened is that gauge theory techniques have proved more powerful than string theory techniques. He went on to discuss the landscape, explaining that he found the anthropic principle impossible to falsify, completely against the way physics has made progress in the past, and just “an easy way out”. Gross ended his talk by pointing out that 90 percent of the conference talks used supersymmetry, and that currently there was a “really weird situation”: supersymmetry was an essential tool, but there was absolutely no evidence for it. He said that he continues to believe that supersymmetry will be found at the LHC and has been willing to take 50/50 bets on the subject for bottles of wine, etc.

I haven’t yet had time to listen to many of the other talks, it looks like there are quite a few worth listening to, although as usual recently a depressingly large amount of landscape-based rather philosophical and pseudo-scientific argumentation.

I spent Thursday out at Stony Brook at the celebration of the 40th birthday of the ITP. It was great to catch up with many people I haven’t seen in nearly twenty years, hear what a lot of ex-Stony Brook people are doing, and meet some interesting new people (including some blog readers!).

Yesterday I spent much of the day downtown at the headquarters of the New York Academy of Sciences, which was hosting this semester’s Northeast String Cosmology Meeting, organized by Brian Greene and others from Columbia. The setting was pretty amazing, up on the 40th floor of the new 7 World Trade Center building, which has a spectacular view of lower Manhattan. Richard Bond gave a talk on topics concerning inflation and the CMB. He ended with lots of detailed calculations of CMB effects due to cosmological models involving string theory compactifications, especially a “Roulette Inflation” model. The joke was that God does not just play dice with the universe, but roulette also. In the question period Neil Turok politely pointed out that he was randomly choosing initial conditions, and getting very different imprints on the CMB, so wasn’t really able to predict anything. Nima Arkani-Hamed spoke on “Quantum Horizons and the Landscape”, talking about very general philosophical issues of horizons in AdS, the landscape, whether there are any “sharp observables” in this context and associated limits on the applicability of effective field theory. He ended by claiming that the situation is like that of the quantum theory in 1911, with the angst people are experiencing due to the landscape just like the difficulties physicists faced early in the century in going from classical physics to quantum physics. He didn’t mention that the old quantum theory was making lots of verified experimental predictions, whereas he is giving talks on whether, even in principle, the landscape can predict anything. Seems kind of different to me.

Among the many people there was Alan Guth, who, according to this blog entry someone pointed me to, has started “to have been converted over to thinking that anthropic arguments might have some merit.”

While I found these two talks depressing and all too symptomatic of the sad state of this subject, there was a huge bright spot at the workshop. Witten gave a really amazing talk about 2+1 d gravity. He has some fascinating new ideas about this, but they deserve a completely separate posting, which I’ll try to get to writing up tomorrow…

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Princeton Physicists Connect String Theory With Established Physics

The latest press release hyping a string theory paper in a misleading way comes from my alma mater Princeton, which I find quite depressing. According to yesterday’s press release, entitled Princeton physicists connect string theory with established physics:

String theory, simultaneously one of the most promising and controversial ideas in modern physics, may be more capable of helping probe the inner workings of subatomic particles than was previously thought, according to a team of Princeton University scientists.

The theory has been highly praised by some physicists for its potential to forge the long-sought link between gravity and the forces that dominate within the atomic nucleus. But the theory — which posits that all subatomic particles are actually tiny “strings” that vibrate in different ways — has also drawn criticism for being untestable in the laboratory, and perhaps impossible to connect with real-world phenomena.

However, the Princeton researchers have found new mathematical evidence that some of string theory’s predictions mesh closely with those of a well-respected body of physics called “gauge theory,” …

This has nothing to do with the controversial failed project of using string theory to provide a unified theory of particle physics and gravity. What it is about is another check of something not very controversial at all: the pretty much universally believed idea that a very special un-physical quantum field theory, N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, at strong coupling can be described by a weakly-interacting string. This AdS/CFT correspondence is now almost ten years old and a significant amount of evidence for it has accumulated. What the press release is referring to is this paper by Igor Klebanov and collaborators, which studies numerically an integral equation derived in this paper.

The press release has already led to stories here and here, with presumably many more to come. Should make Slashdot any moment now….

Posted in This Week's Hype | 29 Comments

Three String Theory Textbooks

Until very recently, someone who wanted to begin studying string theory seriously had really only three possible textbooks available:

  • Superstring Theory (1987), by Green, Schwarz and Witten. This is a two-volume, massive 1000 page treatment of the quantization of the superstring and ideas about Calabi-Yau compactifications dating from right after the First Superstring Revolution in 1984.
  • String Theory (1998), by Polchinski. In two volumes and 900 pages this covers most of what is in Green-Schwarz-Witten, while also surveying D-branes, the second Superstring Revolution, and much of what was learned about string theory during the decade after GSW.
  • A First Course in String Theory (2004), by Zwiebach. This is the textbook for an undergraduate course, so is at a lower level than the other two books.

