Interview With Alain Connes

Someone wrote in to tell me about a very interesting interview with Alain Connes, conducted at the IPM in Teheran at the time of the Workshop on Non-Commutative Geometry held there this past September.

As always, Connes has quite a few provocative things to say, including some harsh criticisms of the way string theory research is conducted (this in spite of the fact that the Institute hosting him is dominated by string theorists):

The only thing I resent in string theory is that they put in the mind of people that it is the only theory that can give the answer or they are very close to the answer. That I resent. For people who have enough background it is fine since they know all the problems that block the road like the cosmological constant, the supersymmetry breaking, etc., etc.. But if you take people who are beginners in physics programs and brainwash them from the very start it is really not fair. Young physicists should be completely free, but it is very hard with the actual system.

Connes also has many interesting comments about non-commutative geometry and about his own career, including the fact that he went off in the direction he did because he was put off by the arrogance of the algebraic geometers at the IHES. He also has a lot to say about the importance of having a system like the French CNRS system that allows talented young researchers to develop a long-term research program without too much pressure to achieve quick results. He is quite scornful about the US university system, which he sees as emphasizing money and subjecting young people to huge pressures to work in well-established areas instead of trying to do something new and ambitious.

The interview also contains quite a few amusing stories. In one of them Connes tells about a well-known string theorist who walked out of his talk at Chicago because he wasn’t very interested, but two years later was paying rapt attention to the same talk when Connes gave it at Oxford. When Connes asked him about this, the physicist told him that the difference was that in the meantime he had heard that Witten had been seen reading Connes’s book in the library at Princeton.

On a completely different topic, there’s a nice review article by Edward Frenkel on the Langlands program and conformal field theory. Witten has new ideas about this subject and how it is related to S-duality in four-dimensional gauge theory. I hear he has been working on a paper on the subject since this summer, and that it should appear imminently.

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Susskind Interview at New Scientist

There’s an interview with Susskind in the latest issue of New Scientist by Amanda Gefter, entitled Is String Theory in Trouble? Susskind makes many of the same points as in his recent book The Cosmic Landscape: mixing up positivism and falsifiability, attacking those who ask for falsifiable predictions as “Popperazi”, and saying that the best he can come up with as a prediction from his ideas is the very long-shot that the negative curvature of space due to its origin in bubble nucleation has not been made vanishingly small by inflation.

There’s a discussion forum about the article on the New Scientist site that people might want to contribute to.

Update: Ken Silber writes in to point out that William Dembski, one of the most prominent Intelligent Design ideologues, has now latched on to the string theory controversy as evidence that mainstream science is no better than ID. Dembski has both comments on Susskind and comments on David Gross’s admission that string theory is in trouble.

I’ve been pointing out to string theory partisans for a while that they need to publicly confront Susskind and his followers over their abandonment of the scientific method, otherwise they will have no argument against Intelligent Design. Susskind is making all this much worse with his dismissive comments about the falsifiability of evolutionary theory, as well as the following from the New Scientist interview:

If, for some unforeseen reason, the landscape turns out to be inconsistent – maybe for mathematical reasons, or because it disagrees with observation – I am pretty sure that physicists will go on searching for natural explanations of the world. But I have to say that if that happens, as things stand now we will be in a very awkward position. Without any explanation of nature’s fine-tunings we will be hard pressed to answer the ID critics. One might argue that the hope that a mathematically unique solution will emerge is as faith-based as ID.

Update: Susskind is fast becoming the darling of the IDers. A new posting on the web-site “Intelligent Design the Future” run by the Discovery Institute links to a review by IDer and nuclear physicist David Heddle entitled Susskind’s Sophie’s Choice.

Heddle concludes:

Susskind has presented the physics community with what is, for some (not this writer), a Sophie’s Choice: a hidious, complictated, unfalsifiable String-Theory Landscape, or Intelligent Design.

Susskind rocks.

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Yet More Assorted Links

Various and assorted things that may be of interest:

Joshua Roebke at Seed has accumulated opinions about the landscape from various physicists. No real surprises; Witten wins the award for most non-committal:

I just don’t have anything incisive to say. I hope we will learn more.

There’s a mailing list called philphys devoted to “philosophical and foundational problems of modern physics.”

The web-site for the ICFA Seminar held in Korea a couple months ago has several interesting presentations on-line, including one by John Ellis, and several about future plans at various accelerator laboratories world-wide.

