New For 2012

To celebrate the new year, I’ve finally gotten around to updating my home page, and have updated the blog theme to the latest wordpress default.  I’ve added an “FAQ” feature, which is still under construction and should get additions as I find time.  Please let me know of anything that doesn’t work.

This coming semester I’ll be teaching the second half of our graduate course on Lie groups and representations, following on from Andrei Okounkov’s first semester. A tentative syllabus is here, and I hope to find time to update some of my older lecture notes as well as write some new ones.

The time I’ve spent the last couple years trying to learn about the Langlands program has finally gotten me to the point of thinking I understand enough to write something sensible about what the relationship might be between automorphic representations and quantum field theory. I’ll be working on that and preparing the graduate course for the next couple weeks.

One thing that was extremely helpful was Dick Gross’s lecture series here last semester. Video of the lectures is on YouTube here. Gross is an incredibly good lecturer, and this series was aimed at explaining exactly many of the things I’ve been having trouble understanding about this subject. Anyone who seriously wants to understand the representation theory point of view on number theory and the Langlands program should find these lectures helpful.

This spring the Eilenberg lecturer will be Edward Frenkel, who will be lecturing on geometric Langlands and quantum field theory. In some sense he’ll be picking up where Gross left off. He was at Gross’s last lecture, and there was a ceremonial handing over of the chalk. Of course I’ve very much looking forward to these lectures, and I expect that there will again be video available.

Posted in Langlands | 43 Comments

2011: A Banner Year for Hype

Since every blogger seems to feel it necessary to have a year-in-review posting, I thought it appropriate to point out that 2011 has been a banner year for string theory and related hype, with about twice as many editions of “This Week’s Hype” as in previous years. One reason for this is the LHC. When talking to journalists, string theorists are rarely willing to admit that the hopes of the past couple decades that string theory would make some predictions about LHC energy scale physics turned out to be a dismal failure, and this tends to lead to confused headlines. Besides the LHC though, there’s a huge on-going effort to promote other bogus “tests of string theory”. This has been going on since string theory’s lack of testability problem first started to get a lot of attention a few years ago. I see no reason for either of these two driving forces to weaken in 2012, so expect more editions of “This Week’s Hype” next year.

String theory supported by early LHC heavy ion results

Cosmologists expect the LHC to turn up evidence for the multiverse

M-theory shows that the LHC will be the world’s first time machine

Neutrons could test string theory

Octonions explain string theory

The LHC tests string theory (more heavy ions)

M-theory is a big success, predicts behavior of 4 qubits

String theory and heavy ions, yet again

Multiverse observed in the CMB – Not

String theorists suggest space wormholes possible

String theory testable with black holes and pulsars

String phenomenologists come up with predictions testable at the LHC

Superluminal neutrinos evidence for string theory

Superluminal neutrinos could be explained by string theory

CMS multi-leptons provide evidence for SUSY

A new laser will tear apart the fabric of space

A nuclear clock will test string theory

The LHC will decide between two versions of SUSY

String theory research is going well, only problems are Garrett Lisi, Lee Smolin and Peter Woit.

Gordy Kane predicts the mass of the Higgs using string theory, just days before the announcement

Superstring theory predicts three space dimensions.

Posted in This Week's Hype | 59 Comments

This Week’s Hype

The Japanese are getting in on the string theory hype business, with KEK issuing a press release today with the title: The mechanism that explains why our universe was born with 3 dimensions: a 40-year-old puzzle of superstring theory solved by supercomputer. As usual for this kind of press release, the claim is that researchers at the institution issuing the press release have finally solved the age-old problem of string theory predicting nothing. In this case the prediction is that there are 3 dimensions of space (I think that, technically, this is a “post-diction”). According to the press release:

A group of three researchers from KEK, Shizuoka University and Osaka University has for the first time revealed the way our universe was born with 3 spatial dimensions from 10-dimensional superstring theory in which spacetime has 9 spatial directions and 1 temporal direction. This result was obtained by numerical simulation on a supercomputer…

… it is expected that superstring theory allows the investigation of the birth of the universe. However, actual calculation has been intractable because the interaction between strings is strong, so all investigation thus far has been restricted to discussing various models or scenarios…

… It is almost 40 years since superstring theory was proposed as the theory of everything, extending the general theory of relativity to the scale of elementary particles. However, its validity and its usefulness remained unclear due to the difficulty of performing actual calculations. The newly obtained solution to the space-time dimensionality puzzle strongly supports the validity of the theory.

Furthermore, the establishment of a new method to analyze superstring theory using computers opens up the possibility of applying this theory to various problems. For instance, it should now be possible to provide a theoretical understanding of the inflation that is believed to have taken place in the early universe, and also the accelerating expansion of the universe, whose discovery earned the Nobel Prize in Physics this year. It is expected that superstring theory will develop further and play an important role in solving such puzzles in particle physics as the existence of the dark matter that is suggested by cosmological observations, and the Higgs particle, which is expected to be discovered by LHC experiments.

This goes back to the pre-arXiv days, before many of our current graduate students were even born, but some of us are old enough to remember similar claims being made back in the late 1980s. For example there’s the 1989 Brandenberger-Vafa paper claiming that string theory predicts 3 dimensions, using a “string gas” cosmology. I don’t remember if there was a “finally, physicists find a way to make a prediction based on string theory” press release back in 1989 or not.

