What Is Thought?

Eric Baum was a fellow physics student both at Harvard and Princeton, completing his Ph.D. in the early 1980s on a topic in quantum gravity. During his years as a physics postdoc he came up with an argument for why the cosmological constant is so small that is sometimes referred to as the “Hawking-Baum” argument. He finally left physics, joining NEC Research in Princeton to work in cognitive science.

Eric has a new book out from MIT Press called “What Is Thought”, and you can read a review by Witten on the Amazon web-site. There’s also a web-site for the book.

His point of view on cognitive science is very much that of a physicist, emphasizing the way the brain encodes a very compact understanding of how the world works that has been made possible by the huge amount of computation and experiment that has taken place during the evolution of the human organism. One thing that most impressed me about the book is the underlying theme that he refers to as his version of Occam’s razor and summarizes as follows:

“mind is a complex but still compact program that captures and exploits the underlying compact structure of the world.”

To understand something about the world is to capture its features in a compact subroutine that allows one to effectively interact with it. This is clearly related to what theoretical physicists mean when they discuss the “beauty” or “elegance” of the fundamental equations and concepts that they are exploiting. So, if you have an interest in cognitive science, and enough interest in physics to be reading this weblog, I recommend heartily that you find yourself a copy of Eric’s book.

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The Fundamental Lemma

For quite a few years now, when I ask my colleague Herve Jacquet about what is going on in his field, he tells me something like: “Maybe someone will soon be able to prove the Fundamental Lemma”. This is a bit of a joke since the terminology “lemma” is supposed to refer to an easy to prove, simple technical result needed on the way to proving a real theorem. In this case the name “Fundamental Lemma” has ended up getting attached to a crucial conjecture that is part of the so-called “Langlands Program”, and this conjecture has resisted all attempts to prove it for more than twenty years.

A few weeks ago Jacquet told me that he had heard that two French mathematicians, Gerard Laumon and Bao Chau Ngo, finally had a proof and today a manuscript has appeared on the arXiv. The techniques it uses are way beyond me (and even Jacquet claims he doesn’t understand them), but are related to those used in the so-called “Geometric Langlands Program” that has interesting relations to conformal field theory.

I won’t embarrass myself by trying to explain in any detail the little that I know about this kind of mathematics, but in extremely vague terms the Langlands Program relates representations of the Galois group (which tell one about the number of solutions of arithmetic problems) to representations of algebraic groups like the general linear group. One example of this kind of thing is the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture that was proved by Wiles and implies Fermat’s Last Theorem. One way of approaching the Langlands program uses generalizations of the Selberg trace formula, and the lack of a proof of the fundamental lemma has evidently been the main obstruction to getting all that one would like out of the trace formula methods. Maybe someday I’ll understand some of this enough to try and write something more, but that will probably take quite a while. In the meantime, one of the few expository papers I’ve found about the fundamental lemma is here.

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The Good Old Days

Alvaro de Rujula has posted on the arXiv under the title “Fifty years of Yang-Mills Theories: a phenomenological point of view” some of his recollections from the mid-seventies. These bring back my own memories of taking a course on particle theory from him at Harvard around 1977-78. One amusing aspect of the course was that when introducing a concept carrying someone’s name, de Rujula would always say something like “this is the so-called Weinberg angle, which of course was discovered by Glashow”. In one lecture he did something a bit different, saying something like “this is the Cabibbo angle, which, strangely enough, I think actually may have been discovered by Cabibbo”. de Rujula’s paper contains one of his famous drawings from the period and an amusing picture of Georgi and Glashow arguing. His asides are entertaining, but some so obscure I confess to not knowing exactly what he is referring to.

Today’s arXiv postings also contain a review talk on the state of string theory. It discusses the “landscape” with the comment “However, with such large numbers of vacua involved, one must wonder whether the scheme is at all testable, even in principle.” Normally string theory reviews start by describing the theory as the “only known” or “best candidate” or “most promising” approach to unification. This one replaces those phrases by “dominant framework”, and one certainly can’t argue with that.

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Rumors Available Again

The Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill has a new home. It’s no longer at the University of Washington, now it’s at the College of William and Mary Physics department.

Now that it’s available again, the Rumor Mill has the striking news that Harvard has chosen for a faculty position one of its postdocs: Lubos Motl. Lubos is well-known as undoubtedly the most rabidly fanatic string theorist around, always willing to heap abuse and scorn on anyone who questions the idea that string theory is the language in which God wrote the world. Unlike many string theorists though, he actually knows what is going on in the field and is someone who can give you an accurate view of exactly what the state of the theory is (all you have to do is strip out his ravings about how string theory is unique and the source of all good ideas in physics and mathematics). He’s also not foolish enough to swallow the “Anthropic” nonsense that is becoming ever more prevalent among string theorists, and it’s a been a bit scary recently to see him acting as the voice of reason in the subject.