There was a conference recently in Geneva celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of E.C.G. Stueckelberg. Some anecdotes about Stueckelberg are here.

There is a bit of a controversy about another E.C.G., Sudarshan, who some (including himself) feel should have been part of this year’s Nobel prize in physics. Stories about this here, here, and here.

Some talks given at the recent conference at OSU on Strings and the Real World are on-line. See if you can find anything in them about the real world.

According to this article, string theory is now being marketed to the 6-11 year-old age group, appearing as test questions in the Flashcard Fishing game on the GoGo TV game system.

Barry Mazur has an article about category theory entitled When is one thing equal to some other thing?.

Penn State mathematician Adrian Ocneanu has designed a sculpture representing an interesting four dimensional figure, the Octacube.

Update: Sean Carroll has a new preprint out entitled Is Our Universe Natural?, and some commentary about it at Cosmic Variance. Unlike certain Nobel prize winners, Sean recognizes that before throwing in the trash the paradigm of how to do theoretical physics that has had such success for many centuries, one should at least have a shred of scientific evidence for one’s proposed alternative. He explains what the problems are with the one supposedly successful “prediction” of the anthropic principle, that of Weinberg for the cosmological constant, noting that it makes three assumptions, and :

The first of these is a guess, the second is likely to be fantastically wrong in the context of eternal inflation, and the last only makes sense if all of the other parameters are held fixed, which is not how we expect the multiverse to work.

Even with these dubious assumptions, the “prediction” one gets is off by more than an order of magnitude.

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Wilczek Goes Anthropic

A few weeks ago one Nobel prize winner put out an article promoting the idea of adopting anthropic reasoning as a new paradigm of how to do theoretical physics. More recently another Nobelist, Frank Wilczek, has to some degree followed suit. Wilczek is one of four authors on a new paper entitled Dimensionless constants, cosmology and other dark matters which first appeared on the arXiv November 29th, then in a slightly revised version on December 8. The other authors are Tegmark, Aguirre and Rees, with Tegmark’s name appearing first indicating it’s more his work than that of his co-authors.

I wasn’t sure quite what to make of this paper when it first came out, especially how much it reflected Wilczek’s own point of view on anthropism. Last Friday I attended talks by Wilczek and Tegmark at the 6th Northeast String Cosmology Meeting organized by the Institute for Strings, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics here at Columbia.

Wilczek’s talk was entitled “Enlightenment, Knowledge, Ignorance, Temptation”. He explained that these corresponded to categorizing parameters of physical theories according to whether life depended on them or not and whether we have a good idea for what determines them or not. Choosing the two possible answers to these two questions gives four cases:

Enlightenment: Parameters that life depends on, and we think we have a good idea about what determines them. Here his example was the proton mass, very small on the Planck scale, but we think we know why: logarithmic running of coupling constants.

Knowledge: Parameters that life doesn’t depend on, and we think we have a good idea about what determines them. One example he gave was strong CP violation, which is irrelevant to life, but very small, perhaps because of axions.

Ignorance: Parameters that life doesn’t depend on, and we don’t have a good idea about what determines them. This includes most of the standard model parameters, as well as just about all parameters in theories that go beyond the standard model.

Temptation: Parameters that life depends on, and we don’t have a good idea about what determines them. The examples he gave were the electron and up and down quark masses.

He said that his talk would concentrate on “Temptation”, the temptation being that of using anthropic argumentation. He noted that David Gross believes this is a dangerous opiate, causing people to just give up instead of really solving problems. The one anti-anthropic point he made was to put up a graphic showing agreement of the lattice QCD spectrum calculations with experiment, saying the lesson was that sometimes real calculations turned out to be possible even though people had at times doubted this. So one should try and “limit the damage”, not go wild and use anthropics inappropriately, trying to save as much beautiful physics as one can even when anthropic reasoning is forced on us.

The rest of his talk though showed a significant amount of enthusiasm for the new anthropism. He referred to people like his co-author Rees who have been promoting the anthropic point of view for years as “unhonored prophets”. Given the paucity of experimental data relevant to explaining where things like standard model parameters come from, he said that at least anthropics gives lots of new questions so one has something to do when one gets up each day which might be fruitful. He attacked the idea of using “pure thought”, without consulting the physical world, saying this hasn’t worked, not 20 years ago, not now, not in the future. I presume he had string theory in mind when he said this, noting out loud that it might annoy some people in the room.