Posted in This Week's Hype | 21 Comments

Short Items

A few short items:

  • The Multiverse propaganda campaign continues this month, with a piece by Alan Lightman in Harpers entitled The Accidental Universe: Science’s Crisis of Faith. The content is pretty much the usual: string theory implies an untestable multiverse, and the multiverse explains why string theory is untestable. The whole thing is wonderfully consistent, coherent, and justifies the world-view developed by leading theoretical physicists over the last 30 years. The main person quoted in the article is Alan Guth:

    Guth started his physics career in this sunny scientific world. Now sixty-four years old and a professor at MIT, he was in his early thirties when he proposed a major revision to the Big Bang theory, something called inflation…

    He wears aviator-style eyeglasses, keeps his hair long, and chain-drinks Diet Cokes. “The reason I went into theoretical physics,” Guth tells me, “is that I liked the idea that we could understand everything—i.e., the universe—in terms of mathematics and logic.” He gives a bitter laugh. We have been talking about the multiverse…

    “We had a lot more confidence in our intuition before the discovery of dark energy and the multiverse idea,” says Guth. “There will still be a lot for us to understand, but we will miss out on the fun of figuring everything out from first principles.”

    One wonders whether a young Alan Guth, considering a career in science today, would choose theoretical physics.

    The only hint anywhere in article that some physicists might feel that there is something wrong with this picture is the passing remark that some [unnamed] physicists “remain skeptical of the anthropic principle and the reliance on multiple universes to explain the values of the fundamental parameters of physics.”

  • The FY2012 DOE budget has now been finally agreed upon (see here), remarkably not even that far into FY2012. HEP does pretty well, at $791.7 million, versus $795.4 million for FY2011, a small decrease, considering that the Tevatron was running all of FY2011, is off now. More from Fermilab director Oddone here, who describes the budget as “very good news”.
  • The recent evidence for the Higgs particle found at the LHC kicks up a notch the question of who might get a Nobel prize for this discovery. Whether there’s something there at 125 GeV won’t be confirmed until too late in 2012 for a 2012 experimental prize, maybe that will be on the agenda for 2013, with the main question being who would get the prize. ATLAS and CMS are looking at very similar data, with similar analyses, releasing results in a coordinated fashion, so they should both get the prize, but there’s no obvious particular scientists to give it to.

    A theoretical Higgs prize would likely take much longer, since it will take a while to be sure that whatever is found behaves the way a Higgs should. Guralnik continues his campaign for the prize here.

  • Erik Verlinde’s claims made nearly two years ago that gravity is an entropic force have gotten a lot of attention. He doesn’t seem to have written up any elaboration of these ideas, but he comments very recently on Twitter:

    For those who wonder: the fact that the Higgs has (perhaps) been found has no influence on my ideas on gravity. These ideas remain correct.

  • Some people send me books that I enjoy in one way or another, but don’t have the time or energy to write about here. Maybe you should consider them as last-minute holiday gifts:
      A First Course in Loop Quantum Gravity, by Rodolfo Gambini and Jorge Pullin. This book explains the ideas behind loop quantum gravity at an introductory level, suitable for undergraduates, or anyone wanting as non-technical as possible of an introduction to the subject. Maybe it can be sold in a package with Barton Zwiebach’s A First Course in String Theory.
      Fascinating Mathematical People edited by Albers and Alexanderson. This contains a wonderful interview with my colleague Dusa McDuff. There’s also this exchange in the interview with Ahlfors:

      Mathematical People: How about physicists?
      Ahlfors: Well, I don’t believe in physics!
      Mathematical People: You don’t believe in physics? Why not?
      Ahlfors: Physicists are so close to physics, but they don’t know mathematics.
      Mathematical People: … There’s also a great deal of mathematics used by string theorists.
      Ahlfors: But it’s the wrong theory. I like the knot theory aspects, especially the knot theory applied to string theory. The strings are knots now, and there are these ready-made knot theorems that can be applied. That appeals to me.
      Probably physicists are important for mathematics, but they cannot be important for me in any sense. I don’t think that mathematicians should take their inspiration from physics.

      Division Algebras, Lattices, Physics, Windmill Tilting, by Geoffrey Dixon. Dixon tells his personal story about pursuing research in particle physics, trying to connect it to the mathematics of the division algebras over the reals. I’m sympathetic to the idea that this kind of algebra has something to do with the patterns we see in the SM symmetries and quantum numbers. Unfortunately I still think no one yet knows the right way to understand this.
  • Update: One more. See here for an explanation of why string theory is useful:

    Dr. Kaku explains that time machines do not violate Einstein’s laws of physics, and that – difficult though it might be – future humans would be wise to build one and slip through a wormhole to one of the alternate dimensions proposed by string theory before the cooling universe extinguishes all known life.

    Update: The Times has an article and series of letters about the Higgs/Nobel issue, see here.

    Posted in Book Reviews, Experimental HEP News, Multiverse Mania, Uncategorized | 37 Comments

    Physics on the Fringe: Smoke Rings, Circlons and Alternative Theories of Everything

    There’s a new very thought-provoking book out from Margaret Wertheim, entitled Physics on the Fringe: Smoke Rings, Circlons and Alternative Theories of Everything. Much of the book is the beautifully told story of “outsider” physicist Jim Carter, who has spent much of his life developing an alternative fundamental physics theory based on objects he calls “circlons”.

