Learning Seminar on Automorphic Forms


Welcome to the Learning Seminar on Automorphic Forms. This seminar aims to provide an introduction to automorphic forms. We'll follow the books by Bump (Automorphic Forms and Representations) and Goldfeld (Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R)) . We'll also have some guest lectures from other universities on more specialised topics like: Sieve methods for Automorphic forms and Hida Families.



Organisers: Aditya Ghosh, Alan Zhao, Austin Lei

Date: Mondays, 16th September - 9th December 2024

Time: 4 PM - 5:15 PM

Location: Room 507, Mathematics Hall

Topics Covered

Serial No. Date Speaker Abstract Notes
1 16-Sep Aditya Ghosh Quick recap of Modular Forms, Hecke Operators, Twisting [1] Chapters 1.1 - 1.5
2 23-Sep Aditya Ghosh Rankin-Selberg Method, Converse Theorems, Langlands Functoriality [1] Chapters 1.6 - 1.8, [3] Lec 20 - 24 and [4]
3 30-Sep Aditya Ghosh Hilbert Modular Forms, Maass Forms and Base Change [1] Chapters 1.7, 1.9 - 1.10
4 07-Oct Austin Lei Discrete group action of SL(n,Z) on SL(n,R): Generalized upper half plane, Siegel sets and Haar Measure. We also look at invariant differential operators and their eigenfunctions. [2] Chapters 1, 2, Notes
5 14-Oct Austin Lei Automorphic Forms and L-functions for SL(2,Z). Fourier-Whittaker Expansion, Selberg Eigenvalue Conjecture, Hecke operators, L functions for Eisenstein series and Maass forms. [2] Chapter 3, Notes
6 21-Oct Alan Zhao Automorphic Forms and Representations of GL(2,R): Spectral Problem, quick recap of Lie Theory, Discreteness of the Spectrum [1] Chapters 2.1 - 2.4, [5]
7 28-Oct Alex Pascadi (Oxford) (Virtual) Special topic: The dispersion method and beyond: from primes to exceptional Maass forms Arxiv paper
8 04-Nov - (no seminar today) -
9 11-Nov Alan Zhao Automorphic Forms and Representations of GL(2,R): Unitaricity and Intertwining Integrals, Representations and the Spectral Problem, Whittaker Models [1] Chapters 2.5 - 2.9
10 18-Nov Austin Lei Existence of Maass Forms [2] Chapter 4
11 25-Nov Prof. Dorian Goldfeld Super-positivity for L-functions associated to modular forms
12 02-Dec Aditya Ghosh Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms [1] Chapter 2.1-2.2

Contact Us

Aditya Ghosh: ag4794 (at) columbia (dot) edu

Alan Zhao: asz2115 (at) columbia (dot) edu

Austin Lei: ayl2158 (at) columbia (dot) edu