The main idea about anthropics he was trying to push is that anthropic calculations were “just conditional probability”, making much of the equation


for the probability of observing some particular value p of parameters, given some underlying theory in which they are only determined probabilistically by some probability distribution fprior(p). The second factor fselec(p) is supposed to represent “selection effects”, and it is here that anthropic calculations supposedly have their role. In the paper the authors argue that “Including selection effects is no more optional than the correct use of logic”. The standard way physics has traditionally been done, one hopes that the underlying theory determines p (i.e. fprior(p) is a delta-function), making selection effects irrelevant in this context. The authors attack this point of view, writing:

to elevate this hope into an assumption would, ironically, be to push the anthropic principle to a hedonistic extreme, suggesting that nature must be devised so as to make mathematical physicists happy.

At no point in his or Tegmark’s talks, or anywhere in their paper, do they address the central problem with the anthopic principle, that there’s a huge issue about whether you can get falsifiable predictions out of it, and thus whether you’re really doing science. In this context, the nature of the problem is that if fprior(p) is not peaked somewhere but is flat (or more or less flat), then everything just depends on fselec(p), but if you calculate it anthropically, all you are doing is seeing what you can conclude from known laws of physics and the fact that we exist. In the end what will come out of this kind of calculation is some probability distribution that better be non-zero for the values of the parameters we observe, otherwise you’ve done the calculation wrong.

There is a particular sort of physical model one can hope to falsify this way. If one assumes our universe is a randomly chosen point in a “multiverse” of possibilities, and looks at an observable that is supposed to have a more or less flat probability distribution in the ensemble given by the multiverse, then one can argue that we should be at some region of parameter space containing the bulk of the probability in the anthropically determined fselec(p), not far out in some tail where the probability distribution is vanishingly small. There are plenty of examples of this already. The proton lifetime is absurdly long compared to bounds from anthropic constraints, so any model of a multiverse that doesn’t have some structure built into it to generically sufficiently suppress proton decay is ruled out. This includes the string theory landscape, so one of the many mysteries of the whole anthropic landscape story is why its proponents don’t take their own arguments seriously and admit that their model has been falsified already. It also applies to Tegmark’s favorite idea, that of the existence of a Level IV multiverse of all possible mathematical structures, an idea he also promotes in the paper with Wilczek.

Wilczek also discussed one particular axion cosmology model in which fprior(p) can be calculated. In these models one has the relation
$$\xi_c\sim f_a^4\sin ^2\frac{\theta_0}{2}$$
for the axion dark matter density in terms of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking scale and the misalignment angle of the axion field at the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking phase transition. To make this agree with the observed dark matter density, if one assumes the misalignment angle is some random angle then the Peccei-Quinn scale has to be about 1012GeV. If one wants to make the Peccei-Quinn scale the GUT or Planck scale, one has to find some reason for the misalignment angle to be very small. The proposal here is that this happens for anthropic reasons, since if the angle were not small it would cause an amount of dark matter incompatible with our existence. For these small angles the above formula implies that the probability distribution for the dark matter density caused by such axions satisfies
$$f_{\text{prior}}(\xi)\sim \frac{1}{\sqrt \xi}$$

The Tegmark et. al. paper contains an elaborate calculation of fselec for the dark matter density, involving all sorts of “anthropic” considerations which goes on for eleven pages or so and involves a bafflingly long list of considerations about galaxy, star and planet formation, as well as many possible dangers that could have disrupted the evolution of life, such as disruption of the Oort cloud of comets. I’ll freely admit to not having taken the time to follow this argument. The end result for fselec as a function of $\sqrt\xi$ is a probability distribution with the measured dark energy corresponding to something close to the peak.

I’m not sure exactly what conclusions one can or should draw from this calculation. So many different facts about our specific universe are being folded into this that it’s not clear to me that there isn’t some circular reasoning going on. This is a general problem with “anthropic” arguments: if you assume that life couldn’t exist if the universe was much different than it is, you smuggle all sorts of information about the way the world is into your “anthropic” calculation, after which it is not too surprising that it “predicts” the universe has more or less the properties you observe.

