Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar
Spring 2002

The Columbia Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar takes place Tuesdays at 8:20 pm in 507 Mathematics. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

Date Speaker(s) Affiliation Standing Title
February 5 at 8:30 pm Rachel Pries Columbia Asst. Professor Wild and Crazy Ramification
February 19 at 8:50 pm Ari Stern Columbia Masters Student Topics in Mathematics of Finance
March 12 Douglas Zare Columbia Asst. Professor Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence in Backgammon
April 2 Tony Capra Columbia Undergraduate Student Computability Theory and The Solution of Hilbert's Tenth Problem
April 16 Max Lipyanskiy Columbia Undergraduate Student Geometric 3-Manifolds and the Poincare's Fundamental Polyhedron Theorem
April 30 at 8:30 pm Dave Anderson and Alexander Sotirov Columbia Undergraduate Students Math Senior Thesis in 2002

For schedules from other sessions visit the Seminars page.