Welcome to the Learning Seminar on Automorphic Forms. This seminar aims to provide an introduction to automorphic forms, continuing on the seminar last semester. We'll follow the books by Bump (Automorphic Forms and Representations) and Goldfeld (Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL(n,R)) . We'll also have some guest lectures from other universities on more specialised topics like: Sieve methods for Automorphic forms and Hida Families.
Organisers: Aditya Ghosh, Alan Zhao, Austin Lei
Date: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: TBD
Serial No. | Date | Speaker | Abstract | Notes |
1 | 27-Jan | Austin Lei | Maass forms and Whittaker functions for SL(n, Z): We will discuss Maass forms and their Fourier expansions for SL(n, Z). We will also discuss the construction of the Jacquet Whittaker function and their functional equation. | [2] Chapter 5 |
2 | 3-Feb | Alan Zhao | Vogan diagrams for real semisimple Lie groups: The existence of a Cartan involution distinguishes compact and non-compact Lie groups simply yet precisely. Whereas these adjectives are usually placed as assumptions at the outset, the classification of real Lie groups depends on how they intertwine, i.e. the Cayley transform. This talk will further realize these details. | TBD |
3 | 10-Feb | Austin Lei | Automorphic forms and L-functions for SL(3, Z) | [2] Chapter 6 |
4 | 17-Feb | Aditya Ghosh | TBD | [1] Chapter 2.5 - 2.6 |
5 | 24-Feb | Austin Lei | The Godement-Jacquet L-function | [2] Chapter 9 |
6 | 3-Mar | Alan Zhao | TBD | TBD |
7 | 10-Mar | Austin Lei | Langlands Eisenstein Series | [2] Chapter 10 |
8 | 17-Mar | - | Spring Break, no seminar | - |
9 | 24-Mar | Austin Lei | Langlands Eisenstein Series (Part 2) | [2] Chapter 10 |
10 | 31-Mar | Aditya Ghosh | TBD | [1] Chapter 2.7 - 2.9 |
11 | 7-Apr | Aditya Ghosh | TBD | TBD |
12 | 14-Apr | Alan Zhao | TBD | TBD |
13 | 21-Apr | Aditya Ghosh | TBD | TBD |
14 | 28-Apr | Alan Zhao | TBD | TBD |
15 | 5-May | Aditya Ghosh | TBD | TBD |
Aditya Ghosh: ag4794 (at) columbia (dot) edu
Alan Zhao: asz2115 (at) columbia (dot) edu
Austin Lei: ayl2158 (at) columbia (dot) edu