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Masterpieces of Western Music

Humanities W1123 · Prof. Michael Thaddeus

Ars Antiqua: Plainchant, Léonin, Pérotin


First READ the syllabus carefully.

In Kelly, READ the Introduction to Part I and Chapter 2. Pay special attention to "Medieval Musical Style" (pp. 22-23) in the Introduction and to "Christmas Day at Notre Dame," "The Music," "Notre Dame Then and Now," and "Chapter Review" (pp. 38-54) in Chapter 2. Don't worry about the detailed structure of the Mass, as long as you know that some parts always stay the same (the Ordinary) and other parts vary (the Proper).

TAKE the first few Lessons and Trainers of the Major Minor Music Mini Course (version for iTunes/iBooks here) until you are comfortable distinguishing major triads from minor triads. As suggested there, you might wish to read the Sonic Glossary entries on Interval, Third, Octave, and Scale if you need deeper background.

PRINT the questionnaire and fill it out after you LISTEN to the works below.

Plainchant or Gregorian chant

Puer natus est (2'00)
performed by Concentus
Interactive listening guide

Puer natus est nobis A boy is born to us
et filius datus est nobis and a son is given to us
cuius imperium super humerum eius, whose kingdom is upon his shoulder,
et vocabitur nomen eius and his name shall be called
magni consilii angelus. angel of great counsel.
Isaiah 9:6
Cantate domino canticum novum Sing to the Lord a new song
quia mirabilia fecit. for he has done miracles.
Psalm 98:1

Kyrie (1'58)
performed by Concentus
Interactive listening guide

Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy.
Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy.
Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy.

Alleluia: dies sanctificatus (1'45)
performed by Concentus
Interactive listening guide

Alleluia. Alleluia.
Dies sanctificatus illuxit nobis: A day made holy dawns upon us:
Venite gentes, et adorate Dominum; Come, all nations, and adore the Lord;
Quia hodie descendit lux magna super terram. for today a great light has descended upon the earth.
Alleluia. Alleluia.

Léonin (fl. 1150)

Alleluia: Dies sanctificatus (6'41)
performed by Red Byrd/Cappella Amsterdam
Interactive listening guide

Alleluia. Alleluia.
Dies sanctificatus illuxit nobis: A day made holy dawns upon us:
Venite gentes, et adorate Dominum; Come, all nations, and adore the Lord;
Quia hodie descendit lux magna super terram. for today a great light has descended upon the earth.
Alleluia. Alleluia.

Further listening (optional)