What we really care about in these arguments is whether they can be used to extract any information whatsoever about fprior, the physics we are trying to get at. In this axion cosmology case we have a prediction for this distribution and the calculation shows this is consistent with the observed dark energy density, but as far as I can tell, all sorts of other quite different distributions would work too. So, I’m still confused about exactly what this calculation has told us about the underlying axion cosmology physics that it is supposed to address, other than that it is not obviously completely inconsistent.

Tegmark’s talk at Columbia was titled “Measuring and Predicting Cosmological Parameters”. The “measuring part” was a summary of some of the impressive experimental evidence for the standard cosmological model. The “predicting” part was pretty much pure promotion of anthropism, including a long section on reasons why the electroweak symmetry breaking scale is anthropic and some comments making fun of David Gross (“even he couldn’t predict the distance from the earth to the sun. Laughter…”). The only actual “predictions” mentioned were the results about the axion cosmology model mentioned above and described in detail in the Tegmark et. al paper, as well as the well-known Weinberg anthropic “prediction” for the cosmological constant.

All in all, I found these two talks and the Tegmark et. al. paper pretty disturbing. They seem to me to be part of a highly ideological effort to sell the Anthropic Principle as science. The paper devotes two pages to a detailed list of standard model parameters, and makes various statements about the probability distribution function on this large number of parameters, even though it has nothing to say about almost all of them, and I think there’s a strong argument that the anthropic program inherently will never have anything useful to say about most of these parameters. Many of Wilczek’s remarks were more modest, but the paper he has signed his name to is highly immodest in its claims for anthropism. Together with Weinberg and Susskind’s anthropic campaigns, it seems to me that more and more theorists are going to join this bandwagon. Neither Wilczek nor Tegmark are string theorists (and Wilczek is clearly somewhat skeptical about the whole idea), but there seems to be an unholy alliance brewing between them and Susskind and his followers. The only prominent person in the field standing up to this publicly is David Gross, and it is very worrying to see how little support he is getting.

Update: A preprint by Frank Wilczek corresponding to his talk last week entitled Enlightenment, Knowledge, Ignorance, Temptation has appeared. It is a contribution to the same conference as the one Weinberg contributed Living in the Multiverse to, I gather in honor of Martin Rees. Wilczek’s preprint announces a “new zeitgeist”, that anthropic arguments are in the ascendancy. One quite strange thing in the preprint is that he suggests an anthropic explanation for the long proton lifetime in terms of doing anthropic calculations involving future observers.

He does say there are drawbacks to the new order (a loss of precision and of targets to calculate), but on the whole he seems to embrace the new anthropic paradigm rather whole-heartedly, seeing it as a lesson in humility for those who had the hubris to believe it was possible to understand more about the universe through “pure thought.”

Update: Two of the authors of the paper discussed here (Aguirre and Tegmark) wrote in with some comments that are well worth reading (as well as those from Smolin and others about his own proposal). Aguirre points to an interesting paper of his On making predictions in a multiverse (see also an earlier paper with Tegmark), which addresses some of the conceptual issues that were bothering me about this sort of calculation. It points out many of the problems with this kind of calculation, and I don’t really share the author’s optimism that they can be overcome.

Lee Smolin mentioned to me a somewhat related workshop that was held this past summer at the Perimeter Institute, on the topic of Evolving Laws, especially “do the laws of nature evolve in time?” Audio of the discussions at the workshop is available

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Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics

Princeton University has just announced the formation of a new Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics, to be led by Curtis Callan (who was my thesis advisor).

Interestingly, the concept of this new center seems to be to move away from Princeton’s traditional emphasis on particle theory (and more recently, string theory) as the central topic of theoretical physics, in favor of a much broader concept, bringing “together faculty, postdoctoral fellows and students from science departments across campus to study topics ranging from the Big Bang to quantum computing to evolution.”

In recent years Callan has been spending much of his time working on biology, and the idea seems to be for the center to encourage this sort of work by theoretical physicists in other disciplines. Callan says:

“A motivation for the center is the growing realization that some very exciting challenges in theoretical science arise when we ask what theoretical physics can do to help comprehend the new phenomena and enormous amounts of high-quality data that other disciplines are now producing.”

“In discussions among a group of faculty over the last year, we came to the conclusion that Princeton is remarkably well-placed to foster such developments: It is a leader in theoretical physics and it has an unusual number of faculty in other departments — including chemistry, engineering, molecular biology and genomics — who are trained in theoretical physics,” he said. “The purpose of the center is to create a framework in which these people can work together to expand the boundaries of theoretical science.”

