Search Results for: Kaku

Science and Science Fiction

I just set my DVR to record this evening’s broadcast on the History Channel of Parallel Universes, and noticed that the summary information about the show reads: Some of the world’s leading physicists believe they have found evidence proving the … Continue reading

Posted in Multiverse Mania | 5 Comments

2008 Physics Nobel Prize

Half of this year’s Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to Yoichiro Nambu for his work on spontaneous symmetry breaking, the other half to Kobayashi and Maskawa for the CKM matrix as an explanation of CP breaking. A detailed … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 32 Comments

Don’t Buy Into the Supercollider Hype

Some wag at the Wall Street Journal put the headline Don’t Buy Into the Supercollider Hype on today’s Op-Ed piece by Michio Kaku about the LHC, which describes its significance as follows: The LHC might shed light on the “theory … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 39 Comments

This and That

The web-site has a new useful feature, Interactions Blog Watch, which aggregates links to recent physics-related blog entries. One of the older such aggregators I know of is Mixed States, but it seems to have stopped on March 15. … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 59 Comments

Short Items

The Tevatron has been performing well, producing record-high weekly luminosities. Fermilab director Oddone has announced that plans to shut-down the accelerator complex for yearly maintenance work are being canceled this year, instead the plan is to run the Tevatron straight … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 19 Comments

Esquire On The State of Particle Theory

You know things are getting strange when Esquire magazine starts running an article on the current state of particle theory. As you might expect, their take on this is rather odd. It centers around Nima Arkani-Hamed and begins with: For … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 47 Comments

The String Wars

I noticed recently that George Johnson will be journalist in residence and giving a talk on Friday at the KITP in Santa Barbara about “The String Wars”. Somehow I don’t really think that it’s a good thing that this is … Continue reading

Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Uncategorized | 97 Comments

This Week’s Hype

This week’s string theory hype is embedded in a story by Michael Schirber about the possibility of variation of fundamental constants that has appeared on,, and Slashdot. According to Schirber: A popular alternative to relativity, which assumes that … Continue reading

Posted in This Week's Hype | 62 Comments

Science Fantastic

Michio Kaku has joined the Talk Radio Network, where he will have a new radio show called “Science Fantastic” that will appear on 90 radio stations around the country. Topics that will be covered include “black holes, higher dimensions, string … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 30 Comments

Schroer Notes and Other Links

Bert Schroer has sent me some notes comparing the Lagrangian path integral and algebraic approaches to quantum field theory, which others may also find interesting. I have a very different perspective than he does, but have gone through the experience … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 36 Comments