The Landscape in Toronto

Most of the talks at Strings 2005 about the landscape have now taken place, although there’s at least one more this afternoon by Dine. Frederik Denef gave a survey talk entitled Constructions and distributions of string vacua. One amusing thing he does is note that even in toy models with these exponentially large numbers of states, counting the number of states with vacuum energy less than some bound is computationally an NP-hard problem. He describes a wide range of constructions that people have come up with to fix the moduli, concluding that you can “throw enough ingredients together to get sufficiently complicated potential, and this will fix moduli, at least at effective field theory level”, but that these constructions are “ugly”. He then goes on to survey various results about the statistical distributions of these states, and ends by announcing a workshop in Trieste next spring on “String Vacua and the Landscape.”

The talk on Is the number of string theory vacua finite? by Michael Douglas makes Denef’s survey of distributions of vacua kind of pointless. The number of such vacua is definitely infinite, which ruins ones ability to get a probability distribution by counting vacua. Douglas hopes that by putting in a cutoff on the diameter and volume of the compactification space, as well as the size of the vacuum energy, he can make the number of vacua finite. He explains this conjecture, for which the evidence is not very compelling.

Even if he gets the finiteness he hopes for after imposing these cutoffs, the problem then is that the distributions of vacua depend strongly on the cutoff and are peaked at the cutoff value. This is what happens in examples that Kachru talked about at the conference. Douglas is reduced to arguing that “it seems a priori plausible that cosmological selection could depend on the volume of the extra dimensions”, i.e., that somehow the Big Bang would get rid of the problem that his program is predicting large compactification spaces when he wants small ones. There seems to be no reason for this other than wishful thinking. One thing is clear though now: it makes no sense to spend time computing distributions of these vacua, since this gives a result you don’t want. In this game though, it’s not like you give up on your research program when it gives results that don’t look at all like the real world.

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Is String Theory About to Snap?

The August issue of Discover magazine is out, with a cover story entitled “Is String Theory About to Snap?”. The editors of the magazine describe how they recently became aware of the controversy over string theory when they organized a celebration of Einstein in Aspen last summer. They quote Lawrence Krauss as telling them “String theory may be in a worse position now regarding being testable than it has been at any time in the past 20 years.” To get a response to this, they asked Michio Kaku to write something for them. They refer to him as a “cofounder of string theory”, which I suspect some people might object to. Presumably they meant to repeat what is in their profile of him, which calls him a “cofounder of string field theory.”

Kaku’s article is entitled Testing String Theory, and is a thoroughly intellectually dishonest piece of writing, designed to mislead anyone without expertise in what is at issue here. He succeeded in misleading whoever wrote the blurb for the article which goes: “No experiment has ever allowed us to test whether any of the assumptions of string theory are true. That is about to change.” No it’s not. None of the experiments Kaku mentions will “allow us to test whether any of the assumptions of string theory are true”.

As I’ve explained in detail on other occasions, the simple fact of the matter is that string theory does not make any predictions, unless one adopts a definition of the word “prediction” different than that conventional among scientists. A scientific prediction is one that tells you specifically what the results of a given experiment will be. If the results of the experiment come out differently, the theory is wrong. String theory can’t do this, since it is not a well-defined theory, but rather a research program that some people hope will one day lead to a well-defined theory capable of making predictions.

At places in the article Kaku qualifies his claims of “predictions”, for instance saying near the beginning of the article that certain experiments “could provide significant evidence that would support string theory” (note all the qualifiers in this phrase: “could”, “significant evidence”, “support”) but that “the rub is that all the new evidence, no matter how compelling, will still provide only indirect proof.” He soon abandons his qualified language and starts talking about the following topics:

1. Gravitational waves: He says of gravitational waves created in the Big Bang: “String theory predicts the frequencies of such waves”, and that this prediction will be tested by LISA. I don’t know specifically what he has in mind here, but I know of no way to use string theory to make a specific prediction of the spectrum of gravitational waves that LISA will see. The only things he mentions are inflation and epkyrotic scenarios, the first of which has nothing to do with string theory, the second very little.