    I have to confess that, while respecting the impetus that leads people to develop such theories, I have essentially zero sympathy for this kind of thing as science. As Wertheim explains

    In Jim’s theory of the universe, everything is mechanical; like INCOBO [an internal combustion boiler he designed], the world he imagines is made up of simple mechanically interlocking parts. As with his engine, none of the parts are complicated and you don’t need much mathematics to understand how it works…

    One way to think about what Jim Carter is doing is that he insists on a universe he can comprehend. As with the old Chryslers and Cadillacs that grace his front yard, Jim demands a cosmos he can figure out for himself.

    One way in which I’m very different than Jim Carter is that I’ve never been one for insisting on ideas that I can figure out for myself. I’m grateful for and fascinated by the fact that there’s a huge amount of knowledge about the universe out there discovered over centuries by a collaboration of a long list of brilliant people, and many places to try and learn about it. This kind of learning is a joy, and not being willing to engage with and try and appreciate the accumulated wisdom of the human race to me makes no sense. When I got to the point of learning about quantum theory, it became clear to me that this was something of great power and beauty, carrying the lesson that at a fundamental level the world is very different than the mechanical picture we derive from our human-scale intuitions. At the same time, fundamental physics and mathematics are deeply intertwined, with the deepest ideas in mathematics showing up when one tries to understand the deepest questions about physics.

    The basic problem with efforts like Carter’s is that the tools and ideas he is using just aren’t powerful enough. There’s no way they can be used to understand the universe (and test one’s understanding by calculating from theory and comparing to experiment) with anything like the power of the Standard Model or general relativity. Anyone who wants to do better than the Standard Model or GR has to come up with equally powerful ideas. It seems unlikely that this can be done by any means other than understanding well the ideas behind these theories, as well as their weaknesses, as a starting point to look for something new.

    Wertheim discusses a range of other failed and “outsider” ideas about physics. She sees an analog of Carter’s vision in the the 19th century work of prominent scientists like Tait and Thomson, who studied smoke rings as a phenomenon that might model physics at the atomic scale. More recently, Steven Wolfram’s A New Kind of Science featured claims that conventional fundamental physics could be replaced with ideas about cellular automata. Wolfram is a MacArthur winner, and Ph.D. in particle theory, so it’s not by credentials alone that one can identify “outsiders” barking up an unpromising tree.

    Remarkably, Wertheim explains that her motivation for writing the book came from attending a 2003 conference on string cosmology at the Santa Barbara KITP. This was at the beginning of the “string theory anthropic multiverse” madness which has afflicted the field since that time. In 1998 she had attended with Carter an annual meeting of the NPA (National Philosophy Alliance), a group of “outsider” physicists, and she was shocked to find the KITP hosting something that seemed not obviously different:

    That string cosmology conference I attended was by far the most surreal physics event I have been to, more bizarre than any NPA event for the very reason that this was not a fringe affair but a star-studded proceeding involving some of the most famous names in science…

    After two days, I couldn’t decide if the atmosphere was more like a children’s birthday party or the Mad Hatter’s tea party – in either case, everyone was high…

    … the attitude among the string cosmologists seemed to be that anything that wasn’t logically disallowed must be out there somewhere. Even things that weren’t allowed couldn’t be ruled out, because you never knew when the laws of nature might be bent or overruled. This wasn’t student fantasizing in some late night beer-fueled frenzy, it was the leaders of theoretical physics speaking at one of the most prestigious university campuses in the world.

    Besides the difference in credentials, there is an important difference between most recent mainstream theoretical work, even when in multiverse madness mode, and that of the “outsiders” of the NPA. Mainstream theorists recognize that they need to be compatible with the SM and GR. What they are doing is working within a conjectural extension (call it “M-theory”) of the SM and GR, claiming to preserve the successes of those theories. In principle, working this way should provide a very tight constraint on what you can do. The problem though is that one doesn’t know exactly what “M-theory” is. All one has is a list of conjectured characteristics, and these seem to be weak enough to allow a vast array of “vacua”, of such complexity as to effectively remove much in the way of constraints on what you can observe at low energy. Since the conference Wertheim attended in 2003, there have been huge efforts made to extract some non-trivial implications out of this “landscape” scenario, with no success. In practice things have in many cases degenerated to the level of “outsider” physics: anything goes, and one ends up with a group of people making ambitious claims about their wonderful theory, with no conceivable way for such claims to be tested or backed up.

    All in all, I think this is an important book, one which raises in an interesting way fundamental issues about how people think about and conduct research into fundamental theoretical physics. We’re at an unusual point in the history of the subject, one where the foundations of how this kind of science has traditionally been done are being questioned. Wertheim’s contribution to this questioning is worth paying attention to.

    For some other recent reviews, see John Horgan here, and Michael Shermer here.

    Posted in Book Reviews | 56 Comments

    Today’s Higgs Results

    The discussion after the talks is going on at CERN now, and the results that were presented agree well with what was posted here over the past week or so. This looks a lot like a Higgs near 125 GeV. Hiccups in the streaming make it difficult to impossible to follow the discussion. Caught Heuer at the end urging caution: “intriguing hints”. This looks to me like a lot more than “intriguing hints”: it’s about what you would expect if a Higgs was there at 125 GeV, highly unlikely to see if there is no Higgs there.

