Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar
Fall 2005

The Columbia Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar takes place Mondays at 7:47 pm in 507 Mathematics. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

Date Speaker(s) Affiliation Standing Title
September 20 Florian Sprung Columbia Undergraduate Student From one Approximation of Pi to another
September 25 Dmytro Karabash Columbia Undergraduate Student A Fifty Dollar Problem
October 3 Keiko Kawamuro Columbia Graduate Student Braids
October 10 Eitan Chatav Columbia Undergraduate Student Axiomatic Introduction to the Riemann Integral
October 17 Boris Mezhericher Columbia Graduate Student Origami - Geometry
October 24 Alex Kontorovich Columbia Graduate Student Recent Progress in Analytic and Additive Number Theory
October 31 Ilya Vinogradov Columbia Undergraduate Student A talk on simple but beautiful constructions of tangents to conic sections.
November 9 (Wednesday) Mikami Hirasawa Columbia / Gakushuin Professor 2-bridge Knots and continued fractions (pdf)
November 22 Jim Propp U Wisconsin - Madison Professor Bugs, blobs, and rotor-routers: an introduction to quasirandomness
November 28 Walter Neumann Columbia Professor Hilbert's 3rd Problem
December 5 Bhargav Bhatt Princeton Graduate Student Q(a,b) [a hw problem from Neumann's algebra class, spring 2004]
December 12 Dylan Thurston Barnard Professor Involutions and the geometry of the icosahedron

For schedules from other sessions visit the Seminars page.