The projective plane
A cool way to think about a projective plane is that it is something that has points and lines which come endowed with an incidence correspondence (i.e., we know what it means for a point to be on a line) subject to the following axioms:
It turns out that given a field K we can find a particular projective plane, namely P^2(K) whose points correspond to 1-dimensional sub vector spaces of K^3. We will usually think of a point in P^2(K) as a triple (a : b : c) of elements of K, not all zero. Thus (a : b : c) defines the same point as (2a : 2b : 2c) provided that 2 isn't zero in K (which actually sometimes happens, right?). Anyway, a line of P^2(K) is typically given by an equation
where A, B, C are elements of K, not all zero. We say that (a : b : c) lies on L if and only if
This of course means that L depends on (A, B, C) only up to a scalar. Hence we obtain the pleasing feature of this particular projective plane that the set of lines and set of points have the same cardinality.
Exercise 1: Prove that an axiomatic projective plane has the same number of points as lines
Exercise 2: Prove that the example P^2(K) as defined above is indeed a projective plane
Exercise 3: If K is a finite field of order q how many points does P^2(K) have?
Exercise 4: If K = Z/pZ write a script finding the intersection point of two lines
Exercise 5: If K = Z/pZ write a script finding the line passing through two given points
Exercise 6: Find other ways to think about lines in P^2(K) by parametrizing lines.
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