Gromov-Witten Theory Seminar, Fall 2012

Thursday, 2:30-4pm, 622 Math

Organizers: Dusa McDuff and Chiu-Chu Melissa Liu
Date SpeakerTitle References
Thu.9/13 Melissa Liu (Columbia) Organizational meeting + Lagrangian Floer cohomology of symplectic toric orbifolds arXiv:1206.3994
Thu.9/20 Melissa Liu (Columbia) Lagrangian Floer cohomology of symplectic toric orbifolds, II arXiv:1206.3994
Thu.9/27 Melissa Liu (Columbia) Lagrangian Floer cohomology of symplectic toric orbifolds, III arXiv:1206.3994
Thu.10/4 Bohan Fang (Columbia) Lagrangian Floer superpotentials and crepant resolutions for toric orbifolds arXiv:1208.5282
Thu.10/11 Francois Charest (Columbia) Orbifold Morse-Smale-Witten complex arXiv:1103.5528
Thu.10/18 Emily Clader (Michigan) The Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence for a complete intersection
Room 528
Bertrand Eynard (IPHT CEA Saclay) Topological recursion for Gromov-Witten invariants, a proof of the BKMP "remodeling" conjecture arXiv:1205.1103
Thu.10/25 Zhengyu Zong (Columbia) The 2-leg orbifold Gromov-Witten vertex, I
Thu.11/1 Zhengyu Zong (Columbia) The 2-leg orbifold Gromov-Witten vertex, II
Thu.11/8 no seminar Mirror Symmetry in the Midwest
Thu.11/15 Zijun Zhou (Columbia) 13/2 ways of counting curves arXiv:1111.1552
Thu.11/22 no seminar Thanksgiving
Thu.11/29 Andrew Kiluk (Columbia) Stable Quotients and Relations in the Tautological Ring arXiv:0904.2992
Thu.12/6 Dusa McDuff (Columbia) Quantum cohomology and toric minimal model programs, I arXiv:1207.3253v3
Thu.12/13 Dusa McDuff (Columbia) Quantum cohomology and toric minimal model programs, II arXiv:1207.3253v3