On Crackpotism and Other Things

I haven’t posted anything new here in a while, with the holidays and trying to get over a bad cold keeping me otherwise occupied. Partly because of this the comments section has been to some degree taken over by people who want to discuss things I have no interest in. I’ll try and put up something new soon (comments on Penrose’s new book), but I did want to make some remarks about the problem of crackpotism in theoretical physics, something which is especially a problem for open forums on the internet like the comment section here.

When I first started studying particle physics during the 1970s, it was pretty clear to me how to tell the difference between serious people and crackpots. The Standard Model had just recently been formulated and it had started to accumulate an impressive amount of experimental evidence in its favor. So, at least in particle theory, serious people were doing one of a small number of things. The more phenomenologically inclined were analyzing the new experimental results to see if they further validated the Standard Model, or suggesting new experiments that would test different parts of the model. More mathematically inclined sorts were trying to understand the rich structure of the model, trying to get a better grasp of its aspects that were still poorly understood. People inclined to speculation were working on ambitious extensions of the model, hoping to find something compelling that would both explain some of the model’s parameters and make new, testable predictions.

So, to my mind, crackpots were those claiming to have new ideas about particle physics, but refusing to really engage in some way with the Standard Model quantum field theory. There were plenty of them around, including S-matrix die-hards like Fritjof Capra, those who wanted to go on about what happened before the big bang and how that explained all properties of particles, and a wide variety of people with their own private TOE that completely ignored the Standard Model. All you had to do was learn to ignore such people.

During the last 20 years, distinguishing crackpots has become a lot tougher, and it has gotten much more difficult recently. Famous professors from the best research institutions in the world go on about the properties of the universe being determined by colliding branes, or by an anthropically determined point in a multiverse, or any number of similar ideas. The dominant idea in the whole field makes nothing like what would normally be considered a testable scientific prediction, and those pursuing it don’t seem too bothered by the increasing evidence that this situation will never change. Personally I haven’t much changed my criterion for crackpotism in particle physics: if someone is not engaging in a deep way with the Standard Model and/or the kind of mathematical structures it involves, they’re probably a crackpot.

When I first wrote a critical article about string theory and made it public about four years ago, I got quite a lot of reaction. Almost all of it was gratifyingly positive, but I ended up hearing from quite a few people who were convinced that since I didn’t like string theory, surely I would like their alternative. These alternatives spanned a wide range, from very serious work to complete crackpotism, including all shades of in-between. The one thing that caused me to worry that there might be something wrong with my criticisms of string theory was the nature of a small number of my supporters. Some of these people still write to me regularly, and my e-mail is full of crazier things than what appears in the comments on the weblog. It’s embarassing to get cc’d on an e-mail to a long list of very prominent physicists by someone who is quoting my criticisms of string theory to back up their own even sillier ideas.

I’ve gotten very good at hitting the delete key or, in extreme cases, using procmail to automatically filter this stuff out of my inbox. I suggest similar tactics in reading the comment section here. The first line of defense against people who you think are not making any sense is just to ignore them. Do not give in to the temptation to point out to them that they are not making sense, because all this will accomplish is to clutter things up as they respond to your response to them.

I’m not about to start just deleting comments that I think are of a crackpot nature, partly because it is now hard to set up a clear criterion for what is crackpotism (should I delete Lenny Susskind’s comments if he decides to write in some day?). But to the extent that the volume of off-topic comments starts to overwhelm those that are interesting and related to the postings, I will have to take some sort of action. If you are posting large numbers of comments, mostly far off the topic at hand, please stop doing it now. If you are responding to such off-topic comments, please stop doing that too, don’t encourage them!

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Mathematical Humor

Now for some comic relief:

A new issue of the Notices of the AMS is out. It contains an entertaining article entitled Foolproof: A Sampling of Mathematical Folk Humor with many examples of mathematical humor. Physicists also put in an appearance.

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Strominger Interview

There’s an interview with Andy Strominger in the Calcutta newspaper The Telegraph. Strominger was presumably in India for the string theory conference there this past week.

The thing I found interesting about the interview was how skeptical the interviewer was, repeatedly asking about whether string theory might not be wrong. Perhaps at least some members of the media are starting to get a clue.

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Book Review: Out Of This World

The second popular physics book I’ve read recently is infinitely sillier than Watson’s book on QCD. It’s called Out Of This World by Stephen Webb. Its subtitle “Colliding Universes, Branes, Strings, and Other Wild Ideas of Modern Physics” gives some idea of the author’s viewpoint, and indicates this is something to buy if you just can’t wait for this spring’s forthcoming books by Lisa Randall and Lenny Susskind.

