Schedule for AGS Flashtalks

Talks will be five minutes. There will be up to five minutes of questions after each talk.

The Zoom link and password will be posted on the Algebraic Geometry Syndicate discord the morning prior to the conference. To join the discord, check conference advertisement emails for an invitation link or email from an institutional email address.

Talks 10:30-11:35 PDT
Talk #1 Maddie Weinstein, UC Berkeley: Metric algebraic geometry, the title of my PhD thesis, is a term proposed for the study of properties of real algebraic varieties that depend on a distance metric. In my flash talk, I will introduce metric algebraic geometry with a visual display of Voronoi cells, bottlenecks, offset hypersurfaces, and the reach of an algebraic variety.
Talk #2 Reuben Stern, Harvard University: I’ll outline forthcoming work joint with Aaron Mazel-Gee, in which we explore formal properties of the construction Mot(-), taking a scheme to its category of noncommutative motives (and thereafter, of secondary algebraic K-theory).
Talk #3 Hank C, Perimeter Institute: TQFTs and interacting topological phases
Talk #4 Geoffrey Smith, Harvard University: I will describe a curious observation about point counts of hyperplane slices of projective varieties over finite fields, and my partially successful attempt to explain it in terms of cohomology.
Talk #5 Tuomas Tajakka, University of Washington: I will talk about the Uhlenbeck compactification of the moduli of semistable vector bundles on a surface, and relate it to a certain Bridgeland moduli space.
Talk #6 Roy Magen, Columbia University: The Proj construction infuriates me.
Talk #7 Aleksander Shmakov, University of Georgia: I will describe ongoing work of determining the cohomology of local systems on moduli of Abelian varieties with level structure. The cuspidal cohomology follows from recent work of Gee-Taïbi on Arthur’s endoscopic classification for GSp(4), while the Eisenstein cohomology is still a challenging problem.
11:35-12:00 Post-talks zoom social.