Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Fall 2009

The Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place on Fridays from 2:30 to 3:30 pm in 417 Mathematics Hall on the Columbia campus. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

September 11 Jason Starr Stony Brook Weak approximation and R-equivalence over function fields of curves
September 18 David Treumann Northwestern The coherent-constructible correspondence for toric varieties
September 25 Sebastian Casalaina-Martin Colorado Birational geometry of the moduli space of genus four curves
October 2 Andrew Obus Columbia Ramification of primes in fields of moduli
October 9 Maksym Fedorchuk Columbia Spaces of pointed rational curves
October 16 Seán Keel Texas The mirror to a log Calabi-Yau surface
October 23 Frans Oort Utrecht Questions in arithmetic geometry and some answers
October 30 Fabio Nironi Columbia Moduli of semistable sheaves on projective Deligne-Mumford stacks
November 6 Joel Kamnitzer Toronto Categorical Lie algebra actions, quiver varieties, and braid group actions
November 13 Joint Columbia-Courant-Princeton Algebraic Geometry Seminar at 214 Fine Hall, Princeton University
3:00 pm Vikraman Balaji Chennai Analogue of the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem in higher dimensions and holonomy
4:30 pm Tony Pantev Pennsylvania Mirror symmetry for del Pezzo surfaces
November 20 Tobias Dyckerhoff Pennsylvania Isolated hypersurface singularities as noncommutative spaces
November 27 No seminar Thanksgiving
December 4 David Rydh Berkeley Compactification of Deligne-Mumford stacks
December 11 David Nadler Northwestern Character sheaves for complex groups

Schedules from the past: F '97 - F '00, S '01, F '01, S '02, F '02, S '03, F '03, S '04, F '04, S '05, F '05, S '06, F '06, S '07, F '07, S '08, F '08, S '09

This page is maintained by Michael Thaddeus and was shamelessly, indirectly copied from Pasha Belorousski.

Other, equally shameless thefts: the Harvard/MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar, the Stanford Algebraic Geometry Seminar, the Brown University Geometry Seminar, the Geometry, Representation theory, and Moduli Seminar at Princeton, the Utah Algebraic Geometry Seminar, the Combinatorics and Topology Seminars at the University of Michigan, the Seminar on Topics in Arithmetic Geometry, Etc. at MIT, and the Algebraic Geometry and Differential Topology Seminar at the Rényi Institute in Budapest. Also note the suspiciously colored background of the Queen's Algebraic Geometry Seminar and the Michigan Colloquium.