2. The LHC: Kaku discusses the possibility that superpartners exist, but does note that you don’t need string theory to have these. He also discusses possible Tev-scale particle physics effects of extra dimensions, without mentioning that string theory makes no predictions at all about what these extra dimensions are like, or even what their size is. There is absolutely no reason other than wishful thinking to expect extra dimensions in string theory of a size invisible until now, but visible at LHC energies.

3. Laboratory tests of the inverse-square law: Kaku claims: “according to string theory, at small scales like a millimeter, gravity might hop across higher dimensions and perhaps into other, parallel universes”. This is a load of nonsense. String theory predicts no such thing. It may be consistent with this, purely because it is consistent with anything. He does go on to say “Perhaps the additional dimensions would show up only on smaller scales — string theory is still somewhat vague about this prediction.” “Somewhat vague”??? As far as I know string theory makes no prediction about this at all, except that most string theorists expect effects to show up below 10-33cm, not 10-1cm.

4. Dark matter searches: according to Kaku “Once particles of dark matter are identified in the laboratory, their properties can be analyzed and compared with the predictions of string theory.” Only problem is string theory makes no such predictions. He’s talking about neutralinos, but in string theory the neutralino mass could be absolutely anything. After discussing these string theory”predictions” about dark matter, he goes on to speculate that maybe there is no dark matter anyway, just “huge clumps of shadow matter in a parallel universe, causing our galaxies to form in mirror-image locations”, then admits that such an idea is incapable of ever being experimentally tested.

After going through all this, he saves the real kicker for the end: “Some theorists, myself among them, believe that the final verdict on string theory will not come from experiments at all”. So he doesn’t even believe in any of the nonsense he has been spouting. He admits that “The principal reason predictions of string theory are not well-defined is that the theory is not finished.” So the earlier talk of “predictions” is now no longer operative. He goes on to invoke the pipe dream that someday someone will come up with a finished version of string theory that will predict precisely the standard model, neglecting to mention that there’s not the slightest evidence that this is a realistic possibility. On the contrary, all the evidence now points to the conclusion that, if string theory makes sense at all, it has an infinity of different vacuum states, and is probably a radically non-predictive theory. Impressive that Kaku could write a whole article about the prospects of string theory, and somehow neglect to mention the huge and very relevant controversy surrounding the idea of the landscape. Do you think he hasn’t heard about it?

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Panel Discussion in Toronto

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Bad Craziness

I’d been wondering why Lubos Motl seemed rather subdued in recent months, now one of his recent postings makes some reasons for this clear. Evidently since April he’s been the victim of someone who has been sending him grotesque anonymous death threats. Luckily the person responsible for this has now been identified by the police. In the comment section of the next entry in his blog, Eva Silverstein tells of also being the victim of similar threats, and again the police had to be called in.

Lubos’s participation in the controversy over the president of Harvard’s remarks about women in the sciences seems to have earned him both warnings from senior colleagues (I guess this is what his “leashing” was about), as well as harassment by some other anonymous figure. There’s no excuse for people trying to hide behind anonymity to engage in personal attacks. While Lubos is not known to completely refrain from personal attacks himself, at least he has always put his name to them.

In his latest posting he discusses in detail Silverstein and McGreevy’s claims that one can understand something about the initial singularity of the big bang in terms of tachyon condensation in string theory. Like Jacques Distler, he says that he doesn’t understand these claims, which to me seem to be a lot more coherent, but not of a significantly different nature than those of the Bogdanovs.

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Strings 2005

Strings 2005, the latest in a series of yearly huge string theory conferences, will be taking place this week in Toronto. This series began in 1997 in Amsterdam, and in recent years has attracted 445 participants to Cambridge in 2002, 392 to Kyoto in 2003 and 477 to Paris last year. So far there are about 415 people already signed up, so it looks like this year’s conference should be similar in size to ones of the last few years.