The book is about what you would expect, promoting the glories of extra dimensions, branes, M-theory, etc. I only noticed one part of one paragraph where the author mentioned that there was no experimental evidence for any of this. On the other hand, there are dozens of poorly reproduced pictures of string theorists in their offices, which should make their parents proud. The author devotes only one page to loop quantum gravity, with the excuse that he doesn’t want to say much about it because it is just a theory of quantum gravity, not a TOE. This doesn’t really explain why he then goes on to devote chapters to other string, brane, extra dimension, etc. ideas that aren’t really TOE’s either.

The whole thing is written in a breathless “Gee, isn’t this just so kewl!” style. It’s the kind of thing John Horgan refers to as “science fiction in mathematical form”, except it’s lousy science fiction and lousy mathematics.

There’s another very similar new book out, entitled The Great Beyond by Paul Halpern. Here the subtitle is “Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything”, from which you can guess what will be in it. The author was a grad student at Stony Brook during the 80s, so knows many of the people who worked on supergravity during that period. I didn’t have the heart to spend more time with the book than a few minutes flipping through it in the bookstore.

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Book Review: The Quantum Quark

Over the last couple weeks I’ve been reading several popular or semi-popular books about particle physics. I thought I’d make a few comments about them here.

The first one is called The Quantum Quark by Andrew Watson. It covers the Standard Model and its history, concentrating on quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the strong interaction. By limiting itself in this way, it is able to go into a much deeper, more detailed study of the theory than would otherwise be possible in a popular book. While avoiding the use of equations and trying to stick to as accessible a level as possible, the author manages to discuss a wide range of aspects of QCD not treated in any other book of this kind. These topics include a detailed description of jet phenomena in perturbative QCD, the behavior of quark structure functions (including their still mysterious spin dependence), the delta I=1/2 rule for non-leptonic weak decays, and many others.

The book contains several amusing stories I hadn’t heard before, including the origin of the term “penguin diagram” to refer to a certain class of Feynman diagrams. Supposedly John Ellis and Melissa Franklin were playing darts one evening at CERN in 1977, and a bet was made that would require Ellis to somehow insert the word “penguin” in his next research paper if he lost. He did lose, but was having a lot of trouble figuring out how he would do this. Finally, “the answer came to him when one evening, leaving CERN, he dropped by to visit some friends where he smoked an illegal substance” (the only time he ever did that, I’m sure..). While working on his paper later that night “in a moment of revelation he saw that the diagrams looked like penguins”. I’d always wondered why these diagrams had been given that name, they never looked very much like penguins to me. But then again I never tried looking at them under the same conditions as Ellis.

Witten makes an unusual appearance here, as Watson discusses Witten’s Ph.D. thesis, the topic of which was the use of asymptotic freedom to study the photon structure function using deep-inelastic photon-photon scattering.

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The First Evidence For String Theory?

I was wondering why there were lots and lots of hits on this weblog today coming from Google searches for “first evidence for string theory”. It looks like the answer is this lead article from the latest New Scientist magazine. I don’t have access right now to the full article, but it’s clearly based on the usual cosmic string hype. After all, according to the author, string theory “is our best hope of understanding how the universe works”, so anytime astronomers see something unusual, what else could it be but a string?

Update: I finally got ahold of a copy of the full article. It is based on two separate anomalies seen by astronomers. The first is called “CSL-1”, which was first reported nearly two years ago. It appears to be two nearly identical galaxies right next to each other, but the authors of a paper about it would like to believe there is some inter-galactic cosmic string producing two images of a single galaxy via gravitational lensing. Even if you believe this, there’s no evidence this is a fundamental superstring, even Joe Polchinski doesn’t think so (see Lubos Motl’s excited posting about “astronomers prove string theory”).

The second observation actually has nothing to do with the first (despite what the opening sentences of the story suggest). It’s of a quasar called Q0957+561A,B that really is a gravitationally lensed object. One thing I don’t understand is that in the case of CSL-1, the fact that there are only two images is taken as evidence that a string is doing the lensing (and claims are made that lensing by point like objects only produces odd numbers of images), whereas for Q0957+561A,B there are only two images, but an intervening galaxy, not a string, is what is doing the lensing. For the quasar pair, some changes in brightness by about 4% have been observed, so it has been suggested this is due to a nearby cosmic string (inside our galaxy, within 10,000 light years) which is moving around in our line of sight with the quasar pair.

I’d be curious to hear what professional astronomers think of this. To me it looks like just more string theory hype, and I now suspect that for the indefinite future, whenever an astronomer somewhere, somehow sees something anomalous, we’re going to be subjected to claims that “strings have been observed!!”.

