Quantum Gravity Commentary

During the last couple days, some interesting commentary on quantum gravity has appeared at a couple places on the web. One is at John Baez’s latest edition of his proto-blog This Week’s Finds in Mathematical Physics. John is mainly writing about operads, but he begins by saying a bit about why he’s working on pure math rather than quantum gravity these days:

Work on quantum gravity has seemed stagnant and stuck for the last couple of years, which is why I’ve been turning more towards pure math.

He mentions the “landscape” and the problems it is causing for string theory, suggesting a reason Susskind’s “anthropic” nonsense is getting attention:

perhaps it’s because nobody really knows how to get string theory to predict experimental results! Even after you chose a vacuum, you’d need to see how supersymmetry gets broken, and this remain quite obscure.

But instead of spending time bashing string theory, John admirably also has a critical take on his own side of the LQG/string theory controversy, noting that

it has major problems of its own: nobody knows how it can successfully mimic general relativity at large length scales, as it must to be realistic! Old-fashioned perturbative quantum gravity failed on this score because it wasn’t renormalizable. Loop quantum gravity may get around this somehow… but it’s about time to see exactly how.

Jacques Distler also has an interesting posting about quantum gravity, based on his introductory lecture to the string theory class he is teaching this semester. He explains what some of the generic problems with quantum gravity are, from an effective field theory/renormalization group point of view, and how string theory gets around them. There are also some interesting comments about observables in quantum gravity and the signficance in this context of non-trivial gauge transformations at infinity. Unfortunately, unlike John, Jacques doesn’t believe in being very explicit about the problems his side is having (to be fair, maybe that’s the topic of another lecture). He does mention background independence and refers to discussion elsewhere, where students could learn about the lack of a non-perturbative formulation of the theory. But his claim that string theory “provides a unique, or nearly unique UV completion” seems to me seriously misleading, and deserving of elaboration lest the uninitiated get the wrong idea.

Jacques does deal in a somewhat peculiar way with a commenter named Jason who is happy with the idea of a quantum gravity theory that can’t predict anything at all at the Planck scale. Instead of making the obvious point that believing in a theory that can’t predict anything is not what scientists do, Jacques writes

Careful, Jason. A certain self-anointed String Theory gadfly might hear you.

Perhaps Jacques meant to write “self-appointed”, since I’d never thought of myself as a “gadfly” until Sean Carroll recently referred to me as such. If I were the sort to self-anoint, I suppose I’d prefer something more serious sounding than “String Theory gadfly”, maybe “String Theorist’s worst nightmare”…..

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Warped Passages

A couple days ago I got ahold of a copy of Lisa Randall’s new book Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe’s Hidden Dimensions, and finished reading it last night. It’s a book intended for a popular audience, containing an overview of modern physics, but concentrating on the idea of extra dimensions beyond the standard four we know about. The last part of the book attempts to explain at a non-technical level work by Randall and others that generically goes under the name of “braneworld scenarios”, and involves various versions of the idea that our four dimensional space-time is embedded in some higher dimensional space. The specific ideas she describes in some detail are:

1. Work with Raman Sundrum (hep-th/9810155) on solving the flavor-changing problems that occur in supersymmetric models by “sequestering” the supersymmetry breaking sector on another brane, separated from ours.

2. The Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos and Dvali idea (hep-ph/9803315) of large extra dimensions, which explains the weakness of gravity as due to the large size of some of the extra dimensions, with gravity propagating in them, but not the other forces.