I expect that some string theory bloggers wil be reporting from the conference. In particular Jacques Distler will be there, chairing a session that should include two of the loonier talks of the conference (Kachru and Douglas on the landscape), and presumably we’ll be hearing from him. Last year there were several people reading “Not Even Wrong” on their laptops using the wireless connection in the lecture hall in Paris, this year I hope anyone there who doesn’t have his or her own weblog will let us know what is going on by posting comments here.

The conference will end next Saturday with a public lecture by Lenny Susskind. His talk has the same title as his forthcoming book on the landscape pseudo-science. The theme of the public lectures is listed as: “If String Theory’s the Answer, What’s the Question?”

Update: Slides from the conference have already started to appear, including Ooguri’s survey talk on topological string theory, one of the few subjects in string theory which seems to still be alive. Ooguri makes a valiant effort to try to answer the question “If topological string theory is an answer, what is the question?” He does answer the question “If string theory is an answer, what is the question?”, but the answer is disappointing: “What is string theory?”

Jacques Distler is blogging from the conference. In his coverage of this morning he ignores the topological string theory stuff and describes Eva Silverstein’s talk. She seems to me to be getting into Bogdanov territory with an obscure mechanism that somehow is supposed to say something about the initial singularity of space-time. Jacques says he doesn’t really understand this, and I’m in agreement with him there.

And my logs are starting to show some connections from user37-* Hi guys! Come on, there are at least nine of you reading this from the lecture hall, so at least one of you can tell us what is going on. String theorists seem to prefer Macs, so far the wireless connections are coming from 6 different Macs and 3 different Windows machines.

Posted in Strings 2XXX | 23 Comments

Various and Sundry

One of the big experimental HEP conferences, the Lepton-Photon Symposium, has just ended and many of the talks are on-line. This is the 22nd of these conferences which happen every two years. New data from the Tevatron about the top quark was discussed, and a paper with the new top quark mass results has been released.

There’s a new web-site with news about the LHC.

Last month there was an Einstein Symposium in Alexandria, and presentations are on-line. They’re for the general public so pretty content-free, but it is interesting to see what Witten’s latest view of string theory is: “I’d like to believe — but of course I don’t know — that string theory is on the right track…” Michio Kaku begins his presentation with advertisements for his books, then tells the audience that testing string theory would require creating a “baby universe”, that “Mind of God = music resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace” and that the standard model is “supremely ugly” (which strikes me as something supremely stupid to say).

If you can’t wait for next week’s Strings 2005 in Toronto, there’s a summer school on strings going on at Perimeter, and a meeting in Crete that just ended, along with many more string conferences to come. The one series of talks I won’t be able to make it to, but would love to hear would be Graeme Segal’s talks in Oporto on 2d QFT.

The DOE has just announced the award of seven new Outstanding Junior Investigator grants in high-energy theory and experiment, one of which is going to Lubos Motl.

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Renaissance Technologies

Via Steve Hsu, the news from the Wall Street Journal is that Renaissance Technologies is about to launch a new hedge fund that could end up managing $100 billion, 10% of the total managed by all hedge funds today.

Renaissance Technologies is run by mathematician Jim Simons, perhaps the most successful hedge fund manager ever. His current Medallion hedge fund manages $5 billion, and his personal net worth is estimated to be about $2.5 billion. Renaissance employs many Ph.D. mathematicians and other scientists, but is quite secretive about their investment strategies. If you ask people who are working there about what they are doing, you get answers like “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”

Simons was an undergraduate at MIT, got his Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1961, then was a junior faculty member at MIT and Harvard. He worked for a while at the Institute for Defense Analyses in Princeton, but was fired over criticism of the Vietnam War. He then went to SUNY Stony Brook, where as chair he built up a great math department, one especially strong in geometry. His work with Chern in the early seventies led to an extension of Chern-Weil theory involving “Chern-Simons forms”, which have been of great importance in physics.