    The ATLAS results are here

    Higgs to gamma gamma: 2.8 sigma bump at 126 GeV

    Higgs to ZZ to 4l: 2.1 sigma (3 events near 125 GeV)

    Higgs to WW to l nu l nu: Data not fully analyzed, 1.4 sigma excess at 126 GeV

    Combination: 3.6 sigma excess at 126 GeV.

    The CMS results are here

    Higgs to gamma gamma
    : 2.34 sigma bump at 123.5 GeV.

    Higgs to ZZ to 4l: 2 events seen near 126 GeV (expect .5 background)

    Combination: 2.4 sigma excess at 124 GeV.

    I see Tommaso Dorigo is posting a detailed analysis here under the title “Firm Evidence of a Higgs Boson at Last!”. He’s likely to be the best source around for a discussion of the details.

    Update: Go to the blog of Philip Gibbs now to take a look at his (highly unofficial) plots of the combined ATLAS+CMS+Tevatron results on the Higgs. You might also want to check out Matt Strassler’s blog entry about this, which wins the award for being downbeat (“Inconclusive, As Expected”). For some reason he is incensed by Tommaso Dorigo’s “Firm Evidence”.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 71 Comments

    This Week’s Hype

    The announcement at CERN tomorrow of a likely-looking signal for a 125 GeV mass Standard Model Higgs will probably unleash a flood of hype from theorists claiming this as evidence for their favorite Beyond the Standard Model scenario. One obvious problem with any such claim is that the CERN results correspond well so far to the Standard Model with no additions whatsoever, so spinning them as providing support for things like supersymmetry and string theory will require some work.

    For the last decade we have known that the Higgs mass is above 114 GeV (from LEP) and unlikely to be very much higher than that (from precision electroweak results). This summer’s LHC results disfavored masses above about 130 GeV, so for the last few months we’ve known that if the Standard Model Higgs is there, it should be between 114 and about 130 GeV. For a couple weeks news has been circulating widely from ATLAS and CMS that they are both seeing something around 125 GeV.

    First out of the gate in the hype derby is Gordy Kane, who is quoted by Davide Castelvecchi at Scientific American claiming that string theory predicts the Higgs mass to be between 122 and 129 GeV:

    “If it’s in that range it’s an incredible success for connecting string theory to the real world,” Kane says. He says he is confident that the upcoming LHC announcements, if they pan out as predicted, will constitute evidence for string theory. “I don’t think my wife will let us bet our house, but I’ll come close,” he says.

    It’s unclear exactly what he’s willing to bet the house on. If it’s just that the Higgs is in that range, this might have something to do with the plots from the experiments widely circulating privately the last few days. In a remarkable coincidence, after more than 25 years of unsuccessfully trying to extract a definite experimental prediction from string theory, Kane and collaborators were able to achieve the holy grail of the subject (a prediction of the one unknown parameter in the SM, the Higgs mass) just a week before the CERN announcement. They submitted their paper to the arXiv the evening of Monday December 5, a few days after rumors of a 125 GeV Higgs were posted on blogs Friday December 2.

    The paper deals with a “prediction” you get based on a host of assumptions about which particular class of string theory compactifications to look at. The main result is that in this particular class of models, you can relate the Higgs mass to the parameter tan(β) that occurs in SUSY extensions of the SM. As you increase tan(β) from around 2, the Higgs mass lies in a band, increasing from 105 GeV and a maximum of about 129 GeV:

    We will demonstrate that, with some broad and mild assumptions motivated by cosmological constraints, generic compactified string/M -theories with stabilized moduli and low-scale supersymmetry imply a Standard Model-like single Higgs boson with a mass 105 GeV < M_h < 129 GeV if the matter and gauge spectrum surviving below the compactification scale is that of the MSSM, as seen from Figure 1. For an extended gauge and/or matter spectrum, there can be additional contributions to M_h.

    This conclusion and Figure 1 correspond closely to what is in the slides of Kane’s talk at String Phenomenology 2011 this past August. The plot of Higgs masses as a function of tan(β) is there, giving a range of 108 GeV to 127 GeV. There is an intriguing comment on the conclusion slide:

    Single light Higgs boson, mass about 127 GeV unless gauge group extended.

    I can’t tell where the number 127 came from. Since 127 GeV is the top limit in the figure, and the wording “unless gauge group extended” is used, one guess would be that Kane meant that 127 GeV was the upper bound on the Higgs mass in this class of models.

    There’s nothing in Kane’s August talk about a 122-129 GeV range for the Higgs mass, but in the December 5 paper it appears explicitly three times:

  • In the abstract there’s:

    When the matter and gauge content below the compactification scale is that of the MSSM, it is possible to make precise predictions. In this case, we predict that there will be a single Standard Model-like Higgs boson with a calculable mass 105 GeV < M_h < 129 GeV depending on tan β (the ratio of the Higgs vevs in the MSSM). For tan β > 7, the prediction is : 122 GeV < M_h < 129 GeV.

    I don’t see where the tan β > 7 comes from, presumably it’s in one of their other papers.

  • In the introductory paragraph there’s:

    Furthermore, in G2-MSSM models [1] we find that the range of possible Higgs masses is apparently much smaller, 122 GeV < M_h <129 GeV.

  • G2-MSSM models are mentioned only briefly again in the paper, at the third occurrence of this particular mass range:

    For instance, in G2-MSSM models arising from M theory, Witten’s solution to the doublet-triplet splitting problem [38] results in μ being suppressed by about an order of magnitude. Hence, in these vacua, the Higgs mass sits in the range 122 GeV < M_h < 129 GeV.

