Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Spring 2004

The Columbia Algebraic Geometry Seminar takes place Fridays at 3:30 pm in 507 Mathematics. All are welcome.

Schedule of upcoming talks

Click on the title of a talk for the abstract (if available).

January 23 Max Lieblich MIT Moduli of twisted sheaves and Azumaya algebras
January 30 Charles Cadman Columbia An enumerative application of the quantum cohomology of a stack
February 6 Angela Gibney Yale The Chow groups of the Fulton-MacPherson configuration spaces
February 13 Daniel Krashen Yale The geometry of division algebras
February 20 Ezra Getzler Northwestern Lie n-groupoids and differential graded Lie algebras
February 27 Mikhail Kapranov Yale Floer cohomology of ind-schemes
March 5 Jim Bryan UBC Topological quantum field theory and Gromov-Witten theory of curves in Calabi-Yau threefolds
March 26 Jason Starr MIT Rational curves on low degree hypersurfaces
April 2 at 3 pm Sebastian Casalaina-Martin Columbia Singularities of the Prym theta-divisor
April 9 Jun-Muk Hwang KIAS/Harvard Hecke tangents and Hitchin discriminants
April 16 at 3 pm Adam McInroy Columbia Orbifold mirror symmetry for complex tori
April 23 at 2 pm Thomas Nevins Michigan Hilbert schemes, Fourier transform, and noncommutative geometry
April 30 at 3 pm Jun Li Stanford Topological vertex of toric Calabi-Yau threefolds

Schedules from the past: Fall 1997 - Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003

This page is maintained by Michael Thaddeus and was shamelessly, indirectly copied from Pasha Belorousski.

Other, equally shameless thefts: the Harvard/MIT Algebraic Geometry Seminar, the Stanford Algebraic Geometry Seminar, the Brown University Geometry Seminar, the Geometry, Representation theory, and Moduli Seminar at Princeton, the Utah Number Theory Seminar, the Toronto Number Theory/Representation Theory Seminar, the Colloquium and the Arithmetic, Combinatorics, and Topology Seminars at the University of Michigan, the Colloquium and the Algebraic Geometry Seminar at the University of British Columbia, the Seminar on Topics in Arithmetic Geometry, Etc. at MIT, the University of Connecticut Math Club, and the Utrecht Geometry and Topology Seminar. Also note the suspiciously colored background of the Aarhus Algebra Seminar.