3. The Randall-Sundrum warped geometry with two branes (hep-ph/9905221).

4. The Randall-Sundrum warped geometry with an infinite extra dimension, using AdS geometry (hep-th/9906064).

5. Work with Karsch on “localized gravity” (hep-th/0011156).

I afraid I’ve never found these brane-world scenarios to be at all compelling. They don’t really seem to me either aesthetically appealing or able to explain in a convincing way any of the things we don’t understand about the standard model. They’re not derived from any fundamental theory, so the rules of what branes you’re allowed to postulate and what properties you can assign to them seem very loose, allowing all sorts of things. At one point Randall writes:

Other branes might be parallel to ours and might house parallel worlds. But many other types of braneworld might exist too. Branes could intersect and particles could be trapped at the intersections. Branes could have different dimensionality. They could curve. They could move. They could wrap around unseen invisible dimensions. Let your imagination run wild and draw any picture you like. It is not impossible that such a geometry exists in the cosmos.

which I guess is meant to be inspiring, but makes me worry there’s not enough structure to this game to make it useful. One virtue of some of these models is that they lead to new phenomena at potentially accessible energy scales. If the LHC sees the kinds of effects predicted by these models, there will be some well-deserved Nobel prizes for the people involved in this story, but this seems to me highly unlikely. Randall says in her book that she really does believe in these sorts of extra dimensions, but most particle theorists I know of (string theorist and non-string theorist) tend more to the opinion that while these are models worth investigating (since you may learn something, and it gives experimentalists something more specific to look for), there’s only the most outside chance that they correspond to what the LHC will see.

The one problem of the standard model that braneworlds do provide an interesting answer for is the hierarchy problem, that of why the weak and Planck scales are so disparate. In these scenarios, the fundamental gravitational scale is not the Planck scale, but something closer to the weak scale, so (unlike in the standard picture) gravity is not weak because the Planck scale is so large, but because braneworlds provide various mechanisms for making the gravitational force much weaker than the others. The idea that the gravitational scale may be closer to and maybe even directly related to the weak scale, and that this is somehow related to the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism that we still don’t understand, is an appealing one, but the ways braneworlds accomplish this removes much of the appeal (at least for me). The choices just seem too arbitrary, and while there is some geometry involved, it is geometry of a crude sort. The standard model involves fascinating and beautiful spinor geometry and the geometry of Yang-Mills fields, which is pretty much ignored in these scenarios, which try and get everything out of simple Riemannian geometry and general relativity sorts of considerations.

There’s a lot about string theory in the book, with Randall clearly skeptical about many of the claims made for the theory. I remember a few years ago at a debate over string theory held at the Museum of Natural History here in New York, she scornfully responded to the argument that “string theory predicts gravity” with “sure it does, gravity in ten dimensions.” Here she says I’m an agnostic on this subject – I don’t know what string theory will ultimately be or whether it will solve the questions of quantum mechanics and gravity it sets out to address. She’s similarly agnostic about GUTs: Although unified theories have some appealing features, I’m not really sure whether studying them will lead to correct insights into nature. The gap in energy between what we know and what we extrapolate to is huge..

Randall describes being a student in 1984 at Harvard, seeing the field split into two camps that were at odds with each other: Gross/Witten doing string theory at Princeton, Georgi/Glashow doing model building at Harvard. About Princeton she says :

Physicists there were so certain that string theory was the road to the future that the department no longer contained any particle theorists who didn’t work on string theory – a mistake that Princeton has yet to correct.

She tells the story of the relation between model builders and string theorists over the last twenty years as follows;

Early on, the battles between the merits of the two opposing viewpoints – string theory and model building – were fierce, with each side claiming better footing on the road to truth. Model builders thought that string theorists were in mathematical dreamland, whereas string theorists thought that model builders were wasting their time and ignoring the truth.

Fortunately, things have now changed. ….many of us now think about string theory and experimentally oriented physics simultaneously. I have continued to follow the model building approach in my research, but I also incorporate ideas from string theory…. The communities are no longer so rigidly defined, and there is more common ground. Both scientifically and socially, there are now strong overlaps between model builders and string theorists.

The fact that branes are an important part of modern string theory meant that string theorists took an interest in this kind of model-building, with Randall noting that:

In fact, because our research didn’t directly challenge string theory models, the string theory community actually accepted and recognized the significance of our work sooner than the model-building community.

