Week of October 10, 2011
Informal KRF Seminar
Thomas Nyberg
Bounding sectional curvature along a KRF
5:00pm, Room 507 Math
Samuel Eilenberg Lectures
Benedict Gross (Harvard University)
Representation theory and number theory
2:40pm, Room 520 Math
Applied Mathematics Colloquium
Assad Oberai
(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Biomechanical Imaging: A Window Into Tissue Microstructure and Pathology
2:45pm, Room 214 Mudd
Discrete Math Seminar
Stefan van Zwam
Fragility in matroid theory
4:30pm, Room 303 Mudd
Risk Seminar
Kasper Larsen (CMU)
Unspanned endowment and face-lifting
4:10pm, Room 903 SSW
Department Colloquium
Hsian-Hua Tseng (Ohio State University)
On the geometry of étale gerbes
5:00pm, Room 520 Math
Undergraduate Math Society
Kryzsztof Putyra (Columbia)
Distributive Structures in Knot Theory
7:00pm, Room 507/508 Math
Minerva Lectures
Vladas Sidoravicius (IMPA)
Phase transitions in stochastic processes with long-range interactions: a multiscale analysis approach
9:10am, Room 507 Math
Informal Complex Geometry and PDE Seminar
Valentino Tosatti
Volume estimates for Kähler-Einstein manifolds
2:40pm, Room 520 Math
Geometry & Analysis Seminar
Robert Hashlhofer (ETH Zurich)
Singularities in 4d Ricci flow
4:30pm, Room 507 Math
Number Theory, Joint w/ CUNY and NYU (@ CUNY Graduate Center)
RTG Seminar: 4:00-4:45, Room Room C415
Tea served 5:00-5:30, Room Room C415
Philipp Habegger (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Some unlikely intersections beyond André-Oort
5:30pm, Room Room C415
Informal Heegaard Floer Seminar
No Seminar This Week
Graduate Student Seminar
Xia Jie (Columbia)
Groupes de Brauer II
10:30am, Room 312 Math
Symplectic Geometry, Gauge Theory, and Categorification Seminar
Maksim Lipyanskiy (Columbia)
Gromov-Uhlenbeck Compactness
10:45am, Room 417 Math
Probability Seminar
Amir Dembo (Stanford)
Factor models on locally tree-like graphs
12:00pm, Room 520 Math
Geometric Topology Seminar
Vaibhav Gadre (Harvard)
Curve complex translation lengths
1:15pm, Room 520 Math
General Relativity Seminar
No Seminar This Week
Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Yefeng Shen (Michigan)
Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence in all genera for elliptic orbifold projective lines
2:00pm, Room 417 Math
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