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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

The Franco-Flemish School: Dufay, Ockeghem, Josquin


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No reading today, but if you like, you are welcome to LOOK at the Wikipedia pages of Dufay, Ockeghem, and Josquin. Or, for a wealth of detail, look them up in Grove Music Online or Taruskin's book.

Vasilissa, ergo gaude/Concupivit rex (2'47)
by Guillaume Dufay (~1397-1474)
performed by the Dufay Consort

Vasilissa, ergo gaude, Rejoice, O empress,
quia es digna omni laude, you who are worthy of all praise,
Cleophe, clara gestis Cleophe, renowned for the deeds
a tuis de Malatestis, of your family, the Malatestas,
in Italia principibus Italian princes
magnis et nobilibus! both great and noble!
Ex tuo viro clarior, Even more renowned thanks to your husband,
quia cunctis est nobilior: who is the noblest of all:
Romaeorum est despotus, the lord of the Greeks
quem colit mundus totus; whom the whole world reveres;
in porphyro est genitus, born in the royal purple,
a deo missus coelitus. sent from heavenly God.
Juvenili aetate pollens Blooming in your youthful summer
et formositate valens, and flourishing in beauty,
multum genio fecunda abounding in talents
et utraque lingua facunda, and eloquent in both tongues,
ac clarior es virtutibus you are more renowned for your virtues
prae aliis his omnibus. than any other.
Concupivit rex decorem tuum. The king has desired your beauty.
Quoniam ipse est dominus tuus. For he is your lord.

J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra (2'28)
by Guillaume Dufay (~1397-1474)
performed by Gothic Voices

J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra I will wait as long as you wish
A vous declarer ma pensee, to tell you my thoughts,
Ma tres chiere dame honouree; my very dear honorable lady;
Je ne say s'il m'en desplayra. I know not if it will displease you.
Mais toutes fois, pour complaire a But in any case, to please
Vostre personne desiree, your estimable person,
J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra I will wait as long as you wish
A vous declarer ma pensee. to tell you my thoughts.
Car j'ay espour, quant avendra For I hope that when it occurs
Qu'a ce vous serés acordee, you will be agreeable to it,
Que ma dolour sera cesee, so that my pain will cease,
Je le vous ay dit long temps a. as I told you long ago.
J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra I will wait as long as you wish
A vous declarer ma pensee, to tell you my thoughts,
Ma tres chiere dame honouree, my very dear honorable lady;
Je ne say s'il m'en desplayra. I know not if it will displease you.

Ave Maria (4'38)
by Josquin des Prez (~1450-1521)
performed by La Chapelle Royale

Ave Maria, Hail Mary,
gratia plena, Full of grace,
Dominus tecum, The Lord be with you,
virgo serena. Serene virgin.
Ave cuius conceptio, Hail to you whose conception,
Solemni plena gaudio, With solemn rejoicing,
Caelestia, terrestria, Fills heaven and earth
Nova replet laetitia. With new happiness.
Ave cuius nativitas Hail to you whose birth
Nostra fuit solemnitas, Was our solemnity,
Ut Lucifer lux oriens, As the rising morning star
Verum solem praeveniens. Anticipates the true sun.
Ave pia humilitas, Hail pious humility,
Sine viro foecunditas, Fruitful without a man,
Cuius annuntiatio, Whose annunciation
Nostra fuit salvatio. Was our salvation.
Ave vera virginitas, Hail true virginity,
Immaculata castitas, Immaculate chastity,
Cuius purificatio Whose purification
Nostra fuit purgatio. Was our purgation.
Ave praeclara omnibus Hail shining example
Angelicis virtutibus, Of all angelic virtues,
Cuius fuit assumptio Whose assumption
Nostra glorificatio. Was our glorification.
O Mater Dei, O Mother of God,
Memento mei. Amen. Remember me. Amen.

Allegez moy (1'17)
by Josquin des Prez (~1450-1521)
performed by Ensemble Musica Nova

Allegez moy doulce plaisant brunette Comfort me, sweet charming brunette,
Dessoubz la boudinette Just below my navel,
Allegez moy de toutes mes douleurs Comfort me from all my pains;
Vostre beaulte me tient en amourette Your beauty makes me amorous
Dessoubz la boudinette Just below my navel.

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