In particular, the fact that the Randall-Sundrum model uses the same AdS geometry and has interesting relations to AdS/CFT has drawn a lot of interest from string theorists. Whatever you think of all this as physics, as academic politics it was an absolute stroke of genius, defusing a bitter conflict. I confess to finding this unholy alliance between the model-builders and string theorists rather problematic. I’d much prefer to see the model-builders holding string theorists accountable for the theory’s inability to actually predict anything or even lead in any well-defined way to a specific class of models that could be tested. By reaching an accomodation with string theorists and agreeing on a central role for string theory in particle theory research, the model-builders have made the string theory juggernaut pretty much impregnable, leaving anyone interested in alternatives to string theory very much marginalized within the particle theory community.

In the acknowledgements, she prominently thanks one of her Harvard colleagues:

Lubos Motl, a brilliant physicist and dedicated science communicator (whose specious ideas about women in science we’ll ignore), read everything, even before it was readable, and gave extraordinarily useful suggestions and encouragement at every stage.

Update: Lubos has a new posting about Randall’s book. He ends by referring to some forthcoming book containing “dumb insults against the physicists”. I guess the rumors that he’s written something for publication must be true then.

Posted in Book Reviews | 25 Comments

A First Course in Modular Forms

I recently got a copy of a very interesting new textbook entitled A First Course in Modular Forms by Fred Diamond and Jerry Shurman. Fred was a student of Andrew Wiles at Princeton, and came here to Columbia as a junior faculty member at the same time I did. He now teaches at Brandeis.

The title of the book is a bit deceptive, what it is really about is what used to be called the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil (or some subset of those names) conjecture, but now is often known as the Modularity Theorem. Most of this theorem was proved by Andrew Wiles (with help from Richard Taylor), who famously used his result to prove Fermat’s last theorem. More recently, the proof of the full theorem was completed by Fred, together with collaborators Christophe Breuil, Brian Conrad and Richard Taylor. Stating the modularity theorem precisely requires some serious mathematical technology, an imprecise statement is the “All rational elliptic curves arise from modular forms”. This fits into the Langlands program of establishing a correspondence between arithmetic objects (in this case elliptic curves over the rational numbers), and analytic objects (in this case modular forms). If one can do this, typically the fact that the analytic objects are pretty well understood allows one to get a vast amount of very deep information about the more mysterious arithmetic objects (e.g. being able to count solutions to equations over the rationals or integers).

The book takes an interesting approach to the Modularity Theorem, not trying to actually prove it. The proof involves highly sophisticated mathematical technology, and really understanding it is still the province of experts. If one wants to try and learn this technology, two places to look are the volumes Modular Forms and Fermat’s Last Theorem and Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, which are the proceedings of two different instructional conferences. Instead of trying to give a proof, Diamond and Shurman’s book explains exactly what the various related versions of the Modularity Theorem say. This covers a range of beautiful mathematical ideas, much of which hasn’t before had a particularly readable exposition. Until now, the main reference for some of this material has been Shimura’s Introduction to Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions, a famously difficult text.

The book is advertised as “A First Course” and attempts to minimize the prerequisites necessary to read it, making it conceivable to even use the book with advanced undergraduates. This is a worthy goal, but may be a bit over-ambitious. I suspect most people will get more out of the book if they already have had exposure to some of this mathematics at a slightly more basic level. One place to get this is Neal Koblitz’s Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms. But this really is a wonderful book, making accessible parts of the really beautiful mathematics which mathematicians have been making great progress in understanding over the last decade.

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arXiv Trackbacks

As discussed here, here, here, and here, the arXiv is now putting on each abstract page a link to trackbacks from weblogs which contain a link to the paper in question. This is an interesting mechanism for integrating the discussion of various papers on weblogs with the arXiv site.

I remember more than ten years ago Paul Ginsparg talking about the idea of setting up a mechanism for having commentary on papers on the arXiv, but this idea seems to have not gotten off the ground at the time. Part of the idea was that the author of the paper would be able to delete any posted commentary he or she didn’t like. When asked about whether this would stop people from being able to use the commentary section to point out that a paper was wrong, Ginsparg noted that if there was no commentary on a specific paper, did you really care whether it was because the author had deleted the comments, or because no one thought the paper was worth commenting on?