During the seventies he started trading currencies and commodities with his own money, leaving Stony Brook in 1978 to form his own investment fund. Over the years he has been generous to the mathematics community, supporting MSRI, the IAS, the Stony Brook and MIT math departments, and many conferences and workshops. I have no idea what his long term plans are for his current billions or the additional ones his new hedge fund may generate, but if even a fraction of them end up financing pure math research, this could have a very dramatic effect.

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Latest on Poincare

The status of Perelman’s proof of the Poincare conjecture is still somewhat confusing. For some background see a previous posting and a later follow-up. Last week the ICTP in Trieste issued a press release entitled Poincare Conjecture Solved, which states that Perelman’s proof “has been confirmed by an international group of mathematicians whose findings were presented to participants at a conference” at the ICTP. The conference was a summer school, and the press release goes on to claim that “The 60 participants, more than half from the developing world, reaffirmed the approving judgement of the mathematicians.”

If you look at the write-ups of the talks, the only relevant thing in print is in the lecture notes of Carlo Sinestrati where he states “The details of the proof are still being checked by the experts in the field; however, the main ideas of the papers are by now widely understood.” So, it’s not clear who exactly is supposedly now willing to vouch for Perelman’s proof, and the comment that the students at the school “reaffirmed” that it is a proof is kind of silly, given the difficulties involved.

There’s a month-long summer school going on right now at MSRI in Berkeley, sponsored by the Clay Mathematics Institute. Many relevant materials are available at the web-site of the summer school. As far as I know, none of the experts there is yet quite willing to claim that a complete proof using Perelman’s techniques has been written down and checked, although they do seem to be getting close to this point.

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New Top Quark Mass?

There’s an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education about the Quantum Diaries Webloggers. It points out that since this project is organized by the high energy physics labs, it “presents a sanitized version of life in high-energy physics”, with one of the participants quoted as saying “None of us wants to be responsible for saying anything negative.” Well at least there is one weblog dealing with high-energy physics where things are not sanitized….

From Gordon Watts, one of the Quantum Diaries webloggers, I learned about the Tevatron Connection Program, which brings together theorists and people from the CDF and D0 experiments at the Tevatron. It seems to me that new results on the top mass were first made public this past weekend at this conference (see here and here). The latest combined CDF/D0 result is (“pending final CDF/DO review”):

top quark mass = 174.3 +/- 3.4 Gev

compare to the previous result using Run I data of

top quark mass = 178.0 +/- 4.3 Gev

In the standard model, the new top quark mass implies a value for the Higgs mass of 94 +54/-35 Gev. Note that much of this range is excluded by the LEP result that the Higgs mass must be above 114 Gev. In the minimal supersymmetric standard model with this top quark mass, getting the Higgs mass above 114 Gev requires making the superpartner of the top quite heavy, introducing a certain amount of fine-tuning into the theory. For more about this, see a posting by Jacques Distler.

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Witten on CNN

Via David Goss and Lubos Motl, the news that CNN’s Candy Crowley has a piece about Witten. Unlike Lee Smolin’s Why No “New Einstein”? piece, CNN more or less identifies Witten as the new Einstein. Witten is quoted as giving the following rather defensive statement about string theory: “I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all wrong… Humans do not understand it very well, but I just don’t believe there is a big cosmic conspiracy that created this incredible thing that has nothing to do with the real world.” He’s kind of defending against a straw man, since virtually no one is saying string theory is “all wrong” or “has nothing to do with the real world”. It quite possibly can provide some sort of dual description of QCD, and that is what much research in string theory these days is aiming for. On the other hand, the conjecture that you can make a unified TOE using string/M-theory in 11 dimensions at this point shows every evidence of being all wrong.

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