String Theorists Suggest Space Wormholes Possible

I was just out for a bike ride, during which an idle thought came to me about a rule of thumb that might deserve publicity. This rule of thumb is that the mention of wormholes in a popular science book, TV program, etc., indicates that real science is not what’s being discussed. When I got back to my office, I found that USA Today has a new story: String theorists suggest space wormholes possible. The source of the story is this preprint.

Via Twitter, the story’s author did get the obvious response to this claim: this isn’t news since everything is possible in string theory.

Posted in This Week's Hype | 13 Comments

$100 Million From Simons and Simonyi for the IAS

The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton announced today that Jim Simons and Charles Simonyi will donate \$100 million to the Institute, in the form of matching funds for a \$200 million campaign mainly aimed at increasing the endowment. For some idea of previous fund-raising by the IAS, see here.

Simons and Simonyi have donated significant sums to the IAS in the past, including \$6 million from Simonyi to endow a professorship for Witten. The IAS has about 25 permanent professors, with salaries reaching above \$300K/year. To get some idea of the scale of the new endowment funds, if they all went to new permanent professorships (unlikely), the number could be doubled or more. This kind of sizable increase of resources for prestigious pure research positions in math and physics, funded by huge fortunes made in the technology and financial industries, is part of a trend, with Perimeter and the Simons Center at Stony Brook two other noteworthy examples.

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Does String Theory Predict Low Energy Supersymmetry?

It used to be that string theorists would respond to arguments that string theory predicted nothing with the claim that it predicted supersymmetry. For example, in an interview with Witten done for the PBS Elegant Universe series, one sees:

NOVA: It seems like the standard criticism of string theory is that it isn’t testable. How do you respond to that criticism?

Witten: One very important aspect of string theory is definitely testable. That was the prediction of supersymmetry, which emerged from string theory in the early ’70s. Experimentalists are still trying to test it. It hasn’t been proved that supersymmetry is right. But there is a very precise relationship among the interaction rates of different kinds of particles which follows from supersymmetry and which has been tested successfully. Because of that and a variety of other clues, many physicists do suspect that our present decade is the decade when supersymmetry will be discovered. Supersymmetry is a very big prediction; it would be interesting to delve into history and try to see any theory that ever made as big a prediction as that.

Of course the problem with this was always that supersymmetry had to be broken somehow, and string theory said nothing about how to break it, not even the scale of the breaking. Back in 2004 when the anthropic landscape business began, Susskind was enthusiastic about the idea that it could be used to predict the scale of supersymmetry breaking, and Michael Douglas started working on computations counting string vacua that were supposed to say something about this (I’ve followed this story in several blog postings, an early one was here). The bottom line quickly became clear: a host of problems make this impossible, string theory remains incapable of predicting anything about this.

Today at the Simons Center, Douglas gave a talk entitled Does String Theory Predict Low Energy Supersymmetry? (video available here), and not surprisingly the conclusion is still that string theory predicts nothing about this. Amusingly, someone in the audience took exception to Douglas saying that string theory doesn’t now make predictions, and one gets to hear Douglas try and explain to his fellow string theorist what a real prediction is. The video quality is great, but the sound doesn’t work so well when two people are loudly trying to talk over each other.

This particular talk was held indoors, for a report on what the outdoor ones have been like, see here.

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The Fabric of the Cosmos on PBS

A four-part NOVA series based upon Brian Greene’s The Fabric of the Cosmos is coming to PBS this fall, starting November 2. In some sense this is a follow-on to his wildly successful The Elegant Universe NOVA series from 2003, which was largely devoted to promoting string theory. From the program description and preview it appears that the new shows don’t emphasize string theory, although the fourth of the series promotes the Multiverse (Clifford Johnson joins the effort here), along the lines of Brian’s latest book The Hidden Reality.

