Search Results for: Feynman

Carroll and Johnson on Bloggingheads

There’s an interesting exchange today between Sean Carroll and George Johnson on They cover a range of topics, including the controversy over string theory and the role of blogs. Johnson describes his time last fall at the KITP, telling … Continue reading

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Weinberg in Physics Today

The March issue of Physics Today is now available. It contains a piece by Steven Weinberg based on a banquet talk he gave to a group of postdocs. He describes his own memories of his time as a postdoc, writing … Continue reading

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News From All Over

Last summer the entire editorial board of the prestigious journal Topology resigned, in protest over the high prices that Elsevier was charging. It was announced today that a new journal called the Journal of Topology is being launched by many … Continue reading

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Assorted Links

Some assorted things I’ve run across recently that may be of interest: Talks from the annual meeting of the SLAC Users Organization. A dialogue between Barry Mazur and Peter Pesic about imagination and mathematics. An Op-Ed piece in today’s New … Continue reading

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Douglas at City College

Michael Douglas gave a colloquium at City College this afternoon, with the title “Are there testable predictions of string theory?” I went up there to the talk, figuring that I knew more or less what he would say, but he … Continue reading

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There’s a new TV show called “NUMB3RS” starting tonight, whose main character is a mathematican named “Charlie”, who solves crimes using mathematics. His motto is “Everything is Numbers”. A secondary character is “Larry”, a Caltech physicist working on 11d supergravity. … Continue reading

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Book Review: The Quantum Quark

Over the last couple weeks I’ve been reading several popular or semi-popular books about particle physics. I thought I’d make a few comments about them here. The first one is called The Quantum Quark by Andrew Watson. It covers the … Continue reading

Posted in Book Reviews | 14 Comments

More Hype On Its Way

The latest trend among prominent theorists seems to be the writing of popular books hyping the unsuccessful speculative ideas they have been working on. Two new examples of this have been pointed out by Lubos Motl over at sci.physics.strings. Both … Continue reading

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Witten on “The Future of String Theory”

Witten’s talk this morning at the KITP on “The Future of String Theory” is now available. He only talked for about fifteen minutes and then took some questions. I thought it was a rather weird performance. Not only did Witten … Continue reading

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Over at sci.physics.strings there’s the scary sight of Lubos Motl agreeing with me in a posting about “Stringy Naturalness”. Well, maybe he isn’t directly saying he agrees with me, but “It would be too difficult for me to pretend that … Continue reading

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