My latest posting from earlier this evening contained a couple links to arXiv papers (I didn’t know about this trackback business at the time). Jacques Distler explains that one’s weblog has to be on a list of “serious physicist-bloggers” in order for one’s trackbacks to appear. So far mine haven’t, so I guess I’m not a “serious physicist-blogger” by the standards of Jacques (or whoever is managing this thing).

Update: The trackbacks are there now, as pointed out by Sean Carroll. Not sure when this happened, partly because there seems to be a bug in their system. The abstract page for the Mickelsson paper I linked to counts only one trackback, when there really are two (the other, from Urs Schreiber was there yesterday).

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Oberwolfach Workshops

There have been two quite interesting Oberwolfach workshops this summer with some relation to my favorite ideas about K-theory and quantum field theory. The most recent was a workshop on Gerbes, Twisted K-theory and Conformal Field Theory, with blogging from Urs Schreiber at The String Coffeee Table. Jouko Mickelsson gave a talk on “Twisted K-theory and the index on G” which from Urs’s description was mostly about the material in Mickelsson’s paper Families Index Theorem in Supersymmetric WZW Model and Twisted K-theory. This is closely related to the Freed-Hopkins-Teleman theorem, and their construction of a twisted K-theory class using Dirac operators on a circle, parametrized by connections on the circle.

Urs wasn’t sure what to make of this talk or how to connect it to string theory. My own point of view is that this is very interesting not because of the relation to strings, but because one can think of it as a possible new way of describing the Hilbert space for 2d chiral gauge theory. Perhaps this can provide a 2d toy model to test out new approaches to gauge theories in 3 and 4 dimensions. From this point of view, the QFT involved is best thought of not as the supersymmetric WZW model, but as a chiral fermion coupled to a gauge field, with BRST gauge fixing. In some sense what is going on here is an index-theoretic version of BRST.

Earlier in the summer there was an Oberwolfach workshop on Geometric Topology and Connections With Quantum Field Theory. One of the main topics there was recent work on elliptic cohomology, with a survey talk by Graeme Segal and Jacob Lurie speaking on a new “derived algebraic geometry” approach to the related theory of “topological modular forms”. Greg Moore’s talk looked interesting, especially his comments on various QFTs which he thinks of as special cases of AdS/CFT, and generalizations of the Chern-Simons/CFT correspondence. In a footnote he writes “It would constitute a major step forward in mathematics if someone could state the AdS/CFT correspondence in a mathematically precise way.”

The same Oberwolfach workshop also had a talk by Nitu Kitchloo on “The Baum-Connes Conjecture for Loop Groups”, which really was also about Freed-Hopkins-Teleman in disguise. I’ve talked a little bit with Paul Baum about this idea that FHT is Baum-Connes for loop groups, but Kitchloo has tried to do something with it. The general idea behind Baum-Connes is that one can study the representation theory of a group in terms of the topological K-theory of a classifying space for the group. In the case of loop groups, the classifying space is the space of connections on a trivial bundle over the circle, and the topological K-theory is FHT’s twisted K-theory of the group. The information about the loop group representation theory is encoded in the Verlinde algebra. An ongoing project of mine is to try and sort out the relations of this story to 2d QFT (see comment above about Mickelsson’s work), hoping that if one gets the right point of view on the 2d case one can use this to define gauge theories in 3 and 4 dimensions in terms of some sort of K-theory, implementing some sort of Baum-Connes correspondence for higher dimensional gauge groups.

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More on WMAP

In reference to my recent posting about the status of the WMAP experiment, an anonymous (but as far as I can tell, well-informed) source writes:

Hi Peter,

I am *not* a WMAP person, and would appreciate you not mentioning my name or my institution, but here is the story in the interests of keeping things sane:

1. WMAP is fine.

2. They are being very, very careful with their analysis.

3. Polarization foregrounds are difficult to model.

4. I doubt WMAP has detected GWs. Someone would have leaked that by now.

5. Note that WMAP does not have the sensitivity to detect the GWs predicted by inflation, it is hard to see how any simple, reasonable models could produce a GW signal much larger than that, and so a GW signal would be truly revolutionary if WMAP saw it.