  • Kane has chosen Lubos Motl’s blog as the place to guest post and promote this string theory “prediction”, concluding there:

    If generic compactified string theories with stabilized moduli correctly predict there is effectively a single Higgs boson and correctly predict its mass, it will be a huge success for the main directions of particle physics beyond the Standard Model, for supersymmetry and for string theory, both of which are crucial for the prediction. It will be a huge success for LHC and the accelerator physicists and experimenters who made the collider and the detectors and the analysis work. It will put us firmly on the path to understanding our own string vacuum, and toward the ultimate underlying theory. The value of the Higgs boson mass not only confirms the approach that predicts it, remarkably depending on its numerical value it may allow an approximate measurement of tan β, the μ parameter, the squark and gravitino masses, that the gauge group and matter content of the theory below the string scale is that of the MSSM, and that light (TeV scale) gluinos and dark matter are likely.

    I don’t quite see how finding a SM Higgs at 125 GeV is going to give all these different numbers and pieces of information. Kane claims that these string theory predictions also predict gluinos visible at the LHC within months from now:

    Then the gluino should be detected at LHC, and because of the heavy scalars the gluino decays are different from the ones usually discussed, being dominantly to third family quarks, top and bottom quarks. I won’t explain that here because of space and time; we can return to it as the gluinos are being detected in coming months. They have not yet been systematically searched for.

    In addition, there’s a dark matter prediction that should be tested in “1-2 years”.

    If I were Kane, I wouldn’t bet my house (or go to the press claiming the 125 GeV Higgs as a “huge success” for string theory) just yet. Assuming he’s right, within months the gluinos will be there, and his ticket to Stockholm will be assured.

    Update: My prediction in the first paragraph is coming true faster than I thought. In tonight’s hep-ph listings one finds: (m_H= 127 +/- 5 GeV) (m_H < 128 GeV) (m_H =126 +/- 3.5 GeV) (m_H > 120 GeV)

    There are going to be a lot of these…

    Update: Over at a Nature live chat, Kane is giving the public some interesting explanations:

    “for a higgs to be meaningful it must be part of a supersymmetric theory, so the superpartners should be found. The form it takes implies that gluinos should be found with masses around a TeV, maybe less, by summer, and decaying mainly into topquarks and bottom quarks.”

    “Recently we have published string theory calculations that imply the higgs boson mass is 125 GeV so if it is there are strong implications for connecting string theory to the real world, and for what the higgs discovery implies. we did that before the data.”

    “string theories are now well enough understood to predict higgs physics”

    There will be another live chat involving Kane tomorrow, this one at Science magazine.

    Update: Just took a look at the Science chat. Kane seems to have completely lost touch with reality, somehow deciding that the two experiments have reached the 5 sigma level needed to claim a discovery. As far as I know, he’s the only one in the world to think this.

    Gordy Kane:
    YES. an experimenter from one experiment can’t say that, but theorists see that two different experiments both saw a signal at about the same mass, and also saw additional channels, so it’s a discovery!

    Gordy Kane:
    The 5 sigma is a criteria people have chosen. i think as soon as the data are combined from two detectors, which is entirely legitimate, then the signal will indeed be over 5 sigma.

    The following claims make about the same amount of sense as the discovery one:

    Comment From Tom
    Does the existence of a 125 Gev Higgs give any support to supersymmetry?

    Gordy Kane:
    Yes. first, for a long time it has been known that the lightest higgs boson of supersymmetry should be lighter than about 135 GeV (actually closer to 140 GeV but people make assumptions), so this is consistent. Then the supersymmetric string theories as i mentioned do predict the 125 number and it is a supersymmetric lightest higgs boson.

    Update: The hype goes on, with a column today at Nature.

    Posted in This Week's Hype | 37 Comments

    Higgs Predictions and Results

    Tomorrow at 14:00 CET CERN will start to unveil the results of this year’s LHC Higgs search, see here. Jester has just posted details consistent with what I’ve been hearing for the past couple weeks, although his numbers are slightly different. The big news is that both experiments are seeing something that looks exactly like a Standard Model Higgs in the Higgs -> gamma-gamma channel around 125 GeV. Some details about this signal:

  • I’ve heard that ATLAS sees this with significance a bit less than 3 sigma, 3.5 if you combine results from other channels. To take into account the look-elsewhere effect, the significance of seeing such a fluctuation anywhere in the range studied is 2.2 sigma. Jester has

    The combined significance is around 3 sigma, the precise number depending on statistical methods used, in particular on how one includes the look-elsewhere-effect.

  • What makes this something to take very seriously is that CMS is also seeing much the same thing in the gamma-gamma channel around the same mass. I’ve heard their significance is 2.5 sigma. Jester has

    All in all, the significance at 125 GeV in CMS is only around 2 sigma.