The associate director will be cosmologist Paul Steinhardt, and the other faculty associated with the center include condensed matter theorists Ravindra Bhatt and Shivaji Sondhi, string theorist Igor Klebanov, astrophysicist David Spergel, biophysicist William Bialek, and materials scientist Salvatore Torquato. The center will open in the fall of 2006 with thematic programs in cosmology and quantum computation starting in 2007.

Across town at the IAS they’re not branching out into other subjects but sticking to pure string theory, recently announcing that next year’s Prospects in Theoretical Physics summer program will be devoted to training graduate students and postdocs in string theory.

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David Gross Admits String Theory is in Trouble

The latest issue of New Scientist has an article entitled Nobel Laureate Admits String Theory is in Trouble. It describes remarks by David Gross at the recent Solvay conference in Brussels, mentioned here earlier.

Gross described the current state of string theory as “We don’t know what we are talking about”, and also admitted:

“Many of us believed that string theory was a very dramatic break with our previous notions of quantum theory,” he said. “But now we learn that string theory, well, is not that much of a break.”

He said the field was in “a period of utter confusion”, and compared the current situation to that at in 1911, at the time of the first Solvay conference, when no one had any idea what was causing radioactivity.

“They were missing something absolutely fundamental,” he said. “We are missing perhaps something as profound as they were back then.”

The same issue of New Scientist also has an editorial on the subject entitled Physics’ greatest endeavour is grinding to a halt, which ends as follows:

For decades, string theorists have been excused from testing their ideas against experimental results. When astronomers discovered the accelerating expansion of the universe, which string theory fails to account for, many string theorists took shelter in a remarkable excuse: that their equations describe all possible universes and should not be tied to matching data in just one of them.

But when the theory does not match the one data set we have, is it science? There is a joke circulating on physics blogs: that we can, after all, call our universe unique. Why? Because it is the only one that string theory cannot describe. Should we laugh or cry?

There is a growing feeling that string theory has run into the sand. Gross thinks we are missing something fundamental. We need a leap in understanding, though where it will come from is not clear. Many of the greatest minds in physics were there at last week’s conference, and none had an answer.

We are approaching the end of Einstein’s centennial year – a celebration of physics. While some lesser-known areas of the subject are flourishing, the search for a theory of everything is in a sorry state. Unless string theory gets a radical shake-up, gifted but frustrated minds will begin to drift into other areas of science. And if that is what makes biology the subject of the century, it will be depressing reason indeed.

Update: Lubos Motl has some comments on this. He compares the current devastation of string theory to the effects of hurricane Katrina and me to an Islamic extremist, while arguing against the terrible danger to physics if all this leads to study of a “diversity of approaches” other than string theory.

Update: Gross now claims his words were misinterpreted.

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The Cosmic Landscape

Susskind’s new book, The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design is now out. It’s basically a lengthy version for the general public of the argument that he has been, with some success, trying to sell to the physics community for the last few years. In short, the argument is that the compatibility of string theory with an essentially infinite variety of different physics is not a bad thing (because it can’t predict anything), but a good thing (because it allows an anthropic argument for the small size of the cosmological constant).

Susskind devotes quite a lot of space to attacking the argument that the string theory picture of unification is “elegant”, instead promoting the idea that the properties of the universe come from some more or less random very complicated “Rube Goldberg” construction of a vacuum, one whose nature is just constrained by the anthropic principle. He asks:

But is String Theory beautiful? Does String Theory live up to the standards of elegance and uniqueness that physicists demand? Are its equations few and simple? And, most important, are the Laws of Physics implied by String Theory unique?

He answers these questions by first making fun of the supposed mathematical elegance of the theory:

Elegance requires that the number of defining equations be small. Five is better than ten, and one is better than five. On this score, one might facetiously say that String Theory is the ultimate epitome of elegance. With all the years that String Theory has been studied, no one has ever found even a single defining equation! The number at present count is zero. We know neither what the fundamental equations of the theory are nor even if it has any.

He goes on to argue that the laws of physics implied by string theory have turned out to be highly non-unique:

During the 1990s the number of possibilities grew exponentially. String theorists watched with horror as a stupendous Landscape opened up with so many valleys that almost anything can be found somewhere in it.