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Talks at the KITP

Back now from vacation, and found that there have been quite a few interesting talks at the KITP in Santa Barbara this week which are now available on-line:

  • Since the EPS-HEP conference last month, the “First Year of the LHC” program has some interesting results to discuss. Yesterday Matt Reece gave a talk on Assessing SUSY after 1 fb -1, on the hot topic of how worried SUSY proponents should be that no sign of SUSY has been found at the LHC so far. He takes the point of view that the failure of direct collider searches to see anything is much less of a problem than the pre-LHC failure of SUSY to show up indirectly in flavor physics or in cosmology. While it’s true that SUSY was in trouble pre-LHC, there’s psychologically a big difference between indirect effects not showing up, and directly looking for something and finding it’s just not there. The discussion with the audience is quite interesting, with some audience members a lot more worried about SUSY. One of them reminded people that SUSY is supposed to solve naturality problems, so relatively light squarks were expected, but now “those models are being screwed.” Someone else (Lisa Randall, I think) reacted to Reece’s mentioning R-parity violating models as one way to evade the LHC limits with “Is there any good reason to think about R-parity violation?” All in all, the discussion gives a good indication of what prominent theorists are thinking now that the initial results from the LHC are in.

    About a year ago on this blog, I had the following exchange with a well-informed phenomenologist on this blog:

    If there’s no sign of supersymmetry in this year’s LHC data, how discouraging will this be for those who expect to see supersymmetry at this energy scale?

    In 2010 data? Not discouraging at all. In 2011 data? Fairly discouraging. In 2014 data? Enormously depressing.

    The LHC has now gathered as much data as expected for all of 2011, so I think that with the negative results, “fairly discouraged” is where SUSY proponents would have expected to be and are now. “Enormously depressed” is on the agenda for late 2014, early 2015, after the LHC reaches design energy.

  • Adam Falkowski, the Jester of Resonaances fame, also gave an interesting talk this week, on Higgsless theories.
  • On the mathematical end of things, Ed Frenkel gave a very nice expository “Blackboard Lunch” talk on What do Fermat’s Last Theorem and Electro-magnetic Duality Have in Common?, explaining to physicists a bit about the Langlands program and the connection between geometric Langlands and QFT pioneered by Witten and developed by him and others over the past few years. For something more technical with newer ideas about the relationships between TQFT, gauge theory and representation, see David Ben-Zvi’s talk on Geometric Character Theory.
  • Posted in Langlands, Uncategorized | 13 Comments

    This Week’s Hype

    I noticed today that BBC News has a story headlined ‘Multiverse’ theory suggested by microwave background that assures us that:

    The idea that other universes – as well as our own – lie within “bubbles” of space and time has received a boost.

    After taking a look at the PRL and PRD papers that are behind this, it’s clear that a more accurate title for the story would have been “‘Multiverse’ theory suggested by microwave background – NOT”. As usual, the source of the problem here is a misleading university press release, one from University College London entitled First observational test of the ‘multiverse’. Somehow the press release neglected to mention something one might think was an important detail, the fact that this “First observational test” had a null result.

    It’s well-known that one can find Stephen Hawking’s initials, and just about any other pattern one can think of somewhere in the CMB data. The authors of the PRL and PRD papers first put out preprints last December (see here and here). In these preprints they essentially claimed to have found four specific features in the CMB where the hypothesis that they were due to bubble collisions was statistically preferred. A guest post by Matthew Johnson at Cosmic Variance explained more about the preprints. I didn’t understand their statistical measure, so asked about it in the comment section, where Matthew explained that, by more conventional measure, the statistical significance was “near 3 sigma“.

    It turns out that the PRL and PRD papers differ significantly from the preprint versions. In the acknowledgements section of the PRD paper we read that:

    A preprint version of this paper presented only evidence ratios confined to patches. We thank an anonymous referee who encouraged us to develop this algorithm into a full-sky formalism.

    and the result of the new analysis asked for by the referee is summarized in the conclusion of the paper:

    The posterior evaluated using the WMAP 7-year data is maximized at Ns = 0 [Ns is the average number of observable bubble collisions over the full sky], and constrains Ns < 1.6 at 68% confidence. We therefore conclude that this data set does not favor the bubble collision hypothesis for any value of Ns. In light of this null detection, comparing with the simulated bubble collisions... [various bounds ensue]

    So, the bottom line is that they see nothing, but a press release has been issued about how wonderful it is that they have looked for evidence of a Multiverse, without mentioning that they found nothing. As one would expect, this kind of behavior leads to BBC stories about how the Multiverse has “received a boost”, exactly the opposite of what the scientific evidence shows.