  • Another channel that might start to have some sensitivity to a Higgs of this mass is the “golden channel”, where you look for 4 leptons reconstructed as coming from 2 Z’s. Here Jester says that ATLAS has three events near 125 GeV, contributing to the higher significance in the combined result. CMS also sees an excess involving three events, but they see this in the range 117-121 GeV, which should be too low to come from a 125 GeV Higgs. They also see a 2.1 sigma bump in gamma-gamma their combination at 119 GeV [due to the 4 lepton excess, they see nothing in gamma-gamma at 119 GeV] .
  • In this business, for each experiment a 2 sigma bump is not worth taking seriously, around 3 sigma is where it gets serious (and 5 sigma is the conventional standard to claim a discovery, they’re definitely not there yet). But a 3 sigma bump from one experiment and a 2.5 sigma bump from the other, at the same place, is serious evidence indeed. It is still quite conceivable though that this kind of signal could disappear with more data (for this we’ll have to wait until mid-2012). I think Jester has it about right:

    There is a good chance we’re finally looking at the real thing, I’d say 50% based on the data alone and 80% adding our sincere convictions that Higgs must really be in that mass range.

    One thing that can be predicted with certainty is a flood of papers from theorists claiming that their favorite model predicts this particular Higgs mass. Something to keep in mind when evaluating such claims is that for more than ten years we have known from LEP that the Higgs mass is above 114 GeV, and from precision electroweak measurements that it can’t be too much above that value. Preliminary data early this summer showed some indications of a signal around 140 GeV (leading some to claim this as vindication of the multiverse, see here). By the end of the summer this was gone, with the combined CMS+ATLAS data excluding a Higgs down to 140 GeV or so at 95% confidence level, around 130 at 90% (tomorrow’s data should have each experiment excluding down to 130 GeV at 95%, with a Philip Gibbs combination result sure to follow soon). Rumors of the gamma-gamma signal at 125 GeV have been circulating for at least the past two weeks.

    We’ll soon move from rumors to results, and I’ll add anything new or different we hear tomorrow to this posting. Surely there will be a press release and a lot of versions of the results coming out of CERN, covered by the media and many bloggers. For some good recent blog postings explaining what to look for tomorrow, see Matt Strassler and Tommaso Dorigo.

    Update: One correction. Besides the 124-125 bump in gamma-gamma, there’s another bump in the CMS combination at low mass, around 119 GeV, but this is due just to the “golden channel” excess there, they see nothing there in gamma-gamma.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 8 Comments

    String and M-theory: answering the critics

    Mike Duff has a new preprint out, a contribution to the forthcoming Foundations of Physics special issue on “Forty Years of String Theory” entitled String and M-theory: answering the critics. Much of it is the usual case string theorists are trying to make these days, but it also includes vigorous ad hominem attacks on Lee Smolin and me (I’m described as having an “unerring gift for inaccuracy”, and we’re compared to people who campaign against vaccination “in the face of mainstream scientific opinion”). One section consists of a rather strange 3-page rant about Garrett Lisi’s work and the attention it has gotten, a topic that has just about nothing to do with string theory.

    Duff explains that his motivation for answering the critics is that we have been successful on the public relations front, supposedly responsible for the British EPSRC “office rejecting” without peer review grant proposals on string theory. I know nothing of this, but I think it’s clear to everyone that the perception of string theory among physicists has changed, and not for the better, over the past decade. One dramatic way to see this is to notice that at this point, US physics departments have essentially stopped hiring string theorists for permanent appointments (i.e. at the tenure-track level).

    String theorists have a problem not just with the public, but with their colleagues. The main reason for this is not Smolin or me, but the failure of the string theory research program. Duff’s take on whether the landscape is pseudo-science is that string theory can’t even tell whether there is a landscape, and he is “doubtful whether the kind of issues we are considering here will be resolved any time soon.” On the question of the time scale for possible progress, he invokes the two millennia it took to get from Democritus in 400 BC to quantum theory early last century. His list of greatest achievements of string theory in recent years has just two items: applications to fluid mechanics and his own work on entanglement in quantum information theory. Given this, it’s hard to see why he’s surprised the EPSRC is cutting back on support for string theory.

    While Duff has detailed complaints about exactly what Smolin wrote in The Trouble With Physics, he mentions my book without saying anything about what is in it (one suspects his policy of how to deal with it is that of Clifford Johnson and some other string theorists: refuse to read it). He does have some specific complaints about material from my blog:

  • According to Duff:

    he [Woit] wrongly credits me with having told author Ian McEwan about the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson model in M-theory, which he then proceeds to criticise.

    This is based on a book review about Ian McEwan’s novel Solar, where I wrote about M-theory references in the book that “McEwan seems to have gotten this from Mike Duff, who is thanked in the acknowledgments”. Since Duff is an expert on these topics and the only particle theorist thanked, this was an obvious guess, worded as such. In this review I wasn’t criticising M-theory, just noting an interesting occurrence of it in popular culture. My only criticism was of McEwan, for the minor anachronism of a topic from 2007 showing up in a book set in 2000. In a segment from the novel that I quoted, one character is expressing opinions about M-theory research which you could call critical, but this material was written by the novelist, not by me (and I’m still wondering where McEwan would have gotten this from, other than from Duff).

  • In two cases, Duff claims that I misrepresented his words on the blog. Both are cases where I wrote the blog entry based on information from someone who had heard him talk, since I didn’t have access to his words themselves when I first wrote the blog entry. In general I try to be very careful about what I quote, making sure it is accurate and in context. In these cases, what was reported here was clearly labeled as someone else’s impression of his talk, and Duff has some reason to be annoyed at not being quoted accurately, although it wasn’t me doing it.

    The first case was a posting about the debate in 2007 between Duff and Smolin (see also Clifford Johnson’s blog, which includes comments from Smolin), where one attendee described the scene following Smolin’s talk as:

    Smolin sat down. Duff stood up. It got nasty.