The theory also exhibited a nasty tendency to produce Rube Goldberg machines. In searching the Landscape for the Standard Model, the constructions became unpleasantly complicated. More and more “moving parts” had to be introduced to account for all the requirements, and by now it seems that no realistic model would pass muster with the American Society of Engineers — not for elegance in any case.

From this he draws the following bizarre conclusion:

Judged by the ordinary criteria of uniqueness and elegance, String Theory has gone from being Beauty to being the Beast. And yet the more I think about this unfortunate history, the more reason I think there is to believe that String Theory is the answer.

He remarks with surprise that no one has drawn the obvious conclusion that these arguments just imply that string theory is wrong:

What I have never heard is criticism based on the unfortunate inelegance or the lack of uniqueness of String Theory. Either of these tendencies might be thrown back at the string theorists as evidence that their own hopes for the theory are misguided. Perhaps part of the reason that the enemies haven’t pounced is that string theorists have kept their Achilles heel under wraps until fairly recently. I suspect that now that it is becoming public, partly through my own writings and lectures, the kibitzers on the sidelines will be grinning and loudly announcing, “Ha, ha, we knew it all along. String Theory is dead.”

adding a footnote to this paragraph in proof:

This remark was written in the spring of 1994, [presumably he means 2004] but by the time I completed writing ‘The Cosmic Landscape’ a year later, the vultures had descended in force.

He seems to have forgotten about at least one particular vulture, who back in 2003, tried to make this point at the question session after one of his colloquium talks.

Susskind’s argument that string theory’s compatibility with just about anything is actually an advantage is based on the fact that this makes a place for Weinberg’s 1987 anthropic principle argument for the size of the cosmological constant (which from what I’ve seen gets it wrong by at least one to two orders of magnitude if you only vary the CC, more if you vary other parameters). He addresses criticism of the anthropic principle as unscientific by denouncing the field of philosophy of science, and the criterion of falsifiability in particular:

Frankly, I would have preferred to avoid the kind of philosophical discourse that the Anthropic Principle excites. But the pontification, by the “Popperazi,” about what is and what is not science has become so furious in news reports and Internet blogs that I feel I have to address it.

He then goes on to quote from something he wrote for a debate with Smolin at the Edge web-site. For the bizarre story of how this debate came about, including the rejection by the arXiv of a submitted “paper” by Susskind about this, see here. He begins with:

Throughout my long experience as a scientist I have heard unfalsifiability hurled at so many important ideas that I am inclined to think that no idea can have great merit unless it has drawn this criticism. I’ll give some examples:

The examples he gives are:

1. Behaviorist psychologists like B. F. Skinner who argued that statements about emotions were unscientific. Here I think Susskind is confusing positivism (the philosophy that science should just deal with directly observable quantities), with falsifiability, which is different. A theory may be based on quantities that are not directly observable, and still make falsifiable predictions about experimentally observable quantities. In any case, physics is supposed to be a much “harder” science than that part of psychology dealing with human emotions, and it is pretty strange for a physicist to be arguing that what he is doing really is science using this as an example.

2. The theory of quarks. Again, Susskind completely confuses positivistic objections (that if quarks are not directly observable you shouldn’t talk about them), with falsifiability. While quark theory was problematic until 1973 since there was no workable dynamics, it was taken seriously because it made some very impressive, highly falsifiable predictions. The best known example is the quark theory prediction of the mass, spin and charge of the Omega-Minus particle. If string theory had made some predictions like this, few people would be criticizing it.

3. The theory of inflation. Susskind claims that after Guth first came up with this in 1980, it was attacked as unfalsifiable. I don’t recall ever having heard such a criticism, although it was always clear and remains true to this day that experimentally distinguishing between the predictions of different mechanisms for inflation is difficult. From what I remember, there was actually a lot more optimism in the early 80s about this than now, since people were pretty enthusiastic about GUT models, and there seemed to be a good chance that one of the scalar fields in a simple GUT model would do the trick. Susskind writes: “It took 20 years to do the experiments that confirmed inflation.” As far as I know people were calculating the effects of inflation on the CMB and starting to design experiments to see them within a few years after Guth’s work. I don’t see the relevance of the fact that it took a while to get a sufficiently sensitive experiment working.