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Langlands Program and Physics

One of my minor hobbies over the years has been trying to understand something about the Langlands conjectures in number theory, partly because some of the mathematics that shows up there looks like it might be somehow related to quantum field theory. A few days ago I was excited to run across a web-page for a workshop held in Princeton earlier this year on the topic of the Langlands Program and Physics. Notes from some of the lectures there are on-line.

Unfortunately, after reading through the notes, I’m afraid there’s relatively little there about the potential intersection of the ideas of the Langlands Program with Physics. From the physics end of things there are some pretty illegible notes of a lecture by Witten about the Langlands Dual Group in Physics. Part of this story involves the Montonen-Olive duality of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. This duality interchanges the coupling constant with its inverse, whiile taking the gauge group G to the Langlands dual group (group with dual weight lattice). The symmetry that inverts the coupling constant is actually part of a larger SL(2, Z) symmetry.

One possible explanation for this SL(2,Z) symmetry is the conjectured existence of a six-dimensional superconformal QFT with certain properties. Witten explains more about this in his lectures at Graeme Segal’s 60th birthday conference in 2002. His article from the proceedings volume, entitled “Conformal Field Theory in Four and Six Dimensions” doesn’t seem to be available online, but his slides are, and they cover much the same material. There has been a seminar going on at Berkeley this past semester in which Ori Ganor has been giving talks on this topic.

While the occurence of the Langlands dual group and SL(2,Z) symmetry are suggestive, the relation of this to the full Langlands program seems to be a bit tenuous. There is however a much closer relation between 2d conformal field theory and the Langlands program, a relation which is part of the story of what is now known as “Geometric Langlands”.

Some of the other lectures at the Princeton workshop give a good explanation of the standard Langlands duality conjectures, although I’m not convinced that many physicists will find them easy going. These conjectures posit a duality between two very different kinds of group representations associated to a one-dimensional field (a number field or function field of a curve over a finite field). On the one side one has an analytic object, an “automorphic representation” on a space of functions on a group G(A), where G is a group over A, the adeles of the field. On the other side one has an arithmetic object, representations of the absolute Galois group of the field in the Langlands dual group to G. Typically this duality is used to get information about arithmetic objects using the more tractable analytic objects. The most famous example of this is the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture relating the arithmetic of elliptic curves to modular forms, which Wiles (with Taylor) was able to prove enough of to use it to prove Fermat’s last theorem.

In general the Langland conjectures for the case of number fields remain an open problem, but for the case of function fields of a curve, they have been proven for G=GL(n) by Drinfeld for n=2 and Lafforgue for general n (which got both of them Fields medals). The geometric Langlands program involves reformulating the function field case in such a way that it still makes sense when you replace the curve over a finite field by a curve over the field of complex numbers. This idea goes back to Drinfeld and Laumon in the 1980s, and has evolved into a specific conjecture which was recently proved by Frenkel, Gaitsgory and Vilonen.

I confess to still being pretty mystified by this subject. The analog of the arithmetic side is clear enough, it’s a homomorphism of the fundamental group of the curve into the Langlands dual group, or equivalently a vector bundle with holomorphic flat connection. But I still don’t understand the analog of the analytic side, which is some sort of D-module over the moduli space of bundles over the curve, broken up into “Hecke eigensheaves”. My colleague Michael Thaddeus explained to me today over lunch what a “Hecke eigensheaf” is supposed to be, but there’s a whole web of relations of this to representations of affine Lie algebras, CFT and vertex operator algebras that neither of us understands very well.

While I don’t understand this material, I do hope to find time in the future to try and figure some of it out. Various sources that seem to explain this are the following:

Edward Frenkel’s web-site at Berkeley contains a lot of interesting material. Many of his papers are on this topic, especially relevant is his Bourbaki seminar report on Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves.

Another relevant web-site is that of David Ben-Zvi at Texas. Look at his very informal surveys of Langlands theory written in 1995 before he gets too embarassed by the mistakes in them and takes them down. He is joint author with Frenkel of a book Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves.

There’s an on-going seminar on geometric Langlands at the University of Chicago which has a web-page.

Kari Vilonen has a web-site devoted to geometric Langlands and its relation to physics.

MSRI ran a workshop on Geometric Aspects of the Langlands Program in 2002 and the talks are on-line.

As usual, Witten has a hand in all of this, see his remarkable paper “Quantum field theory, Grassmanians and algebraic curves”, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 113 (1988) 529-600, and his contribution to the 1987 conference “The Mathematical Heritage of Hermann Weyl” entitled “Free fermions on an algebraic curve”.

For a different conjectural relation between Langlands and QFT, see:
Mikhail Kapranov, Analogies between the Langlands correspondence and topological quantum field theory, in Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century, Vol. 1, Birkhauser, Boston, pp. 119-151.