    Update: The FQXI web-site has an article about this. In it, the authors seem far more interested in promoting their PRL paper as “first test of the multiverse” than in acknowledging that a referee made them do a better test of the idea and they got a null result. There’s no mention of the null result in the article.

    Update: News stories based on this keep on coming. The latest: Proof of a multiverse discovered?

    Posted in Multiverse Mania, This Week's Hype | 25 Comments

    News From Simons Center

    The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook has a new web-site, and this week their annual summer workshop got underway, talks available in very high quality video here. Luca Mazzucato, a postdoc there, has started putting together an Outreach section of the web-site, which now includes some wonderful interviews with various theorists, often covering topics well-known on this blog. The last of the interviews looks the most intriguing, it promises “the formula of love”. Unfortunately, when you try and get access to this intriguing formula, for now you find that it is password-protected…

    I’ll be spending much of the next two weeks on vacation in Scotland. Blogging may be light to non-existent.

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    String Theorists Throw SUSY Under the Bus

    Over the past few days the results of the 2011 LHC run have been revealed at the EPS-HEP 2011 conference in Grenoble, where a press conference today marked the beginning of the next part of the conference, featuring summary talks. For some discussion of these results see for example here, here, here, here and here. The bottom line is much stronger results ruling out supersymmetry, extra dimensions, black holes and other exotica, restriction of the possible mass range of the Higgs to about 114-150 GeV, and a tantalizingly small and not yet statistically significant excess of possible Higgs events in the mass range 120-145 GeV.

    The big surprise here is that the experiments have done a fantastic job of getting these analyses of the data done at record speed. Before the LHC turn-on, estimates based on experience at the Tevatron tended to be that it would be 2012 before we saw completed analyses of a significant amount of the 2011 data. A lot of people have been working long hours and going without a summer vacation… The bottom line though is not a surprise, but rather pretty much what many people (including myself) expected. The unconvincing popular theoretical models of the last few decades have finally been confronted with experiment, which is falsifying them, to the extent that they can be falsified. It’s an inspiring example of the scientific method working as it should. The remaining mass range for the Higgs is the expected one, and, as expected, this is the hardest place to separate the Higgs from the background. If it’s really there, the data collected during the rest of this year should be enough to give a statistically significant signal. So, within a few months we should finally have an answer to the question that has been plaguing the subject for decades: “Higgs or something else?”. This is very exciting.

    For more than a quarter-century, supersymmetry has been advertised as the most significant prediction of string theory. Back in 1996 Gross and Witten responded to John Horgan’s skeptical take on string theory in The End of Science with an article in the Wall Street Journal where they claimed:

    There is a high probability that supersymmetry, if it plays the role physicists suspect, will be confirmed in the next decade. The existing accelerators that have a chance of doing so are the proton collider at the Department of Energy’s Fermi Lab in Batavia, Ill., and the electron collider at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. Last year’s final run at Fermi Lab, during which the top quark was discovered, gave tantalizing hints of supersymmetry. The situation should be clarified when this machine is upgraded in 1999. (A further upgrade, which would cost the Department of Energy about $300 million, should be seriously considered.) As for the CERN electron collider, its energy is being increased by 35% in the next few months. The results could be dramatic, since electron colliders, though their energy is generally much lower than that of proton colliders, are rather thorough and swift in exploring certain phenomena.

    If supersymmetry is out of reach of these existing colliders then it is very likely to be discovered at the Large Hadron Collider, which will begin operation at CERN in about a decade…

    Wherever it occurs, the confirmation of supersymmetry would open up one of the golden ages of experimental physics. It could provide us with essential insights about the unification of the four major forces; that is, a theory that would describe gravity, the strong nuclear force, the weak atomic force and the electromagnetic force as varying expressions of a single phenomenon. And it would give a big boost to the development of a remarkably rich new theoretical framework known as string theory. For supersymmetry is one of the basic predications of string theory.

    The next year Physics Today published Gordon Kane’s String Theory is Testable, Even Supertestable, which included a plot showing gluinos and squarks as having expected masses in the range of 200-300 GeV (the latest results rule them out in typical SUSY models up to about 1000 GeV).