Very recently three new string theory textbooks have appeared, each aimed at providing a textbook for an advanced one-year graduate course, assuming a background in quantum field theory and the standard model. Each of them is quite a bit shorter, while trying to cover much more than Polchinski and GSW. This is a daunting task. Polchinski in his introduction noted how difficult it was to cover even in 900 pages a literature of size around 10,000 papers. These new books are trying to cover a literature probably twice as large in sometimes half as much space. As a result all three of them necessarily often have a rather telegraphic feel, more that of a review article than the usual sort of introductory textbook.

I’ve spent some time reading through all three books over the last couple months, and here are some impressions. Just as these books are too short to really cover the subject, my comments here will be much too short to do justice to the 1800 pages or so of material in the books.

Michael Dine’s Supersymmetry and String Theory actually probably shouldn’t be thought of as a string theory textbook (and on page 310 the author notes “This is not a string theory textbook”). The first 300 pages have nothing to do with string theory, instead consisting of an introduction to the Standard Model, beyond Standard Model Physics (especially supersymmetry), and cosmology. The last 175 pages of the book give a very sketchy survey of string theory, concentrating on prospects for getting unification and particle physics out of it. Dine starts out with the standard promotional material for this idea, but does clearly explain the fundamental problems such as that of moduli stabilization that have led to the landscape and the ever-more-clear failure of this idea. He ends with a chapter about this and about the anthropic landscape. The main concern of most string theorists over the past 10 years, AdS/CFT duality, gets just two pages. For other reviews of the book, see one by Jacques Distler, and one by Lubos Motl (whose endorsement of the book’s contents as “state-of-the-art picture of reality” appears on the book’s cover). One peculiarity is that when he turns to general relativity and string theory, Dine switches his convention for the sign of the metric. Perhaps the book is best thought of as mostly an introduction to supersymmetry in particle physics, with the string theory material an outgrowth of that central topic.

String Theory in a Nutshell
, by Elias Kiritsis, is one of what I guess Princeton University Press intends to be part of an “in a Nutshell” series, beginning with Tony Zee’s Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell. Zee’s is a wonderful book, although it’s best for someone who has already taken a QFT course and wants to get further insight into the theory, or read as a supplement to a more detailed text like Peskin and Schroeder. The Kiritsis book is not much longer than Zee’s (they are both somewhat less than 600 pages), but is much more intended as a standalone textbook for a one-year string theory course, replacing Polchinski. It contains a wealth of exercises, nearly 500 of them (and the author warns that some are hard enough to have been the subject of research articles). While the book begins with the standard promotional pitch, Kiritsis does acknowledge that it may turn out that the subject is “an intellectual classical black hole”. He pretty much completely ignores the moduli stabilization problem and the landscape. AdS/CFT gets a long chapter of about 70 pages, with 62 exercises. I don’t know of any other reviews yet, but Lubos Motl’s endorsement (which doesn’t appear on the cover) can be found in Princeton University Press’s promotional material for the book.

The most complete of the three books is String Theory and M-theory, by John Schwarz and the Becker sisters. It is more than 700 pages long and is intended as the textbook for a year-long graduate course, taking students from the basics of string theory to the latest ideas about flux compactifications and moduli stabilization. Trying to cover such a huge subject in this space means that it is done in much the “in a nutshell” style of Zee’s QFT text. As a result many sections of the book have more the feel of a review article for a general audience than that of a textbook for students. The calculations leading to the landscape are covered in some detail, and there’s a discussion of anthropic arguments and statistical calculations. Like Kiritsis, a 70 or so page discussion of gauge-string duality is provided. There’s a review by Capitalist Imperialist Pig, and a short mention from Lubos Motl. No endorsement from Lubos on the book, instead it carries endorsements from the leading figures of the subject (Arkani-Hamed, Gross, Strominger, Vafa and Witten).