    The trouble with physics, Duff began, is with people like Smolin.

    The transcript actually shows:

    Good evening everyone. The trouble with physics, Ladies and Gentlemen, is that there is not one Lee Smolin but two.

    followed by an extensive description of Smolin as deceptive and two-faced, saying completely different things at the debate and in his book. From the transcript, I’d describe the “Duff stood up. It got nasty” part as completely accurate, the “The trouble with physics, Duff began, is with people like Smolin” much less so.

  • The second case has to do with a posting about a recent BBC program on superluminal neutrinos, where Duff discussed string theory explanations for this. Based on two e-mails people had sent me who had watched the program, I wrote that it “evidently featured trademark hype from string theorist Mike Duff about how string theory could explain this.” The first commenter, who had also seen the program wrote in “I watched this tonight and can confirm that it did include stringy hype.” Duff complains that

    I said that, although superluminal travel is in principle possible in the “braneworld” picture of string theory, in my opinion this was NOT the explanation for the claims

    It still seems to me that going on a TV program to claim string theory as a possible explanation for this kind of experimental result can accurately be described as “hype”, even if, since no one believes the experimental result, you express the opinion that string theory isn’t the right explanation in this case.

  • Duff is much less interested in the virtues of accuracy when he describes my words. I guess I’ve joined Smolin on his list of targets because of what I’ve had to say on the blog (see here, here and here) concerning his publicity campaign claiming a “prediction of string theory” about qubits (recall that he thinks this is one of the two main advances in string theory of this decade). He claims that “falsifiability of string theory is the single issue of Peter Woit’s ‘single-issue protest group'”, and that my argument about the qubit business “may be summarised as (1)It’s wrong (2)It’s trivial (3)Mathematicians thought of it first.” One can read the postings and decide for oneself, but I’d summarise the argument quite differently: Duff has nothing that can possibly be described as a “prediction of string theory” and it’s misleading hype to issue press releases claiming otherwise. The experimentally testable “prediction” is that “four qubits can be entangled in 31 different ways”, but if experimentalists make measurements of four qubits that show something different, one can be sure that the headlines will not be “string theory shown to be wrong in a lab”.

    Duff’s article contains an appendix about this, in the form of a “FAQ”, where he explains that he approved the text of the press release headlined “Researchers discover how to conduct first test of ‘untestable’ string theory” which is misleading hype by any standard. Initially someone who was successfully misled in the Imperial media team added the subtitle “New study suggests researchers can now test the ‘theory of everything’”, which was later removed. Duff claims that Shelly Glashow, Edward Witten and Jim Gates told journalists that they didn’t agree with this because of the “theory of everything” subtitle, implying that otherwise they were fine with the “first test of ‘untestable’ string theory” business (except for Gates noting that in any case this is just supergravity, not string theory). It would be interesting to hear from the three of them if they’re really on-board with this “first test of ‘untestable’ string theory”.

    What Duff and some other string theorists don’t seem to understand is that this sort of “answering the critics” is exactly what has gone a long way to creating the situation at the EPSRC that he is worried about. Unfortunately it has damaged not just the credibility of string theory, but of mathematically sophisticated work on particle theory in general. According to Duff

    Just recently, in fact, EPSRC completely abolished its Mathematical Physics portfolio.

    Update: Matin Durrani at Physics World (also a target of Duff’s ire) has a blog entry about this here.

    Update: Lee Smolin sent me the following comments on the Duff article:

    Maybe it would help if I provide some context for the debate Mike Duff took part in with Nancy Cartwright and myself in London in 2007. The occasion for the debate was the publication of my book TTWP in the UK and the reason for the debate was that I had insisted that, as the point of the book was to explore the role of disagreement and competing research programs in science, the best way to illustrate it was to have a debate. String theory was discussed in the book as a case study illustrating the issues and so it seemed appropriate to have a debate with a string theorist. I also insisted that in each of these debates a philosopher of science would be included to highlight the fact that the main themes of the book were longstanding issues in philosophy of science, having to do with how consensus forms within a scientific community on issues on which there is initially wide disagreement.

    There were two such debates in the UK, the other was at Oxford with Philip Candelas and Simon Saunders. That went very well, as Philip gave a strong defence of string theory that stayed focused on the scientific issues.

    Duff’s construction of two me’s is, so far as I can tell, a debating tactic to avoid addressing the key issues my book raises. He starts with

    “Who can dispute that the ultimate goal of a scientific theory is to make experimentally testable predictions? Who will challenge the need to keep an open mind and listen to unorthodox views? Who can disagree with the assertion that our current understanding is only partial and that the ultimate truth has yet to be uncovered? What Lee Smolin said in the London debate [29] was so uncontroversial that, had I confined my response [11] to these remarks, the evening would have would have fizzled out in a bland exchange of truisms.”

    Indeed the constant theme of my book is the development of those “truisms.” What Duff does not explore is that in spite of the agreement there may be over these “truisms”, they have strong consequences for the evaluation of research programs in fundamental physics. Apparently we disagree about the implications for string theory. What Duff could have done is acknowledged these disagreements and explored the reasons for them. Instead he claims to attack my book, but it is striking that he does so, not by criticizing the text I actually wrote-but by attacking first the publicity blurb on the cover and then responses from journalists. As I have stated many times, the material on the cover was neither my text nor my choice and is more strongly worded than anything in the actual book. I hope it is obvious also that you cannot attack a book by pointing out inaccuracies in reviews.