    Today, the most prominent active string theory bloggers have blog entries reacting to the weekend’s news. Clifford Johnson has Living in Interesting Times, where he writes:

    One of those hoped for stories is called Supersymmetry, which would imply the existence of several more particles besides just the Higgs. Now, the cool thing is that the simplest models of supersymmetry could be in danger as well if we do not see something in the coming several months. Wouldn’t it be interesting if both the Standard Model Higgs and the simplest models of Supersymmetry were ruled out? (I’m not saying that they are – it’s all to soon to tell – but it is a possible outcome.)

    When the LHC turned on, Lubos Motl was blogging about Why supersymmetry should be seen at the Large Hadron Collider, giving the probability of the LHC seeing SUSY as “90% or higher”. After the results of the last few days, he’s done a 180 degree turn, with a new blog entry attacking phenomenologists and arguing that the LHC results just show that HEP theorists should be doing string theory, not phenomenology:

    No hep-th theorist has ever claimed or boasted that the bulk of his work had too much in common with the data produced by the next-generation collider so of course, the hep-th work isn’t really affected by the “null” results from the LHC. Many theorists and many string theorists – but not all – would feel more excited if the LHC were generating totally new phenomena and their phenomenological friends would be really thrilled. However, it’s still true that the theorists don’t care as much as the phenomenologists do.

    What I really want to say is that most of the phenomenological work has been a waste of human resources and time. Instead of producing 1,000 models that could be relevant for the sub-TeV observations, those people could have just waited for a few years and let Nature speak. And it seems that Nature has spoken – and it may still speak in an ever clearer language – and so far, the answer is that the right model of these phenomena is called the Standard Model…

    So I hope that instead of shifting the energy scales from 200 GeV to 1,400 GeV and continuing in random guessing, many phenomenologists will buy some string theory textbooks and begin to think about the Universe at a slightly deeper and less sensationalist level.

    Update: Lubos clarifies here: he’s only throwing some SUSY models under the bus, not all of them. It’s no longer above 90%, but he still thinks there’s a 50% chance that the LHC will see supersymmetry. And all the bogus claims for “tests of string theory” are my fault, since I created a hostile environment for string theorists where they felt they had to do this kind of thing.

    Update: The MasterCode Project has moved up to higher masses its “best-fit” points for SUSY now that 2011 LHC results have ruled out previous “best-fit” points, see here. Now the “best-fit” for SUSY is not even a very good fit… Tommaso Dorigo explains and comments here.

    Update: In his talk concluding the conference, David Gross throws just the CMSSM under the bus, saying it is now “on life support”. He argues though that this is just one possible SUSY model, and one can’t conclude much from the death of the CMSSM. Much of his talk was an advertisement for N=4 SSYM and AdS/CFT. He’s sticking to his prediction of last year that SUSY particles will appear within 10 years, no word on when he’ll give up if the LHC continues to see nothing. Near the bottom of his list of predictions was “string theory will start to be a THEORY, with predictions”, which drew laughter from the crowd. He acknowledged that it was next to last on a list ordered by plausibility, but insisted “Some day…”

    Update: Pauline Gagnon reports on what theorists are up to in response to all this:

    This summer, I had the opportunity to spend a week at a theory workshop. Being the only experimentalist there, I spent plenty of time discussing what was going on in their camp. Clearly, they are not sitting idle while we are frantically searching our recently collected data for signs of new physics or the Higgs boson. On the contrary, many of them were already hard at work trying to find excuses for supersymmetry and reasons why it has not shown up yet as anticipated.

    At Cosmic Variance John Conway summarizes the situation, and draws flak from Matt Strassler, who explains more here, and has a new paper out about how to evade the LHC results:

    This is a key job of particle theorists; make sure all the ground gets covered by the experimentalists before they give up and move on!