4. The theory of evolution. Susskind joins other string theorists like Lubos Motl and an anonymous Cambridge referee I dealt with in believing that the status of string theory is much like that of the theory of evolution. He seems to believe that fossil evidence is irrelevant to testing Darwin, writing:

And it took more 100 years or more for to decisively test Darwin (some would even say that it has yet to be tested).

I’ll leave it to a professional biologist like P. Z. Myers to argue this point with him, but it seems to me both nutty and irresponsible, given the ongoing battles over the teaching of evolution (which Susskind is getting himself involved with in the very subtitle of this book).

After attacking falsifiability as a criterion for a scientific theory, Susskind does admit that a theory has to make some predictions, even if they’re not the sort that could falsify the theory. He acknowledges difficulty in coming up with any predictions:

Is there any way to explain in which of these anthropically acceptable vacuums we live? Obviously, the Anthropic Principle cannot help us predict which one we live in — any of these vacuums is acceptable.

This conclusion is frustrating. It leaves the theory open to the criticism that it has no predictive power, something that scientists are very sensitive about.

He discusses the idea of using statistical arguments, acknowledging that there are severe problems with this due to the “measure problem” of not being able to compare sizes of infinite sets, as well as the problem of not knowing what a priori probability to assign to any given vacuum state. Finally he does try and come up with some suggestions of how the theory might be tested, they are:

1. Evidence in the CMB that our universe was formed by bubble nucleation:

If we are very, very lucky, the largest lumps in the CMB might date to a time just before the usual Inflation got started — in other words, just as the universe was settling onto the inflationary ledge…

If we are that lucky, then the Inflation did not go on long enough to wipe out evidence for the curvature of space… If our pocket universe was born in a bubble nucleation event, the universe must be negatively curved.

At the level of accuracy that the curvature of space has been measured, there is no indication of such curvature. This idea may fail because standard Inflation probably has been going on for a long time when the largest visible lumps were formed.

So, this is both very unlikely to be something we can observe, and even if we did it would only tell us that the universe was born in a nucleation event, still giving us just about zero information about the supposed landscape and none whatsoever about string theory.

2. Cosmic superstrings. Here Susskind is referring to claims by Polchinski and others that amidst the infinity of possible physics due to string theory, one can cook up special cases where certain kinds of superstrings of astronomical dimensions exist and have properties precisely such that we wouldn’t have seen them yet, but could see their effects in gravitational wave experiments like Advanced LIGO. As far as I’ve ever been able to tell, these are contrived constructions, with no reason at all that the vacuum state of the real world should be such as to support them. These are highly non-falsifiable “predictions” of string theory. No string theorist is going to give up on string theory just because Advanced LIGO doesn’t see these effects.

3. High energy physics. Susskind talks about the LHC and the question of whether the fine-tuning problem of the Higgs mass will be resolved by supersymmetry or is anthropic. He acknowledges that, based on Landscape arguments:

My original guess was that supersymmetry was not favored, and I said so in print. But I have changed my mind — twice — and probably not for the last time.

This isn’t much of a argument for predictivity on this issue, but I guess his point is that sufficient study of the Landscape might somehow resolve this question, although all the evidence so far is that this is not possible.

The bottom line here is that Susskind is unable to come up with any remotely plausible way of ever getting any scientific predictions out of the string theory landscape framework, and yet he thinks it is a good idea to write a popular book designed to sell it to the public. He makes clear that he is doing this because he sees himself at war with that part of the theoretical physics community which still believes in the idea of continuing to try and do what theoretical physicists have always done: find a more mathematically beautiful, more compelling, more predictive theory than the one we have now. In one chapter he surveys the state of the ongoing political battle for the hearts and minds of his fellow theorists. He crows (with some justification) that Weinberg agrees with him, saying physicists have to give up the paradigm of how to do physics they pursued during the last century, that Witten is facing defeat and getting depressed, that Joe Polchinski says there’s no alternative, that the entire Stanford theoretical physics group are his allies, that ‘t Hooft won’t rule out anthropic explanations, that Maldacena believes in the Landscape, that Michael Douglas is on his side, that cosmologists Linde, Vilenkin, Rees and Tegmark are in his camp, and that Alan Guth is at least a fence sitter. One of the few active opponents that he sees left on the scene is David Gross, whose reasons for opposition he describes as “more ideological than scientific.” He sees Gross as dead meat: “the field of physics is littered with the corpses of stubborn old men who didn’t know when to give up.”