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HEPAP is the Department of Energy’s “High Energy Physics Advisory Panel”, which holds meetings 3-4 times a year. At these meetings, people from the DOE and NSF report on the latest news about US government funding for particle physcs, and physicists from the universities and national labs report on how their experiments are going.

The latest HEPAP meeting was held this past weekend in Washington, and some of the presentations there have already been made available online. These include a detailed report on the progress of the LHC and the two experiments (CMS and Atlas) that will do physics there. The LHC construction is 90% complete, with magnets beginning to be installed in the tunnel. Things seem to be on track for turning on the machine in the spring of 2007. Optimistically, this would mean the first physics results should be available sometime in 2008.

Another presentation gave an overview of the DOE’s support of university-based particle physics. This includes the largest source of support in the US for theoretical particle physics. In FY 2003 the DOE spent \$23.3 million supporting theory research at 68 universities, funding 215 faculty, 116 postdocs and 114 graduate students. The other main source of US funding for particle theory is the NSF, which spends about half as much as the DOE (\$12 million in FY 2003).

HEPAP also adopted a new report on the “Quantum Universe“. This follows the trend of recent years of trying to justify particle physics research by emphasizing its relation to the very healthy and sexy field of cosmology. The acid test of this over the next few years will be to see if it helps with the difficult problem of getting funding for the Linear Collider.

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It seems that the second most important web-site in the particle theory community (the first is obviously the arXiv ) has been shut down by the University of Washington. The Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumor Mill has for years been a comprehensive source of information about who’s hot, who’s not, the hiring plans of all the theoretical particle physics groups in the United States and Canada, and the career moves of more established theorists. I hope a new home for the site can be found at a less fearful institution. I’d consider putting it up here, but I’ve got enough particle theorists annoyed at me already…

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Are Fermion Masses Like Planetary Orbits?

A more and more common argument one hears from string theorists these days (for one version see a recent anonymous comment posted here) goes more or less like this:

“A fundamental theory shouldn’t be expected to predict things like fermion masses or the standard model gauge group anymore than it should be able to predict the physical properties of the planets. Anyone who expects this is making the same mistake as Kepler, who tried to relate Platonic solids to planet orbits.”

The idea here is that many or even all of the things we don’t understand about the standard model are not fundamental aspects of the theory we should expect to be able to predict. Perhaps they are determined by the details of the history of how we ended up in this particular time and place, just as the properties of the planets were determined by the detailed history of the formation of the solar system.

As far as we can tell, the properties of the standard model hold uniformly throughout the observable universe, so to adopt this point of view one needs to postulate the existence of an unobservable “multiverse” of which we see only one small part. The so-called “landscape” of an unimaginably large number of possible vacuum solutions for string theory provides one realization of such a multiverse.

What are the problems with this idea? First of all, it is not so easy to dismiss out of hand. One can certainly imagine the possibility of the existence of an M-theory (maybe now the “M” is for “Multiverse”) with a local vacuum state that corresponds to our universe, and some dynamics that allows evolution from one universe to another. Perhaps tomorrow night a preprint will appear on arxiv.org containing a simple equation expressing a dynamics such that the possibility of a universe exactly like ours does arise as some part of a solution. Should we believe in such a new theory, whatever it is?

There seem to me to be two possible cases in which such a theory would be compelling. The first would be if the theory made experimentally testable predictions. Perhaps it would have only one solution that agreed completely with current experimental observations. Then the properties of this solution could be used to predict the results of experiments not yet done. If these predictions were accurate, the theory would have strong evidence in its favor.

Even if the theory had so many solutions that one couldn’t readily use it to make predictions, one still might find it compelling due to its “beauty” or “elegance”. If it were based on a very simple equation or idea, the fact that the relatively complex structure of the standard model could be made to fall out of a much simpler equation would again be strong evidence for such a theory. Just how compelling this would be would depend on how much simpler it was than the standard model. If the new equation was more or less as complicated as the equations which determine the standard model, it wouldn’t be compelling at all.