    Given the huge number of possibilities and parameters for how to implement SUSY, insisting that all of it gets tested by experiment will ensure that SUSY phenomenology will be with us for a very long time. Ideas like SUSY can never be completely ruled out, they can just be made so unlikely that they’re not worth people’s time anymore, and the argument over how much more unlikely the LHC results make SUSY will continue…

    Posted in Favorite Old Posts, Uncategorized | 75 Comments

    Results from EPS-HEP 2011

    Results from the EPS-HEP 2011 conference that began today are starting to appear. These include the first results making use of most of the 2011 LHC run data. This is a factor of 30 or so more data than that from the 2010 run, which was the source of almost all previous results released by the LHC experiments. Some of the news so far:

  • ATLAS pretty much says here that there are no squarks or gluinos below 1 TeV (see page 9). Comparing to analyses of the regions considered mostly likely (see for example here, figure 7) pre-LHC, significantly more than half of the region in which supersymmetry was supposed to appear is now ruled out. Another factor of 10 or so in data should come in during the rest of the 2011/2012 run, which should allow limits to be pushed a bit higher. At this point, it looks like SUSY is on its way out. It will be interesting to see if die-hards insist that the factor of 2 in energy at the next (starting in 2014-5) run will make a difference.
  • For results relevant to strings, black holes, extra dimensions, split supersymmetry, and other exotica, CMS has them appearing here, for ATLAS they’re here. No such objects are being seen, with limits being pushed up dramatically from those coming from the 2010 data. Again, it’s going to be very hard to argue that there’s a significant probability that such things will be seen in the rest of this run, or even later ones at full energy.
  • CDF results available here say no Higgs between 156 and 175 GeV, D0 exclusion (here) looks like it covers about 160-170 GeV. Fermilab has issued a press release about this, advertising the release of the combined numbers at a July 27 talk. This should also include low mass searches which might provide exclusion above the 114 GeV LEP limit. The press release mentions a “most likely” range of 114-137 GeV for the Higgs mass, and links to earlier Tevatron exclusion limits, but I suspect the 137 number comes from a different source, not a Tevatron direct search result.
  • CMS and ATLAS results on the Higgs are to be announced tomorrow afternoon (an early version of the CMS results leaked here). A combination of results from the two camps will be done after the conference, planned to be announced at Lepton Photon 2011 in late August, although a rough guess as to what that will look like should be available just from seeing the two independent results.
  • Philip Gibbs is keeping a close eye on this at viXra log.
  • Update: Tommaso Dorigo has some more news here: CMS is not seeing the SM violating forward-backward top pair production asymmetry seen at the Tevatron (more about it here).

    Update: ATLAS results on the Higgs are 95% exclusion 155-190 GeV and 295-450 GeV. They see a 2.8 sigma excess of events in the 120-140 GeV range.

    Update: I just noticed that Matt Strassler now has a blog and is blogging from Grenoble.

    Update: Matt Strassler reports from the CMS Higgs combination talk that they exclude 145-480 GeV at the 90% confidence level. Some excess 120-145 GeV, smaller than ATLAS.

    So, in summary, it looks like the LHC + Tevatron have pretty much excluded a high mass Higgs, narrowed the possible mass range down to 114-150 GeV or so. No evidence at all of anything but the SM. The big story of the next few months will be to watch and see if a Higgs signal emerges in the last non-excluded region. Or not….

    Posted in Experimental HEP News | 66 Comments

    First International Spring School on Particle Physics and Philosophy

    From an article in the CERN Courier I recently learned about a program that brought together physicists and philosophers of science earlier this year around the topic of philosophy and particle physics. This was the First International Spring School on Particle Physics and Philosophy held last March in Germany, and I gather that there are plans for a second one in two years.

    Unlike many “physics and philosophy” efforts, which often revolve around rather sterile debates, the central topics of this school were very real issues currently at the heart of fundamental physics. In particular, the questions of gauge symmetry and the Higgs mechanism played an appropriately large role, with the experimental situation an important part of the discussion. In a few days (at EPS-HEP2011) we’re likely to hear the first significant results about the Higgs coming from the LHC. This will mark the beginning of a new era likely lasting for a while which will be dominated by news coming from the LHC on this topic, and a major re-orientation of theoretical research in response. New ideas will hopefully emerge, and models that have held theorists attention for decades will likely fall by the way-side (in his talk on supersymmetry, Michael Kraemer expresses the opinion that if it doesn’t show up in the 2011/12 run, it’s all over for weak scale supersymmetry).

    The speaker’s slides for the conference unfortunately aren’t now publicly available since the organizers haven’t gotten permission from their authors, but perhaps they’ll be made available at some point, somewhere in some form.

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