In coming weeks, it will be interesting to see how the physics community deals with the challenge presented by Susskind’s publicity campaign for changing how theoretical physics is done. So far the initial signs are depressing. Michael Duff’s review in Physics World just more or less respectfully repeats Susskind’s argument, not challenging it in any way. In a review of the Duff review, Clifford Johnson answers the question of whether this sort of thing is still science with “I have not yet made up my own mind whether it sits well with me or not…” He makes a distinction between postdiction and prediction that I don’t quite agree with (if Susskind’s framework accurately postdicted even a few of the known Standard Model parameters, I’d be a believer). He takes the usual stance favored by most sensible string theorists who want to keep working on the theory that they don’t understand the theory well enough yet to know whether they are stuck with the Landscape or not. Finally he thinks there’s a chance that maybe the structure of the Landscape is such that once one anthropically fixed the CC and some other constants, the remaining set of vacua would actually predict something. I don’t see the slightest evidence for this, but it’s the argument many are now using to justify exploring the Landscape and surrounding swampland instead of giving up on string theory and trying to find a better idea.

Update: I should have mentioned a recent well thought out review of Susskind’s book at Tech Central Station by Kenneth Silber. It’s quite sensible and worth reading if you’re following this story. Another review of the book has just appeared, this one by George Ellis at Nature. Ellis is much more critical of Susskind than Duff was, realizing that the crucial issue is that Susskind has no evidence for his claims, and writing in his final paragraph:

Physicists indulging in this kind of speculation sometimes denigrate philosophers of science, but they themselves do not yet have rigorous criteria to offer for proof of physical existence. This is what is needed to make this area solid science, rather than speculation. Until then, the multiverse situation seems to fit St Paul’s description: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” In this case, it is faith that enormous extrapolations from tested physics are correct; hope that correct hints as to the way things really are have been identified from all the possibilities, and that the present marginal evidence to the contrary will go away.

One peculiar thing about Ellis’s review is that he accuses Susskind of ignoring the fact that there is no experimental evidence for negative curvature of the sort one might get if the universe was formed by bubble nucleation. In Susskind’s defense, he does address this point, saying it is very unlikely we can see this negative curvature since inflation is likely to have gone on long enough to make it unmeasurably small.

Posted in Book Reviews | 32 Comments

Roadmap for Fermilab

Over at Quantum Diaries, Rob Gardner has an interesting report on a lunchtime informal brown bag talk given yesterday by Pier Oddone, the director of Fermilab.

He includes some telegraphic comments about prospects for financing future accelerators (the ILC and upgrades to the LHC):

Scenarios are complex to me! What will CERN and Asia do? Looking at 8B for ILC? How to share the cost? CERN is in debt till 2010! And, note that LHC will need to be upgraded, and will cost 1.5B or so. Can CERN chip in 1B + other Europe 1B? Can we then claim 50% from abroad (ask for 4B)? But what if the ILC RDR comes back at 12B?

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I’ve just added LatexRender support to this weblog, using Steve Mayer’s WordPress plugin. In principle you should now be able to add formulas in TeX in the comments by putting the TeX in between [tex ] and [/tex ] (without the space).

Here’s an example of the output:

[tex]\displaystyle{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2}dx=\sqrt{\pi}}[/tex]

I fear this will undoubtedly require some further debugging, but no time for that right now.

Update: This is now long out of date. I’ve replaced LatexRender with MathJax support. The opening and closing delimiters for tex math are now ‘\$’ and for displayed math are “\$\$”.

Posted in Uncategorized | 38 Comments


The editors at Seed magazine have started a new blog about science called sciencegate, which contains a wide variety of interesting material. One of the recent postings is called Strung Out on the Couch; it’s by Joshua Roebke and not exactly complimentary about string theory. Here’s his analogy for the current situation of string theory:

Think of it this way, a precocious little genius, who everyone has been touting would do great things in the world, finally grows up. Now imagine he’s 30 years old, living at home having not accomplished much, and his mom keeps going on about how great he is and is still going to be. You’d probably just want to tell him to grow up and make something of all that potential instead of just talking about how he’s going to get off the couch.

Before Lubos and others start the usual personal attack on any string theory critic as not knowing anything about the subject, it’s worth pointing out that Roebke spent several years as a graduate student working on string cosmology before leaving academia.

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