6. The conspiratorial “Cosmology News” that you have linked to looks pretty slanted to me. They are talking about the famous missing power in low multipoles, discussed in the first year data release. Note that COBE also saw this missing power. IMO, I very much doubt this is due to systematics, as that site alleges, and statements that the team thinks –at the late date of 2004 — otherwise are almost certainly made up.

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Not Even Wrong: The Book

There’s a project I’ve been working on for the last couple years that I haven’t wanted to write about here until it was further along, but now seems to be a good time. I’ve written a book, also entitled “Not Even Wrong”, and the British publisher Jonathan Cape is bringing it out in England, publication date March 16th from what I last heard. It will presumably appear later in the U.S., with the publisher here still to be arranged. Right now I’m putting some final touches on the manuscript, and hope to have a final version within the next week or so. You can take a look at the latest version of the cover art, and someone last night wrote to tell me that Random House in Canada has a catalog entry for the book.

The book contains material on several related topics, including a history of the standard model from a mathematically-informed perspective, a description of the history, current status and prospects of high energy accelerators and particle physics experiments, some of the history of recent interactions between mathematics and physics, a history of supersymmetry and string theory and attempts to use them to get beyond the standard model, comments on the notion of “beauty” in theoretical physics and on the sociology of how particle physics is pursued and supported, especially in the U. S.. There’s also a section explaining exactly what the problems with supersymmetry and string theory are, making the case that these are ideas that have failed conclusively, together with an explanation of what the whole “landscape” controversy is about.

The story of how the book came to be is roughly as follows. I started writing it in 2002, and had something pretty well finished by the end of that year. Early in 2003 an editor from Cambridge University Press heard about what I was writing and stopped by to see me when he was visiting Columbia. He got interested in the idea of having Cambridge publish the book, but I think he had no idea of how controversial this topic was. During 2003 the manuscript went through a couple iterations of refereeing at Cambridge. The first round of referee reports included a very positive report from a non-string theory particle theorist, a non-committal report from a mathematician who works on things related to string theory, and an extremely negative report from a string theorist.

I’d been quite curious to see how a string theorist referee would respond to the manuscript, since I was pretty sure all my facts were right, and I assumed that they would have trouble recommending against publication of something without being able to show that it said something incorrect. This first string theorist referee was described to me as a “well-known mainstream string theorist”. He or she dealt with the problem of not being able to find anything wrong with what I had written by claiming that arguing against string theory was like arguing against teaching evolution, and that “I think that you would be very hardpressed to find anybody who would say anything positive about this manuscript”, using this as an excuse for only coming up with one example of something incorrect in the manuscript. By now I’m pretty used to the tactic that was used to do this, but at the time I was pretty shocked by it. A sentence I had written was taken out of context and one of the words was changed from a singular to a plural, allowing the referee to construe the sentence in a way that allowed him or her to claim I wasn’t aware of some important developments in physics.

This experience convinced me that at least some string theorists were in far worse shape than I had imagined, suffering from the delusion that no one who knows what they are talking about could possibly criticize string theory, and willing to stoop to pathetic levels of dishonesty to maintain this point of view. I had off and on been worried that I was being too harsh in some of my criticisms of the behavior of string theorists, but after seeing this report I stopped worrying about this.

The Cambridge editor seemed to believe that the negative referee report lacked credibility, and that it even gave some evidence for the problems I was claiming existed in the string theory community. But for Cambridge to publish a book, a board of academics who act as advisors have to sign off on any decision. The editor felt that this round of referee’s reports would not be enough to convince them, so the manuscript was sent out to two more referees, both theorists who have worked on string theory. It took quite a while for these reports to come back, and when they did, one of them was very positive and recommended publication. The second however was quite negative. This referee found nothing inaccurate to complain about, but said that while he or she agreed with many of my critical comments about string theory, basically string theorists were the ones who should be evaluating the theory, and Cambridge shouldn’t be publishing the opinions of the likes of me. I couldn’t really disagree with this; string theorists are the ones who should be critically evaluating what has happened in the field, but the problem is that they’re not doing it.