I found all three books quite interesting to spend some time going through, as they each in their own way provided an overview of the current state of string theory as a unified theory of particle physics. Of the three, Becker-Becker-Schwarz I think gives the most complete coverage of where the subject is at. Dine is a separate case, since it’s mostly about other things. As you might guess I’m highly dubious of the idea of teaching this sort of material in a standard class for graduate students. The fundamental problem is that the very speculative idea that these books are devoted to, that you can unify particle physics using 10/11 dimensional string/M-theory together with compactification and branes in order to make the extra dimensions invisible, is one that has by now pretty clearly failed. Dine comes the closest to explaining how problematic the situation is, Kiritsis is at the other end, choosing to not explain the nature of the problems. These books attempt to cover a huge literature which consists of failed attempts to make some sort of connection with the real world, and I can’t think of any other field of physics or mathematics where there are graduate-level textbooks that could be characterized in this way. Unfortunately, much of what has been successful about string theory is ignored in these books. Mirror symmetry, which has had a huge effect on mathematics, is not even mentioned by Dine, gets a couple pages in both Kiritsis and Becker-Becker-Schwarz. While ignoring string theory’s mathematically most interesting insights, these books lead students into a horrendously complicated thicket of speculative ideas that generally don’t work, but provide enough grist for decades of research projects to come. Any student who chooses to follow this path will need to devote many years to mastering this material, a one-year graduate course is not going to do the trick. There’s no particular reason to believe that this kind of training is one that will lead to a solid background in techniques that are likely to have more success in the future.

Posted in Book Reviews | 20 Comments

Various Events and Other News

Upcoming events in and around New York, including several I’m planning to attend:

The New York Academy of Sciences is having an evening of lectures this Wednesday, hosted by Frank Wilczek, on the topic of Expanding Frontiers of Physics and Cosmology. Speakers will be Max Tegmark and Nima Arkani-Hamed.

The YITP at Stony Brook is having a symposium to celebrate its 40th anniversary, and many former students, faculty and postdocs will be in attendance. I plan to definitely spend Thursday out there, maybe also Saturday.

One reason I likely won’t be out at Stony Brook on Friday is that I’d like to attend at least some talks at another event that will be downtown at the new location of the New York Academy of Sciences. It’s the 9th Northeast String Cosmology Meeting, co-sponsored by Columbia’s ISCAP. Edward Witten will be among the four people speaking.

There will be an event entitled When the Scientist Becomes the Story at NYU next week, on May 8th, featuring a discussion about John Nash and Francis Crick with their biographers.

Much farther in the future will be next year’s program on representation theory, algebraic geometry and physics at the mathematics division of the IAS in Princeton. This will include a conference November 26-30 with a title reflecting my favorite topic “Gauge Theory and Representation Theory”. Presumably much of the focus will be on the Geometric Langlands program.

Closer in time, but farther in distance, I’ll be speaking at a science festival called FEST in Trieste on May 18th. In June my book is supposed to be coming out in an Italian edition. I have to be in London the evening of May 23rd, then will head back to New York the next day. Currently trying to come up with a plan for how to spend the time in between, with the leading possibility a train trip through the Alps to Geneva, then a stop in Paris on the way to London.

In other news:

Lee Smolin has put up on his web-site a response to the review of his book and mine by Joe Polchinski.

On the Fields Medalist blogging front, there’s a report from Terry Tao about a symposium at UCLA where he and three other Fields medalists gave talks. He gives a detailed description of the talks, including one by Richard Borcherds on QFT that sounds somewhat mystifying to me. Alain Connes at his blog gives his take on some of the talks delivered at the recent conference in his honor.

I’ve recently for no particular reason run into various interesting domain-names that some mathematicians and physicists are using for one purpose or another:,, and

A couple links mentioned by commenters here that deserve more visibility:

Neutrino Unbound is a site devoted to all things neutrino.

An interesting document concerning a bet made several years ago about whether supersymmetry will be found at currently (or soon-to-be) accessible energies is available here. Maybe someone can think of a way to get more particle theorists on the record about this…

Update: For upcoming events really far afield from here, I should mention that the new Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Beijing is starting to get organized. Jonathan Shock reports that there will be an opening ceremony at the end of May, a two month program on Quantum Phases of Matter starting in June, and a program on String Theory and Cosmology in the fall.

Update: I’ve just heard that Discover Magazine has chosen the finalists in its “String Theory in Two Minutes or Less” contest. No, I didn’t enter. Here they are.

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Witten on Gauge Symmetry Breaking for Mathematicians

Edward Witten has a new expository article, aimed at mathematicians, to appear at some point in the Bulletin of the AMS, but now available here. It’s based on colloquium-style lectures to mathematicians he has given over the last few years (including here at Columbia) and is entitled “From Superconductors and Four-Manifold to Weak Interactions”. The paper is organized around describing various aspects of gauge-symmetry breaking, but pretty much sticks to aspects of the problem that don’t involve the full quantum theory, just analysis of classical Lagrangians.

He begins with a description of the Landau-Ginzburg model of superconductivity, and various physical phenomena that it describes including the Meissner effect, Abrikosov-Gorkov flux lines, and Type I and II superconductors. Solutions for a special case are described using complex-analytic techniques. Exploiting an analogy to the Landau-Ginzburg case, he next takes up the Seiberg-Witten equations and their use by Taubes to get invariants for symplectic 4-manifolds and existence theorems for pseudo-holomorphic curves in them.