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Tom Banks has a new preprint out, entitled Landskepticism: or Why Effective Potentials Don’t Count String Models. In it he argues against the idea that one can use effective potentials to study the supposed “Landscape” of different vacuum states of superstring theory. His preprint, like most of the literature in the field, is kind of a bizarre document which doesn’t even look like a conventional theoretical physics paper. In the course of twenty pages he only really manages to write down one equation (and it’s just the Schrodinger equation).

One of his claims is that it doesn’t make any sense to think of what is going on as one string theory Hamiltonian with a huge number of possible vacuum states. Instead one has to think of a huge number of possible string theory Hamiltonians, one for each asymptotic background. So I guess that’s it for the “uniqueness of string theory”.

He gets kind of vehement: “the concept of an effective potential on moduli space as a tool for finding string models of gravity, is a snare and a delusion, fostered by wishful thinking, and without regard to the actual evidence in front of us.” Sounds kind of like things I say… He footnotes this “Perhaps some over the top rhetoric is in order”.

On a different topic, he claims that the Weinberg “prediction” of the cosmological constant doesn’t hold water, since if you allow both the cosmological constant and other parameters to vary, then typical values of the cosmological constant allowing galaxy formation will be orders of magnitude larger than the observed value.

I shouldn’t give the impression that Banks is opposed to string theory. Like everyone else, he doesn’t even mention the possibility that it might be wrong. He has his own ideas about holography and cosmological breaking of supersymmetry, which he alludes to at the end.

His paper is based on a talk he gave at a String Vacuum Workshop in Munich three weeks ago. Kind of scary to see how many theorists are now working on this nonsense. At first I was worried to see my old friend and fellow Princeton student Costas Bachas’s name on the list of participants. Costas always seemed to me one of the more sensible theorists around, even if he did work a lot on string theory. Then I noticed that he wasn’t giving a talk, just leading a discussion on the topic “Does the ‘String Vacuum Project’ make sense?” Wonder what their conclusion was.

Update: For Lubos Motl’s take on this paper (Banks was his advisor), and the news that Nima Arkani-Hamed has gone over to the dark side, go here.

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Nobel Lectures

The winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics gave their Nobel lectures in Stockholm on Wednesday. The lectures of David Gross and Frank Wilczek are available on-line, for some reason that of David Politzer isn’t, at least not yet.

Over at Sean Carroll’s Preposterous Universe there’s a first-hand report about the lectures from Thomas Larsson (who often comments here). It’s in the comment section of this post. One interesting detail from Politzer’s talk was that Coleman had originally assigned the beta-function calculation to Erick Weinberg (who is now my colleague at Columbia over in the physics department), but Erick already had enough material for his thesis and wanted to move on.

Update: Politzer’s lecture is now available at his web-site.

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String Theory, at 20 Explains It All – Not

This morning’s New York Times has a long and prominently placed article about the 20th anniversary of the “First Superstring Revolution”. The Times has a long history of producing overhyped uncritical articles about string theory, for a classic example, see “Physicists Finally Find a Way to Test Superstring Theory”. This one does allow some critical voices to be heard, including Lawrence Krauss, who is quoted as describing string theory as a “colossal failure” (which is different than a miserable failure)

Krauss is also quoted as saying “We bemoan the fact that Einstein spent the last 30 years of his life on a fruitless quest, but we think it’s fine if a thousand theorists spend 30 years of their prime on the same quest.”

Witten is quoted extensively, but he doesn’t sound very optimistic these days, saying “It’s plausible that we will someday understand string theory”, and making the rather weird statement that string theory is “so vast, so rich you could say almost anything about it” (for instance that it is a colossal failure?). He also seems to have given up on the idea that there is some fundamental new symmetry underlying string theory, instead putting his hopes on the existence of some new principle for constructing space and time.

The article also says that few theorists will give up on string theory when supersymmetry is not found at the LHC, with Witten interpreting this not as evidence that string theory is wrong, just that unfortunately it will be harder to get experimental evidence for it than he had hoped. String theorists in general seem to have trouble getting their minds around the idea that it is even possible the theory is wrong. Jeff Harvey does admit that sometimes he wakes up thinking “What am I doing spending my whole career on something that can’t be tested experimentally?”, but the question of “What am I doing spending my whole career on a colossal failure?” doesn’t seem to keep him awake nights.

The article ends by quoting an exchange between Steve Shenker and my colleague Brian Greene. Shenker quotes Churchill, describing the state of research into string theory as “perhaps it is the end of the beginning”. Brian seems to be one of the few string theorists around willing to actually consider the idea that the theory might be wrong, arguing that if string theory is wrong, it would be good to know this soon so physics can move on.

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