The current state of affairs in particle theory is that many people believe that they are on the road to finding such a compelling theory, but all the evidence is that this is nothing but wishful thinking on their part. There is no viable proposal for an M-theory based on a simple set of equations with a solution corresponding to the real world. This simply does not exist. An easy way to embarass a string theorist who is going on about the beauty of the theory is to ask them to write down a simple set of equations that characterize this beautiful theory. They can’t do it now and I don’t see any reason to believe they ever will be able to in the future.

What string theorists have now is not a single, consistent theory, but a set of several inconsistent fragmentary theories that they hope can be turned into a consistent whole. This circle of ideas is significantly more complicated than the standard model that it is trying to explain.

Even this complex of ideas might be compelling if it could be used to explain one or more not yet understood aspects of the standard model, or if it made new experimental predictions that could be checked. All the evidence of recent years is that this is impossible. If the whole framework makes any sense at all, it appears to predict nothing and explain nothing about the standard model. Not a single one of the parameters of the standard model can be calculated, not a single experimental prediction, at any energy scale, can be made. It is becoming increasingly clear that the circle of ideas known as “M-theory” is completely vacuous.

Strong evidence that this is the case comes from the fact that string theorists have no idea what, if anything, M-theory is supposed to be able to predict. Polchinski and others feel they have demonstrated that M-theory can’t predict the cosmological constant, but can’t come up with anything else it can predict and, increasingly, seem happy to live with the idea of promoting a theory that can’t predict anything. This wholesale abandonment of the scientific method upsets some physicists such as David Gross quite a bit, but more and more people seem to have no problem with this. Frankly I find this all bizarre, disturbing, and becoming ever more so all the time.

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A Hole in Texas

A short book review.

This past weekend my scientific activities included reading Herman Wouk’s new novel “A Hole in Texas”. The plot revolves around the story of the cancellation of the SSC and a supposed discovery of the Higgs Boson by a group of Chinese physicists. Wouk clearly did a lot of careful research and/or had some very competent advice since the technical and historical parts of the story are reasonably accurate.

Wouk has the US Congress and media getting tremendously excited over the Chinese Higgs discovery, leading to massive new funding for high energy physics, a charming but unlikely idea. In general the book is somewhat of a romance/wish fulfillment novel for older particle physics experimentalists. The protagonist, an experimentalist formerly involved with the SSC project, gets huge media attention, a lot of money and the use of a private jet, an old romance revived, a new romance with a beautiful Congresswoman who loves to listen to him explain physics, and funding for his current project.

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KKLT Smackdown

I was dubious of the value of a new “sci.physics.strings” newsgroup when it was first proposed, but now must admit it seems to have been a great idea It started up a week or two ago, and quickly someone asked the seemingly innocuous question of how many different possible vacuum states were expected in string theory. This is a hugely controversial issue among string theorists, largely because recent evidence is that the number is definitely astronomically large, and this makes it very unlikely that current ideas about string theory can ever be used to predict anything about the real world.

A lot of the discussion revolves around the “KKLT” proposal for constructing a large number of these vacuum states. The acronym is the initials of the authors, three of whom are at Stanford: Shamit Kachru, Renata Kallosh and Andrei Linde. Also at Stanford is Lenny Susskind, who has been spending the last year or so going around giving talks on the “Landscape of String Theory”. It’s hard to believe this, but Susskind’s claim is essentially that the lack of predictivity of string theory is a good thing, since it allows so many possibilities that anything can happen. One can then invoke the “Anthropic Principle” to explain why the world is the way it is. It seems that Susskind is even writing a book about this wonderful “discovery”.

Amazingly enough, the thread about this on sci.physics.strings, entitled “Conceptual question”, has brought a public attack on the “Stanford propaganda machine” by a well-known European string theorist (Wolfgang Lerche), a detailed defense of his ideas by one of the KKLT authors (Kachru), contributions from the inimitable Lubos Motl from Harvard, and, while I was writing this, a defense of the anthropic principle from Joe Polchinski just appeared, which attacks the “cult of monovacuism” embodied by David Gross and Ed Witten.

Thanks are due to the creators of this newsgroup. Pass the popcorn!

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Multiverse Mania | 8 Comments

Young String Theorist Did OK On His Final

A while back when looking for theoretical physics related weblogs I ran across

The Search For A Theory of Myself: The Struggle Against String Theory

which at first sounded right up my alley. It turns out to be the weblog of a grad student at UCSB who is taking a course in string theory there from Polchinski. He’s working quite hard at doing well in the course, and seemed very worried about his final on March 15. After the final postings stopped, so I was kind of worried about what had happened to him. Yesterday he finally posted again. He got an 88 % and seems to be all right.

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