At this point the editor still felt that he would have trouble getting approval to publish the book, and offered to try another round of referees, but this seemed to me a waste of time. String theorist referees were clearly willing to strongly recommend against publication even when they couldn’t point to anything inaccurate in the book, and the way the Press works, it was unlikely to publish something over the strong objections of some very prominent people. I then circulated the manuscript to editors at several other university presses. Two of them wrote back that while they found the book very interesting and well-written, a university press just could not publish something so controversial.

A friend of mine then put me in touch with a prominent New York literary agent. Her advice was that, if the manuscript was extensively rewritten to remove some of the more technical discussion, she thought she would be able to easily sell it to a trade publisher. I had mixed feelings about this idea, since if I removed some of these more technical chapters, I would be in the position of criticizing string theory, while not giving the details of what the problems with it were. I had also sent the manuscript to a few quite prominent mathematicians and physicists to ask them for advice about what to do with it. This led to some very interesting e-mail exchanges that I learned a lot from. Finally I heard from Roger Penrose, who offered to put me in contact with his publisher, Jonathan Cape. The editor at Jonathan Cape decided that they would like to publish the book, and that they were perfectly happy with it having some technical parts (which, after all, were quite a bit less technical than much of Penrose’s recent book, which has been a great success).

So, that’s the story until now of the book. I’m certainly curious what reaction it will get when it is published, and of course hope that it will stir up a serious debate on the issues currently surrounding string theory. I also hope the book will provide some explanations of what has been going on at the interface of particle physics and mathematics that a wide range of people will be able to get something out of, from members of the general public with an interest in science and math to professional researchers in both fields.

Update: Commentary on this here, here, here, and here.

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Not Even Wrong: The Book | 81 Comments

WMAP Status

The WMAP mission has now been in place and taking data near the L2 Lagrange point for four years, with two more years still to go. Spectacular results from the analysis of the first year’s worth of data were reported in Feb. 2003, and the second year’s data was initially supposed to appear a year later, in Feb. 2004, but they’re now a year and a half late. For some reporting on this, see this site with cosmology news. Just recently the WMAP team has put up something new on their mission status page, where they state:

While the first-year results were based mainly on temperature measurements, the continued mission operations are now primarily focused on the much weaker polarized signals – an invaluable “stretch” goal of the extended mission. Analyses of these weaker signals are more difficult and continue with steady progress. The data and results will be provided as soon as calibration and systematic error analyses have been completed, and the data files have been adequately documented for use by researchers.

Are they seeing the effects of gravitational waves in this polarization data? Anyone with inside information want to take advantage of the ability to post here anonymously and tell us what is going on? Or e-mail me, I promise to protect the confidentiality of my sources, even going to jail with Judith Miller if necessary.

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Snowmass Workshops

This week and next there are workshops at Snowmass on the particle and accelerator physics aspects of the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC). There’s a new weekly newsletter and a new website devoted to the ILC project which has twice-daily updates from the Snowmass workshops. Kind of like blogging, except done by professionals. Soon every conference or workshop will have their official blogger (two ongoing mathematical physics ones that link to blogs on their website are at the KITP and at Oberwolfach. I really should write more about twisted K-theory here sometime….)

For more about plans for the ILC, and for a presentation about CERN’s plans for the future, see the talks from the EPP2010 meeting at Cornell earlier this month.

In other particle physics news, the RSVP project at Brookhaven has been terminated.

Update: There’s another collider physics workshop going on in the Colorado mountains, this one is at Aspen and is concentrating on LHC physics.

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Electric Dipole Moments

Chad Orzel has interesting posts here and here about electric dipole moment experiments and their implications for particle physics. He claims that these experiments will ultimately be capable of getting down to three to four orders of magnitude below the current limits, and since they already put constraints on beyond the standard model physics, these results could be very significant.

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