Week of September 19, 2011
- Graduate Student Seminar
Rahul Krishna and Ioan Filip (Columbia)
"Brauer groups of fields and Galois cohomology and a bit about cohomological dimension of fields/Tsen's theorem"
10:30am, Room 312 Math
- Symplectic Geometry, Gauge Theory, and Categorification Seminar
Nicolo Sibilla (Northwestern University)
"Mirror Symmetry and Ribbon Graphs"
10:45am, Room 417 Math
- Informal Heegaard Floer Seminar
Krzysztof Putyra (Columbia)
"Odd Khovanov Homology"
9:30am, Room 417 Math
- Probability Seminar
No Seminar This Week
- Geometric Topology Seminar

Dan Margalit (Georgia Tech)
"Mapping class groups, symplectic groups, and the Burau representation"
1:15p, Room 520 Math
- Special Geometry & Analysis Seminar
Brian White (Stanford)
"Boundary behavior in mean curvature flow"
1:30pm, Room 507 Math
- General Relativity Seminar
No Seminar This Week
- Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Qile Chen (Columbia University)
"The stack of stable log maps and its product structure"
2:00pm, Room 417 Math
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