Witten’s final topic is electroweak gauge symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism in the Standard Model. He ends by remarking that in the superconducting case the analog of the Higgs field is just an effective field for a different underlying physics, and mentioning technicolor as an implementation of something similar in the electroweak case, while noting that precision electroweak data shows no signs of anything other than an elementary Higgs field. He comments “But it is always possible that the right alternative has not yet been proposed” and explains how the LHC should definitively see a Higgs particle if the SM is correct since current bounds place its mass between 115 and 200 GeV.

The paper is purely expository, and aimed at mathematicians. It’s interesting to see that, even though there aren’t any really new developments in the area of gauge symmetry breaking, Witten clearly sees it as a fundamental problem every bit as deserving of being explained to non-physicists as string theory.

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News From the Landscape and Elsewhere

At the big annual APS meeting, now going on in Jacksonville, of the 9 plenary talks, one is about particle theory. The talk is entitled “String Theory, Branes and if You Wish, the Anthropic Principle” and it was given by Shamit Kachru of the Stanford group. Here’s the abstract, which besides the usual claims that string theory is “our most promising framework for a unified theory of the fundamental interactions” and that “the underlying theory is unique”, also makes the claim to have “testable ideas about inflation and particle physics”. No clue what these ideas are, so I don’t know if they include the testable prediction the landscape makes about the proton lifetime. Also unclear why the Anthropic Principle is being demoted to “if You Wish”. Lots of experimental talks on particle physics at the conference, here’s a Fermilab press release on CDF and D0 results discussed at the meeting. Lawrence Krauss was speaking on “Selling Physics to Unwilling Buyers”, I wonder what that was about. More about the meeting at the Physics Meetings blog.

David Ben-Zvi has put up on his web-site his lecture notes from last week’s series of lectures in Oxford on geometric Langlands. As usual, a very readable survey of the subject, emphasizing links to representation theory.

For another source of material about representation theory and the (non-geometric) Langlands program, see the web-site hosted by the Clay Mathematics Institute devoted to the collected works of James Arthur.

There’s yet another round of discussion on between science writers John Horgan and George Johnson. This week the LHC and the state of particle physics are some of the topics they consider.

From Fermilab, various new sources for discussion of the future of experimental particle physics include:

A web-site for the steering group tasked with developing a roadmap for future use of US accelerators. This week’s meeting includes a presentation on reconfiguring the Fermilab accelerator complex to produce larger numbers (factor of 3 more) protons, for use by neutrino experiments and others.

The Fermilab Physics Advisory Committee met on March 29-31, here are the presentations and report.

Last week there was a workshop devoted to considering what effect early data from the LHC would have on plans for the ILC (via Tommaso Dorigo).

Finally, Steven Miller, author of “String Kings”, has a new blog he is working on, devoted to essays on mathematical physics, theoretical biology and the history of science.

Update: Two more.

Seed magazine has a series of “cribsheets” about science. For physics, they cover nuclear power, the elements, and now string theory. The lack of predictivity of the theory is given a positive spin as being due to the “rich diversity” of string theory. At Cosmic Variance, Sean Carroll approvingly refers to this as “it only refers glancingly to the anthropic principle, which is a much more accurate view of the state of discussion about string theory than one would get by reading blogs.”

Nature has an article about the state of the LHC and the possibility that the Tevatron might be the first to see the Higgs. LHC project manager says that they were already running about 5 weeks behind schedule before the problem with the quadrupoles appeared, but says “In my view the magnet problem has been blown out of proportion… It is a very small part of a bigger picture.” If the schedule slips much more, there might not be time for an engineering run in 2007, and the first science run might be delayed until later in 2008.

Update: Thanks to commenter F. for pointing to the slides from Kachru’s talk. It’s a clear presentation of the moduli stabilization problem and the techniques that he and others used to solve it, while at the same time making the landscape problem much worse. The “testable” ideas mentioned in his abstract are the usual sort of thing behind claims like this: not actual tests of string theory, but effects in certain very specific models among the infinite variety of ones you can get out of string theory. Kachru doesn’t much address the issue of whether the landscape framework is testable science in the conventional sense, other than to describe people’s attempts to use eternal inflation to explain how the vacuum gets selected and try and get physics out of this as “notoriously confusing.” He also describes counting of vacua as favoring high-scale supersymmetry breaking, so maybe there is a prediction: no supersymmetry at the LHC.

Update: For the latest from FNAL on the LHC magnet problems, see here.

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String Kings – The Director’s Cut

I just learned from Cosmic Variance that a review of the Director’s Cut version of String Kings is now out. It seems that the Director’s Cut version includes more scenes featuring a certain “man on the edge” in New York City…

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