    When he finally does get around to quoting from the book, he makes a few good points mixed in with distortions gotten by quoting out of context. Had he stuck to the good points he had we could have had a useful debate that would have shown the audience the role of disagreement among scientists faced with difficult questions. Had he done that, there would have been no need to construct a fiction of two me’s. I am happy to leave it to readers of my book to judge whether its text is or isn’t completely consistent with the “truisms” he asserts we agree about.

    There is one aspect of Duff’s rant which deserves correction, which is his attack on me related to Garrett Lisi. What Duff says is, “So when Lee Smolin described him [Lisi] as the next Einstein, the publicity juggernaut moved into overdrive”. There are several untruths in this short sentence.

    First, this refers to a Discover article of March 2008 which says, “With Smolin’s aid, DISCOVER has scoured the landscape and found six top candidates who show intriguing signs of that Einsteinian spark” of whom Lisi is one. This was, so far as I recall, based on a phone call with an editor at Discover following a piece I had written for Physics Today on the challenges faced by those who do high risk-high payoff research. I think anyone who looks up the full list of six will see that the editors were aiming to illustrate a wide range of approaches to fundamental research, of which Lisi is at one pole. And as they make clear-the choice of the list was theirs and not mine.

    Furthermore, the media attention on Lisi had begun and peaked already in November of 2007, sparked by a New Scientist article, following immediately the posting of his article on And while there was a very exaggerated media response-which I and others did our best to advise against-there was no “publicity juggernaut” ie no attempts by Lisi or anyone to seek publicity for him, no press releases, no publicist, no calls to journalists except to strongly advise the story was premature. I told everyone who asked not to write a story on Lisi because the preprint had just been uploaded and there had not been time for experts to evaluate it. Indeed, New Scientist had quoted me very much out of context, ignoring emails I sent them advising them not to write a story on Lisi’s paper before the experts could evaluate it. So the reality was the opposite of the impression created by Duff’s sentence.

    None of this is new, none of it is said for the first time. It is depressing to revisit these debates from five years ago. Most of us have moved on. At least I have, as readers of my next books, as well as the article I was invited to write for the same special issue, will, I hope, see.

    Update: The following is Garrett Lisi’s response to the Duff article. I should note that I’m not complaining about Duff’s listing of my titles. If you want to make up your mind who is right based on titles, Duff’s your man in this argument.

    Michael Duff’s article is full of deceptive half-truths. To attack the commentary on Lee’s book, while avoiding Lee’s actual arguments, is just one example of this fundamentally dishonest tactic. A similar example is his reference to Peter as “Computer Administrator and Senior Lecturer in Discipline,” as if Peter was not also a very knowledgable mathematical physicist. Duff then launches an attack on my work, once again focusing on a large volume of commentary by others rather than on my actual arguments. Also, Duff refers only to my first paper, saying it’s never been peer-reviewed and published, avoiding the fact that I’ve since published papers on the theory, including “An Explicit Embedding of Gravity and the Standard Model in E8.”

    Scouring Duff’s rhetoric, baseless statements, and ad hominem attacks in search of some factual argument supporting his attack on my work, I can find only this:

    “Nature (and the standard model of particle physics) has three chiral families of quarks and leptons. ‘Chiral’ means they distinguish between left and right, as they must to account for such asymmetry in the weak nuclear force. But as rigourously proved by Jacques Distler and Skip Garibaldi, Lisi’s construction permits only one non-chiral family.”

    This is, once again, a misleading half-truth, avoiding the fact that a chiral family of quarks and leptons can be part of a non-chiral representation space, as is the case in E8. I cannot credit Duff alone for this deception, as its source is Jacques Distler — a master of the half-truth — but I can blame Duff for supporting it.

    For anyone who actually cares about the state of E8 theory, I would recommend my recent papers. Apparently Duff considers the work sufficiently threatening to the string program that he needs to attack it in this dishonest manner. If string theory models are as twisted and misleading as the statements in Michael Duff’s paper, it’s no wonder they’re dying.

    Posted in This Week's Hype | 67 Comments

    A 125-126 GeV Higgs?

    Some more detail on Higgs rumors I’ve been hearing recently. Evidently the latest ATLAS data shows an excess in the gamma-gamma channel around 126 GeV, of the size expected if the Higgs is there, and CMS is also seeing an excess (2 sigma?) around 125 GeV in the same channel. I haven’t heard anything about confirmation of this in other channels. Independently, someone has posted a similar rumor at viXra log, and Philip Gibbs is writing about it here. This looks to be still not a conclusive Higgs signal, but the closest thing yet. More details may or may not emerge before the public talks on December 13.

    Update: Latest rumor is that the significance of the ATLAS gamma gamma bump is almost 3 sigma.

    : This morning’s rumors are a 3.5 sigma 126 GeV excess at ATLAS in the ATLAS-only combination, and 2.5 sigma at 124 GeV for CMS. Heuer’s message to all CERN personnel says the December 13 announcements will be “significant progress in the search for the Higgs boson, but not enough to make any conclusive statement on the existence or non-existence of the Higgs.” Presumably they’re waiting for 5 sigma before claiming conclusive proof.

    Posted in Experimental HEP News, Favorite Old Posts | 77 Comments